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鸡超数排卵的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用同种激素不同剂量和不同激素组合的处理方式,探讨了孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)、促黄体素(LH)、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)、促卵泡素(FSH)、黄体酮(Progesterone)等激素,对鸡超数排卵的影响.目的是寻求较佳的用于鸡超数排卵的激素剂量与组合.结果显示,各激素对鸡的卵巢和输卵管发育有促进作用.以卵泡数量、卵巢和输卵管的变化为评价指标,对鸡肌肉注射20单位的促卵泡素的处理方法超排效果较明显.  相似文献   

对母牛进行超数排卵是为了增加卵巢中发育的卵泡数,并确保这些卵泡最后排出健康的卵母细胞。目前,超排处理都使用胎盘或垂体促性腺激素制剂,如孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)、人绝经期促性腺激素(hMG)或垂体促卵泡激素(FSH-P)。在用 FSH-P和 PMSG 超排处理中由于和 FSH 活性相关的促黄体激素(LH)的活性较高,而对超数排卵反应产生抑制作用.男有报道,PMSG、FSH-P或 hMG 过量会产生有害作用。  相似文献   

使用促性腺激素对牛进行超数排卵处理时产生的不同效果,是超数排卵(简称超排)反应出现个体差异性的主要原因之一。文章就牛胚胎移植研究和生产应用中使用不同的促性腺激素及其使用方法的研究进行综述,以提供简化有效的使用激素超排的方法,为牛的超排和胚胎移植提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的卵巢在出生时含有20~40万个卵母细胞,但在动物生命过程中有99%的原始卵泡闭锁,只有1%发育成熟而排卵。为了获得大量卵子或胚胎,应用促性腺激素对雌性哺乳动物进行处理,促使其卵巢中有较多的卵泡发育并排卵,这种方法叫做超数排卵。超数排卵处理是在母畜发情周期的黄体期结束或人为终断黄体期时,利用外源促性腺激素对动物的下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴分泌活动以及卵巢本身产生刺激作用,增进卵巢的生理活性,激发多量卵泡在一个发情期中成熟并排卵的过程。  相似文献   

牛超数排卵的方法及影响其效果的因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用外源促性腺激素诱发母畜卵巢多个卵泡发育并排出多个具有受精能力的卵子的方法,称为超数排卵(Superovulation),简称“超排”。由于大多数家畜是单胎或双胎动物,单纯的胚胎移植技术对提高动物的繁殖率是很有限的,因此配合超排进行家畜胚胎移植是一种重要手段。1牛超排所用的激素和方法1.1牛超排使用的激素牛超排所用的激素主要有促卵泡素(FSH),孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG),前列腺素(PGF2α)及其类似物,促黄体素(LH),孕激素,促性腺素释放激素(GnRH),人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)等。1.2超排方法1.2.1FSH+PG法在发情周期的9~13天中的…  相似文献   

牛的繁殖生物技术,是指人有意识地控制、干预牛的自然繁殖过程,使其充分发挥繁殖潜能的一种方法。现代化养牛生产中应用最广泛的繁殖生物技术有超数排卵、胚胎操作、性别控制、牛双胎生产、核移植、体外受精、干细胞技术等。1超数排卵应用外源性促性腺激素对牛卵巢进行刺激,诱发卵巢上的多个卵泡发育并达到成熟,排出具有受  相似文献   

鲁西黄牛超数排卵的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 从1940年Casid等人对牛的超数排卵研究以来,已有40年的历史。但多数试验是对奶牛和肉牛品种的研究,对地方土种牛的研究很少。在国内外的文献中,未见对鲁西黄牛的超数排卵的研究报道。本试验用促卵泡素(FSH)、纯化促卵泡素(纯化FSH)、孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG),PMSG配合抗孕马血清促进激素血清(抗PMSG)血清,对鲁西黄牛进行超数排卵的试验研究。一、试验材料的选择1.试验药品的来源促卵泡素(FSH):武汉生化制药厂出品,批号:860501;纯化促卵泡素(纯化FSH):中国科学院动物所提供;孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG):长春生物制品所生产,批号863;抗孕马血清促性腺激素血清(抗PMSG血清):天津市实验动物中心研制,批号:8903。15—甲基前列腺素(15—甲基  相似文献   

<正> 重复超数排卵处理是家畜胚胎移植中提高供体母畜利用率的重要措施。据报道,使用同一种促性腺激素重复处理会引起兔(Manrer等,1968;Reel等,1976)、绵羊(Paulsson,1962)青年牛(Howe等,1962)和母牛(Turman等,1977;Turman和Wetteman,1978)等超数排卵反应的下降。认为这种现象是由于形成外源促性腺激素抗体所发生的抗药性所致(Willett等1953;Juinudeen等,1966;Onuma等,1969)。但也有些研究并未证实使用同一种促性腺激素重复处理牛(Dziuk等1958;Scanlon,1972)或羊(Gordon,1975)会造成其卵巢反应的下降。本试验的目的是观察在一定时期内,使用同一种促性腺激素(FSH与LH)进行重复超排处理,对母羊卵巢的排卵(排卵反应)以及受精后发情周期等的影响。  相似文献   

超数排卵在动物胚胎工程技术的体内胚生产中起关键作用,不同品种甚至个体对超数排卵的反应不同。人绝经期促性腺激素(HMG)是从绝经期妇女尿液中提纯得到的具有促卵泡素(FSH)活性的蛋白质激素,在医学上广泛应用于诱导排卵和治疗不育不孕症。本试验以安格斯青年母牛为超排供体,采用分次肌肉注射激素方法进行超排处理,比较了HMG与FSH用于安格斯母牛超数排卵的效果。B超检查发现,HMG和FSH超排处理后牛只两侧卵巢上直径>1cm的卵泡数分别为10.33±0.52和9.25±0.46个,二者差异不显著(P>0.05),表明HMG与FSH同样安全有效;总剂量1 400IU的HMG或FSH用于安格斯母牛超排后B超检查卵巢没有发现异常变化,说明该剂量是用于安格斯母牛超数排卵的安全有效剂量。  相似文献   

使用促性腺激素比如 PMSG(孕马血清促性腺激素)和 HCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)通常获得超数排卵,但反复使用又会造成排卵效应显著降低。作者已在研究由 LH-RH 类似物引起的超数排卵,LH-RH 被认为是引起 FSH(促卵泡成熟激素)释放的媒介。已证明在雌性哺乳动物里,大量 FSH 是随着 LH 高潮同时释放的,并在下次发情期的卵泡生长中起作用。已有报道,在排卵期间作为对于 LH-RH的反应,垂体释放大量 FSH。根据这些结果,  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have been reported regarding the reproductive physiology of female Thai native cattle. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the follicular dynamics and concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) during the estrous cycle in Thai native heifers (TNH) and to compare obtained results with those of European and Indian cattle breeds previously reported. For the detection of estrus, ovaries of all 20 heifers were examined twice daily (12 h intervals) by ultrasonography for three consecutive estrous cycles. From data of 60 estrous cycles (n = 60 estrous cycles from 20 heifers), it was found that 14 (70%) and 6 heifers (30%) had two (42 estrous cycles collected from 14 heifers) and three follicular waves (18 estrous cycles collected from 6 heifers), respectively. The days when estrus was detected, interovulatory intervals, life‐spans of corpus lutea (CL), and days for growing and regression of CLs were shorter in the two follicular waves than those in the three follicular waves (P < 0.05). In both two and thre follicular waves, larger maximum diameters and higher growth rates of the dominant follicle (DF) in an ovulatory wave were observed than those of the preceding waves without ovulation (P < 0.05). There was a progressive increase in follicular size and FSH and E2 production during follicular growth in each follicular wave. In addition, the FSH and E2 peak concentrations during the ovulatory wave were higher than those of the anovulation waves (P < 0.05). Moreover, although the ovarian follicular dynamic patterns in Thai native heifers were similar to those previously reported for European and Indian cattle breeds, the diameter of the largest preovulatory follicle (OF), subordinate follicles (SF) and CLs were smaller than those in European and Indian cattle breeds. In conclusion, when compared with European and some breeds of Indian cattle, the length of interovulatory intervals was shorter, and the sizes of dominant SF and CLs were smaller in Thai native heifers.  相似文献   

The application of real-time ultrasonography to monitoring ovarian function in mammals has advanced the understanding of follicular dynamics and its regulation. Follicular development is a wave-like sequence of organised events. The waves consist of the synchronous growth of small (4 to 5 mm) antral follicles, followed by the selection and growth of one dominant follicle which achieves the largest diameter and suppresses the growth of the subordinate follicles. In the absence of luteal regression, the dominant follicle eventually regresses (becomes atretic) and a new follicular wave begins. The dominant follicle regulates the growth of the subordinate follicles, because the appearance of the next wave is accelerated if the dominant follicle is ablated, and delayed if the lifespan of the dominant follicle is prolonged. During bovine oestrous cycles, two or three successive waves emerge, on average, on the day of ovulation (day 0) and day 10 for two-wave cycles, and on days 0, 9 and 16 for three-wave cycles. During the oestrous cycle there are thus two or three successive dominant follicles, and the last of these ovulates. Ovarian folliculogenesis is a complex process involving interactions between pituitary gonadotrophins, ovarian steroids and non-steroidal factors. Subtle changes in the hormonal milieu regulate folliculogenesis and the emergence of a follicular wave is preceded by a small increase in the concentration of plasma follicle-stimulating hormone. The mechanisms that promote the selection of a dominant follicle have not been elucidated, but considerable progress has been made in understanding follicular development and its regulation. Most treatments designed to control the development of follicular waves have been based on the physical or hormonal removal of the suppressive effect of the dominant follicle, and the consequent controlled induction of the emergence of a new follicular wave. The studies reviewed here describe current methods for regulating the bovine ovarian cycle, interesting models for future studies, and information that may be used for improving reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted into the effects on pituitary gonadotrophic hormones in ovariectomized rats of butorphanol, a synthetic morphine derivative which was claimed to be a potent analgesic with few side-effects, in comparison to effects of the naturally occurring alkaloid morphine. For this purpose, 3 groups of ovariectomized rats were used. Rats of the 1st group were injected butorphanol at 2 dose levels (1 or 2 mg/kg body weight [b.w.]. Those of the 2nd group were injected morphine sulphate (10 or 20 mg/kg b.w.). The 3rd group was injected saline and served as control. Blood samples were collected by orbital sinus punctures, just before treatment and 1 hour post injection. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulation hormone levels were determined in the sera of rats by radio-immuno-assay. The results revealed that morphine, at the 2 dose levels used, produced more than 90% decrease in serum LH concentration, whereas butorphanol produced more than 70% decrease in serum LH levels. Both morphine and butorphanol, at the 2 doses used, produced more than 76% decrease in serum follicle stimulating hormone concentration. It is concluded that butorphanol, the morphinic derivative, has a depressive effect on the synthesis and/or release of gonadotrophic hormones. This inhibitory effect, however, was nearly as potent as that produced by morphine sulphate.  相似文献   

The follicle and hormone aspects of diameter deviation and development of one dominant (≥28 mm) follicle (1DF) vs two dominant follicles (2DF) were studied in 32 ovulatory follicular waves in mares. Follicles were ranked each day as F1 (largest) to F3. The beginning of deviation was designated day 0 and preceded the first increase in the differences in diameter between F1 and F2 in the 1DF group and between a combination of F1 and F2 vs F3 in the 2DF group. One dominant follicle and 2DF developed in 21 (66%) and 11 (34%) waves, respectively. Double ovulations occurred in only one of the waves with 2DF. In 8/11 waves with 2DF, a second deviation occurred between F1 and F2 on 2.5 ± 0.4 days after the first deviation. On day 0, 1DF and 2DF waves were similar in number of days after ovulation, number of follicles, difference in diameter between F1 and F2, and plasma concentrations of LH, estradiol and immunoreactive inhibin. The interval from maximum FSH concentration to day 0 was longer (p < 0.05) and FSH concentration was lower (p < 0.05) on days -1 to 4 in the 2DF group. The similarities on day 0 in the characteristics of 1DF and 2DF waves despite the differences in the declining portions of the FSH profile indicated that a specific day of the FSH decline or a specific concentration were not factors in initiating deviation. Unlike reported results in heifers, the results in mares did not indicate a hormonal basis for the development of 2DF or two deviations.  相似文献   

试验系统探讨了猪卵母细胞的体外成熟和孤雌激活方法。结果表明:在成熟液中分别添加FSH(促卵泡素:0.1ng/mL)和hMG(人绝经期促性腺激素:0.01IU/mL)的卵母细胞成熟率差异显著,但2组间的分裂率和囊胚率差异不显著。在成熟液中添加0、10、30、50、70ng/mL或90ng/mL的EGF(表皮生长因子),50ng/mLEGF组的分裂率达到84.90%,囊胚率达到30.20%,显著高于其余各组。分别使用以TCM-199和NCSU-23为基础液的成熟液来成熟培养猪卵母细胞,NCSU-23组的分裂率,成熟率和囊胚率均高于TCM-199组。使用离子酶素激活方法和电激活方法进行对比,离子酶素激活后孤雌胚胎发育效果好,差异极显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Characteristics of Ovarian Follicle Development in Domestic Animals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In most domestic animals the later stages of follicle development occurs in a wave‐like pattern during oestrous cycles (cattle, sheep, goats, horses and buffalo) or periods of reproductive activity (llamas and camels). A follicle wave is the organized development of a cohort of gonadotrophin‐dependent follicles all of which initially increase in size, but most of which subsequently regress and die by atresia (subordinate follicles). The number of remaining (dominant) follicles is specific to the species and is indicative of litter size. Follicle waves develop during both luteal and follicular phases and it is the dominant follicle(s) of the last follicular wave that ovulates. However, there are cases where dominant follicles from the last two follicle waves can ovulate (sheep and goats). There are exceptions to the organized wave‐like pattern of follicle growth where follicle development is apparently continuous (pigs and chickens). In these animals many follicles develop to intermediate diameters and at specific times follicles that are destined to ovulate are selected from this pool and continue growing to ovulation. Understanding the pattern of follicle development in different species is increasingly important for designing improved methods to manipulate reproduction in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken from four large- and four small-frame steers each month for 12 mo to study the effect of size on plasma hormone concentrations in cattle from 5 to 17 mo of age. The rate of gain and daily feed intake were 45% (P less than .05) and 51% (P less than .001) greater for the large steers. The large-frame steers had higher mean concentrations of growth hormone (P less than .001), insulin (P less than .06), thyroxine (P less than .06) and cortisol (P less than .002). The concentration of growth hormone was highest in the young cattle (P less than .01) and gradually declined with increasing age. Insulin concentrations were lowest in the young cattle (P less than .01) and gradually increased with age. The results of this study suggested that there are differences in hormone concentrations that are related to size rather than being the result of differences in physiological maturity of different breeds of cattle.  相似文献   

During an oestrous cycle, a cohort of antral follicles develops into – depending on the species – one or more ovulatory follicles. The bovine oestrous cycle is characterized by two to three such cohorts or growth waves, only the last of which will result in an ovulation. In every growth wave, several antral follicles are recruited for development. Recruited follicles are subjected to a selection process, whereby ever decreasing levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) are available to the FSH dependent follicles. In the cow, a single follicle from the cohort will acquire dominance. The ability of the dominant follicle to prosper under basic FSH levels is ascribed to a transition in hormone dependency from FSH to luteinizing hormone. The exact follicle selection mechanism remains, however, to be elucidated. The beginning of this article focuses on the recruitment, selection and dominance phases in antral follicle development. Subsequently, the conditions leading to successful maturation and ovulation are discussed. The next section expounds upon the mechanisms for exogenous modulation of follicular dynamics with the aim of superovulation/superstimulation, and finally prospective future research directions are sketched.  相似文献   

Follicle Wave Growth in Cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian follicle growth in cattle culminates in the selection of a single dominant follicle which attains the ability for final maturation and ovulation once or twice during the luteal phase and at the end of the oestrous cycle, as well as during other reproductive states. This review will describe in detail the first follicle wave of the cycle leading to selection of the first wave dominant follicle, indicating the specific gonadotrophin dependencies of cohort and dominant follicles, and relating follicle fate to steroidogenesis. As a differential gonadotrophin response of growing antral follicles during the follies‐stimulating hormone (FSH) decline may determine which follicle becomes selected, first wave follicles are also characterized in relation to intrafollicular growth factors, which may modify the gonadotrophin response, such as inhibins and members of the insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) family. Subsequently, the follicular control of the transient FSH rise and decline so crucial to dominant follicle selection will be discussed. It is concluded that successful hormonal manipulation of follicle wave growth and dominant follicle selection will depend on our detailed understanding of the gonadotrophin requirements of differentiating wave follicles.  相似文献   

为了了解不同卵泡波类型水牛的生殖激素变化情况与卵泡波之间的关系,试验对已探明卵泡波类型的6头沼泽型水牛采集经同期发情处理后的血样,采用放射免疫测定法(RIA)测定其血清生殖激素浓度,分析比较不同卵泡波类型水牛的生殖激素变化情况。结果发现3个卵泡波青年水牛的促卵泡素(FSH)水平在发情周期第15 d后明显高于表现为2个卵泡波的青年水牛(P<0.05);黄体素(LH)水平则相反,在第15 d前,2波周期的青年水牛其黄体素(LH)水平明显高于3波周期的青年水牛。3波周期的青年水牛,其E2、P4水平要高于2波周期的青年水牛。血清促卵泡素(FSH)、黄体素(LH)、雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P4)水平在表现为不同卵泡波类型的水牛中并不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

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