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The objective of this work was to analyse the porcine Fatty acid binding protein 2, intestinal ( FABP2 ) gene as a candidate gene for a fatty acid composition quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously described on porcine chromosome 8 in an Iberian by Landrace F2 cross (IBMAP). Re-sequencing of the porcine FABP2 gene in three Iberian and eight Landrace parental animals resulted in the identification of three single-nucleotide polymorphisms, all of them localized in intron 1. The polymorphism FABP2 :g.412T>C, localized in intron 1, and two additional microsatellites were genotyped in the IBMAP population in order to perform an association test of the FABP2 gene and to better define the QTL position previously described. Association analyses of the FABP2 :g.412T>C with the fatty acid composition traits were not significant in simple association and marker-assisted association tests, suggesting that the FABP2 region sequenced is not responsible for the QTL. However, the addition of three new markers to the pedigree allowed us to define the S0144–SW61 marker interval as the most likely QTL position, facilitating the future study of other candidate genes for this QTL.  相似文献   

根据GenBank中猪Mx1基因序列设计并合成引物,对Mx1基因ORF区全长1 992个碱基进行扩增。将扩增片段与pVax1载体连接,构建pVa-Mx1-ORF真核表达载体。将构建的表达载体导入BHK-21和HEK-293细胞进行表达,用RT-PCR和间接免疫荧光对表达产物进行鉴定。结果表明,所构建的pVa-Mx1-ORF表达载体在BHK-21和HEK-293细胞中成功表达。  相似文献   

为了检测陆川猪种群的纯度,本研究以4个华南地方猪种(莆田黑猪、粤东黑猪、大花白猪、巴马香猪)和3个外来猪种(杜洛克猪、大白猪、长白猪)作为对照,利用PCR测序法对陆川猪群体56个样本的MC1R和KIT基因进行基因型鉴定。测序结果表明,大白猪和长白猪KIT基因内含子17的第1个碱基发生G>A剪接突变,而陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种,以及杜洛克猪中KIT基因型一样,均为野生型的GG基因型;MC1R基因编码区分析表明,以海南野猪MC1R基因型作为参考序列,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种在MC1R基因编码区存在95Val > Met和102Leu > Pro两个错义突变;MC1R基因非编码区分析表明,与大白猪、长白猪和杜洛克猪相比,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种MC1R基因的5'UTR分别存在5~6个SNPs,3'UTR存在1个A碱基的缺失。另外,试验对一窝毛色异常的陆川猪仔猪及其亲本的KIT和MC1R基因进行测序分析,结果表明,仔猪及其亲本的KIT基因型均为GG野生型,仔猪和母本的MC1R基因均存在ED1和Ep两种不同的基因型,父本的MC1R基因型为ED1,因Ep对应于皮特兰猪的斑块表型,所以初步判定母本渗入了外来猪种的血统。本研究通过检测陆川猪等8个猪种的毛色相关基因KIT和MC1R基因的基因型,证实了中外猪种间在毛色遗传上的分子差异,为今后深入研究猪毛色遗传的分子调控机理提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to assess the purity of Luchuan pig populations, four South Chinese local pig breeds including Putian Black pig, Yuedong Black pig, Dahuabai pig, Bama miniature pig and three foreign pig breeds including Duroc pig, Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig were studied as controls by sequencing of PCR products, MC1R and KIT genotypes in 56 Luchuan pigs were analyzed in this study. Sequencing results indicated that a splicing mutation (G>A) was presented in the first base in intron 17 of KIT gene in both Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig, in contrast, the wildtype GG of KIT gene was presented in Luchuan pig, four south Chinese local pig breeds and Duroc pig.Compared with Hainan wild boar, South Chinese local pig breeds had two missense mutations 95Val > Met and 102Leu > Pro in the coding region of MC1R gene;Compared with Yorkshire pig, Landrace pig and Duroc pig, South Chinese local pig breeds had 5 to 6 SNPs in MC1R gene 5'UTR, and in addtion, an A base deletion in MC1R gene 3'UTR. Furthermore, we found one litter of Luchuan pig with abnormal coat color.The results showed that the presentation of two distinct MC1R genotypes ED1 and Ep in both litters and the sow,but only ED1 in the boar. Considering Ep was derived from Pietrain pig, we preliminarily considered that the genome of the sow might be infiltrated with foreign pig breeds. In summary, we detected the genotypes of the coat color genes KIT and MC1R in eight pig breeds, confirmed the molecular differences of coat color between Chinese local pig breeds and foreign pig breeds, which could be useful for the further investigation of the molecular mechanism of pig coat color.  相似文献   

脂肪性状是肉质的一项重要指标,文中综述了影响猪脂肪性状的几个候选基因,即脂肪细胞定向和分化因子1(ADD1)基因、脂联素(AMP)基因、二酰基甘油酰基转移酶1(DGAT1)基因、脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABP)基因、脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)基因、肥胖(Ob)基因、解偶联蛋白3(UCP3)基因等的研究进展,以期为改善猪脂肪性状提供参考。  相似文献   

本研究旨在获得妊娠中期猪羊水来源千细胞,并通过用EGFP对干细胞进行标记,为以EGFP作为示踪标记对干细胞进行体内移植研究奠定基础.利用羊水来源干细胞培养技术体系,从胎龄60 d猪胎儿羊水中分离获得干细胞,通过脂质体介导转染将EGFP基因导入干细胞,诱导转基因干细胞向肌细胞和神经细胞分化,观察其分化特点.采用RT-PCR技术检测干细胞和分化细胞表面标志或相关基因.结果成功分离培养出妊娠中期猪羊水来源干细胞,并获得转EGFP基因干细胞.干细胞在表达EGFP的同时仍具有分化潜能.干细胞中Oct4、CD-90和Sox2表达阳性;体外诱导的干细胞能分化为肌细胞(表达myf-6和myoD)、星形胶质细胞(表达GFAP)、少突胶质细胞(表达GalC)和神经元细胞(表达NF、NSE和MAP2).研究表明,从妊娠中期猪胎儿羊水中分离干细胞具有可行性和有效性,转EGFP基因干细胞具有自我更新、增殖和分化潜能,可以用EGFP对羊水来源干细胞进行标记、追踪,为EGFP作为示踪标记对干细胞用于体内移植研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Body weight gain after weaning is correlated with villous height and disaccharidase activity. This evidence suggests that the maintenance of the small intestinal structure and function after weaning is important for the growth of piglets. We demonstrated that the influence of weaning age was obtained by disaccharidase activities and villous height in eight sections of the porcine small intestine. Therefore, we designed three weaning ages (weaned at the ages of 14, 21 or 28 days) and the piglets were slaughtered after 7 or 14 days post‐weaning. The remaining suckling piglets were slaughtered at the age of 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Four piglets were slaughtered at each event; therefore, 44 piglets were used in this study. Villous height and disaccharidase activities were measured in each section of the small intestine. Early weaning such as that at 14 days had severe influence on villous and disaccharidase activities. In particular, weaning of 14‐day‐olds did not result in maltase activity at least 2 weeks post‐weaning. Accordingly, the weaning age of crossbred piglets is recommended to be at least 21 days or more on the basis of villous height and disaccharidase activity analyses.  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR方法扩增出猪日本乙型脑炎病毒(JEV)的NS1基因,通过Sal Ⅰ+EcoR Ⅰ双酶切后把该基因插入到经过同样双酶切的穿梭质粒pDC315中.重组穿梭载体经过双酶切和PCR鉴定后进行测序,序列测定正确.将获得的重组穿梭质粒与腺病毒骨架质粒共转染293细胞后获得重组腺病毒.PCR鉴定及间接ELISA检测的结果证明所构建的重组腺病毒成功地表达了JEV的NS1.  相似文献   

根据人和小鼠TLR2基因序列设计了特异性PCR引物,优化PCR条件后扩增到中国梅山猪、欧洲约克夏猪、PIC-2系及PIC-3系商品猪的TLR2基因690 bp的基因片段,并对其进行序列分析。序列分析结果显示,猪TLR2基因多态性程度低,发现在猪TLR2基因编码区第1 255位点上存在1个单碱基突变位点。利用双向特定等位基因PCR扩增法(B i-PASA)建立了检测猪TLR2基因变异的遗传标记。利用猪TLR2基因的B i-PASA标记,分析了TLR2基因在大河乌猪、撒坝猪和黔邵花猪中的基因频率和多态性。研究建立的B i-PASA遗传标记和基因变异信息,将为进一步分析猪TLR2基因变异与疾病抵抗力及经济性状的相关分析提供基础资料。  相似文献   

NREP (neuronal regeneration related protein homolog) plays a role in the transformation of neural, muscle, and fibroblast cells and in smooth muscle myogenesis. The NREP gene was selected for detailed study as an expressional and functional candidate gene on the basis of data from the expression microarray, which detected the differences in gene expression between Czech Large White pigs and wild boars in the longissimus lumborum et thoracis and biceps femoris muscle tissues. Quantitative real-time PCR results confirmed that porcine NREP was expressed in both skeletal muscles and significantly overexpressed in Czech Large White pigs compared with wild boars (14.5- and 11.6-fold; p < .05). We identified 9 polymorphic sites in the genomic DNA of NREP. Six of these polymorphisms were in complete linkage disequilibrium, and therefore, only 4 loci were informative. The associations of the HF571253:g.103G>A, HF571253:g.134G>A, HF571253:g.179T>C and HF571253:g.402_409delT polymorphisms with backfat thickness, lean meat content and average daily gain were assessed in Czech Large White pigs. The GG genotypes HF571253:g.103G>A and HF571253:g.134G>A, the TT genotypes HF571253:g.179T>C and 67 HF571253:g.402_409delT genotypes had favourable effects on the studied traits. Our results indicate the possibility of utilizing the variability of the NREP gene in marker-assisted selection in order to improve meat production in pigs.  相似文献   

Wilms’ tumour 1 gene (WT1) is essential for the development of mammalian urogenital system. However, the expression pattern of WT1 in the development of porcine urogenital organs is still unclear. Here, we examined the expression of WT1 mRNA and protein in porcine kidneys, ovaries and testes from embryonic days 35 and 60 (E35d, E60d, n = 3) to the newborn (0d, n = 4) and adult (210d, n = 3) stages, using real‐time PCR and immunofluorescent staining. Real‐time PCR analysis showed that porcine kidneys, ovaries and testes all expressed high level of WT1 mRNAs, especially in adult testes (p < 0.05 or 0.01 vs. kidney and ovary, respectively). Morphologically, characteristic microstructures of the kidneys, ovaries and testes were observed and discerned at all four stages. Immunofluorescently, WT1 expression was detected in a dynamic and context‐specific pattern during the development of these organs. Taken together, porcine urogenital organs express relatively high levels of WT1 mRNA. Dynamical and context‐specific expression profile of WT1 in these organs occurs during their development, implying its close association with the development and function of porcine kidney, ovary and testis.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of taste receptor type 1 subunit 2 (T1R2) and taste receptor type 1 subunit 3 (T1R3) in the hormonal and reproductive system is still elusive. A low or a high dose of sweetness equivalent to that sodium saccharin (SS, 1.5 or 7.5 mM) and rebaudioside A (RA, 0.5 or 2.5 mM) was administered to young female guinea pigs for 28 consecutive days from the age of 28 days. Our results indicated that the sweet taste receptor subunit T1R2 was markedly expressed in the ovary and uterus of guinea pigs, whereas the T1R3 protein was expressed at a lower level. We elucidated that low‐dose (1.5 mM) SS increased body and ovary weight associated with elevated ovarian expression of T1R2 in guinea pigs, unlike the high‐dose (7.5 mM) SS, which suppressed the ovarian expression of T1R2 and resulted in certain adverse effects on ovarian and uterine morphology. Furthermore, high‐dose (2.5 mM) RA increased the number of corpus luteum and elevated uterine expression of T1R2, whereas low‐dose (0.5 mM) RA induced increased secretion of serum progesterone. Therefore, our findings suggest that we should pay more attention to the potential adverse effects, including increases in ovary weight, morphology changes, and increased progesterone that result from the dose‐dependent regulation of T1R2 by non‐nutritive sweeteners (NNS) in the ovaries and uteri of peripubertal females.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of granulosa cells affects follicular atresia and reproduction and is regulated by miRNAs and the expression of certain genes. For the present study, we investigated the regulatory relationship between microRNA‐222 (miR‐222) and THBS1 in porcine follicular granulosa cells (pGCs) and its effects on apoptosis to provide empirical data for developing methods to improve pig fecundity. Results revealed that miR‐222 promotes the proliferation of pGCs. MiRNA mimics and luciferase reporter assays revealed that miR‐222 functions as an anti‐apoptotic factor in pGCs. MiR‐222 mimics in pGCs result in the upregulation of the anti‐apoptotic BCL‐2 gene, down‐regulation of the proapoptotic caspase‐3 gene, and inhibition of apoptosis. MiR‐222 inhibitors reduced BCL‐2 and had no significant effect on caspase‐3. MiR‐222 mimics promoted estrogen levels. Inhibition of THBS1 inhibited pGC apoptosis. Transfection of THBS1‐siRNA reduced the proapoptotic BAX gene. MiR‐222 can directly target the 3′‐untranslated region of the THBS1 gene. MiR‐222 mimics suppressed THBS1 mRNA and proteins, but these were upregulated by the miR‐222 inhibitor. Transfection of THBS1‐siRNA resulted in the inhibition of the miR‐222 inhibitor, which suggests that miR‐222 inhibits pGC apoptosis by targeting THBS1. These findings suggest that miR‐222 and THBS1 play important roles in follicular atresia, ovarian development, and female reproduction.  相似文献   

为了探索多胎候选基因BMPR-IB与蒙古羊双羔群体繁殖性状之间的关系,试验采用聚合酶链式反应-限制性片段长度多态性分子标记技术(PCR-RFLP),以蒙古羊单羔群体(18只)、多胎类型小尾寒羊(30只)为对照组对蒙古羊双羔群体(50只)进行了BMPR-IB基因的遗传多态性分析。结果表明:蒙古羊双羔群体和蒙古羊单羔群体中都不存在BMPR-IB基因的FecB(A746G)突变,说明BMPR-IB基因不是影响蒙古羊双羔性状的主效基因;而在多胎品种小尾寒羊中检测到了相应的突变,发现了3种基因型,其突变纯合子(BB)、杂合子(B+)和野生型(++)的基因型频率分别是0.100,0.733,0.167,将其与产羔数进行关联分析,结果BB基因型母羊和B+基因型母羊平均产羔数差异极显著(P0.01);经x2适合性检验,小尾寒羊该基因位点显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P0.05),由此推断BMPR-IB基因是控制小尾寒羊多胎性能的主效基因。  相似文献   

为了调查兰尼定1型受体(RYR1)基因和黑素皮质素受体4(MC4R)基因[其目前公认的数量性状基因座(QTN)]在新组建的民猪群体内的分布情况,试验采用PCR-RFLP的方法,对黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所收集整理的23头民猪的RYR1基因和MC4R基因进行检测,并与其他已报道的猪种进行比较。结果表明:RYR1基因的N等位基因频率为86.96%,n等位基因频率为13.04%;MC4R的A等位基因频率为76.19%,G等位基因频率为23.81%,与其他猪种相比,n等位基因频率偏高。  相似文献   

T1R1和T1R3在从江香猪附睾发育中的表达模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究味觉受体第一家族亚型1(T1R1)和3(T1R3)在从江香猪附睾发育过程中的表达模式,探讨味觉受体在哺乳动物雄性生殖机能中可能发挥的作用及潜在医学价值,本试验以从江香猪附睾组织为研究对象,分析附睾发育4个关键时期:初情前(15 d)、初情时(30 d)、初情后(60 d)和性成熟期(180 d)T1R1与T1R3的差异表达。采用实时荧光定量PCR、免疫组织化学(IHC)和Western blot检测两个味觉受体在不同日龄从江香猪附睾组织中转录、翻译水平的变化及其分布情况。RT-qPCR结果表明:TAS1R1与TAS1R3 mRNA在从江香猪附睾初情前(15 d)至性成熟期(180 d)表达量逐渐增加,且任意两个时期间差异极显著(P<0.01)。Western blot结果显示,T1R1/T1R3蛋白在180 d表达量最高,在15 d表达量最低,两者之间差异显著(P<0.05),平均表达丰度依次为180 d > 30 d > 60 d > 15 d。IHC结果显示,T1R1和T1R3蛋白在各日龄组从江香猪附睾组织均有分布,其中T1R1蛋白主要在上皮细胞膜上,尤其是基细胞和窄细胞;而T1R3蛋白主要在微绒毛、环状空泡和精子呈强阳性表达。综上,本研究发现不同日龄从江香猪附睾的T1R1/T1R3表达从15 d逐渐增加,至性成熟达到峰值,这一表达变化与附睾上皮基细胞和窄细胞及微绒毛的T1R1/T1R3的差异表达有关,这些特殊的表达模式与附睾生理功能存在时间关联,故推测T1R1和T1R3参与附睾内精子成熟和储存的调节过程。  相似文献   

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