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A single intraperitoneal dose (25 mg/kg) of gossypol given to male Sprague-Dawley rats caused marked changes in the activity of the hepatic and serum -glutamyltransferase (GGT) and microsomal monooxygenases. The GGT activity in liver homogenate, S-9 supernatant fraction and microsomes was significantly depressed; however, the level of serum GGT was elevated. While the hepatic glutathione concentration was not greatly changed, the aminopyrine N-demethylase activity and microsomal cytochrome P450 content of the liver were significantly decreased in the treated rats. At necropsy, the livers of the treated rats appeared generally pale with distinct pinpoint foci. Histopathological examination of the liver showed degenerative changes and coagulative necrosis. The results indicate that gossypol is a strong hepatotoxic agent which can produce severe hepatic damage.  相似文献   

Canine anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma (ASAGAC) is an uncommon but highly invasive and metastatic malignancy. Toceranib phosphate (Palladia) is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor that targets several members of the split kinase RTK family. These membrane receptors are important for cell cycling, apoptosis and angiogenesis, all of which can contribute to carcinogenesis. The objective of this study was to evaluate archived, paraffin-embedded canine ASAGAC and normal canine anal sacs for immunohistochemical detection of Kit and platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFR-β). Two of 77 neoplasms (2.6%) expressed Kit. Fifteen of the neoplasms (19.5%) were positive for PDGFR-β expression. None of the normal canine anal sac epithelium expressed Kit or PDGFR-β. Because of these results, further investigation should be considered to determine the role of RTKs in the clinical course and treatment of canine ASAGAC.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Feeding concentrate has been putatively associated with risk of development of duodenitis-proximal jejunitis (DPJ); however, this association has not been evaluated systematically in a controlled study. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there was evidence that feeding practices were associated with increased odds of developing DPJ employing a case control study. HYPOTHESIS: The amount of concentrate fed daily to horses is significantly greater among horses that develop DPJ than control horses with either lameness or other types of colic. METHODS: Feeding practices of cases of DPJ diagnosed between 1997 and 2003 were compared with those of 2 populations of control horses (colic controls and lameness controls) admitted to the clinic from the same time period. Following multiple imputation of missing data, comparisons were made using polytomous logistic regression. RESULTS: Horses with DPJ were fed significantly more concentrate and were significantly more likely to have grazed pasture than either control populations; DPJ horses were significantly more likely to be female than were lameness horses. Results were unchanged after adjusting for bodyweight of the horse. CONCLUSIONS: Feeding and grazing practices differ among horses with DPJ relative to horses with other forms of colic and lame horses. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The observed magnitudes of association were not sufficiently strong to merit diagnostic/predictive application; however, these observations, if substantiated by other studies, might provide important aetiological clues.  相似文献   


Plasma metabolite levels were measured in buffalo and cross‐bred cattle after daily intraruminal administration of fenbendazole at 0.5 mg/kg body weight. An equilibrium between the absorption of fenbendazole and disposition of its metabolites could be observed between days 3 to 6 and remained almost unchanged thereafter. The buffaloes had a lower uptake of the anthelmintic and lower plasma levels of its metabolites than in cattle. The findings were compared with those obtained after a single intraruminal therapeutic dose of fenbendazole.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Cellular senescence is a molecular hallmark of ageing that is associated with multiple pathologies, and DNA damage marker γH2AX, together with cell cycle...  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible role of dog fleas in the transmission of trypanosomatids, ectoparasites were removed from 59 dogs testing positive for canine zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis according to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Of the fleas collected, 4/207 (1.9%) showed the presence of promastigotes in smears stained by Giemsa, whilst 43/144 (29.9%) exhibited positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification assays for Leishmania DNA. Fleas (409) from 9 Leishmania chagasi-infected dogs, each hosting more than 20 fleas per animal, were macerated and administered by peritoneal injection or orally to 36 hamsters. After 6 months, the 30 surviving hamsters were sacrificed and liver and spleen fragments were removed for PCA assay and to produce imprint smears, whilst blood samples were subjected to IFAT assay. Sixteen hamsters tested positive for Leishmania infection, 14 on the basis of PCR amplification and four by IFAT assay (two animals testing positive in both assays). Of the infected hamsters, 11/16 (68.7%) had been infected peritoneally and 5/16 (31.2%) orally. The imprint smears for all animals were, however, negative. Since both PCR and IFAT could present cross-reactivity for Leishmania and Leptomonas, the possibility of oral transmission of L. chagasi by fleas cannot be proven unambiguously even though the hamsters developed infection.  相似文献   

Almost all oral and parenterally administered antimicrobials have been linked with antimicrobial associated diarrhoea (AAD) in both man and horses, although some antimicrobials clearly pose a higher risk.  相似文献   

Desafferentation of the gastrocnemius muscle in calves with spastic paralysis suggests that exaggerated muscular tone in affected animals is due to hypersensitivity of the myotatic reflex. In order to gain more information on the pathophysiology of the disease, -efferent nerve block with dilute procaine was performed on calves with spastic paralysis, thus lowering the sensitivity of the muscle spindle.Results of this study confirm the earlier evidence of muscle spindle hypersensitivity through relative -efferent overstimulation.
Kurzfassung Die Blockierung der afferenten Reizleitung desM. gastrocremicus bei Kälbern mit spastischer Paralyse zeigt, dass ein überhöhter Muskeltonus bei erkrankten Kälbern auf Überempfindlichkeit des myotatischen Reflexes beruht. Um mehr Information über die Pathophysiologie der Erkrankung zu erhalten, wurde mit verdünntem Procain ein -efferenter Nervenblock bei Kälbern mit spastischer Paralyse induziert, um die Empfindlichkeit der Muskelspindeln zu vermindern.Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen bestätigen frühere Studien wonach die Muskelspindelüberempfindlichkeit durch relative -ableitende Überstimulierung erfolgt.

Resume Les expériences visant à supprimer les effets des fibres efferentes gamma du muscle gastrocnemien de jeunes bovins atteints de contracture des jumeaux, suggèrent que le tonus musculaire exagéré des animaux malades est dû à une hypersensibilité du réflexe myotatique. Dans le but de mieux explorer la physiopathologie de cette maladie, le blocage des fibres efferentes gamma à l'aide d'une solution de procaïne a été réalisé chez des veaux malades pour diminuer la sensibilité de la fibre musculaire.Les résultats de ce travail confirment l'existence d'une hypersensibilité primitive de celle-ci en relation avec une hyperstimulation des fibres efferentes gamma.

Riassunto La desafferentazione del muscolo gastrocnemico praticata in vitelli con paralisi spastica indica che l'eccessivo tono muscolare osservato negli animali colpiti è dovuto ad ipersensibilità del riflesso miotattico. Allo scopo di raccogliere maggiori dati sulla fisiopatologia della malattia, si è proceduto al blocco dei nervi -efferenti con procaina diluita in vitelli con paralisi spastica in modo da abbassare la sensibilità del fuso muscolare.I risultati della studio confermano quanto provato in precedenza, e cioè che l'ipersensibilità del fuso muscolare deriva dalla iperstimolazione dei relativi nervi -efferenti.

Vaccines to prevent Trypanosoma cruzi infection in humans or animals are not available, and in many settings, dogs are an important source of domestic infection for the insect vector. Identification of infected canines is crucial for evaluating peridomestic transmission dynamics and parasite control strategies. As immune control of T. cruzi infection is dependent on humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, we aimed to define a serodiagnostic assay and T cell phenotypic markers for identifying infected dogs and studying the canine T. cruzi-specific immune response. Plasma samples and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained from forty-two dogs living in a T. cruzi-endemic region. Twenty dogs were known to be seropositive and nine seronegative by conventional serologic tests two years prior to our study. To determine canine seroreactivity, we tested sera or plasma samples in a multiplex bead array against eleven recombinant T. cruzi proteins. Ninety-four percent (17/18) of dogs positive by multiplex serology were initially positive by conventional serology. The frequency of IFNγ-producing cells in PBMCs responding to T. cruzi correlated to serological status, identifying 95% of multiplex seropositive dogs. Intracellular staining identified CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations as the sources of T. cruzi lysate-induced IFNγ. Low expression of CCR7 and CD62L on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells suggested a predominance of effector/effector memory T cells in seropositive canines. These results are the first, to our knowledge, to correlate T. cruzi-specific antibody responses with T cell responses in naturally infected dogs and validate these methods for identifying dogs exposed to T. cruzi.  相似文献   

Clinically significant hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) to the chemotherapy drug L-asparaginase are reported in humans and dogs, but frequency in small animals is not well-defined. This study retrospectively evaluated the frequency of HSR to L-asparaginase given by IM injection to dogs and cats with lymphoid malignancies. The medical records of all dogs and cats treated with at least 1 dose of L-asparaginase chemotherapy over a 5-year period were reviewed. A total of 370 doses of L-asparaginase were administered to the dogs, with 88 of 142 dogs receiving multiple doses, and 6 dogs experiencing an HSR. A total of 197 doses were administered to the cats, with 33 of 68 cats receiving multiple doses, and no cats experiencing an HSR. Hypersensitivity reactions were documented in 4.2% of dogs, and in association with 1.6% of L-asparaginase doses administered. These results show that HSRs occur uncommonly among dogs and cats, even with repeated dosing.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between treatment protocol, survival to discharge, and relapse in 46 dogs diagnosed with primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine between 2000 and 2013. Treatment was at the discretion of the attending clinician and consisted of either a corticosteroid alone or a corticosteroid plus a secondary therapy. There was no association between survival to discharge and treatment protocol (P = 0.23). Of the surviving in-patients, 39% experienced a relapse. Our study failed to show a significant difference in survival and relapse based on treatment protocol.  相似文献   

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