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水稻害虫管理专家系统(ESRICE)的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻害虫管理专家系统(ESRICE)系用知识工程语言NEW、编译BASIC和dBASEⅢ等构筑。系统共由13个子系统组成。各子系统可对不同代次的褐飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟的种群动态进行监测,并提供决策方案。系统耦联了外部数学模型以帮助用户回答咨询过程中系统提出的问题,或进一步确认是否需要化防及其用药时间。应用表明,该系统在水稻害虫管理上已达到专家水平。  相似文献   

基于模板匹配的多目标水稻灯诱害虫识别方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 水稻灯诱害虫的识别与计数在水稻田间害虫监测中是非常重要的。由于水稻害虫被黑光灯诱集后姿态各异,存在虫体残缺现象,增加了图像自动识别的难度。在获取水稻灯诱害虫非粘连图像基础上,利用模板匹配和K折交叉验证方法进行多目标水稻灯诱害虫的识别。首先,提取每个水稻害虫图像中包括颜色、形态和纹理共156个特征参数;然后,利用主成分分析法进行数据降维,选取前6个主成分作为害虫特征参数;最后,根据每种灯诱害虫的姿态确定模板数,通过模糊C均值获得聚类中心作为模板参数,分别利用单模板和多模板匹配方法进行水稻害虫的识别。结果表明,针对姿态各异且有虫体残缺的多目标水稻灯诱害虫,多模板和单模板匹配法的识别率分别为83.1%和59.9%。  相似文献   

基于INTERNET的水稻基因数据库信息系统   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
水稻基因数据库系统是在建的国家作物科学数据共享中心的一个重要模块,也是国家水稻数据中心的一个重要子系统。功能上,该子系统提供了有关水稻基因各方面的数据信息,包括基因序列、基因产物、基因功能、参考文献等;系统设计上,基于ASP.NET的程序骨架使得系统在网络上运行时更快捷、更安全、更易维护。用户可通过因特网(http://gene.ricedata.cn/)对数据库进行检索操作。  相似文献   

基于图像的水稻灯诱害虫自动识别技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用灯光诱杀稻田害虫,并识别与计数这些害虫是水稻害虫的一种常规但非常重要的测报方法。在灯光诱杀的昆虫中,大多数昆虫是不需要测报的,因此,在人工识别灯诱测报害虫时,需要排除这些昆虫。这种人工识别与计数害虫的方法效率低、任务重、识别准确率差。我们提出了一种基于图像的水稻灯诱害虫自动识别方法。首先,根据测报害虫的形态特征对水稻灯诱昆虫图像进行初步分组,每组昆虫图像中包含一种测报害虫的背面图像、腹面图像和与其形态相似的非测报害虫图像,共3类;然后,提取组内每一张水稻昆虫图像的颜色、形态和纹理共31个特征参数;最后,利用带后验概率的SVM分类器对每组的3类昆虫图谱进行训练和测试,输出时同一种测报害虫的背面和腹面图像被视为同一种害虫。结果表明,3种较大个体的水稻灯诱测报害虫的平均识别准确率为97.4%。  相似文献   

稻田养鸭可以除草防虫,增加土壤肥力,提高水稻产量。从稻鸭品种的选用、水稻育秧及孵鸭时间要求、稻田围网及鸭笼摆放、水稻插秧及鸭雏放养、水层管理、适时添饲育肥、做好害虫的无公害治理、收鸭及后期管理、水稻收获等方面总结了萝北县稻鸭米生产模式,并提出了生产中的注意事项。  相似文献   

图像特征和样本量对水稻害虫识别结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】在传统的模式识别分类中,从大量的干扰物体中识别出目标物体,图像特征参数的选择和不同训练样本数量的比例对目标物体的识别结果有着较大的影响。研究的目的在于明晰不同的图像特征和样本量对水稻灯诱害虫识别结果的影响。【方法】根据5种目标害虫体型大小,将水稻灯诱昆虫分成大型昆虫和小型昆虫。研究水稻昆虫图像的全局特征、局部特征和不同特征融合对水稻目标害虫识别结果的影响;研究基于小样本条件,选择不同训练样本比例对水稻目标害虫识别结果的影响。【结果】当非目标昆虫样本量约为目标害虫样本量的4倍时,基于全局特征和HOG特征融合训练得到的支持向量机分类器识别水稻3种大型害虫,可获得91.4%的识别率和8.6%的误检率;当非目标昆虫样本量约为目标害虫样本量的2倍左右时,基于全局特征的支持向量机分类器识别水稻2种小型害虫,可获得94.9%的识别率和4.9%的误检率。【结论】针对小样本数据,从大量非目标中识别出目标物体,选择合适的特征和设置合理的训练样本比例可获得较好的目标识别结果。  相似文献   

分析了南疆稻区水稻直播由于受气候、土地质量、种子、肥料、水层管理、害虫等因素影响致使出苗率较低,同时提出了采取精细整地、选育良种、适期早播、加强肥水管理、防治病虫草害等技术措施提高出苗率。  相似文献   

稻田深施呋喃丹防治水稻害虫试验杨玉桂,黄茂进(福建龙海市植保植检站363100)三化螟、稻飞虱、蓟马、黑尾叶蝉是水稻上的主要害虫,能造成水稻枯心、白德并传播病毒病,给水稻生产造成一定的为害,尤其是三化螟和稻飞虱,随着水稻高产栽培的不断发展,发生为客逐...  相似文献   

水稻从秧苗到抽穗成熟,随时都会受害虫的侵害。随着水稻品种的改进、栽培水平的提高和产量的增加,病虫灾害彼消此长,有的甚至愈演愈烈。人们在与害虫的斗争过程中,最终需要综合多种治理措施,维护生态平衡,稻谷才能获得丰收。  相似文献   

转Bt基因水稻的生态安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代生物技术的发展为利用外源基因培育优良水稻品种提供了新的途径,目前国内外已培育出多个高抗害虫的转基因水稻,转Bt基因水稻就是其中之一。但是,人们对转Bt基因抗虫水稻潜在的风险尚存在疑问,这是目前转Bt基因水稻未能进一步获准商品化生产的一个重要原因。本文简要综述了近年来国内外转Bt基因水稻研究现状与安全性评价的最新进展,主要涉及环境生态安全性、对非靶标生物的影响及昆虫对Bt杀虫蛋白的抗性问题和管理对策,并对将来的工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

基于模型和GIS的水稻生产管理决策支持系统构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现水稻生产过程的精确化管理,以水稻精确管理知识模型为管理决策的智能依托,以GIS为空间数据管理平台,应用系统工程思想和软构件技术,设计实现了基于模型和GIS的水稻生产管理决策支持系统。该系统具有基本地图操作、信息管理、栽培方案设计、肥水运筹、病虫草害管理、适宜生长指标设计、因苗实时调控、专家咨询以及系统帮助等功能。系统在江苏和浙江部分水稻生产区的应用结果表明,精确管理田块平均产量达10464.8kg/hm2,较常规管理田块增产12·53%,减少氮肥投入31.5kg/hm2。系统的建立为水稻生产全过程变量管理处方的生成提供了模型化和系统化的决策工具,也为其他作物管理决策支持系统的构建提供了基础框架。  相似文献   

A survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of 100 rice farmers and 50 coconut farmers was conducted in the coastal lowland agro-ecosystems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Luzon, Philippines to identify current rodent management practices and to understand the extent of rat damage and the attitudes of farmers to community actions for rodent management. Pests were most commonly listed as one of the three most important rice and coconut production constraints. Other major crop production constraints were typhoons and insufficient water. Farmers consider rats to be the major pest of coconut and of rice during the wet season rice crop, with average yield losses of 3.0% and 13.2%, respectively. Rice and coconut farmers practised a wide range of rodent management techniques. These included scrub clearance, hunting and trapping. Of the 42 rice farmers and 3 coconut farmers that applied rodenticides to control rodents, all used the acute rodenticide, zinc phosphide. However, only ten rice farmers (23.8%) applied rodenticides prior to the booting stage and only seven farmers (15.6%) conducted pre-baiting before applying zinc phosphide. The majority of farmers belonged to farmer organisations and believed that rat control can only be done by farmers working together. However, during the last cropping season, less than a third of rice farmers (31.2%) applied rodent management as a group. In order to reduce the impact of rodents on the farmers of the coastal lowlands of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, integrated management strategies need to be developed that specifically target the pest rodents in a sustainable manner, and community actions for rodent management should be promoted.  相似文献   

Within any geographic area where pest management is to be improved or adapted to agricultural changes, there is a need for characterization to define constraints to crop production. The objective of this study was to assess pest injuries (diseases, insects and weeds) in farmers' fields in the japonica rice zone of Yunnan, China, explore characteristics of rice injury profiles, analyse the relationships between injury profiles and yield levels, and estimate yield losses caused by individual injuries. Seven pest injury profiles (abbreviated as IN) were determined using cluster analysis; IN1, IN2 and IN3 were lower injury levels of pest combinations in seven profiles, while IN5, IN6 and IN7 were higher injury levels. Correspondence analysis based on patterns of injury profiles yielded a path of increasing yield levels associated with varying combinations of injuries. The use of principal component analysis with multiple regression generated estimates of yield reductions due to rice diseases, insects and weeds. The analysis indicated that injuries caused by weeds that are taller than the rice canopy, white heads, leaf folder, bacterial leaf blight, army worms, leaf blast and plant hoppers should be considered as potentially most damaging in this region. Results of this study will provide some foundations for developing pest management strategies and improving rice production at the regional scale.  相似文献   

Field studies throughout the year focused on the life history of the small rice stink bug, Oebalus poecilus, in southern Brazil. In addition, laboratory experiments examined the bug's life cycle and photoperiodic responses. Adults remain dormant during most of the year. Although activity is restricted to the period between November and March, four generations can develop in each rice-growing season, and populations can reach economically harmful levels. Late-planted rice, however, escapes attack because diapause is induced during early March. The results indicate that delaying and restricting the time of rice planting can be an effective pest management tactic in Rio Grande do Sul, because it results in asynchrony between the pest and the crop.  相似文献   

The Nilwala Ganga Basin of Sri Lanka includes important natural wetlands that are habitat for vulnerable animal and plant species. Flood protection and intensive rice production in the Basin have resulted in degraded acid soils and declining rice yields. However, traditional ‘maavee’ rice production outside the flood protection scheme has continued to generate a high-value rice product. This study reports on interviews conducted with farmers and other stakeholders to document the production practices and the potential environmental and economic benefits associated with maavee rice paddies. The maavee production system has prevailed for at least several decades. Farmers apply no chemicals to their paddies, relying instead on alluvial deposits as a source of nutrients, and on the natural pest and disease resistance of their traditional varieties. The maavee rice product can attain three times the selling price of rice from conventional farms making it more economically viable than conventional rice production. However, much of maavee production is for home consumption and the system is threatened by increasing labour costs, an ageing farming population and pressures to increase rice yields. Non-invasive production practices and the proximity of maavee paddies to regenerating wetlands in the Kirala Kele Sanctuary suggest that traditional paddies may constitute an important habitat for vulnerable wildlife; however, maavee farmers also perceive wetland birds as potentially damaging to rice. Based on a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, we make recommendations for future research needs and potential management actions to safeguard the environmental and economic sustainability of the maavee system.  相似文献   

Selecting appropriate strategies for pest control has become an issue of major concern, but research on decision making regarding this issue is limited. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach for selecting strategies for the management of rice stem borer [Chilo suppressalis (Walker)] in paddy fields of Sari county of Mazandaran province in Iran was developed. Agricultural faculty members, experts of a local plant protection unit, local extension agents, and elite farmers in the study area participated in the project to determine the suitability of four common pest control methods (i.e., chemical control, cultural control, biological control, pheromone trapping) for rice stem borer management, based on 10 main criteria and 32 sub-criteria identified through pertinent literature and focus group discussions. All the examined alternatives of pest control were preferred to some extent for rice stem borer management. Control effectiveness, relative advantages, social usefulness, and technical support were the most important criteria for assessing strategies for rice stem borer management, followed by observability, ease of use, trialability, farmer's self-efficacy, compatibility, and farm characteristics. Overall, chemical control ranked first, being superior to the other three methods with respect to six main criteria of the model (relative advantages, trialability, observability, farmer's self-efficacy, farm characteristics, and control effectiveness). Biological control ranked second at the overall level, being superior to cultural control and pheromone trapping in the three remaining main criteria (i.e., technical support, compatibility, and social usefulness). Pheromone trapping ranked first only with respect to ease of use criteria. The proposed model constitutes a flexible tool for decision making in pest control with high applicability among policy makers in the government and local agricultural office and extension agents; it could greatly assist extension programs to effectively select strategies for rice stem borer management or similar pest problems in various agricultural sites.  相似文献   

Yield constraints of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low and unstable yields of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java can be attributed to drought, nutrient stress, pest infestation or a combination of these factors. Field experiments were conducted in six crop seasons from 1997 to 2000 at Jakenan Experiment Station to quantify the yield loss due to these factors. Experimental treatments—two water supply levels (well-watered, rainfed) in the main plots and five fertilizer levels (0-22-90, 120-0-90, 120-22-0, 120-22-90, 144-27-108 kg NPK ha−1) in the subplots—were laid out in a split-plot design with four replications. Crop, soil, and water parameters were recorded and pest infestations were assessed.

In all seasons, rice yield was significantly influenced by fertilizer treatments. Average yield reduction due to N omission was 42%, to K omission 33–36%, and to P omission 3–4%. Water by nutrient interactions did not affect rice yield and biomass production. In two of the three dry seasons, an average of 20% of the panicles were damaged by pests and estimated yield loss from pests was 56–59% in well-watered and well-fertilized treatments. In one out of six seasons, yields under rainfed conditions were 20–23% lower than under well-watered conditions. Drought, N and K deficiencies, and pest infestation are the major determinants for high yields in rainfed environments in Jakenan. Supplying adequate nutrient and good pest control are at least as important as drought management for increasing crop productivity of rainfed rice-growing areas in Central Java. The relative importance of drought, nutrient and pest management may vary in other rainfed areas. Yield constraints analysis should be systematically carried out to identify appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

Chemical pesticides play crucial roles in the management of crop diseases and pests. However, excessive and irrational use of pesticides has become a major concern and obstacle to sustainable agriculture. As a result, the quality and security of agricultural products are reduced, and the ecological and environmental integrities are threatened. Recently, environment-friendly pest management measures have been introduced and adopted to manage rice insect pests and reduce the use of insecticides. This paper reviewed the advancements in development and application of non-chemical technologies for insect pest management during rice production in China.  相似文献   

通过品种选用、播植期确定、选地、整地、育秧、移植、水肥管理、病虫防治等方面集成海南早、晚稻高产栽培技术.  相似文献   

龚向胜  黄璜 《作物研究》2019,(5):497-499
稻鳖鱼虾鳅生态种养关键在于选择优质水稻品种及优质水生动物品种.从水稻种植、稻田管理、水生动物养殖、病虫害防治等方面介绍了稻鳖鱼虾鳅生态种养技术.  相似文献   

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