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菜青虫(Pieris rapat Linne)是蔬菜的主要害虫之一,在温州年发生7—9代,发生量大,为害严重。迄今为止,防治该虫的主要手段仍是依靠化防。为了进一步开发高效低毒农药,近年来,我们先后引进了巴丹、万灵、卡死克、抑太保等新农药进行了室内外药效试验,现将主要结果整理如下: 相似文献
菜青虫(Pieris rapae Linnaeus)是张掖地区十字花科蔬菜上的主要害虫之一。70年代以来,应用敌敌畏、乐果、敌百虫等杀虫剂进行了防治,起到了很大的作用。但由于长期使用,致使害虫产生了抗药性,效果愈来愈差。为了筛选高效、低毒、低残留的新农药防治菜青虫,我们进行了药剂防治试验。 试验方法 一、室内试验 从田间甘蓝叶片上采集3~4龄菜青虫幼虫,分装于大培养皿内,每皿25头,皿上部用尼纶纱罩住,饥饿3小时。同时把剪成5cm2的甘蓝叶片,分别在各种药液中浸泡10分钟,捞出凉干,放入装有供试菜青… 相似文献
有些菜农不注意农药的科学使用,成为害虫抗药性逐年增加的原因之一,为了筛选有效防治蔬菜害虫的药剂,笔者进行了本试验。 相似文献
采用喷雾法测试了4种杀虫剂对菜青虫的防治效果。结果表明:用药3 d后1.2%苦.烟乳油、40%辛硫磷乳油和4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油防效均在85%以上;用药7 d后40%辛硫磷乳油和4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油防效虽大于90%,但防效较前下降;用药10 d后20%灭幼脲Ⅲ号胶悬剂防效最高,达93%以上。高效氯氰菊酯乳油防效好,但不能长期大量使用。施用高效氯氰菊酯可与40%辛硫磷、1.2%苦.烟乳油药剂轮换施用;1.2%苦.烟乳油和20%灭幼脲Ⅲ号胶悬剂是开展无公害防治、保护环境的理想药剂。植物杀虫剂1.2%苦.烟乳油可替代化学农药4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油,以减少化学药剂的使用。 相似文献
1 前言随着农业产业化的调整,蔬菜的种植面积随之增加,特别是十字花科蔬菜的大面积种植,从而加大了小菜蛾、菜青虫类害虫的发生,加上小菜蛾、菜青虫发生的代数多、世代重叠、产卵量大的特性, 使之成为十字花科蔬菜上危害最严重、最普遍的害 相似文献
几种新型药剂防治小菜蛾和菜青虫的药效试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了适应无公害蔬菜生产的需要,笔者选择了几种目前市场上销售的低毒高效农药对小菜蛾和菜青虫进行药效试验,以期筛选出高效、低残留、持效期长的新型药剂应用于生产。1材料与方法试验药剂:奥力克(有效成份:BT、阿维菌素、增效渗透剂;北京拜奥环保科技公司),迅驰(甲维盐;深圳瑞 相似文献
为明确生物农药BT乳剂对菜青虫和小菜蛾的防治效果、使用适期和使用浓度,2012-2013年开展了该药剂的药效试验。结果表明:BT乳剂对防治菜青虫和小菜蛾具有明显的效果,用BT乳剂500倍液防治菜青虫,药后3 d的防效可达90.0%以上;用BT乳剂500倍液防治小菜蛾,药后3 d的防效为81.6%,药后5 d的防效达到95.4%。在幼虫2~3龄期施用BT乳剂幼虫死亡速度快,超过3龄期用药则幼虫死亡速度减慢,故应选择在低龄幼虫阶段使用BT乳剂进行防治。 相似文献
蔬菜硝酸盐积累的控制措施 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1硝酸盐对人体的危害硝酸盐对人体的危害早已受到人们的普遍关注。研究证明,硝酸盐在人体内经微生物作用可被还原成有毒的亚硝酸盐,它可与人体血红蛋白反应,使之失去携氧功能,造成高铁血红蛋白症,长期摄入亚硝酸盐会造成智力迟钝。据报道,亚硝酸盐还可间接与次级胺结合形成强致癌物质亚硝胺,进而诱导消化系统癌变,如胃癌和肝癌。人体摄入的硝酸盐有81.2%来自蔬菜。因此,控制蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的过多积累,是减少对人体危害的一个重要途径。2降低硝酸盐积累的措施2.1大量使用有机肥有机肥料是一项降低蔬菜硝酸盐的有益的农业措施,它具有保持地… 相似文献
独角仙(Dynastes gideon)属鞘翅目犀金龟科,别名独角犀金龟、独角犀等,该虫在我国南方常见,但对银杏的危害未见报道,1999年5月下旬在兴安县红壤开发区银杏示范场发现独角仙危害银杏,主要以成虫啃食2 a生枝梢皮层,常数只聚集为害,银杏树受害后轻者树势衰弱,重者整枝枯死.据调查,近几年该虫对银杏树危害有加重之趋势;1999年受害株率为0.53%,而到2003年,受害株率达到25.8%,最多一株银杏树上有成虫108只,少的5~8只不等.为此,笔者对其发生规律及防治方法进行了初步研究,结果报道如下: 相似文献
Claire Billy François Birgand Patrick Ansart Julien Peschard Mathieu Sebilo Julien Tournebize 《Landscape Ecology》2013,28(4):665-684
Land managers need to clearly identify the main natural factors controlling nitrate attenuation from upstream to downstream in agricultural watersheds. All interfaces between surface waters and groundwaters such as riparian zones could be identified as retention zones in the watershed. However, in highly human-influenced agricultural landscapes, retention zones could be shortcut, abandoned and sometimes erased. Starting from this situation, this paper aims to underline the role of hydrological and biogeochemical retention processes in the determination of nitrate concentration in an artificially drained agricultural watershed. The Orgeval watershed (East part of Paris, France, belonging to a long-term environmental observatory network) is 80 % covered by drained agricultural plots, 17 % forest and 3 % urban areas and roads, covering a surface area of 104 km2. The watershed is split into several nested sub-basins from 1 to 100 km2. Two levels of monitoring were carried out in the 2007–2008 hydrological year: long-term at six monitoring stations (measuring nitrate concentration and discharge) and 20 points throughout the watershed (measuring discharge, chloride, nitrate, sulphate, calcium concentration and nitrogen isotopic composition) for three different dates (10/18/2007, 01/23/2008, 04/10/2008). Artificial drainage generates modified water transfer and thus nitrate transformation processes during the wet drainage season in winter. Dilution processes provided by forested areas seem to be one of the main factor determining global water quality. A threshold of 34 % forested cover maintains the nitrate concentration below the drinking-water limit (11.3 mgN L?1). Nevertheless, statistical analysis, isotopic measurements and the analysis of the nitrate versus chloride ratio showed that retention processes also influence water quality during the dry season. 相似文献
一、试验药剂与剂量1、供试药剂1)20%异丙威·敌百虫烟剂(北京市云港生物化工有限公司)2)15%异丙威烟剂(同上)3)90%晶体敌百虫(大成股份山东农药厂)2、处理剂量1)20%异丙威·敌百虫烟剂200g/667m22)20%异丙威·敌百虫烟剂250g/667m23)20%异丙威·敌百虫烟剂300g/667m24)15%异丙 相似文献
随着农业产业结构的调整,无棣县冬枣面积不断扩大,敦促早熟苗圃发展迅速,667m2收入价值也很大,2a冬枣园667m2收入达3万元左右,2001年育苗面积达0.1万hm2并有逐年扩大的趋势。目前,枣苗除草,夏季以喷施盖草能等防除禾本科杂草的药剂为主。关于枣苗期化学除草问题,至今尚无报道。笔者于1998—2000年对本县枣树苗期杂草发生种类及发生特点,进行了调查。利用2001年引进的24%果尔乳油(美国罗门哈斯公司产)进行了试验。1、主要杂草发生特点枣苗圃茬口以玉米、大豆、棉花茬为主,土质为壤土。枣苗期杂草种类繁多,共108种,其中双子叶植物84种,单子叶… 相似文献
用2000倍红萨、2000倍卵螨双净、1500倍白加红、2000倍白加锈、2000倍快螨特和1500倍溶螨于10月对台湾青枣蜘蛛进行防治,结果表明:2000倍卵螨双净、2000倍红萨、1500倍白加红、2000倍白加锈、1500倍溶螨和2000倍炔螨特每片叶红蜘蛛的平均虫口数分别比对照省64、62、61、60、51和50只。统计分析结果表明:各处理对红蜘蛛的控制效果与对照相比,在0.01水平上差异达极显著;2000倍卵螨双净与2000倍炔螨特相比,控制效果在0.05%水平上差异显著。[编者按] 相似文献
Urban forests are environmentally, climatically, socially and economically important. An understanding of the response of urban trees to future climate change is crucial to the maintenance of urban forests and the ecosystem services they support. We conducted a controlled environment pot-experiment on four-year-old Mediterranean oak species: the evergreen Quercus ilex and the deciduous Quercus cerris, to investigate the combined impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth and leaf physiology to levels predicted for 2050 in urban areas of central Italy. Quercus cerris initially increased net-photosynthesis (PN) under elevated 2050 conditions (EC) compared to present ambient conditions (AC), before PN declined, possibly indicative of down-regulation of photosynthetic physiology. Quercus ilex PN was not influenced by EC throughout the 70 days duration of the study. Levels of PN and stomatal conductance (Gs) were generally lower in Q. ilex than Q. cerris. Quercus ilex also reduced Gs during growth at EC. This reduced transpirative water-loss caused a significant increase in the water use efficiency (WUE) of Q. ilex. This reduction in Gs may have been associated with the observed reduction in stomatal density in Q. ilex grown under EC, while the number of stomata on leaves developed under the experimental conditions were unaffected by the EC treatment in Q. cerris. Over the course of the experiment, above (stem dry weight: SDW) and below-ground biomass (root dry weight: RDW) and foliar starch increased in Q. cerris (in both EC and AC equally) but not Q. ilex. Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF); Prompt Fluorescence (PF), Delayed Fluorescence (DF) and Modulated Reflectance (MR) also indicated that a greater resilience of photochemistry to growth under EC was more apparent in Q. ilex than Q. cerris. In particular, the reduction of the quantum yield efficiency (FV/FM) in Q. ilex may also be considered functional to maintain constant PN levels in elevated temperature and [CO2]. The results of this study suggest that Q. ilex exhibits greater plasticity and adaptation to EC, and may therefore perform more favourably under future 2050 climatic conditions. 相似文献