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No national breeding programme for llamas is in place in Bolivia. Initiatives for genetic improvement are rarely found and are usually carried out by NGOs working in rural development or improvement of livestock production or research stations. Farmers in the Province of Ayopaya in the District of Cochabamba have formed a breeders’ organization with the aim of improving fibre production. In this study, a detailed outline of a breeding programme with a focus on organizational and technical details is described. Facing constraints like illiteracy of farmers, bad infrastructure and lack of finances, a simple breeding programme is set up. The breeding goal is a higher fleece weight while keeping the fleece quality at the current high level. Greasy fleece weight and fibre diameter are identified as main selection criteria. Mass selection of males is carried out. Selected males are either exchanged between farmers and used in the herds or are kept during the mating season in a central mating station owned by the breeders’ organization. Model calculations were carried out with the program zplan , which is based on a deterministic approach. zplan evaluates the genetic and economic efficiency of breeding strategies considering one cycle of selection. Scenarios with only intra-herd use, using only the central mating station or combinations of those were compared in terms of expected genetic gain and expected increase of inbreeding. Fastest genetic progress is achieved when the males are kept in a central mating station as the selection intensity is on a high level. Rates of inbreeding vary between 0.08 and 0.32% per generation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the potential for implantation and sustainable fetal development of mouse embryos cultured from the pronuclear to blastocyst stage. Pronuclear embryos from ICR mice (Harlan Sprague‐Dawley) were cultured in Sydney IVF sequential media (Cook) to the blastocyst stage in medium only or co‐cultured with autologous cumulus cells. We also experimented with co‐culture in 100 µL drops. Drop co‐culture produced blastocyst formation rates with a mean of 47.0%, which was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared to embryos cultured in identical culture conditions except without cumulus cells at 27.3%. Blastocysts obtained in vitro in Cook medium only and co‐cultured in Cook medium with cumulus cells were transferred to pseudopregnant females of ICR strain. The day of blastocyst transfer into surrogate females was designated as post‐transfer of blastocyst day 1 (PT 1). The implantation and fetal development was compared to embryo transfer of in vivo derived blastocysts, which served as controls. There were no statistical differences for implantation and fetal development rates for blastocysts cultured in vitro in either Cook medium only or co‐culture in Cook medium with cumulus cells compared to in vivo‐derived blastocysts. The advantage of the co‐culture system is in generating more blastocysts available for transfer.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations for body measurements and subjectively scored traits between foals and studbook horses were estimated using bivariate linear mixed models. Observations for nine foal and eleven studbook traits in Finnhorses on 6529 foals and 6596 studbook horses and in Standardbred trotters on 3069 foals and 2112 studbook horses were available from the Finnish horse breeding shows. The number of sires with progeny in both foal and studbook data was 203 in Finnhorse and 145 in Standardbred trotters. Estimates of heritability for body measurements in foals and studbook horses using univariate models were high in both breeds (0.41-0.84). Heritability estimates for subjectively scored traits using univariate models were generally higher for foals (0.08-0.46) than for studbook horses (0.06-0.21) in both breeds. Genetic correlations between foals and studbook horses for body measurements were highly positive ranging from 0.74 to 0.96 in Finnhorses and from 0.79 to 0.99 in Standardbred trotters. Low to highly positive genetic correlations between foals and studbook horses for subjectively scored traits were obtained in Finnhorse trotters, whereas in Standardbred trotters genetic correlations for subjectively scored traits varied from moderately negative to highly positive. Higher estimates of heritability for foal traits and generally high genetic correlations between the foal and studbook traits indicate that an early selection for conformation traits would be efficient in the breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how to apply optimal contribution selection (OCS) in the Norwegian and the North‐Swedish cold‐blooded trotter and give practical recommendations for the future. OCS was implemented using the software Gencont with overlapping generations and selected a few, but young sires, as these turn over the generations faster and thus is less related to the mare candidates. In addition, a number of Swedish sires were selected as they were less related to the selection candidates. We concluded that implementing OCS is feasible to select sires (there is no selection on mares), and we recommend the number of available sire candidates to be continuously updated because of amongst others deaths and geldings. In addition, only considering sire candidates with phenotype above average within a year class would allow selection candidates from many year classes to be included and circumvent current limitation on number of selection candidates in Gencont (approx. 3000). The results showed that mare candidates can well be those being mated the previous year. OCS will, dynamically, recruit young stallions and manage the culling or renewal of annual breeding permits for stallions that had been previously approved. For the annual mating proportion per sire, a constraint in accordance with the maximum that a sire can mate naturally is recommended.  相似文献   

Commercial embryo transfer (ET) has unprecedented productive and economic implications for the pig sector. However, pig ET has been considered utopian for decades mainly because of the requirements of surgical techniques for embryo collection and embryo deposition into recipients, alongside challenges to preserve embryos. This situation has drastically changed in the last decade since the current technology allows non‐surgical ET and short‐ and long‐term embryo preservation. Here, we provide a brief review of the improvements in porcine ET achieved by our laboratory in the past 20 years. This review includes several aspects of non‐surgical ET technology and different issues affecting ET programmes and embryo preservation systems. The future perspectives of ET technology are also considered. We will refer only to embryos produced in vivo since they are the only type of embryos with possible short‐term use in pig production.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test whether the use of X-semen in a dairy cattle population using genomic selection (GS) and multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) increases the selection intensity on cow dams and thereby the genetic gain in the entire population. Also, the dynamics of using different types of sexed semen (X, Y or conventional) in the nucleus were investigated. The stochastic simulation study partly supported the hypothesis as the genetic gain in the entire population was elevated when X-semen was used in the production population as GS exploited the higher selection intensity among heifers with great accuracy. However, when MOET was applied, the effect was considerably diminished as was the exchange of females between the nucleus and the production population, thus causing modest genetic profit from using X-sorted semen in the production population. In addition, the effect of using sexed semen on the genetic gain was very small compared with the effect of MOET and highly dependent on whether cow dams or bull dams were inseminated with sexed semen and on what type of semen that was used for the bull dams. The rate of inbreeding was seldom affected by the use of sexed semen. However, when all young bull candidates were born following MOET, the results showed that the use of Y-semen in the breeding nucleus tended to decrease the rate of inbreeding as it enabled GS to increase within-family selection. This implies that the benefit from using sexed semen in a modern dairy cattle breeding scheme applying both GS and MOET may be found in its beneficial effect on the rate of inbreeding.  相似文献   

[目的]为了评估胚胎质量和发育阶段对奶牛胚胎移植妊娠率的影响。[方法]使用63头青年奶牛作为供体进行超数排卵,评估回收胚胎质量和发育阶段。选择334头青年奶牛作为受体鲜胚移植不同质量和发育阶段胚胎。对胚胎质量分布、发育阶段分布、不同质量胚胎和不同发育阶段胚胎移植30 d妊娠率进行统计分析。[结果]可用胚胎中A级胚胎比例(60.78%)显著高于B级和C级胚胎比例(36.70%和2.52%)(P<0.05);致密桑椹胚比例(54.36%)显著高于早期囊胚,囊胚和扩张囊胚比例(18.35%,25.0%和2.29%)(P<0.05)。A级和B级胚胎移植30 d妊娠率(63.55%和64.35%)显著高于C级胚胎移植30 d妊娠率(44.44%)(P<0.05);致密桑椹胚、早期囊胚、囊胚和扩张囊胚移植30 d妊娠率差异不显著(P<0.05),早期囊胚、囊胚移植30 d妊娠率高于致密桑椹胚、扩张囊胚移植30 d妊娠率(P<0.05)。[结论]选择不同发育阶段的A级和B级胚胎能够获得较高胚胎移植妊娠率,增加早期囊胚和囊胚阶段胚胎移植数量能够提高胚胎移植妊娠率。  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of applying fixed‐time (cryopreserved) embryo transfer in ewes. Embryos (n = 106) were non‐surgically recovered from superovulated donors (n = 39) on day 6–7 after oestrus. Straws containing one or two embryos (morulae and/or blastocysts) subjected to either slow freezing (SF, n = 62) or vitrification (VT, n = 44) were randomly used within fixed‐time embryo transfer on Day 8.5. Recipient ewes were nulliparous (n = 58) bearing corpora lutea after synchronous oestrous induction protocol. The pregnancy rate was higher (p = .03) in SF (39.4%) than VT (16.9%) and survival rate tended (p = .08) to be higher in SF than in VT (25.8% vs. 15.9%). Lambing rates were similar (p = .13) between SF (20.9%) and VT (15.9%). Embryos recovered by non‐surgical route after cervical dilation treatment and later cryopreserved by either slow freezing or vitrification produced reasonable pregnancy rates after FTET.  相似文献   

绵羊胚胎移植生殖内分泌调控及其效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初产供体母羊(14月龄)德国美利奴15只、波德代15只、无角陶赛特18只分别用孕酮(CIDR)+促性腺激素(PMSG)+促卵泡素(FSH)进行处理,受体小尾寒羊母羊(2胎)124只用CIDR+PMSG进行处理,处理期测定供、受体外周血液中生殖激素孕酮(p4)、雌二醇(E2)、促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体素(LH)的动态变化。结果显示:3个供体品种和受体各自发情同期化水平和效果达到非常理想的状态,但供、受体发情同步差相距1 d。黄体数德国美利奴(7.71)显著高于陶赛特(5.19)(P<0.05);冲卵数德国美利奴(5.50)显著高于陶赛特(3.44)(P<0.05);可用胚胎率德国美利奴、波德代、陶赛特分别为70.13%、55.74%、78.18%,陶赛特显著高于波德代(P<0.05);德国美利奴、波德代、陶赛特胚胎移植受胎率分别为55.26%、54.17%、42.31%,德国美利奴显著高于陶赛特(P<0.05)。处理期供体和受体生殖激素动态变化的幅度大,第13天供、受体血清中p4达到峰值,小尾寒羊分别高于德国美利奴(5.37 ng/mL)、波德代(6.14 ng/mL)和陶赛特(5.37 ng/mL);供体血清中E2于第14天开始发情达到峰值,小尾寒羊于第15天开始发情达到峰值;供体血清中FSH于第13天达到峰值,小尾寒羊第14天达到峰值;供体血清中LH于第14天开始发情达到峰值,小尾寒羊血清中LH于第15天开始发情达到峰值。  相似文献   

Leisure riding is a popular way of using horses however, unlike sport or racing horses, those are mostly not associated with one rider with high skills. Constant overload of equine musculoskeletal system causes pathologies, which are affecting horse mobility and decreases the horse‐rider communication. The aim was to propose the new scoring system of thermograph analysis as an aspect of differences in heat distributions on horseback before and after leisure ridings. The study was conducted on sixteen Polish warmblood horses, scanned with a non‐contact thermographic camera. Heat pattern of the thoracolumbar area was evaluated on thermograms taken before and after exercise. The criteria with point values for horse‐rider‐matching were created: heat points on the dorsal midline of saddle‐back contact area and degree of muscle unit overload. The results of thermograph analysis were compared with the results of a questionnaire on horse‐rider communication during riding in order to estimate the relevance of matching. The maximum score was obtained in 38.3% and 39.8% of combinations based on the thermograph analysis and questionnaire, respectively. Results of both scoring systems were strongly positive correlated (r = .937), demonstrating high sensitivity (61.72%) and specificity (90.23%) of the matching. The horse‐rider matching may improve horse comfort during leisure type of work.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the transfer side, transfer location, cervix transfer score, type and diameter of corpus luteum (CL) during embryo transfer on pregnancy rates in beef heifers. Progesterone-based synchronization and superovulation protocol were applied to Simmental cows used as donors (n = 168). Uterine flushings were performed on day 7 following artificial insemination. Obtained Code I (excellent or good) and II (fair) quality embryos were transferred to recipient beef heifers (n = 561). During embryo transfer, side of transfer (right or left), transfer location (the cranial or middle third of uterine horn), cervix transfer score (easy, moderate or difficult) and type (CLa, CLb and CLc) and diameter of CL were determined. Pregnancy rates following the transfer of Code I and II embryos were 44.66% and 33.07%, respectively (p < .05). The rates of pregnancy after transfers to the right and left uterine horn were 37% and 42.2%, respectively (p > .05). The pregnancy rates were 41.2%, 34.9% and 30.3% for cervix transfer scores as easy, moderate and difficult, respectively (p > .05). Pregnancy rates after transfer to the cranial third and middle third were 41.06% and 29.67%, respectively (p < .05). According to types of CL, pregnancy rates were 31.7%, 40.4% and 45.3% for CLa, CLb and CLc, respectively (p < .05). Moreover, it was found that as the CL diameter increased, the pregnancy rates increased. As a result, it was concluded that there was no effect of side of transfer and cervix transfer score, but embryo quality, transfer location, type and diameter of CL had significant effects on the pregnancy rate during embryo transfer in beef heifers.  相似文献   

为了解决克隆水牛技术在供核细胞、受体细胞中的选用问题,探索不同条件对移植受孕的影响,完善克隆技术的理论体系。试验以摩拉奶水牛的耳成纤维细胞作为供核细胞,本地水牛卵母细胞为受体胞质进行细胞克隆构建重组胚胎;将发育5~10 d的重组胚胎移植于本地水牛、杂交水牛的子宫内,观察不同发情方式、胚胎类型、胚龄及季节对移植受孕的影响。结果表明:水牛的克隆胚胎妊娠率较低,分别为12.05%、12.04%、13.95%。自然发情和同期发情对克隆胚胎移植受胎率的影响差异不显著;鲜胚胎移植186头,受胎22头,受胎率为11.83%(22/186);冻胚胎移植174头,受胎23头,受胎率为13.22%(23/174)。克隆水牛从出生至12月龄体尺增长明显高于本地水牛;水牛克隆胚胎移植受胎在秋季最好,秋季受胎数占全年的53.33%,显著高于其他季节。  相似文献   

为了有效提高绵羊体细胞克隆和转基因等研究工作的效率,缩短胚胎移植试验羊群中空怀个体的利用周期间隔,试验对采用不同移植方法的胚胎移植受体及供体绵羊进行了移植前后的发情规律研究。结果表明:采用自制孕激素海绵栓和进口阴道孕激素释放装置(CIDR)对绵羊进行同期发情处理时发情率均接近90%,且92%以上的个体发情起始时间均集中在撤栓后24~48 h。在胚胎移植试验结束后,未参加胚胎移植个体和子宫角法未移植受体第2情期发情起始时间主要集中在上次发情后的14~20 d,而输卵管法未移植受体和输卵管法冲卵供体的发情时间则比较分散,呈现明显延后状态。未参加胚胎移植个体和子宫角法未移植受体人工授精后的受胎率接近往年羊场的平均水平,输卵管法未移植受体的受胎率略有下降,且输卵管法冲卵供体的受胎率明显降低。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine whether a cervical dilation protocol (CDP) composed of only oxytocin can be used to perform transcervical (non-surgical) embryo transfer in sheep (NSET) without affecting the viability of the corpus luteum (CL). Likewise, we evaluated whether a cervical transposing test with a Hegar dilator (CT Hegar test), performed at oestrous time, could be used to screen ewes for NSET (greater or lower chances to transpose the cervix). For that, oestrous and ovulation synchronization was performed in 25 Santa Inês ewes to induce the dioestrous condition. Animals went through the following CDP in a crossover design: E + OX, oestradiol benzoate (100 µg intravenously [IV]) and oxytocin (100 IU IV); OX, oxytocin (100 IU IV); and SAL, saline solution (IV). Using a Hegar dilator, cervical transposing attempts were performed at oestrous (D0) and dioestrous time (D8). The viability of the CL (morphology, luteal blood flow and progesterone values) was evaluated by ultrasonography (colour Doppler and B-mode) and by serum progesterone measurement from D7 to D13. The cervical transposing rate was lower for the SAL group (64%; 16/25; p < .05) and did not differ between the E + OX (88%; 22/25, p > .05) and OX (84%; 21/25, p > .05) groups. No treatment affected the CL viability. The CT Hegar test showed a high sensitivity (85.7%–93.3%), satisfactory accuracy (72%–84%), low false-negative rate (6.7%–14.6%), but high false-positive rate (46%–66.7%). In conclusion, a CDP protocol composed exclusively of oxytocin can lead to good cervical transposing rates and does not affect the viability of the CL. In addition, a screening test (CT Hegar) performed at oestrus can identify ewes for which cervical transposing will likely not occur at NSET.  相似文献   

Embryo transfer (ET) is an accepted and successful technique for obtaining foals from mares without interrupting their competition careers. Recent research, however, suggests that the potential of factors including heat, exercise, repeated embryo flushing and repeated manipulation of the reproductive cycle using exogenous hormones to have a negative impact on fertility may have been underestimated. This paper reviews the evidence base for involvement of these factors in repeated failures to recover embryos from nongeriatric competition mares without obvious clinical or pathological indications of reproductive abnormalities. It concludes that, for some mares at least, a cessation of exercise for the periovulatory period and the period between ovulation and embryo flushing, combined with careful management of flushing‐induced endometritis, and minimal hormonal manipulation of the reproductive cycle, may be necessary to optimise embryo recovery rates. Mare owners may have been encouraged to request ET for their mares following high‐profile examples in the media of elite mares that have produced foals by ET whilst competing. The veterinarian should educate mare owners about the multiple factors that may affect the chances of recovering an embryo from their mares, and should manage the expectations of mare owners so that they do not approach ET programmes in the expectation that there will be no disruption to their training and competition plans.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using in vitro‐produced parthenogenetic (PA) embryos for co‐transfer with morulae that had been collected in vivo and cryopreserved. The proportion of PA blastocysts (20.5%) was higher than that of their in vitro fertilization (IVF) counterparts (16.6%). Although there were no differences in morphology or diameter between the two groups, the number of cells in early PA blastocysts after in vitro culture for 6 days was lower than for IVF blastocysts (25.7 and 30.4 cells, respectively), and the number in recovered PA blastocysts was also smaller than that in recovered IVF blastocysts (37.4 and 50.2 cells, respectively). When 10 morulae warmed after vitrification were co‐transferred with 10 PA blastocysts (total 20 embryos) to the uterus of five recipients, the rates of pregnancy and farrowing did not differ, but the average period until spontaneous abortion tended to be longer relative to the control (when 20 morulae were transferred). These data suggest that in vitro‐produced PA embryos offer the possibility of assisted pregnancy for cryopreserved embryos; further experiments will be needed to confirm the beneficial effect of this approach on piglet production.  相似文献   

在生猪养殖过程当中,种猪育种是一个非常重要的环节。提高种猪育种水平,可以有效提高生猪养殖的经济效益。因此文章基于育种目标选定,从常规育种技术、分子育种技术、人工授精技术三大方面分析种猪育种的关键技术研究进展。  相似文献   

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