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钟蕾 《中国家禽》2013,35(2):43-46
沙门菌感染是一种流行极为广泛的食源性传染病,食用性动物是非伤寒型沙门菌感染的储存库。人们采取了多种方法防控禽类的沙门菌感染,其中疫苗免疫是一项被大力推广并行之有效的措施。沙门菌疫苗可以降低公共卫生所面临的风险,主要表现在可减少细菌的定植并减轻对组织的侵害程度,如生殖系统,并可减少粪便排毒从而减少环境污染。秘鲁圣马科斯大学Liliana Revolledo在第24届世界家禽大会上对禽类沙门菌的灭活苗和弱毒苗及其免疫保护机制进行介绍。  相似文献   

禽沙门氏菌病是由多种沙门氏菌引起的禽类疾病的总称,根据病原体的抗原结构不同可分为三种疾病。鸡白痢沙门氏杆菌引起的雏鸡的一种急性败血性传染病。  相似文献   

禽沙门氏菌病是由多种沙门氏菌引起的禽类疾病的总称,根据病原体的抗原结构不同可分为三种疾病。鸡白痢沙门氏杆菌引起的雏鸡的一种急性败血性传染病。孵出1~2周内发病率高,死亡率高,以后随着日龄的增长而逐渐减少,成鸡呈现隐性鸡白痢、禽伤寒、禽副伤寒。  相似文献   

禽沙门氏菌病流行现状与控制对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
禽沙门氏菌病(AvianSalmonelosis)是指沙门氏菌属细菌引起的禽类急性或慢性疾病总称。临床上多表现为败血症和肠炎,也是家禽最为重要的蛋传细菌病之一。禽沙门氏菌病依据病原体的抗原结构不同分为三种疾病:鸡白痢、禽伤寒和副伤寒。由鸡白痢沙门氏菌...  相似文献   

禽沙门氏菌病流行现状与控制对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
禽沙门氏菌病(AvianSalmonellosis)是指沙门氏菌属细菌引起的禽类急性或慢性疾病总称。临床上多表现为败血症和肠炎,也是家禽最为重要的蛋传细菌病之一。禽沙门氏菌病依据病原体的抗原结构不同分为三种疾病:鸡白痢、禽伤寒和副伤寒。由鸡白痢沙门氏菌所引起的称为鸡白痢,由鸡伤寒沙门氏菌引起的称为禽伤寒,由其他有鞭毛能运动的非宿主适应性沙门氏菌所引起的禽类疾病则统称为禽副伤寒。禽副伤寒的病原体包括很多种类的沙门氏菌,其中以鼠伤寒沙门氏菌和肠炎沙门氏菌最为常见,其次为德尔卑沙门氏菌、海德堡沙门氏菌、纽波…  相似文献   

禽大肠杆菌外膜蛋白、脂多糖疫苗的免疫保护试验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为探讨禽源性大肠杆菌外膜蛋白 (OMPs)、脂多糖 (L PS)对禽大肠杆菌病的免疫保护作用 ,从禽源性大肠杆菌0 37株提取 OMPs、L PS后 ,分别以含 2、1mg OMPs的油乳剂苗于 2、4周龄时各 2次免疫易感鸡 ,在免疫鸡 5周龄时以 10 8菌落形成单位 (CFU) 0 37株攻毒 ,结果免疫后、临攻毒前 (5周龄 ) 2组鸡的平均体重分别为 0 .96 kg和 0 .87kg,攻毒后 2个组的免疫保护效力分别为 94.74%和 78.95 %;以含 0 .2 5、0 .12 5 mg L PS的油乳剂苗同法免疫后攻毒 ,结果免疫后、临攻毒前其平均体重分别为 1.10 kg和 0 .98kg,免疫效力分别为 36 .84%和 31.5 8%;以含 1.2 5 mg OMPs 0 .12 5 m g L PS的油乳剂苗同法免疫后攻毒 ,该组鸡相应日龄的平均体重为 0 .88kg,免疫效力为 84.2 1%;以含 2 .5× 10 9CFU/ m L 灭活的全菌油乳剂苗免疫后攻毒 ,该组鸡 5周龄时的平均体重为 0 .88kg,免疫保护效力为 78.95 %。上述结果表明 ,OMPs是禽大肠杆菌病的主要免疫保护性抗原 ,而 L PS为次要免疫保护性抗原。  相似文献   

正禽沙门氏菌病是由多种沙门氏菌引起的禽类疾病的总称,根据病原体的抗原结构不同可分为三种疾病,即禽白痢,禽伤寒,禽副伤寒。1禽白痢本病是由沙门氏菌引起的雏鸡的一种急性败血症,2周龄内雏鸡死亡率最高,成鸡呈隐性经过,但带菌引起垂直传播。3月龄以下的雏禽,白色下痢,死亡率高,肝脏脾脏肿大,肝脏有特殊的条纹的变化,心,肝,脾,肺表面有白色的坏死点,病雏表现怕冷,常常挤在一起,闭眼,嗜睡,时常尖叫,呼  相似文献   

正禽沙门氏菌病是由肠杆菌科沙门氏菌属中的一种或多种沙门氏菌引起的禽类疾病的总称。沙门氏菌有2000多个血清型,广泛存在于人和多种动物的肠道内。在自然界中,家禽是最主要的贮存宿主。该菌根据细菌抗原结构的不同可分为三类:鸡白痢、禽伤寒和禽副伤寒。鸡白痢和禽伤寒沙门氏菌有宿主特异性,主要引起鸡和火鸡发病,而禽副伤寒沙门氏菌则能广泛感染多种动物和人。1鸡白痢本病是由鸡白痢沙门氏菌引起的禽类传染病,主要  相似文献   

禽病、营养与免疫缪斌译自《PoultryDigest》1994,(11)许多年前,人们就已认识到,动物有良好的营养时,其免疫能力就强。家禽的营养与免疫应答之间的关系可分为以下三种情况:(1)对免疫力可能无作用的营养;(2)机体缺乏某些养分如烟酸、生物...  相似文献   

Brucellosis vaccines: past,present and future   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The first effective Brucella vaccine was based on live Brucella abortus strain 19, a laboratory-derived strain attenuated by an unknown process during subculture. This induces reasonable protection against B. abortus, but at the expense of persistent serological responses. A similar problem occurs with the B. melitensis Rev.1 strain that is still the most effective vaccine against caprine and ovine brucellosis. Vaccines based on killed cells of virulent strains administered with adjuvant induced significant protection but also unacceptable levels of antibodies interfering with diagnostic tests. Attempts were made to circumvent this problem by using a live rough strain B. abortus 45/20, but this reverted to virulence in vivo. Use of killed cells of this strain in adjuvant met with moderate success but batch to batch variation in reactogenicity and agglutinogenicity limited application. This problem has been overcome by the development of the rifampicin-resistant mutant B. abortus RB51 strain. This strain has proved safe and effective in the field against bovine brucellosis and exhibits negligible interference with diagnostic serology. Attempts are being made to develop defined rough mutant vaccine strains that would be more effective against B. melitensis and B. suis. Various studies have examined cell-free native and recombinant proteins as candidate protective antigens, with or without adjuvants. Limited success has been obtained with these or with DNA vaccines encoding known protective antigens in experimental models and further work is indicated.  相似文献   

The increasing international movement of horses combined with the relaxation of veterinary regulations has resulted in an increased incidence of equine infectious diseases. Vaccination, along with management measures, has become the primary method for the effective control of these diseases. Traditionally modified live and inactivated vaccines have been used and these vaccines have proven to be very successful in preventing disease. However, there are a number of equine infectious diseases for which conventional technology has shown its limitations. The advent of recombinant technology has stimulated the development of second generation vaccines, including gene deleted mutants, live vectored vaccines and DNA vaccines. These vaccines have in common that protective antigens are endogenously processed and presented along the molecules of the MHC I and MHC II complex, resulting in the stimulation of both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses similar to natural infection. The present paper provides a review of the vaccines being employed today against the most important equine viral diseases followed by a summary of new developments that are expected to bring improved vaccines to the market in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

1家禽沙门氏菌病及其分类家禽沙门氏菌病是指由沙门氏菌属细菌感染家禽引起的急性或慢性疾病。可分为两大类:一类为不运动的沙门氏菌——鸡白痢和鸡伤寒沙门氏菌感染,分别被称为鸡白痢和禽伤寒。鸡白痢沙门氏菌感染主要引起雏鸡和雏火鸡的急性、全身性疾  相似文献   

禽沙门菌病是家禽养殖领域中的常见病与高发病,给家禽产业中造成严重的经济损失,同时也严重威胁着禽产品消费者的健康安全.文章从沙门菌分类学、禽沙门菌流行血清型、快速检测技术以及分子分型技术等方面阐述了当前禽沙门菌的研究进展,以期为禽沙门菌病的防治提供参考.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic musculoskeletal diseases and causes of lameness in the dogs. The osteoarthritic disease process involves the entire synovial joint, encompassing the synovium, cartilage and underlying bone. Joint failure results from an abnormal mechanical strain causing damage to normal tissue or failure of pathologically impaired articular cartilage and bone under the influence of normal physiological strain or a combination of both. In both cases, the end point is cartilage loss and joint impairment. Osteoarthritic chondrocytes show an altered phenotype characterised by an excess production of catabolic factors, including metalloproteinases and reactive oxygen species. These factors constitute potential therapeutic targets and some new drugs and nutraceuticals have been proposed to promote the return to homeostasis. Until now, the therapeutic management of OA in dogs has been dominated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but some new compounds, including diacerhein, with potential structure-modifying effects, are already used to treat OA in humans and could be helpful to manage OA in the dog. In addition, novel nutraceuticals, such as avocado/soybean unsaponifiable substances, have shown symptomatic effects in knee OA in humans, and could offer an alternative to prevent OA progression. This paper provides an overview of recent discoveries in the pathophysiology and in the therapeutic management of osteoarthritis in dogs.  相似文献   

从古罗马开始,人们已根据犬的技能进行分类。最初,把它们分为牧畜犬、猎犬和家庭犬。亚里士多德记录了7类犬,但没有记录灵猩,当时它还生活在埃及。到了18世纪,布丰(法国博物学家,古生物学创始人)试图根据犬的耳型来分类,把它们分为直耳、塌耳和半直立耳等30个品种。然而,居维叶(法国博物学家,古生物学创立者)建议根据犬颅骨形状,把犬分为猎犬、獒和獚。1885年,  相似文献   

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