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In the present work, gustatory glands (von Ebner's glands) of the horse tongue were examined by means of five peroxidase-conjugated lectins (PNA, DBA, SBA, UEA I, WGA), with and without prior sialidase digestion, in order to investigate the presence and distribution of carbohydrate residues in secretory cells and duct cells. The most intense staining of secretory cells was observed with PNA after pre-treatment with neuraminidase. This indicates that the terminal trisaccharide sequence sialic acid- (α2→3, 6) galactosyl (β1→3) N-acetylgalactosamine is the most frequent oligosaccharide chain present in glycoproteins secreted by horse gustatory glands. Secretory cells also contained oligosaccharides with terminal α-N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine, whereas fucose was found in only a few glandular cells. The apical cytoplasm of duct lining cells reacted with all the lectins except WGA.  相似文献   

Among primates, the two recognized species of chimpanzees (common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes; pygmy chimpanzee, Pan paniscus) are considered to be the most similar to humans. Importantly, in mammals, the food intake behaviour largely determines the tongue morphology, including the type, proportion and distribution of gustatory and non‐gustatory tongue papillae. The lingual papillae form during its development and mature in post‐natal life depending on the different feeding. In this study, we have used scanning electron microscopy to analyse the age‐related changes in the lingual papillae of foetal, newborn and adult P. troglodytes. Four main types of lingual papillae, denominated filiform, fungiform, foliate and vallate, and one subtype of filiform papillae called conical papillae, were found. The main age‐related changes observed in all kinds of papillae were a progressive keratinization and morphological complexity along the lifespan. During the foetal period, there was scarce keratinization, which progressively increases in young animals to adulthood. The number of filiform increased with ageing, and both filiform and fungiform papillae in adult tongues are divided into pseudopapillae. On the other hand, the vallate papillae vary from smooth simple surfaces in foetal tongues to irregular surfaces with grooves and pseudopapillae (microscopic papilla‐shaped formations within the papilla itself) in adults. These results describe for the first time the age‐related variations in the three‐dimensional aspect of lingual papillae of the chimpanzee tongue and provide new data to characterize more precisely these structures in the human closest specie.  相似文献   

This study was carried on the tongues of ten normal, healthy and adult fruit bats (Rousettus amplexicaudatus, also known as the nyap biasa bat) in Yogyakarta, Java Island, Indonesia. The tongue was protrusible, elongated and flat with a rounded apex, and its width and thickness increased gradually towards to lingual root. There were two main types of lingual papillae, mechanical (filiform) and gustatory (fungiform and circumvallate). The tongue was divided into three parts (apex, corpus and radix), and then, each part was subdivided into three regions (two lateral regions and a median region). There were six subtypes of the filiform papillae—three types on the anterior part (small, scale-like and giant), one type on the middle part (leaf-like papillae) and two types on the posterior part (rosette-shaped filiform and conical filiform papillae)—in addition to transitional papillae presented on the corpus and radix. Two types of gustatory papillae were represented by a small number of fungiform papillae that are scattered among the filiform papillae on the lingual apex and corpus, while three circumvallate papillae on the posterior part are arranged in a “V” shape pointing directly at the larynx.  相似文献   

The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a Felidae of wide geographical distribution and food flexibility; therefore, it is essential to understand the morphology of the species. Thus, we aimed to describe its lingual morphology in order to gain information regarding the anatomy of this carnivore's digestive system. The tongues ??were removed for ex situ macroscopic and morphometric analyses, as well as for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, of fragments of the different lingual regions. The tongue of L. pardalis had an elongated form that was subdivided into the apex, body and root, in which four papillary types were observed: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate and conical. It presented with a stratified, keratinized squamous epithelium, followed by loose and dense connective tissues, as well as a skeletal striated musculature that comprised most of the organ. In addition, in scanning electron microscopy the filiform papillae showed a complex with multiple layers of keratin with triangular shape projected caudally in oral cavity. The fungiform papillae were distributed among the filiform and showed a rounded shape with some gustatory pores, and are keratinized but in a lower intensity if compared with filiform. The vallate papillae, located in lingual root, showed an oval format, had a deep groove surrounded the papillae and some gustatory pores. The conical papillae are located in lingual root and are similar to the filiform. The tongue of L. pardalis resembles other carnivorous species, mainly among felids. However, it differed in relation to the quantity of vallate papillae and the absence of foliate papillae.  相似文献   

This study was made on 24 camel fetuses of crown‐rump vertebral length (CVRL) ranging from 10.5 cm to 105 cm CVRL (94–352 days old). These camel fetuses were classified into three groups representing the three trimesters of prenatal life. During the first trimester (94–142 days), lingual papillae (circumvallate and lentiform papillae) were demonstrated on the lingual root, but lingual body and the apex were almost free of papillae except for some scattered epithelial projections especially near the lateral borders of the body. In the second trimester (152–229 days), the lentiform papillae covered the entire root of the tongue except for areas occupied by the circumvallate papillae. Taste buds with clear pores were observed for the first time in areas between the circumvallate gustatory furrow and surface epithelium of the tongue. In addition, short numerous filiform papillae were observed on the rostral part of the lingual body and the lateral parts of the apex. Fungiform papillae, however, were demonstrated amidst the filiform papillae. In this trimester, taste buds were also seen on the top of the fungiform papillae. In the third trimester (256–352 days), all lingual papillae were clearly demonstrated on the dorsum of the root, body and apex of the tongue. Both types of gustatory papillae (circumvallate and fungiform) had well‐developed taste buds. Mechanical papillae (filiform and lentiform) were well developed. Lentiform papillae occupied most of the dorsal aspect of the Torus linguae; they were larger in size with semicircular apices. Filiform papillae, however, were numerous and demonstrated heavily on the lateral and rostral parts of the body as well as on the apex of the tongue.  相似文献   

Histology of the tongue, including apex, root and body, in four adult Caspian miniature horses was examined. Serial sections with 6 mum thickness were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome and studied under light microscope. The tongue was covered by stratified squamous epithelium. It was thick and keratinized bearing numerous lingual papillae on the dorsum, mostly filiform with a very fine keratinized thread projecting above the surface and bending backward. The fungiform papillae were sparsely scattered among the filiform papillae and covered with keratinized squamous epithelium. Few taste buds were detected on it. The two very large vallate papillae were detected on the dorsum, just rostral to the root, which were covered with stratified squamous epithelium with relatively high amounts of taste buds in the epithelium of the surrounding grooves. The foliate papillae were present near the palatoglossal arch and had a few taste buds. The epithelium covering the ventral surface of the tongue was thin and keratinized. The lingual muscle core consisted of transverse, longitudinal and perpendicular bundles of skeletal muscle fibres. Clusters of minor salivary glands were present between the muscle fibres and lamia propria. Most of the lingual glands were mucous and most of the gustatory ones were serous type. The mid-dorsal special structure of the tongue (dorsal lingual cartilage) contained sparse skeletal muscle fibres and was rich in white adipose tissue. Hyaline cartilage, routinely observed in this structure in the horses, was not detected in Caspian miniature horse.  相似文献   

The morphology of tongue in straw-coloured fruit bat from tropical forests was evaluated in relation to frugivorous diets and in comparison with other species that consumes other food types. Gross, stereomicroscopy, scanning electron microscope and histological methods were used. The tongue was relatively long with round tip, which closely fitted into oral cavity. Five types of mechanical papillae included crown-like and trifid filiform papillae. Also bulky, cone-shaped papillae and long conical papillae were identified. These mechanical types also showed variations in shape, size and number of processes of papillae. Transitional forms of these mechanical papillae were present. Fungiform papillae with taste pores were interposed amongst filiform types in apex and body; three ovoid-shaped vallate papillae were in triangular arrangement on root and displayed taste pores. Some bulky, cone-shaped papillae surrounded the vallate papillae. Histologically, mechanical filiform types showed highly keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and dense connective tissue core with secondary papillae. Taste buds appeared in fungiform and vallate papillae. Neutral and acidic secretions were identified in lingual glands of root. The presence of prominent filamentous processes of filiform papillae and conical papillae of the tongue in conjunction with gustatory papillae ensures adaptation to copious fruit diets. The gross morphometric and histometric parameters of the tongue did not differ remarkably from previous values obtained for some fruit bats with comparable weight. This investigation showed similarities with fruit bats such as large flying fox and Egyptian fruit bat and reflect common diet and feeding habits but varied from insectivorous and nectivorous bats.  相似文献   

The morphology of dorsal lingual papillae of the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) was studied by using light and scanning electron microscopy. Filiform and lenticular papillae were considered as mechanical papillae but fungiform and vallate papillae were considered as gustatory papillae. Filiform papillae were distributed mostly in the anterior two-thirds region of the tongue. Each filiform papilla consisted of one primary papilla and a few smaller secondary papillae. Lenticular papillae were distributed on the torus linguae. The larger papillae were arranged in two parallel lines medially whereas the smaller papillae were laterally located. Most of the fungiform papillae were found on the lateral margins of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. These papillae were small and round. Intra-epithelial taste buds were located on the dorsal surface of each papilla. The vallate papillae were arranged in two rows on each rim of the torus linguae. Each round- and flat-shaped vallate papilla was surrounded by a prominent gustatory groove and an annular pad. A few taste buds were observed in the lateral epithelium of the papillae. The keratinization of the covering stratified squamous epithelium of the mechanical lingual papillae was relatively thicker than those of the gustatory papillae. The lingual papillae of the Bactrian camel exhibited some different characteristics from other domestic ruminants. These morphological characteristics of the tongue of the Bactrian camel might have evolved to assist the camel in prehension and manipulating of the inorganic stiff plants that grow in its environment and therefore might relate to the feed and feeding habits of the animal.  相似文献   

The tongue of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) was studied macroscopically, light and electron microscopically. The tongue was slender, muscular and firmly fixed in the oral cavity; only the cranial tip was free and mobile. Numerous filiform papillae were distributed over the dorsal surface of the rostral tongue. Multiple raised, round fungiform-like papillae were distributed over most of the dorsum. Typical fungiform papillae were restricted to the lateral margins of the tongue. Foliate papillae, presenting as multi-fossulate openings, were noted on the caudolateral margins. Open pits were located on the dorsocaudal surface and lateral walls. Microscopic examination showed that most of the lingual dorsum was covered with a thick stratified squamous epithelium. Open pits led to well-developed mucous salivary glands. Glands within the foliate papillae were mostly mucous, although some seromucous glands were present. Taste buds were restricted to the epithelium of the foliate papillae. Throughout the tongue, striated muscle was abundant below the epithelium. Blood vessels, lymph channels and nerve fibres were freely distributed throughout the intermuscular stroma. Nerve fibres reacted positively with neurone specific enolase (NSE) antibody throughout the tongue, including nerve bundles, glands and taste buds. Clear to translucent vacuoles were found juxtaposed to nuclei in the stratum spinosum in the foliate papillae epithelium.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on the tongues of 12 adult normal healthy Egyptian fruit bats of both sexes. The tongue is protrusible, elongated flat with a rounded apex and its wide and thickness increase gradually toward the lingual root. There are four types of lingual papillae; two mechanical and two gustatory. The tongue divided into three parts (anterior, middle and posterior), each part subdivides into three regions; two lateral regions and median region, in addition to the lingual apex to the anterior region. The lingual papillae close to the median region of the tongue were posteriorly directed toward the pharynx, while theses present on the lateral regions of the tongue are directed medioposteriorly. There are sex subtypes of the filiform papillae; three on the anterior part (small, conical and giant), two on the middle part (cornflower and leaf-like papillae) while the posterior part contain rosette shape filiform papillae, in addition to transitional papillae and conical papillae. Two gustatory papillae represented by; small number of fungiform papillae which scattered among the filiform papillae on lingual apex and two lateral regions of the anterior and middle part of tongue, while the three circumvallate papillae on the posterior part were arranged in a triangle form.  相似文献   

The paper presents a comparison of the microscopic structure and morphometric traits of gustatory and mechanical lingual papillae in newborn and adult frugivorous Egyptian fruit bats ( Rousettus aegyptiacus ). All of the four types of lingual papillae found in adult animals were observed on the tongue surface in the newborn Egyptian fruit bats. After the birth, the gustatory papillae (fungiform and vallate papillae) were especially well-developed, as their structural characteristics, such as morphology of the epithelium and presence of the taste buds, indicate that they have reached almost complete functional traits. Mechanical papillae, particularly filiform papillae, in newborns are still fetal in character. Keratinization processes in the epithelium of these papillae are not advanced and specific structures, such as elongated processes, are missing. The morphometric analysis of the size of papillae and thickness of the mucosal epithelium showed that a complete development of keratinized structures in Egyptian fruit bats occurs at later stages of postnatal development.  相似文献   

The major salivary glands (parotid glands, monostomatic sublingual glands and submandibular glands) were obtained from hoary bamboo rats (Rhizomys purinosus) and fixed in Bouin's solution. Paraffin sections were subjected to a battery of staining methods including lectin staining for demonstration of complex carbohydrates. Among the three major salivary glands, unique histochemical features were observed in the submandibular gland. Different from most myomorpha species, submandibular glands of the hoary bamboo rats have two types of secretory cells in the secretory endpieces. One type of cells showed positive reactions with Alcian blue (AB)(pH2.5), periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and some lectins (peanuts agglutinin, Griffonia simplicifolia I. Machura pomifera agglutinin). The granular ducts, which exist in animals belonging to suborder myomorpha, were not observed in the submandibular glands of this animal.  相似文献   

Bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were examined for their ability to bind wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). This lectin labelled 43.8% +/- 11.95 of bovine PBL, whereas peanut agglutinin (PNA), a T cell marker, bound 59.4% +/- 8.67 cells, and surface immunoglobulin (SLG)-bearing cells constituted 24.15% +/- 8.47 of PBL. After panning fractionation of B (Slg+) and T (PNA+) lymphocytes. WGA labelled 89 to 97% of the enriched T cell population (80/87% PNA+; 2-4% Slg+) but only 6 to 8% of the enriched B cell population (85-91% Slg+; 5-7% PNA+).  相似文献   

The present work was carried out to describe morphological features of the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasantPhasianus colchicus, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The lingual apex was taper-shaped with a shallow median sulcus. A V-shaped papillary crest with 15–20 caudally directed conical papillae was located between the radix and corpus linguae. The second row of papillae consisting of three caudolaterally directed conical papillae was arranged caudal to the main papillary crest. The mons laryngealis was equipped caudally with a double-layer of large conical papillae as pharyngeal crest, and few small conical papillae were seen around the glottis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation showed that the apex linguae and corpus were covered with compact filiform papillae, while the radix linguae were free of papillae. Numerous openings of salivary gland can be seen on the radix linguae and mons laryngealis at higher magnification. On histological sections, all parts of the tongue and mons laryngealis were covered with a keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. The keratinised layer became thinner rostro-caudally. The simple alveolar salivary glands were distributed in the submucosa from the apex linguae to the radix linguae as well as the mons laryngealis. PAS staining revealed mucin-secreting activity of this glands. According to the findings, although the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasant is characteristics of a galliform bird, it has some features similar to passeriformes and falconiformes.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the study was to examine the morphology of the tongue and the histochemical features of the lingual salivary glands in this species.

2. The tongue was elongated, terminating in a rather sharp, dagger-like apex. On the surface of the tongue and situated between the body and root of the tongue, two rows of conical papillae, the sharp apices of which pointed towards the posterior part of the tongue, were observed. The keratinised epithelium lining the dorsal surface lacked typical gustatory papillae. However, it was observed that taste buds were present in the epithelium of the lingual body and root. The tongue was supported by a structure composed of hyaline cartilage, the paraglossum, which extended from the lingual root to the apex. Simple branched tubular glands, which were encapsulated by connective tissue, were embedded within the submucosa in the body (anterior salivary glands) and root (posterior salivary glands) of the tongue. It was observed that the secretion of the lingual glands contained neutral mucins, proteoglycans containing carboxylic acid, weak and strong sulphated groups, N-acetylated sialomucins, but lacked glycogen.

3. It was demonstrated that, the general morphological features, papillary distribution of the tongue and the histological structure of the mucosa epithelium and the supportive elements displayed similarity to those of other domestic avian species. It was also determined that, in view of the particular feeding types, in the partridge, the presence of the papillary crest was not correlated with diet.  相似文献   

Parotid glands from adult dogs were stained with a battery of seven horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins (PNA, UEA, LTA, DBA, SBA, WGA and ConA). In some cases (PNA and DBA) neuraminidase digestion was followed by lectin staining. Acinar cells contained conspicuous quantities of oligosaccharides with terminal sialic acid radicals. Galactosil-(13)N-acetylgalactosamine was the most abundant penultimate sugar linked toN-acetylneuraminic acid. Sialylated components having the terminal dimer sialic acid-N-acetylgalactosamine were found in the acinar cells. Secretory cells presented a heterogeneous distribution of glycoconjugates with terminal fucose and -N-acetylgalactosamine. Fucose,N-acetylglucosamine and -N-acetylgalactosamine were present on the apical cytoplasm and surface of the striated and interlobular duct cells. This glycosidic composition was unaffected by extensive selective breeding. The role of abundant amounts of sialic acid radicals in the oral mucosa was considered.Abbreviations HRP horseradish peroxidase - PBS phosphate-buffered saline see also Tables I and III  相似文献   

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