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Reproductive biology of the columnar cactus Escontria chiotilla was analysed in wild and silvicultural managed populations in the Tehuacán Valley, Central Mexico, where this cactus is under domestication because of its edible fruits. Anthesis is diurnal, flowers opening between 8:00 and 17:00 h, the period between 12:00 and 13:00 appearing to be crucial in pollination success since at this time the maximum opening of flowers, turgidity of stigma, and activity of flower visitors, as well as the highest nectar production and pollen release occur. The bees Apis mellifera, Bombus pensylvanicus and Xylocopa mexicanorum, and the hummingbirds Amazilia violiceps, Cynanthus sordidus and Cynanthus latirostris were the most frequent flower visitors during the crucial period, and were observed contacting both stamens and stigma of E. chiotilla. No differences were found in anthesis nor in flower visitors among both population types. Distances separating the populations studied and bridges of individuals of E. chiotilla between them are within the radius that bees and hummingbirds may travel, indicating that spatial barrier to pollen flow are unlikely. Breeding system is self-incompatible. Production of flowers occurs during the whole year in both population types, allowing continual pollen flow among them. This observation confirms reports of high gene flow among the populations studied in previous population genetics studies. The high pollen flow among wild and managed population explains that however the occurrence of artificial selection, the process of domestication is in incipient stages presumably because gene flow counteracts effects of artificial selection.  相似文献   

In several regions of Italy as well as other parts of southern Europe, the heterogeneity of the land, the climate and the soil favour the survival in cultivation of a large number of landraces specifically adapted to local conditions. Knowledge on the level and distribution of their genetic variation can help to develop appropriate strategies, in order to suistainably manage in situ these germplasm resources at risk of genetic erosion. C. annuum is an herbaceous diploid species and is considered to be self-pollinating, although different rates of out-crossing have been recorded. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess genetic diversity within and between five populations of a landrace of Capsicum annuum L., grown in a limited area in north-west Italy and locally known as Cuneo pepper. Partitioning the genetic variation with Shannon's diversity index revealed that 41.6% occurred between and 58.4% within populations. Analogous results were obtained when the analysis was based only on RAPD or AFLP markers. However, AFLP was more reliable, since a lower range of variation was observed among primer combinations in detecting the two components of genetic variation. Notwithstanding the rather high level of within genetic variation detected, the five populations were clearly differentiated and differed in the frequency of alleles exclusive and/or present at very low frequencies. Our results show the need for accurate estimation of allele frequencies, in order to identify populations to which priority should be given for dynamic conservation of landraces.  相似文献   

Recognition by the European Community of élite landraces encourages farmers to grow these and earn more than is possible by growing modern varieties. However, farmers often exercise strong selection by collecting seed from a limited number of plants which best embody a few characters of prime interest. This, in the long run, may be responsible for considerable genetic erosion. In Southern Piedmont, North-West Italy, a local landrace of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) known as Cuneo is grown; it deserves particular attention because of its hardiness, late production and fruit quality. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess the effect, on genetic composition of a population, of seed sampling carried out using the selection criteria adopted by the farmer. After two reproductive cycles using selection, it was already possible to detect loss in genetic variation and a change in allele frequencies, while no significant effect was found after two cycles of random sampling. Over this period, farmer selection pressure led to disappearance of eight low-frequency alleles, while only three alleles were lost in randomly sampled populations. Our results stress the need to adopt appropriate techniques for seed sampling in order to avoid genetic erosion of local landrace gene pools.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among 10 wild populations of common bean Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus was analyzed by means of RAPD markers and morpho-agronomic data. The study was performed on populations collected from different sites located in the provinces of Jujuy, Salta and Tucumán in northwestern Argentina. Ten quantitative traits and 33 random primers were scored. Clustering based on morpho-agronomic traits and RAPD markers generated similar phenograms that grouped bean populations based on their site of collection. The levels of diversity observed among populations were low suggesting they have a common ancestor. The levels of diversity shown by morpho-agronomic traits were higher compared to those of molecular markers, most probably due to the effect of the environment. Furthermore, a 480-bp DNA band identified a group of wild populations collected from similar sites. Breeding strategies need to exploit this diversity to broaden the genetic base of commercial beans to develop high yield cultivars.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 50 wild and semi-wild accessions of the Coffea arabica L. germplasm collection, gathered by the FAO and ORSTOM missions to Ethiopia, and maintained in Colombia by CENICAFE, was evaluated with RAPD markers. The evaluation was carried out in two phases: In phase one, the polymorphism of 8 Ethiopian accessions of different geographic origin, plus the cultivated variety 'Caturra' was assessed with the RAPD technique with forty-two 10-mer oligonucleotides. In phase two, 51 accessions were assessed with a set of 5 polymorphic primers that reproduced, with a correlation of 95%, the groups generated by the 24 polymorphic primers found in phase one. Principal Coordinate Analysis of molecular data revealed that a closely related group consisting of 86% of the Ethiopian C. arabica accessions evaluated are significantly different from the Caturra variety and could be used in a genetic breeding initiative to increase the variability of cultivated varieties. The results also indicate that a larger polymorphism is present in the Colombian replica of FAO Ethiopian coffee germplasm collection than previously reported.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the genetic diversity in Lathyrus genus, the Inter Simple Sequence Repeats method (ISSR) was exploited in five populations. These consisted of two cultivated species belonging to section Lathyrus (L. sativus L. and L. cicera L.) and a wild one belonging to the section Clymenum (L. ochrus DC.). Two 3′anchored ISSR primers and two unanchored ones, generated a total of 60 useful polymorphic DNA bands. Our data provide evidence of high molecular polymorphism at the intra- and the inter-specific levels showing that both wild and cultivated forms constitute an important pool of diversity. Moreover, among the generated DNA bands, a 500 bp band, totally absent in the banding patterns of the section Clymenum, appears to be a molecular marker of section Lathyrus. Results provided for lineage and suggest recent origin of these species that might have evolved from a common ancestor producing both L. ochrus species and the two other species L. sativus and L. cicera. These relationships support previous studies based on morphological variation and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

We assessed the genetic differentiation of the Mediterranean olive from its wild relatives found in different geographic areas (Mediterranean, Asia, Africa) using eighty RAPDs revealed with eight primers. Variance analysis (AMOVA) enabled us to estimate the overall genetic differentiation parameters between wild populations. Oleasters from the Near East and Turkey were discriminated from the other Mediterranean populations. Olea laperrinei, O. maroccana and O. cerasiformis were the taxa the most related to the Mediterranean olive. In contrast, O. africana was shown to be the most genetically distant taxa from the Mediterranean olive. However, we characterised hybrid trees between these two taxa. Significant trends between genetic and geographic distances were met within the subspecies cuspidata and within the Mediterranean olive. A genetic diversity gradient was observed in both subspecies europaea and cuspidata. These results are in agreement with a mechanism of differentiation by distance in the O. europaea complex, but another non-exclusive mechanism could also be gene flow between differentiated taxa. Furthermore, we characterised the discriminating power of each RAPD to recognise the different taxa using intraclass correlation coefficients. Lastly, IGS-RFLPs enabled us to assess rDNA polymorphisms on a sub-sample of individuals. On the basis of these data, a low interspecifc differentiation was found. This suggests a recent genetic divergence between the different taxa of the O. europaea complex or the occurrence of gene flow during favourable periods or because human displacements. All the olive cultivars were genetically related to the oleaster populations supporting that Mediterranean is the olive domestication area.  相似文献   

The present study, using RAPD analysis, was undertaken to characterize genetic variation in domesticated cowpea and its wild progenitor, as well as their relationships. The materials used consisted of 26 domesticated accessions, including accessions from each of the five cultivar-group, and 30 wild/weedy accessions, including accessions from West, East and southern Africa. A total of 28 primers generated 202 RAPD bands. One hundred and eight bands were polymorphic among the domesticated compared to 181 among wild/weedy cowpea accessions. Wild accessions were more diverse in East Africa, which is the likely area of origin of V. unguiculata var. spontanea. Var. spontanea is supposed to have spread westward and southward, with a loss of variability, loss counterbalanceed in southern Africa by introgressions with local perennial subspecies. Although the variabilty of domesticated cowpea was the highest ever recorded, cultivar-groups were poorly resolved, and several results obtained with isozyme data were not confirmed here. However primitive cultivars were more diverse than evolved cultivars, which still suggests two consecutive bottlenecks within domesticated cowpea evolution. As isozymes and AFLP markers, although with a larger number of markers, RAPD data confirmed the single domestication hypothesis, the gap between wild and domesticated cowpea, and the widespread introgression phenomena between wild and domesticated cowpea.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was analysed in 52 Argentinian populations of Avena barbata, a tetraploid grass introduced in America from Spain during the colonization period. Nine isozyme systems were studied and 14 loci identified, five of which were polymorphic. Cluster analysis based on Hedrick’s index revealed a high similarity among populations. The total diversity (Pt) in the 52 populations was 0.144, the mean diversity (Ps) was 0.04, while between population diversity (Dst) was 0.103. The resulting coefficient of differentiation (Gst) was 0.714, indicating that diversity among populations was an important contributor to the total variability. Genetic diversity was structured into multilocus associations; 122 different complexes were found among 3311 individuals, but only two complexes occurred at a high frequency. The distribution pattern of these frequent multilocus genotypes was associated with environmental factors, mainly rainfall and temperature. The comparison of these results with those of previous studies on A. barbata from Spain indicated that Spanish and Argentinian populations are closely similar in allelic composition on a locus-by-locus basis but different in multilocus genotypic composition. We concluded that selection was the main force involved in the reorganization of the Spanish genepool into novel multilocus associations adapted to specific habitats in Argentina.  相似文献   

Myrtus communis L. (Myrtaceae), in Tunisia, is closely associated with Quercus suber L. forest which stretched continuously from the North to parts of Cap Bon and Tunisian Dorsal. The destruction of the primary oak forests associated to an over-exploitation of Myrtus for its essential oil quality had led to discontinuous populations exhibiting various levels of degradation. Using starch gel electrophoresis, we analyzed the polymorphism of nine isozymes in order to assess genetic diversity and structuring of 17 natural populations prospected in the three geographical regions and coinciding with subhumid, humid inferior and semi-arid superior bioclimates. The analysis of the level and the distribution of the genetic diversity in this species might help in its conservation. Out of the 18 loci detected for all populations and isozymes analyzed, 12 loci were polymorphic. Allelic frequencies differed according to populations and particular alleles characterized ecological groups. A high level of genetic variation within populations was observed. The mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was Ap = 1.67, the percentage of polymorphic loci was P = 60.3% and the observed (Ho) and the expected (He) heterozygosities were respectively 0.144 and 0.215. Populations belonging to subhumid (Cap Bon) and semi-arid superior (Tunisian Dorsal) climates, located in degraded sites exhibited the highest level of inbreeding (0.425 < FIS < 0.450). A high level of differentiation (FST = 0.396) and a low gene flow (Nm = 0.337) among populations, as a result of habitat intermediate destruction, were revealed. The differentiation of populations within the same bioclimate (or geographic) group was substantial and relatively higher for semi-arid superior populations (FST = 0.262), which were more distant. The three ecological groups exhibited a high level of structuring (FST = 0.401). These differentiations might be due to geographic distances and to the variations of ecological factors between sites, including human activities and environmental factors. Nei’s (1972) genetic distances calculated between pairs of populations were globally low (0.006 < D < 0.367) with a mean of 0.15. They indicate a high level of similarity between populations. UPGMA clustering, established through Nei’s genetic distances, showed three population aggregates according to their geographic/bioclimatic appartenances. The high differentiation between populations and the low level of their genetic divergence indicated their recent isolation under anthropic pressures. The species conservation (in situ or ex situ) strategies should take into account the genetic diversity level within populations and its variation between geographic groups.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of wild populations, closely related to domesticated species, constitute important genetic resources for plant breeding programs. In this paper, we analysed the variation of eight wild populations of Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in a common garden experiment for levels of plant infestation by whitefly, leaf trichome density as a defensive character preventing infestation by whitefly, and the effect of whitefly incidence into vegetative and reproductive plant characters. Number of adults of whitefly was recorded in the eight wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, one population of the wild species S. habrochaites (C-360), and one of a cultivated variety of S. lycopersicum (Rio Grande). There were significant differences among the wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in the average level of whitefly incidence and trichome density. Cultivated tomatoes had the higher incidence of whiteflies ( = 7.50 ± 0.14) followed by plants of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme ( = 2.02 ± 0.92) and plants of S. habrochaites with the lowest incidence ( = 0.36 ± 0.35). Whitefly incidence was negatively correlated with trichome density (r = − 0.38, p < 0.0001), suggesting that trichomes deter or limit the establishment of whiteflies. Additionally, a significant negative effect of whitefly incidence along the growing season upon plant growth rate (number of branches and height) and fruit production was detected.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in 12 landraces of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea), an indigenous African legume, was evaluated using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. DNA from individuals of each landrace was also analysed to determine the level of heterogeneity within landraces. RAPDs revealed high levels of polymorphism among landraces. The percentage polymorphism ranged from 63.2% to 88.2% with an average of 73.1% for the 16 RAPD primers evaluated. The construction of genetic relationships using cluster analysis groups the 12 landraces in two clusters. RAPDs are useful for the genetic diversity studies in V. subterranea and can identify variation within landraces.  相似文献   

Determination of intraspecific genetic diversity is an important first step for the utilization of genetic resources and canprovide useful information on crop evolution. A living collection of Italian and foreign artichoke varieties and ecotypes is maintained at the Germplasm Institute, Bari, Italy. A total of 32 accessions of cultivated (Cynara cardunculus L. var.scolymus (L.) Fiori), three of wild (Cynara cardunculus var.cardunculus L.) artichoke and two ofcultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var.altilis L.) were analysed in order to studygenetic variation and relationships within the species, using RAPDmarkers. Cultivated accessions were selected according tomorphological variation and geographical distribution available inthe collection. Fifty arbitrary decamer primers were initially tested, 18 ofwhich showed from 3 to 10 unambiguously interpretable fragments. Anintra-accession analysis using 4 varieties and 8 polymorphicprimers revealed that no RAPD variation was detected amongindividuals. Jaccard's similarity index (JSI) was comprisedamong 1 and 0.693 when all accessions were considered, on the otherhand, within the cultivated artichoke, JSI ranged between 1 and0.817. A UPGMA dendrogram based on the similarity matrix showed thatwild artichokes were clearly separated from cultivated accessions.Moreover, within cultivated artichokes, several groups could bedistinguished.  相似文献   

The diversity, genetic structure, and genetic flow of wild populations of Phaseolus vulgaris L. within its Mesoamerican area of domestication, were analyzed by means of morphological and inter-simple sequence repeat molecular markers. Overall, 89% of the loci studied were polymorphic, 35% in the least diverse population and 65% in the most diverse. Genetic diversity in the populations was high, between h = 0.14 and 0.29, as was the maximum distance between populations (D = 0.3). Between 40% and 45% of the diversity was explained by the differences among populations, indicating that a large number of populations is necessary to represent the wild gene pool in the germplasm collections. We found uniformity in allele frequencies among the populations, suggesting presence of outcrossing. We did not find correlation between genetic and geographic distances, but the dendrogram topology suggests geographical isolation due to the mountainous topography. Negative correlations were observed between the coefficient of variation of seed size and the distance between wild populations and fields . We obtained a highly negative correlation between percentage of polymorphic loci and distance to the nearest crop field, which also suggests gene flow from the domesticated populations. These observations suggest that genetic flow is taking place from domesticated toward wild populations and that the farmer, through his agricultural activities, could be influencing the magnitude and the characteristics of the gene flow, and along with this, the differentiation of wild populations. New approaches should be established for conservation in situ and maintaining bio-safety, given the risk of introducing genotypes from the Andes and transgenic varieties and causing genetic assimilation.  相似文献   

Thailand is a center of diversity for section Angulares of the Asian Vigna (genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis) and 4 Vigna species are cultivated in Thailand. Using newly collected wild and cultivated germplasm of Vigna from Thailand and outgroup accessions AFLP analysis was conducted to clarify genetic diversity and relationships. The results suggest that cultivated V. umbellata and V. mungo evolved from wild relatives in a single domestication event. Vigna umbellata is poorly differentiated from its wild and weedy relatives compared to V. mungo. Results suggest northern Thailand and the neighboring Shan state, Myanmar, is the probable center of domestication for V. umbellata as wild accessions from this area and cultivated rice bean from a wide area in Asia are not greatly diverged. Vigna minima, V. tenuicaulis and V. exilis accessions in Thailand are well differentiated with considerable intra-specific variation. Vigna hirtella consists of two well differentiated subgroups, suggesting taxonomic revision may be necessary. Close genetic relationships between V. radiata and V. grandiflora, and between V. mungo and V. trinervia are confirmed. Naturally growing V. mungo populations in northern Thailand appear to be true wild species as they are well differentiated from Indian wild and Thai cultivated populations. The origin of naturally growing cowpea in Thailand needs to be further studied using a more comprehensive set of materials. This study clarifies inter and intra-specific genetic diversity and inter species relationships of Thai Vigna species.  相似文献   

In order to formulate appropriate strategies for the conservation and utilization of the wild mulberry genetic resources available in India, a study was undertaken with 20 mulberry genotypes from the four different species. Seventeen intersimple sequence repeat primers were used to generate a total of 114 markers, of which 98 (85.96%) were polymorphic. Seven unique bands for Morus serrata Roxb. and one for both M. serrata Roxb. and Morus macroura Miq. were identified, of which one fragment has been sequenced and deposited in the EMBL-GeneBank (AJ-585512). The genetic dissimilarity coefficients varied from 0.078 to 0.530 among these genotypes and from 0.168 to 0.465 among the species. The dendrograms realized from these markers clustered the genotypes into three groups. The outermost group was M. serrata Roxb., which was followed by the group of M. macroura Miq. and the innermost group contained genotypes of Morus indica L. and Morus alba L. This intermixing of genotypes of M. indica and M. alba supports the view that M. indica is merely a synonym of M. alba. Distribution of the genotypes on a two-dimensional figure upon multidimensional scaling with ALSCAL program, further, confirmed the genetic divergence between the cultivated and wild mulberry groups. On the basis of the results a few potential wild mulberry genotypes were identified for its conservation and utilization in breeding programs to confer the stress tolerance to the cultivated varieties of mulberry.  相似文献   

‘Domestication’ is a traditional farmers’ practice reported for yams (Dioscorea sp.) in Benin (West Africa). It involves introducing ‘spontaneous’ (naturally occurring) yams, supposedly wild (D. abyssinica and D. praehensilis), in varieties of the D. cayenensis–D. rotundata cultivated species complex. In this study, we established the genetic nature of ‘predomesticated’ yam plants using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. A total of 213 accessions, consisting of 32 predomesticated yams, 70 D. cayenensis–D. rotundata, 86 D. abyssinica and 25 D. praehensilis yams were analysed. Using 91 AFLP markers, three groups of accessions were distinguished, broadly corresponding to the above botanical species. Of the 32 predomesticated accessions, 16% were clustered with D. praehensilis, 37% with D. abyssinica and the remaining 47% with D. cayenensis–D. rotundata. These results demonstrated the use of wild plants by farmers in their domestication process, and suggested that plants derived from intervarietal and interspecific hybridisation may also be subject to this process. This study has shown that through domestication farmers influence and increase the genetic diversity in yam by using sexual reproduction of wild and possibly cultivated yams.  相似文献   

We report the results of two methods of DNA analysis to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among 29 Vicia subgen. Vicia species in comparison with two species of subgenus Vicilla sect. Vicilla. The methods employed were RAPD analysis of total genomic DNA and PCR-RFLP analysis of five chloroplast genes, rbcL, rpoB, 16S, psaA and trnK. The results of each method were similar and complementary, and support the current taxonomic systems of subsp. Vicia. According to RAPD and PCR-RFLP analysis the Narbonensis complex can be considered a well separated section, which may be related to section Vicia. Sections Vicia, Atossa and Wiggersia are separate, but closely related sections. Species of the section Hypechusa form a single monophyletic section, where V. lutea, V. anatolica and V. hyrcanica are quite remote from other species. Our results suggest that within the subgenus Vicia, V. faba is more closely related to V. bithynica and that these two species are most closely related to section Peregrinae. We found that PCR-RFLP of cp DNA provided more precise information concerning relationships between Vicia sections than RAPD analysis. However, RAPD analysis was more informative concerning diversity of closely related Vicia taxa, such as the variable groups, section Narbonensis and V. sativa aggregate.  相似文献   

Oryza granulata, an upland wild rice species, represents an unique germplasm for possessing abilities of tolerance to shade and drought, immune to bacterial blight and resistance to brown planthopper. Although low degree of genetic variability has been revealed within its populations, little genetic information at the species level is available in determining rational conservation strategies. Here we used dominant DNA marker random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) to assess the genetic variability among 23 accessions of O. granulata that collected from main distribution areas worldwide. Twenty decamer primers generated a total of 243 bands, with 83.5% of them (203 bands) being polymorphic. Calculation of Shannon index of diversity revealed an average value of 0.42 ± 0.25, indicating that O. granulata maintains a relatively high degree of genetic diversity on the species level. Analysis of genetic dissimilarity (GD) showed that genetic differentiation occurred among studied accessions, which supports the feasibility of current ex situ conservation strategies. We also suggested that information based on population studies, which could be achieved by international co-operation, is needed to conserve this widespread germplasm more effectively.  相似文献   

Escontria chiotilla is a columnar cactus that grows in the arid and semiarid lands of Central Mexico and produces edible fruit with economic. In the wild, this plant species is distributed as part of thorn-scrub and tropical deciduous forests, but in the Tehuacán Valley also occurs in silvicultural managed in situ populations, in which people practise artificial selection enhancing phenotypes with larger fruits. The population genetics of wild and managed populations was studied to analyse the effects of management on genetic structure of E. chiotilla. A total of 150 individuals from six populations were studied, analysing 13 loci for eight enzymes by starch gel electrophoresis. The genetic variation in wild populations was significantly higher than in managed populations (Ho = 0.079, He = 0.134, HT = 0.370, and Ho = 0.052, He = 0.110, HT = 0.298, respectively), indicating that silvicultural management has caused a reduction of the genetic variation in populations. Most of the genetic variation in both wild and managed populations occurs within populations (DST = 0.027 in the wild and 0.018 in managed populations). The genetic distance coefficients were slightly different for silvicultural managed populations than in wild ones, illustrating an incipient effect of management on the genetic structure of populations. However, values of NmGST = 3.845 and NmFST = 3.848 indicate that a high gene flow counteracts the effects of human selection on the differentiation of populations.  相似文献   

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