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There is a growing interest in the health improvement functions of green spaces. Natural sounds have various effects on the human mind and body and this positive effect is a cultural service of the ecosystem; however, the mechanisms of these effects are poorly understood. This study investigated the psychological effects of diverse orthoptera calls on Japanese university people. Sixty-five participants were exposed to seven different sound sources, which comprised 1–4 different species, and then asked to answer questions on impressions and preferences. We compared the differences in preference scores according to species and number of species. Factor analysis was used to identify the common factors of impressions. Structural equation modeling was used to understand the influence of participants’ attributes on their preferences. The results showed that as the number of species increased, the sound preference score increased. As a result of the factor analysis of the impressions, the factors Calm, Gorgeous, Musicality, and Deep were extracted; the factor scores of Gorgeous and Musicality increased as the number of species increased. Both, the inclusion of certain species and an increased diversity of species, increased the score. The combination of multiple species resulted in a favorable evaluation due to the harmonization of sounds and diversification of rhythms on the time axis. The results showed that the presence of diverse species of orthopteran calls has a positive effect on humans; orthopteran sounds are assumed to have psychological restorative effects. However, since the influence of the participants’ attributes on preference was unclear in this result, further research is required to understand the effects of racial and cultural backgrounds, age, place of residence and personal attributes. Diverse orthopteran calls are an ecosystem service that contribute to the quality of the soundscape.  相似文献   

自然辩证法是关于自然界和科学技术发展的一般规律以及人类认识自然和改造自然的一般方法的科学。将辩证法的思想自然地运用到园林景观中去,不仅增加园林小品的美感和层次性,同时也使园林景观有了正确的理性认识和逻辑思维的引导。文章以徐州园林景观设计个案为例,从规划层面和设计手法层面上论述自然辩证法在园林景观中的应用,可供当代造园借鉴。  相似文献   

Wolter  Peter T.  White  Mark A. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(2):133-155
Landsat TM satellite data covering an approximate 5-year interval (1990–1995) were used to quantify spatial pattern and transition rates between forest ecological states for a 2.76 million ha region in northeast Minnesota. Changes in forest cover were stratified by Ecological Subsection, management status, and by ownership categories using a 1995 digital ownership layer. Approximately 4.2% of the 1990 mature forested area was converted to early successional types by 1995. Of this 4.2%, private lands accounted for 33%, federal lands 31%, county lands 20% and state lands 16%. Notable conversion percentages by cover type category were spruce-fir (−5.3%), aspen-birch(−4.7%), jack pine (−4.6%) and black spruce(−3.0%). Transition rates were also adjusted to fit ten-year time intervals. Shannon-Weaver Eveness and edge density of cover types increased over the study period as relative contagion and interior forest area decreased. These trends suggest both smaller patches and a more even distribution of cover types. Area of upland conifers, lowland conifers and lowland hardwoods decreased while the area of mature upland hardwoods increased in most patch size classes except the > 500 ha class which showed a substantial decrease in area. The area of early successional types increased in most patch size classes. Non-industrial private forestland had the lowest proportion of interior forest of all ownership categories -decreasing by 13.5% in five years. Smaller average cut-unit size sand uncoordinated forest management is the likely cause since cutting rates between private and public forestland were similar. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Our landscape can be regarded as a development process that is affected and subsequently shaped by a series of different environmental and human-induced factors. However, to date, concrete data about the impact of each of these factors are still missing. One key reason for this is that methods of acquisition and evaluation of these factors inherently have differences, thereby preventing meaningful comparative analyses. This study presents an integrative methodical approach that bridges many of these gaps. Our approach also has the advantages of being generally applicable while delivering easily interpretable results that also allow comparisons between diverse geographical regions. The indicators used enable all major features of landscape change, e.g. changes in land use, landscape structuring, habitat settings, and urban sprawl, to be accurately monitored and provide high-quality realistic results that were validated in our study site, South Tyrol (North Italy). Indicators were selected for both their further subdivision, e.g. monocrops and different features of mixed crops, and their easy to ascertain hierarchically structured feature classification, e.g. land cover. Furthermore, our use of ecoregions enables better comparison of aspects of landscape development for geographical regions having diverse socio-economic and ecological conditions. Our methodical approach can be used as a basis not only for creating landscape change scenarios, but also for determining the environmental and human-induced factors involved and being able to list them in order of importance. Further the detected striking difference between the mapped land-use data and the official census data suggests a validation of the methodical approach in context of the national agriculture census.  相似文献   

本文通过野外调查查阅文档资料,总结出韶关野生蕨类共362种,对野生蕨类的形态特征、配置方式进行分析,对其在韶关园林应用中的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

A measure of the historic range of variability (HRV) in landscape structure is essential for evaluating current landscape patterns of Rocky Mountain coniferous forests that have been subjected to intensive timber harvest. We used a geographic information system (GIS) and FRAGSTATS to calculate key landscape metrics on two ∼130,000-ha landscapes in the Greater Yellowstone Area, USA: one in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), which has been primarily shaped by natural fires, and a second in the adjacent Targhee National Forest (TNF), which has undergone intensive clearcutting for nearly 30 years. Digital maps of the current and historical landscape in YNP were developed from earlier stand age maps developed by Romme and Despain. Maps of the TNF landscape were adapted from United States Forest Service Resource Information System (RIS) data. Key landscape metrics were calculated at 20-yr intervals for YNP for the period from 1705-1995. These metrics were used to first evaluate the relative effects of small vs. large fire events on landscape structure and were then compared to similar metrics calculated for both pre- and post-harvest landscapes of the TNF. Large fires, such as those that burned in 1988, produced a structurally different landscape than did previous, smaller fires (1705-1985). The total number of patches of all types was higher after 1988 (694 vs. 340-404 before 1988), and mean patch size was reduced by almost half (186 ha vs. 319-379 ha). The amount of unburned forest was less following the 1988 fires (63% vs. 72-90% prior to 1988), yet the number of unburned patches increased by nearly an order of magnitude (230 vs. a maximum of 41 prior to 1988). Total core area and mean core area per patch decreased after 1988 relative to smaller fires (∼73,700 ha vs. 87,000-110,000 ha, and 320 ha vs. 2,123 ha, respectively). Notably, only edge density was similar (17 m ha−1 after 1988) to earlier landscapes (9.8-14.2 m ha−1).Three decades of timber harvesting dramatically altered landscape structure in the TNF. Total number of patches increased threefold (1,481 after harvest vs. 437 before harvest), and mean patch size decreased by ∼70% (91.3 ha vs. 309 ha). None of the post-harvest landscape metrics calculated for the TNF fell within the HRV as defined in YNP, even when the post-1988 landscape was considered. In contrast, pre-harvest TNF landscape metrics were all within, or very nearly within, the HRV for YNP. While reference conditions such as those identified by this study are useful for local and regional landscape evaluation and planning, additional research is necessary to understand the consequences of changes in landscape structure for population, community, ecosystem, and landscape function. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The capacity of urban parks to contribute to soundscape restorativeness, understood here as contributions to people’s recovery from attentional fatigue and reflection on life issues, is receiving increased interest in research and policy. However, scientific understanding of the influential mechanism of perceived soundscape restorativeness is still not clear. This paper aims to explore the effects of audio-visual interaction on perceived soundscape restorativeness (PSR) of urban parks, considering visitors of different social and demographic characteristics. The research design comprises a survey of 419 visitors to five urban parks in Fuzhou, China, general structure equation modeling, and multi-group model analysis. The results show a substantial dependence of visitors’ PSR values on respective perceptions of soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness, especially soundscape pleasantness. Visual landscape characteristics showed mediating effects on the influence of soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness on the perceived soundscape restorativeness (19.3 % and 28.3 % of the total effect, respectively). Age was the most influential social and demographic characteristic affecting the PSR, followed by gender, while occupation and educational background showed only limited effects. Future development of urban parks should strongly integrate soundscape design considerations to enhance positive PSR effects for visitors.  相似文献   

The matrix is an important element of landscape mosaics that influences wildlife indirectly through its influence on habitat, and directly, if they live in or move through it. Therefore, to quantify and manage habitat quality for wildlife in modified landscapes, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of both patch and matrix elements of the whole landscape mosaic. To isolate matrix effects from the often simultaneous and confounding influence of patch and landscape characteristics, we identified nineteen 500 m radius landscapes in southeast Queensland, Australia with similar remnant forest patch attributes, habitat loss, and fragmentation, but exhibiting a marked gradient from rural through high-density suburban development of the matrix, quantified by a weighted road-length metric. We measured habitat disturbance, structure, and floristics in patch core, patch edge and matrix landscape elements to characterise how landscape habitat quality changes for small mammals. Correlation analyses identified that with increased matrix development intensity, human disturbance of core sites increased, predators and exotic plant species richness in matrix sites increased, and structural complexity (e.g. logs and stumps) in the matrix decreased. Ordination analyses showed landscape elements were most similar in habitat structure and floristics at low to moderate levels of matrix development, suggesting enhanced landscape habitat quality. Matrix development intensity was not, however, the greatest source of overall variation of habitat throughout landscapes. Many variables, such as landholder behaviour, complicate the relationship. For enhanced conservation outcomes the matrix needs to be managed to control disturbances and strategically plan for matrix habitat retention and restoration.  相似文献   

Housing growth is prevalent in rural areas in the United States and landscape fragmentation is one of its many effects. Since the 1930s, rural sprawl has been increasing in areas rich in recreational amenities. The question is how housing growth has affected landscape fragmentation. We thus tested three hypotheses relating land cover and land ownership to density and spatial pattern of buildings, and examined whether building density or spatial pattern of buildings was a better predictor for landscape fragmentation. Housing locations were mapped from 117 1:24,000-scale USGS topographic maps across northern Wisconsin. Patch-level landscape metrics were calculated on the terrestrial area remaining after applying 50, 100 and 250 m disturbance zones around each building. Our results showed that building density and the spatial pattern of buildings were affected mostly by lake area, public land ownership, and the abundance of coniferous forest, agricultural land, and grassland. A full 40% of the houses were within 100 m of lakeshores. The clustering of buildings within 100 m of lakeshores limited fragmentation farther away. In contrast, agricultural and grassland areas were correlated with higher building density, higher fragmentation, and more dispersed building pattern possible legacies of agricultural settlement patterns. Understanding which factors influence building density and fragmentation is useful for landscape level planning and ecosystem management in northern Wisconsin and areas that share similar social and environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is considered one of the major conservation issues of recent decades. We tested predictions of landscape patterns in a 352,253-ha managed forest area in southeast British Columbia. We did this by focussing on forest fragmentation concerns among old-growth, harvest, and wildfire patches in 44 delineated landscapes using patch indices as measures of landscape pattern. We found no significant association between amount of harvesting and 15 old-growth patch indices. Comparisons among patch types revealed that amounts and spatial patterns of harvest patches differed little from amounts and spatial patterns of old-growth patches in control landscapes. Variability indices revealed similar variability between harvest patches and old-growth patches, and more variability between harvest patches and wildfire patches. Little of the evidence gathered in this study supported predictions of fragmentation of old-growth spatial patterns, or predicted differences between harvest spatial patterns and more naturally occurring spatial patterns. We suggest these results could be due to the relatively small amounts of harvesting and old-growth forest in these landscapes, and therefore habitat amount may be a more important factor than spatial configuration of patches in these landscapes.  相似文献   

Wildfires and landscape patterns in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
The relations between disturbance regime and landscape patterns have been developed from a theoretical perspective, but few studies have tested these relations when forces promoting opposing heterogeneity patterns are simultaneously operating on a landscape. This work provides quantitative evidence of these relations in areas dominated by human activity, showing that landscape heterogeneity decreases disturbance spread. In turn, disturbance introduces a source of landscape heterogeneity, but it is not enough to counterbalance the homogeneity trend due to agricultural abandonment. Land cover changes and wildfire occurrence (fires larger than 0.3 km2) have been monitored in the Tivissa municipality (208.4 km2) (Catalonia, NE Spain) from 1956 to 1993. Land cover maps were obtained from 1956, 1978 and 1993 and they were overlaid with fire occurrence maps obtained for the 1975–1995 period from 60 m resolution remote sensing images, which allow the identification of burned areas by sudden drops in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Changes in landscape patterns in relation to fire regime have been analyzed considering several parameters: patch density, mean patch size, mean distance to the nearest neighbour of the same category, edge density, and the Shannon diversity index. In the 1956–1993 period there is a trend to increasing landscape homogenization due to the expansion of shrub­lands linked to a decrease in forest surface, and to the abandonment of agricultural lands. This trend, however, is not constant along all the period. Fires are more likely to occur in woody, homogenous areas, increasing landscape heterogeneity, as observed in the 1978–1993 period. This increase in heterogeneity does not counterbalance the general trend to landscape homogenization as a consequence of agricultural abandonment and the coalescence of natural vegetation patches.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The influence of landscape structure on anopheline mosquito density and diversity was studied in a comparison of agricultural and forested landscapes in northern Thailand. Agriculture locations had significantly higher landscape diversity, more patches, smaller mean patch sizes, and more complex patch shapes than forest locations. Mosquito collections were undertaken during both dry and wet seasons from October 1997 to December 1999. The density of two forest-associated species, Anopheles maculatus s.s. and Anopheles minimus s.l., both primary malaria vectors in Thailand, was significantly higher in forest locations in at least one season. The density of two paddy field-associated species, Anopheles aconitus and Anopheles hyrcanus group did not differ between locations. Anopheles aconitus is a secondary malaria vector and An. hyrcanus group is not considered as a vector in Thailand. The density of An. minimus s.l. was positively related to forest mean patch size, various water and paddy field landscape metrics and negatively related to landscape diversity. Anopheles hyrcanus group was also positively related to water metrics. Anopheline species diversity was negatively related to landscape diversity. Forest fragmentation resulting from human economic activities often increases landscape heterogeneity, which may result in a reduction in anopheline species diversity, as was the case in this study. There are indications that the effect of fruit orchards on anopheline diversity might be different in the dry season compared to the wet season. Fruit orchard landscape metrics affected species diversity negatively in the dry season and positively in the wet season. One reason for this could be that pesticides are typically applied in fruit orchards during the dry season. The conversion of forests to fruit orchards is a major land-use change in northern Thailand. These results show the complexity of vector status in northern Thailand and that vector and agriculture pest control are intricately interrelated. It is therefore important to include both the public health and agricultural sectors in controlling malaria vectors in the country. Our results also indicate that if landscape management should be used for malaria control in northern Thailand large-scale reduction and fragmentation of forest cover would be needed. Such drastic actions do not agree well with current global objectives concerning forest and biodiversity conservation This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

As landscape fragmentation continues to escalate, it is imperative that we improve our understanding of the factors that contribute to the creation and retention of forest on privately-owned land to most effectively design and implement conservation policy. This article presents the percentages of variation in the proportion of forest on private ownerships across an agriculturally-dominated landscape in north-central Indiana, USA that can be explained by biophysical characteristics, landowner (socioeconomic) attributes, and private landowner assistance programs. While biophysical characteristics of the land accounted for the majority of variation explained (17.35%, p < 0.0001, n = 194), attitudinal and demographic attributes of the landowners contributed significantly to explaining additional variation (7.97%, p<0.0001), and overlapped with biophysical characteristics to explain another 17.31%. Program familiarity and enrollment did not explain a significant amount of the variation independent of either biophysical or landowner attributes. Private landowner assistance programs should broaden their objectives and increase incentives to appeal to the variety of landowners who possess the decision-making authority for most of the land in the region and the nation as a whole.  相似文献   

Tradable biodiversity credit systems provide flexible means to resolve conflicts between development and conservation land-use options for habitats occupied by threatened or endangered species. We describe an approach to incorporate the influence of habitat fragmentation into the conservation value of tradable credits. Habitat fragmentation decreases gene flow, increases rates of genetic drift and inbreeding, and increases probabilities of patch extinction. Importantly, tradable credit systems will change the level of fragmentation over time for small and/or declining populations. We apply landscape equivalency analysis (LEA), a generalizable, landscape-scale accounting system that assigns conservation value to habitat patches based on patch contributions to abundance and genetic variance at landscape scales. By evaluating habitat trades using two models that vary the relationship between dispersal behaviors and landscape patterns, we show that LEA provides a novel method for limiting access to habitat at the landscape-scale, recognizing that the appropriate amount of migration needed to supplement patch recruitment and to offset drift and inbreeding will vary as landscape pattern changes over time. We also found that decisions based on probabilities of persistence alone would ignore changes in migration, genetic drift, and patch extinction that result from habitat trades. The general principle of LEA is that habitat patches traded should make at least equivalent contributions to rates of recruitment and migration estimated at a landscape scale. Traditional approaches for assessing the “take” and “jeopardy” standards under the Endangered Species Act based on changes in abundance and probability of persistence may be inadequate to prevent trades that increase fragmentation.  相似文献   

Knowledge of variation in vascular plant species richness and species composition in modern agricultural landscapes is important for appropriate biodiversity management. From species lists for 2201 land-type patches in 16 1-km2 plots five data sets differing in sampling-unit size from patch to plot were prepared. Variation in each data set was partitioned into seven sources: patch geometry, patch type, geographic location, plot affiliation, habitat diversity, ecological factors, and land-use intensity. Patch species richness was highly predictable (75% of variance explained) by patch area, within-patch heterogeneity and patch type. Plot species richness was, however, not predictable by any explanatory variable, most likely because all studied landscapes contained all main patch types – ploughed land, woodland, grassland and other open land – and hence had a large core of common species. Patch species composition was explained by variation along major environmental complex gradients but appeared nested to lower degrees in modern than in traditional agricultural landscapes because species-poor parts of the landscape do not contain well-defined subsets of the species pool of species-rich parts. Variation in species composition was scale dependent because the relative importance of specific complex gradients changed with increasing sampling-unit size, and because the amount of randomness in data sets decreased with increasing sampling-unit size. Our results indicate that broad landscape structural changes will have consequences for landscape-scale species richness that are hard or impossible to predict by simple surrogate variables.  相似文献   

Resource management strategies have begun to adopt natural landscape disturbance emulation as a means of minimizing risk to ecosystem integrity. Detailed understanding of the disturbance regime and the associated spatial landscape patterns are required to provide a natural baseline for comparison with the results of emulation strategies. Landscape pattern indices provide a useful tool to quantify spatial pattern for developing these strategies and evaluating their success. Despite an abundance of indices and tools to calculate these, practical knowledge of interpretation is rare. Quantifying changes in landscape pattern indices and the meaning of these changes is confounded by index sensitivity to input data characteristics such as spatial extent, spatial resolution, and thematic resolution. Sensitivity has been examined for simulated landscapes but rarely using real data for large areas as real landscapes are more difficult to manipulate systematically than simulated data. While simulated data offer a control, they do not provide an accurate portrayal of reality for practical applications. Our goal was to test the sensitivity of a suite of landscape pattern indices useful for disturbance emulation strategy development and evaluation to spatial extent, spatial resolution, and thematic resolution using current land cover data for a case study of the managed forest of Ontario, Canada. We also examined how sensitivity varies spatially across the study area. We used Landsat TM-based land cover data (> 45.5 million ha), controlling spatial extent (2,500 to 2,560,000 ha), spatial resolution (1 to 16 ha), and thematic resolution (2 to 26 classes). For each index we tested a hypothesis of insensitivity to changes in each input data characteristic using a combination of ANOVA and regression and compared our results with previous studies. Of the 18 indices studied, significant (p< 0.01) effects were found for 17 indices with changes in spatial extent, 13 indices with changes in spatial resolution and 18 indices with changes in thematic resolution. A significant (p < 0.01) linear trend accounted for the majority of the variance for all of the significant relationships identified. Most of the mean index responses were consistent with those interpreted from previous studies of simulated and real landscapes; however, sensitivity varied greatly among indices and over space. We suggest that variation in sensitivity to input data characteristics among indices and over space must be explicitly incorporated in the design of future natural disturbance emulation efforts.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A set of structural criteria to differentiate among types of a heterogeneous woodland landscape that are shaped by goat and cattle grazing was studied in northern Israel. The landscape was described with relation to the “human scale” of the observer, by mapping the dimensions, basic shapes, and distribution of gaps between individual plants on sites with various grazing management systems. The shapes of the trees and the bushes were drawn in situ and the ratio between plant height and the width of the adjacent open space was measured in order to define the various structural profiles of the vegetation. All the structural criteria clearly and significantly differentiated among grazing systems that created closed (no grazing), half-open (cattle and modern goat grazing) and open (traditional goat grazing) landscapes. The diversity of plant shapes was highest under the cattle and modern goat grazing management systems. In the ungrazed treatment, more than 60% of the gaps were defined as ‘inaccessible’ compared with only 10–15% under cattle grazing and modern goat grazing. The diversity of gap proportions was high, but their absolute number was low. Under traditional heavy goat grazing, there were only wide and open gaps. Under cattle grazing and modern goat-grazing management systems, a relatively large number of wide and open gaps were found, with small numbers of narrow and closed gaps. Overall, the various grazing systems were differentiated most clearly according to their transparency, accessibility, height of Quercus calliprinos, and gap distribution. We conclude that structural criteria provide an efficient and objective methodology for evaluating the effects of grazing on different components of Mediterranean woodland mosaic landscapes. Nomenclature follows Feinbrun-Dothan and Danin (1991)  相似文献   

侧重视觉质量、植物景观、人文功能3方面,选择对中心交通岛景观绿化影响较大的评价因子,建立合理的AHP评价体系,计算各评价因子的权重,根据权重对辽宁省10个城市的28个中心交通岛进行评价,得出其综合排序,并对其进行比较分析。  相似文献   

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