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夏季气温高,湿度大,若不采取防范措施,会造成妊娠母猪食欲减退,采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加,并由此引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,严重时还会出现死胎。因此,搞好夏季饲养管理,可有效提高妊娠母猪的生产性能,增加饲养户的经济效益。  相似文献   

夏季气温偏高,若不采取适当的防范措施,会造成妊娠母猪食欲减退,采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加,并引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,严重时还会出现死胎。因此,搞好夏季妊娠母猪饲养管理,可以避免或减少养猪户的损失。  相似文献   

黄继勇 《当代畜牧》2014,(30):46-47
在猪场管理中,妊娠母猪饲养管理既占据着重要地位,同时还被称为猪场的生产命脉。所以,科学、有效的妊娠母猪饲养管理至关重要。特别是在高温天气的夏季,如果饲养管理得当,能够有效防暑降温,有效抵制热应激所导致的负面影响,不仅可以使妊娠母猪顺利产仔及安全度夏,而且还能进一步增加猪场饲养量与窝产仔数,提升猪场经济效益。反之,若管理不科学,极易导致妊娠母猪流产、死胎或者弱胎,降低产仔率,浪费了很多时间和饲料。本文对夏季高温影响妊娠母猪饲养质量的因素进行分析,提出相应的管理措施,为有关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

夏季气温高,湿度大,若不采取防范措施,会使妊娠母猪出现食欲减退、采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加等现象,并由此引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,严重的还会出现死胎。因此,搞好夏季饲养管理,可有效提高妊娠母猪生产性能,增加饲养户的经济效益。1提供适宜的温、湿度环境猪舍要搞好温、湿度调节。如果温、湿度过高,会导致猪采食量减少,日增重下降;温度过低,则热能消耗大,采食量多,而饲料报酬低。因此猪舍的适宜温度应控制在15~20℃,湿度以控制在50%~55%为宜。对过夏的怀孕母猪,猪舍应配有遮荫、通风等设备,在气温达30℃以上时,…  相似文献   

夏季天气高热、高湿容易对母猪造成受胎率降低、泌乳性能差、产仔数下降、母猪难产率和死亡率增高,从而降低了猪场的经济效益。下面谈一下夏季母猪的饲养管理要点。  相似文献   

母猪夏季生产的饲养管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
炎夏母猪应激反应较多。加强与改善饲养管理极为重要。通过场内绿化,改进屋顶设计,增加降温设备。改变饲喂方式,合理安排生产,增加营养浓度,降低热增值等可以有效地减少应激。同时加强对母猪的管理,有效的使用疫苗。产期合理注射抗生素预防产期及产后疾病。  相似文献   

夏季产蛋鸡的饲养管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产蛋鸡适宜的环境温度是15~25℃,在此温度范围内生产性能最佳。但是,人夏,气温不断升高,环境条件恶劣,鸡的食欲随之减退,导致采食量下降,对产蛋力造成影响,加上蚊蝇的叮咬等原因,对鸡只造成应激。因此,夏季饲养产蛋鸡时,为确保产蛋鸡高产、稳产,应加强产蛋鸡的饲养管理。  相似文献   

张磊 《中国猪业》2010,5(12):37-38
1妊娠母猪的饲养方式按照母猪妊娠特点,在不同的生产阶段和饲养条件下,应该采取不同的饲养方式。主要饲养方式有下列几种。1.1抓两头顾中间的饲养方式这种饲养方式主要适用于断乳后膘情较差的经产母猪和精饲料条件较差的地区。所谓抓两头,一头是在母猪妊娠  相似文献   

<正>夏季气温高会造成妊娠母猪食欲减退,采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加,并由此引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,更为严重的还会出现死胎。搞好夏季妊娠母猪的饲养管理,可使  相似文献   

母猪从配种受胎到分娩的这一过程叫妊娠。妊娠母猪饲养管理的基本任务是:保证受精卵、胚胎与胎儿在母体内的正常发育,减少胚胎死亡,防止化胎、死胎与流产现象的发生,从而获得数量多,初生重大而健壮的仔猪;保证母猪在妊娠后期有良好的膘情;保证妊娠母猪的乳房发育,为哺乳期的泌乳进行贮备;对初产青年母猪还要保证其本身的正常生长发育.  相似文献   

Delaying the onset of estrus after weaning and adding fat to the postweaning diet were studied for their effects on estrus and fertility in 232 crossbred primiparous sows on a commercial swine farm. Sows were assigned randomly to the following treatments after weaning in June, July, August, or September, 1983: 1) altrenogest (20 mg/d) was fed for 7 d after weaning (n = 76), 2) altrenogest was fed for 7 d plus .53 kg dried animal and vegetable fat product (.45 kg actual fat/d) for 14 d after weaning (n = 78), or 3) no treatment (controls, n = 78). While a similar proportion of sows came into heat after weaning (lactation length = 4 wk), sows fed altrenogest (14.4 +/- .2 d) returned to estrus about 9 d later (P less than .01) than controls (5.6 +/- .2 d). Serum progesterone concentration was assayed in blood samples collected from a subgroup (74%) of the cows not observed in estrus by 3 wk after weaning to determine possible causes of anestrus. If serum progesterone (greater than 5 ng/ml) was elevated, we assumed that sows had ovulated without expressing estrus (behavioral anestrus) or ovulated with undetected estrus (less overt estrus or error in estrous detection), whereas low progesterone (less than or equal to 5 ng/ml) indicated that sows were anovulatory. About 53% of the sows not observed in estrus across all treatments had luteal function, probably resulting from post-weaning ovulation. Incidence of anovulation without estrus was 47%. Farrowing rate was higher (P less than .05) for sows fed only altrenogest (64%) compared with controls (46%), but similar to fat supplemented, altrenogest-treated sows (52%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

后备母猪饲养新概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常较合理的母猪群体的胎龄结构为1~2胎母猪占生产母猪数量的30~35%,3~6胎母猪占60%,7胎以上母猪占5~10%。一个新建猪场从第三年开始每年母猪淘汰更新比例为25~33%,繁殖母猪群中应经常保持17%的青年母猪。一般来说猪群平均产次不超过4产才能使猪场保持高水平的繁殖成绩。  相似文献   

Gastric cannulation of pregnant sows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this project was to study the effect of superalimentation in lactating sows through permanent, surgically placed, gastric cannulas. A surgical technique was developed to install gastric cannulas into pregnant sows to allow superalimentation by introducing feed through the cannula. After induction of general anesthesia, a flexible, T-shaped cannula (22 mm outside diameter) was surgically placed in the dorsal portion of the greater curvature of the stomach and exteriorized through the tenth intercostal space approximately 30 cm left of the dorsal midline. Cannulas were installed on day 85 +/- 5 days of gestation. Anesthesia, surgical procedures, and the subsequent presence of the cannula did not affect the size or number of live pigs at birth. In addition, the prevalence of stillbirths and mummified fetuses was not significantly different than that of noncannulated sows. The gastric cannulas did not affect lactation performance, as litter size and weight were unaffected when compared with that in noncannulated controls. Postmortem examination of euthanatized sows revealed adhesions of the gastric wall to the abdominal wall, thus eliminating the possibility of leakage of the gastric contents into the peritoneum. Detrimental effects of the cannulas on gastric function or capacity were not detected, and cannulas could be maintained through multiple parities.  相似文献   

维生素E对怀孕母猪的营养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维生素E(VE)缺乏会加大母猪繁殖障碍疾病的发生概率,空怀母猪缺乏维生素E时出现乏情,妊娠母猪缺乏维生素E时,产生死胎或体弱仔猪。研究表明,在母猪日粮中添加维生素E能降低胚胎和仔猪的病死率,显著提高产仔数,从而改善母猪的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

雏鸭是指刚孵出至15日龄的鸭,是鸭一生中增重最快、饲料报酬最高的时期,但由于它对外界环境适应能力差,对疾病的抵抗力低,因而又是最难饲养的时期。所以雏鸭饲养是培育种鸭和养好商品鸭最为重要的阶段。这一阶段饲养管理得好可以收到事半功倍的效果,否则不但育雏成活率低,而且将严重影响日后生长发育,增大饲养成本,降低养鸭的效益。作者在完成兰州市科委下达的“樱桃谷鸭引种推广养殖试验”科研课题中,对如何做好雏鸭饲养作了认真的研究探讨,在三年多的推广养殖中育雏成活率保持在90%~100%,现将关键技术措施总结如下,供参考。一、育雏前的…  相似文献   

The energy requirement of pregnant and lactating sows is derived on the basis of extensive experimental studies of the energy metabolism (indirect calorimetry, slaughtering) according to the factorial method. For the first reproduction cycle (RC) 0.41 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) or 0.29 MJ net energy fat, pig (NEFpig) resp. were necessary for energy maintenance requirement for pregnant and lactating sows and, depending on age, 0.44 MJ ME or 0.31 MJNEFpig in the second or third RC and 0.47 MJ ME/kg LW0.75.d or 0.33 MJ NEFpig/kg LW0.75.d in the 4th-8th RC. A linear increase of up to 6% of the energy requirement caused by pregnancy between the 85th and 115th day of pregnancy is taken into consideration. Energy requirement per 1 MJ retention both in pregnancy and lactation is 1.45 MJ ME or 1.03 MJ NEFpig, per 1 MJ milk yield it is 1.33 MJ ME or 0.91 MJ NEFpig. 1 MJ body energy for milk yield corresponds to 1.20 MJ ME or 0.82 MJ NEFpig. Equations describing energy retention in the products of conception, uterus and udder are established as well as equations characterizing the connections between live weight gain or loss and energy content of the gain or loss.  相似文献   

Early detection of lameness in sows is important to reduce losses and improve animal welfare. Mild-to-moderate lameness is difficult to diagnose in sows. Infrared thermography (IRT) was evaluated as a method of detecting signs of inflammation in the lower limbs as an aid in lameness detection.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in serum progesterone levels in pregnant sows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the autumn and winter of 1979 and the spring and summer of 1980 serum samples were taken from approximately 20 sows at between 40 and 90 days of gestation in each of seven commercial herds. In most of these herds progesterone concentrations were significantly lower in the autumn than in the other three seasons. Between June 1980 and June 1981 every pregnant sow in a further herd of 250 sows was sampled at 25 to 30 days and at 70 to 91 days of gestation. Seasonal differences in progesterone concentrations were again evident, with the concentrations rising from their lowest in August, September and October to a peak in March. Comparisons between the early and late pregnancy progesterone levels from sows sampled in this herd at different times of the year suggested that corpora lutea which were formed in the summer and early autumn were fully competent and responsive, but that their lower hormone production was possibly the result of reduced luteotrophic stimulation. These findings are pertinent to the pathophysiology of the autumn abortion syndrome and other seasonal reproductive problems in sows.  相似文献   

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