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王港  徐远杰  朱亚艳  徐嘉娟  吴运辉 《园艺学报》2017,44(Z2):2745-2746
 ‘黔油2号’是从‘望谟红球’油茶人工林中选育出的优良新品种。小乔木或灌木,速生,早实、丰产,抗性强,病害少,经济价值高。  相似文献   

金花茶嫁接繁殖试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以普通金花茶、显脉金花茶和细叶金花茶为接穗,以普通油茶为砧木,进行影响金花茶嫁接繁殖成活率因子的试验研究。结果表明:不同金花茶品种类型、嫁接时期、接穗木质化程度、光照和湿度等因子对金花茶嫁接繁殖成活率均存在较大影响。3种不同的金花茶品种类型中,细叶金花茶的嫁接成活率最高;5~6月是金花茶嫁接的最佳时机;金花茶嫁接接穗以半木质化至木质化为好;温度25℃左右,光照(透光度)15%~25%、空气相对湿度85%~90%是金花茶嫁接苗的适宜培养环境条件。  相似文献   

不同比例的茶籽壳和木屑组合成5个试验配方,比较不同配方对菌丝生长、子实体经济性状和生物转化率的影响。试验结果表明,在供试的5个配方中,配方4(棉籽壳50%、茶籽壳15%、木屑5%、麦麸20%、玉米粉7%、石膏1%、磷肥1%、石灰1%)为优选配方。  相似文献   

为降低猴头菌(Hericium erinaceus)生产成本和解决油茶籽种壳利用问题,研究油茶籽种壳营养成分及其代替棉籽壳和麸皮栽培猴头菌.结果显示:油茶籽种壳含有8.2%粗蛋白、12.3%粗纤维、4.5%粗脂肪、29.8%木质素以及12.6%灰分.油茶籽种壳部分代替棉籽壳可促进菌丝生长、提高产量且子实体仍保持良好经济性状.适宜配方为堆制13% ~28%油茶籽种壳、30% ~45%棉籽壳、30%玉米芯、10%麸皮、2%碳酸钙,袋(干料440 g)产量286~292 g,高于对照(267 g).油茶籽种壳部分代替麸皮不利于猴头菌菌丝生长并降低其产量,但可降低生产成本.生产上可利用油茶籽种壳部分代替棉籽壳栽培猴头菌.  相似文献   

板栗蒲、油茶蒲栽培猴头菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将板栗蒲、油茶蒲替代部分杂木屑栽培猴头菌(Hericium erinaceus),菌丝生长及出菇试验表明:与对照相比,油茶蒲添加量为20%、40%时,猴头菌菌丝生长速度快;添加量为63%时,产量提高29.2%,显著高于对照.配方中添加板栗蒲菌丝生长速度以及产量与对照相比差异不显著.由于板栗蒲、油茶蒲较杂木屑便宜,故均可作为猴头菌栽培基质加以利用.  相似文献   

为了有效利用我省丰富的油茶蒲资源,缓解近年食用菌栽培原材料上涨压力,研究以油茶蒲部分代替杂木屑栽培高温型香菇,以配方试验方式,探寻利用油茶蒲栽培香菇的配方技术。结果发现,以30%的油茶蒲代替杂木屑栽培香菇是可行的,香菇产量及品质与对照相比无显著差异。  相似文献   

山茶属三个物种光合特性日变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用LI-6400便携式光合作用测定系统对山茶属植物:宛田红花油茶、攸县油茶、普通油茶以‘湘林1号’为例的光合作用进行测定并进行综合分析。结果表明:攸县油茶比普通油茶‘湘林1号’、宛田红花油茶有更好的光合作用效率,净光合速率总量分别为54.22、44.75、34.51μmol H2O.m-2.s-1。  相似文献   

欧李嫁接成活率的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以欧李为材料,研究了不同时期,采用不同嫁接方法嫁接欧李的成活率。结果表明:欧李嫁接所用砧木以毛樱桃、毛桃成活率较高,山桃次之,山杏最低。在同一砧木上,嵌芽接、腹接、劈接的成活率依次降低。每种嫁接方法都有其最佳嫁接时期,在昌黎地区,嵌芽接在3月20~25日成活率最高;腹接和劈接在3月25~30日成活率最高;T形芽接在6月20~25日成活率最高。  相似文献   

嫁接是果树无性繁殖的方法之一,即采取优良品种植株上的枝或芽接到另一植株的适当部位,使两者结合而生成新的植株。文章总结了嫁接在保持品种优良形状、丰产和提高抗逆性等方面的优势,介绍了常见的三种嫁接方法(T型芽接、木质芽接、插皮舌接);在此基础上提出了选择合适嫁接材料、注意嫁接时间、选择合适的嫁接方法、选取合适的生长点等提高嫁接成活率的措施。  相似文献   

Apoplastic ascorbate oxidase (AO) plays a major role in cell growth. Although AO genes have been studied in depth, some articles have mistakenly identified AO homologues as AO genes. Overall, the divergence between AO genes and AO homologues has not been explored. Meanwhile, there is little information concerning AO and the AO homologue with respect to Camellia sinensis. In the present study, one CsAO homologue and three CsAOs were confirmed by RT-PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing. Multicopper oxidase type 1 (PF00394), type 2 (PF07731) or type 3 (PF07732) domains and one transmembrane helix were the key domains for each member of the cupredoxin family. The CsAOs with their counterparts from seven dicotyledonous plants and three monocotyledonous plants were used to build phylogenetic tree and compare the deduced polypeptides. CsAO may be strongly expressed in the stretch expanded tissues, including bud and root. The abiotic stress-induced expression pattern of the CsAO homologue (CsAO2) is similar to those of CsAO1, CsAO3 and CsAO4. A new and very large group of AO homologues, which may function as AO genes, was present in both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. Our study may help in identifying stress-responsive AO genes of plants.  相似文献   

Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is well known for its biochemical constituents that define the product quality and confer pest and disease resistance. Seven major metabolites – epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECg), epigallocatechin (EGC), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), caffeine, theobromine, and gallic acid – of 87 beverage type and six non-beverage type tea accessions from Sri Lankan tea germplasm were profiled using HPLC and LC-MS/MS. All seven metabolites varied widely in the beverage type accessions. The non-beverage types only contained gallic acid and epicatechin. Results prove the presence of high EC and ECg contents in green leaves to be a reliable marker for identifying high-quality black tea-producing accessions. High EC and low EGCg contents in green tea leaves appear to enhance traits of resistance to blister blight disease. Significant variations detected in theobromine, caffeine, and total polyphenol content define the affinity of germplasm to the main three tea taxa, and we conclude that C. sinensis ssp. lasiocalyx predominates the Sri Lankan germplasm collection.  相似文献   

The efficiency of different temperature cycles in inducing budburst of one-year-old shoots of the apricot cultivar ‘Palsteyn’ from dormancy was evaluated. Three replications of shoots were collected during two consecutive years from adult trees, following the accumulation of different amounts of chilling in the field. Thereafter, shoots were exposed to different temperature cycles in growth chambers, for 60 days. The temperature treatments included a continuous temperature of 5 °C; daily temperature cycles of 19/5 h at 5/15 °C, at 5/20 °C, and at 5/25 °C; and the same temperature cycles for the remainder of the 60-day period, after pretreatment at 5 °C for 30 or 45 days. After the temperature treatments, shoots were forced at 25 °C until budburst. The mean time to budburst (MTB) (in days) of lateral vegetative, terminal vegetative and reproductive buds was evaluated. The efficiency of the different treatments was greatly influenced by the date on which shoots were cut. High temperatures had a more positive effect on the reduction of MTB when chilling accumulation had occurred in the field instead of the growth chamber. After partial chilling accumulation in the field, high temperatures (25 °C) combined with low temperatures are more efficient than cycles of moderate temperatures (15 or 20 °C) to induce an earlier budburst. In view of these results, a parallel accumulation of both chilling and heat requirements after partial chilling accumulation is suggested. The application of these results could assist in the development of more accurate models for the prediction of the overcoming of dormancy and blooming.  相似文献   

Root restriction often depresses photosynthetic capacity and the mechanism for this reduction, however, remains unclear. To identify the mechanism by which root restriction affects the photosynthetic characteristics, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings were subjected to root restriction stress with or without supplemental aeration to the nutrient solution. With the development of the root restriction stress, CO2 assimilation rate was decreased only in confined plants without supplemental aeration. There were also significant decreases in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and increases in the stomatal limitation (l) and the xylem sap ABA concentration. Meanwhile, the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax) and the capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (Jmax) also decreased, followed by substantial reductions in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ΦPSII). Additionally, root restriction resulted in accumulation of carbohydrates in various plant tissues irrespective of aeration conditions. It is likely that root restriction-induced depression of photosynthesis was mimicked by water stress.  相似文献   

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