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The total muscarinic (M1 + M2 + M3) and -adrenergic receptors in the tracheal smooth muscle of conventional and double-muscled calves were identified and characterized with the non-specific antagonists [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB) and [3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DHA) respectively.Although the quantity of -adrenoceptors in double-muscled calves was 25% lower (p<0.05) than in conventional calves (B max=327±89 fmol/mg protein), adenylate cyclase assays indicated that the basal adenylate cyclase activity and the (–)-isopropylnoradrenaline (ISO)- and sodium fluoride (NaF)-stimulated values were not significantly different between these calves. However, the density of muscarinic receptors in double-muscled calves was 40% higher (p<0.01) than in conventional calves (B max=2955±625 fmol/mg protein). Subtypes of muscarinic receptors were studied with [3H]telenzepine (M1-receptors), [3H]AF-DX 384 (M2-receptors) and [3H]4DAMP (M1 and M3-receptors). It was found that in both double-muscled and conventional calves about 40% of the receptors were of the M3-subtype, the remaining 60% being M2-receptors.From these results, it is suggested that inflammation of the respiratory tract in double-muscled calves may be complicated by an imbalance between the cholinergic bronchoconstrictor and the -adrenergic bronchodilator components of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Background: Previous studies suggested that supplementation of lactating sows with β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate(HMB) could improve the performance of weaning pigs, but there were little information in the muscle fiber type transformation of the offspring and the subsequent performance in pigs from weaning through finishing in response to maternal HMB consumption. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supplementing lactating sows with HMB on skeletal muscle fiber type transformation and growth of the offspring during d 28 and180 after birth. A total of 20 sows according to their body weight were divided into the control(CON, n = 10) or HMB groups(HMB, n = 10). Sows in the HMB group were supplemented with β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate calcium(HMB-Ca) 2 g/kg feed during d 1 to 27 of lactation. After weaning, 48 mixed sex piglets were blocked by sow treatment and fed standard diets for post-weaning, growing, finishing periods. Growth performance was recorded during d 28 to 180 after birth. Pigs were slaughtered on d 28(n = 6/treatment) and 180(n = 6/treatment) postnatal and the longissimus dorsi(LD) was collected, respectively.Results: The HMB-fed sows during lactation showed increased HMB concentration(P 0.05) in milk and LD of weaning piglets(P 0.05). In addition, offsprings in HMB group had a higher finishing BW and lean percentage than did pigs in CON group(P 0.05), meanwhile, compared with pigs from sows fed the CON diet, pigs from sows fed HMB diet showed higher type Ⅱ muscle fiber cross-sectional area(CSA), elevated myosin heavy chain(MyHC) Ⅱb and Sox6 mRNA, and fast-MyHC protein levels in LD(P 0.05).Conclusions: HMB supplemented to sow diets throughout lactation increases the levels of HMB in maternal milk and skeletal muscle of pigs during d 28 after birth and promotes subsequent performance of pigs between d 28 and 180 of age by enhancing glycolytic muscle fiber transformation.  相似文献   

This report describes the detection of “Brachyspira (B.) hampsonii” clade I in Belgian pigs imported to Germany. Two of seventeen pigs from one herd were reported positive for Brachyspira hyodysenteriae by culture in a Belgian diagnostic laboratory, but negative for this Brachyspira species by specific PCR. In this study, from 22 fecal samples and 2 colon contents of these animals various Brachyspira species were cultured and identified by nox-RFLP as Brachyspira murdochii, Brachyspira innocens and Brachyspira intermedia. Albeit the six B. intermedia isolates proved to be negative in a species specific PCR. Sequencing of the nox-gene of three of these isolates revealed that the sequences were 99% identical to published sequences of “B. hampsonii” clade I. From one pig which was positive for “B. hampsonii” clade I histopathology was done and showed moderate lesions consistent with brachyspiral disease.  相似文献   

Using fenylephrine, isoprenaline, noradrenaline, adrenaline and receptor blockers, adrenergic regulation of metabolism in working heart as well as in skeletal resting muscle of rats was investigated. Changes were determined in: phosphocreatine level and32P incorporation into phosphocreatine; phosphorolytic and hydrolytic activities of glycogenolysis; glycogen synthetase activity and14C-glucose incorporation into glycogen; and the level of cAMP. It was found that, contrary to the β-receptor, stimulation of the α-adrenergic receptor inhibits catabolism of macroenergetic phosphates and diminishes glycogen decomposition on the phosphorolytic pathway while increasing the hydrolysis of glycogen and glycogen synthetase activity as well as glucose incorporation into glycogen. On the basis of these data a hypothesis may be put forward that the influence of the α-adrenergic receptor results in the diminishing of energy utilization and in the activation of glycogen anabolism in heart and skeletal muscle. An adrenergic intrasystemic receptor antagonism in the regulation of energy consumption by heart and skeletal muscle is indicated. The α-receptor seems to be an adrenergic intrasystemic moderator of the metabolism rate which is accelerated by β-receptor influence. This suggests that besides sympathetico-parasympathetic intersystemic antagonism regulating the heart work and thereby cardiac energy consumption, there is a separate adrenergic mechanism directly controlling the balance between catabolism and anabolism in heart muscle. This mechanism, based on α- and β-adrenergic receptor antagonism, also controls the metabolic balance in skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Muscarinic and -adrenoceptors were identified in airway epithelium, smooth muscle and lung parenchyma from Holstein-Friesian calves and cows and were characterized with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate and [3H]dihydroalprenolol, respectively. The muscarinic receptor density in the smooth muscle of cows (B max=4803±245 fmol/mg protein) was 33% greater (p<0.01) than in calves. Low receptor numbers were detected in the epithelium and parenchyma. In both calves and cows, the density of epithelial -adrenoceptors was twice as high as in smooth muscle and parenchyma. The quantity of -adrenoceptors in the tracheal epithelium (B max=994±83 fmol/mg protein) and smooth muscle (B max=492±41 fmol/mg protein) in cows was respectively 37% (p<0.001) and 35% (p<0.01) lower than in calves. Adenylate cyclase (AC) assays indicated that the basal and the (–)-isopropylnoradrenaline- (ISO-) stimulated cAMP production were not significantly different between the calves and cows. After stimulation with NaF, significantly higher cAMP production was found in all tissues from cows. Significant correlations were found between absolute AC responses to NaF and -adrenoceptor density in epithelium (r=–0.75,p<0.001) and smooth muscle (r=–0.63,p<0.01). It seems that, in older animals, the production of cAMP is independent of the number of receptors, indicating the presence of fully active compensatory mechanisms.Abbreviations AC adenylate cyclase - cAMP intra-cellular adenosine monophosphate - G-protein GTP binding protein - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate - ISO isopropylnoradrenaline - M muscarine - QNB quinuclidinyl benzilate  相似文献   


AIMS: To assess the occurrence of, and characterise, extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC β-lactamase (AmpC)-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated by veterinary diagnostic laboratories from infection sites in companion animals in New Zealand.

METHODS: Selected Enterobacteriaceae isolates were submitted by seven New Zealand veterinary diagnostic laboratories. They were isolated from infection sites in companion animals between June 2012 and June 2013, and were resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, fluoroquinolones, or any combination of two or more antimicrobials. Based on disk diffusion test results, the isolates were phenotypically categorised according to production of ESBL and AmpC. Genes for ESBL and AmpC production were amplified by PCR and sequenced. Escherichia coli isolates were also typed by multilocus sequence typing.

RESULTS: A total of 115 isolates matching the inclusion criteria were obtained from the participating laboratories, of which 74 (64%) originated from dogs and 29 (25%) from cats. Seven bacterial species were identified, of which E. coli was the most common (87/115, 76%). Of the 115 isolates, 10 (9%) expressed the ESBL phenotype, 43 (37%) the AmpC phenotype, and seven (6%) both ESBL and AmpC phenotypes. Of the 60 ESBL and AmpC-producing isolates, 36 (60%) were E. coli. Amongst these isolates, 27/60 (45%) were classified as multidrug resistant, compared with 15/55 (27%) non-ESBL or AmpC-producing isolates (p<0.01). Ninety five isolates were resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and 58 (61%) of these were ESBL or AmpC-producing. The predominant ESBL genes were blaCTX-M-14 and blaCTX-M-15, and the dominant plasmid-encoded AmpC gene was blaCMY-2. Thirty-eight E. coli multilocus sequence types (ST) were identified, and the most prevalent were ST12 (12/89, 13%), ST131 (6/89, 7%) and ST648 (6/89, 7%). ESBL and AmpC-producing isolates accounted for 35/1,082 (3.2%) of the Enterobacteriaceae isolated by one laboratory network over the study period.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: ESBL and AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae were associated with clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand, and were often multidrug resistant. In this study, these organisms accounted for <5% of all Enterobacteriaceae isolated from infection sites by one laboratory network, but their prevalence among isolates resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was 61%. Therefore routine secondary testing for ESBL and AmpC production by Enterobacteriaceae that are resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid in primary testing could improve the accuracy of definitive antimicrobial therapy in companion animals in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Little is known about the antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in Klebsiella pneumoniae from swine in China. Thus, this paper aims to demonstrate the β-lactam resistance phenotypes and genotypes of K. pneumoniae isolates from swine in southwestern China, detect possible new β-lactamase variants, and determine whether or not the variants differ in their antibiotic resistance. Isolates from 58 unrelated diseased swine were collected from 61 pig farms in southwestern China from 2007 to 2009. Among the 58 isolates, 75.8-100% were resistant to β-lactam, 62.0-68.97% to fluoroquinolone, 44.8-46.55% to aminoglycoside, and 8.62-17.24% to β-lactam inhibitors. PCR amplification and DNA sequencing showed that bla(TEM-1) was detected in 100% (n=58) of the isolates, bla(SHV) in 82.76% (n=48), bla(CTX-M) in 39.66% (n=23), and bla(OKP) in 17.24% (n=10). The bla(SHV) types included bla(SHV-1), bla(SHV-11), bla(SHV-12), and bla(SHV-27). None of the isolates harbored bla(KPC), bla(LEN), or bla(GES) gene. Four novel variants (bla(OKP-A-13), bla(OKP-A-14), bla(OKP-A-15), and bla(OKP-A-16)) were identified among the 10 OKP β-lactamase-producing K. pneumoniae isolates resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin, cefalexin, and cefadroxil. Plasmid analysis and PCR amplification indicated that bla(TEM-1) genes were detected in the total plasmid. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of 10 distinct pulsotypes of OKP producer isolates. Plasmid DNA digested with XbaI yielded two to six bands of ca. 0.15-30 kb. Transformants of the 10 OKP producer isolates showed no differences in their antibiotic susceptibility, except for the pulsotype B transformant, which carried bla(CTX-M). In China, β-lactam resistance appeared to be common among K. pneumoniae isolates from swine, suggesting that K. pneumoniae may be a reservoir for the dissemination of β-lactam resistance among Chinese pig farms.  相似文献   

This study compares the potency and efficacy of different relaxant drugs including anticholinergic, β-adrenergic and methylxanthine agents on acetylcholine-contracted feline bronchi, and investigates the influence of the initial muscarinic-induced tone on bronchodilator response. Feline bronchi were removed from euthanased client-owned cats and were contracted with acetylcholine to cause either 40% or 80% of the acetylcholine maximal contraction. The efficacy and potency of bronchodilating drugs were obtained from cumulative dose-response curves with efficacy (E(max)) as the maximal relaxant response and potency (-logEC(50)) as the logarithm of the concentration of drug inducing 50% of maximal relaxation. Under low contractile tone (40%), all bronchodilators relaxed feline bronchi in a concentration-dependent manner with the following rank order of potency: formoterol>ipratropium bromide>fenoterol>isoprenaline>salbutamol≥salmeterol>theophylline. E(max) values ranged from 80% to 100% depending on the tested drug. Constriction of feline bronchi with high-dose acetylcholine (80%) caused a rightward and downward shift of the β(2)-mimetic dose-response curves. Significant decreases in -logEC(50) and E(max) values were reported for salbutamol, formoterol and salmeterol. This study provides evidence that existing classes of bronchodilators produce effective relaxation of acetylcholine-contracted feline bronchi and that airway responsiveness to β(2)-stimulants is dependent on the magnitude of the initial muscarinic-induced tone. The clinical relevance of these in vitro findings has yet to be explored in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Beta-glucan has been shown to have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal health. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of β-glucan isolated from Agrobacterium sp. ZX09 on growth performance and intestinal health of weaning pigs. A total of 108 weaned pigs (21 d of age; 6.05 ± 0.36 kg) were randomly divided into 3 groups (6 pens/group; 6 pigs/pen), and the groups were each treated with the following diets: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet supplemented with 20 mg/kg olaquindox, 3) basal diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg β-glucan, for 21 d. Compared with the control group, pigs fed with 200 mg/kg β-glucan had greaterBW, average daily gain and duodenal villus height to crypt depth ratio (P < 0.05). Olaquindox increased the duodenal or jejunal villus height of pigs compared with β-glucan. Compared with the control group, β-glucan tended to increase the occludin mRNA expression in the jejunum (0.05 < P < 0.10). Beta-glucan enriched the beneficial microbiota in the ileum of pigs (P < 0.05). In conclusion, β-glucan may promote growth performance by improving intestinal health and increasing beneficial microbiota of weaned pigs. The study results will provide valuable theoretical guidance for the utilization of β-glucan in weaned pigs.  相似文献   

The mechanism for prostaglandin (PG) F release from pig endometrium after oxytocin (OT) treatment is unknown. OT may rapidly stimulate inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG) formation, consistent with the concept of rapid activation of a second-messenger system. In support of this hypothesis, endometrial IP3 levels were increased (P < 0.05) within 0.5 min after treatment with 0.1 μM OT. In contrast, increased DAG formation was not detected after treatment with OT. However, similar to the stimulation of endometrial PGF secretion observed after OT treatment (P < 0.001), PGF release was increased (P < 0.01) after treatment with phorbol-12myristate-l3-acetate (PMA), which mimics DAG activation of protein kinase C. Further, stimulation of endometrial PGF secretion did not result from cell death induced by PMA or OT because lactate dehydrogenase, a cytosolic marker of cellular integrity, did not leak into the medium after PMA or OT treatment. In contrast, 0.5% saponin (positive control for cell death and concomitant release of lactate dehydrogenase) increased PGF secretion (P < 0.05) and lactate dehydrogenase release (P < 0.001). These results indicate that OT induces endometrial IP3 production in a rapid manner indicative of a second-messenger system. The finding that increased DAG was not also detected after OT treatment may reflect rapid metabolism or compartmentalized production of DAG involved in the second-messenger stimulation of phospholipase C. The high background of DAG used in the biosynthesis of cellular lipids would obscure the rather small spatially localized changes in DAG levels resulting from the activation of phospholipase C. The finding that DAG was present at approximately 10 to 20-fold higher levels than IP3 in resting cells was consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

Pork products are a possible source of introduction of PCV2 isolates into a pig population. However, limited work has been done on the transmission through meat of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a virus associated with several disease syndromes in pigs. The objectives of this study were to determine if pork products from PCV2-infected pigs contain PCV2 DNA/antigen and to determine if the PCV2 present in the tissues is infectious by performing in vitro and in vivo studies. Skeletal muscle, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissues from pigs experimentally inoculated with PCV2 were collected 14 days post-inoculation (DPI). The tissues were tested for presence of PCV2 DNA by quantitative real-time PCR, for PCV2 antigen by immunohistochemistry (IHC), and for presence of infectious PCV2 by virus isolation and inoculation of PCV2 naïve pigs. Lymphoid tissues contained the highest amount of PCV2 (positive by PCR, IHC, and virus isolation), bone marrow contained a lower amount of PCV2 (positive by PCR and IHC but negative by virus isolation), and skeletal muscle contained the lowest amount of PCV2 (positive by PCR but negative by IHC and virus isolation). Naïve pigs fed for three consecutive days with either skeletal muscle, bone marrow, or lymphoid tissues all became PCV2 viremic as determined by quantitative real-time PCR on serum starting at 7 DPI. The pigs also seroconverted to PCV2 as determined by PCV2 IgM and IgG ELISA. In addition, PCV2 antigen was detected by IHC stains in lymphoid tissues and intestines collected from the majority of these pigs. Results from this study indicate that uncooked PCV2 DNA positive lymphoid tissues, bone marrow, and skeletal muscle from PCV2 viremic pigs contain sufficient amount of infectious PCV2 to infect naïve pigs by the oral route.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii infection is widely prevalent in humans in Brazil. Among the food animals, pigs are considered the most important meat source of T. gondii for infection in humans. In the present study, we report the first isolation of viable T. gondii from finishing pigs in Brazil. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 49 (17%) of 286 pigs prior slaughter using the modified agglutination test (MAT) at a serum dilution of 1:25. Attempts were made to isolate T. gondii from 28 seropositive pigs. Samples of heart, brain, and tongue from each pig were pooled, digested in acid pepsin, and bioassayed in five mice per pig. Viable T. gondii was isolated from seven pigs; all isolates were lethal for mice. Restriction fragment length polymorphism on products of SAG2 locus amplified by PCR revealed that two isolates were Type I and five were Type III. The results indicate that phenotypically and genetically T. gondii isolates from pigs from Brazil are distinct from isolates of T. gondii from pigs in the USA.  相似文献   

1. Three experiments were conducted to establish the degree to which cold shortening and rigor shortening contribute to variability in the texture of Pectoralis major (PM) muscles of commercially processed broiler carcases chilled at different rates.

2. In the first experiment, free range and standard broiler carcases were air‐chilled under normal commercial conditions at 0°C. Strong negative correlations between pH values 15 min post‐mortem (pH15 min) and sarcomere length indicated that some cold shortening had occurred, while evidence supporting the occurrence of rigor shortening was much weaker. Regardless of the cause of muscle shortening, weak negative correlations between shear force and sarcomere length indicated that shorter sarcomeres were associated with tougher meat. In addition, strong negative correlations between pH values 24 h post‐mortem (pH24 h) and cooking losses suggested that increased juiciness is associated with higher ultimate pH values.

3. In the second experiment, carcases were either chilled rapidly in water at 0°C (23 h) or in water at 10°C (10 h or 23 h) to identify the individual contributions of cold and rigor shortening to textural variability more precisely. In carcases chilled rapidly in water at 0°C, textural variability was low and toughness was absent, suggesting an absence of both cold and rigor shortening. However, few of these carcases had pH15 min values sufficently high (≥ 6.70) to promote a cold shortening effect. In contrast, carcases chilled in water at 10°C, which had a similar deep muscle cooling rate as air‐chilling at 0°C, showed evidence of rigor shortening, because they had a wider range of sarcomere lengths and higher shear force values than carcases chilled in water at 0°C.

4. In the final experiment, carcases were either chilled in air at – 12°C, a cooling rate similar to that of water‐chilling at 0°C, or chilled in air at 0°C. Cold shortening and increased toughness was evident with both chilling regimens in those carcases with pH15 min values ≥ 6.70. In contrast, in carcases with pH15 min values < 6.70, both chilling regimens reduced sarcomere shortening and improved tenderness. However, the mean shear value of the carcases chilled in air at – 12°C was almost 1.00 kg cm–2 lower than diose chilled in air at 0°C.

5. In conclusion, both cold shortening and rigor shortening can occur during the commercial air‐chilling of broilers at 0°C and thereby contribute considerably to textural variability and incidences of toughness. Faster chilling, either in water at 0°C or in air at – 12°C, has been shown to eliminate the risk of adverse rigor shortening and toughness.  相似文献   

An epidemiologic study was conducted to investigate the incidence and characterize the antimicrobial resistance determinants, analyzing plasmid profiles, and establishing the genetic relationship among β-lactam-resistant isolates of Salmonella Infantis from broilers in Southern Japan. A total of 120 isolates were recovered from 56 flocks belonging to 44 holdings during 2004–2006. The percentages of resistance were as follows: ampicillin (24%), cephalothin (23%), cefoxitin (0%), ceftazidime (11%), cefotaxime (11%), chloramphenicol (0%), kanamycin (7.5%), ofloxacin (20%), oxytetracycline, streptomycin and sulfamethoxazole (100%) and trimethoprim (75%). The incidence of blaTEM-encoded β-lactam resistance in 2004–2006 was significantly higher than in 1998–2003 (P < 0.001). BlnI-digested PFGE patterns generated two related clusters implicated in the dissemination of β-lactam resistance. Two types of plasmid profiles were observed and two plasmids of ca. 50 and 180-kb size were carried by β-lactam-resistant isolates. Streptomycin resistance was conferred by aadA1 (n = 116), aadA1-aadA2 (n = 1), and aadA1-strA-strB (n = 3). Resistances to kanamycin, oxytetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim were conferred by aphA1 (n = 9, 100%), tetA (n = 120, 100%) sul1 (n = 120, 100%) and dfrA5 (n = 90, 100%), respectively. Two types of class 1 integrons were detected: 1.0 kb (n = 120) and, 1.0/1.5 kb (n = 3). Integrons of 1.0/1.5 kb were found in isolates with the aadA1-strA-strB gene combination. For the first time, all S. Infantis isolates showed resistance to at least three classes of antimicrobial agents; and the intestinal tract of healthy poultry was a reservoir of the extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant isolates of serovar Infantis.  相似文献   

Vincenzetti  S.  Polidori  P.  Salimei  E.  Mariani  P. L.  Allegri  S.  Cammertoni  N.  Quadrini  B.  Vita  A. 《Veterinary research communications》2015,29(2):211-213
Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Porcine interferon (PoIFN) complex represents an ideal model for studying IFN evolution that resulted from viral pressure during domestication. IFN-αω...  相似文献   

The increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistances is now a worldwide problem. Investigating the mechanisms by which pets harboring resistant strains may receive and/or transfer resistance determinants is essential to better understanding how owners and pets can interact safely. Here, we characterized the genetic determinants conferring resistance to β-lactams and quinolones in 38 multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from fecal samples of dogs, through PCR and sequencing. The most frequent genotype included the β-lactamase groups TEM (n = 5), and both TEM + CTX-M-1 (n = 5). Within the CTX-M group, we identified the genes CTX-M-32, CTX-M-1, CTX-M-15, CTX-M-55/79, CTX-M-14 and CTX-M-2/44. Thirty isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin presented two mutations in the gyrA gene and one or two mutations in the parC gene. A mutation in gyrA (reported here for the first time), due to a transversion and transition (TCG  GTG) originating a substitution of a serine by a valine in position 83 was also detected. The plasmid-encoded quinolone resistance gene, qnrs1, was detected in three isolates. Dogs can be a reservoir of genetic determinants conferring antimicrobial resistance and thus may play an important role in the spread of antimicrobial resistance to humans and other co-habitant animals.  相似文献   

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