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Every year millions of calves and cattle are transported across, from and to Europe. Most of these animals are going to slaughter houses in the respective countries or in another community state or coming or going abroad (extra-EU). These transports give cause for concern for at least three reasons: First, it can cause severe stress in animals entailing poor welfare. Second, stressful transports may have a negative effect on meat quality. Third, there is the risk of spread of infectious diseases over large distances. Existing legislation does not provide enough protection to transported animals especially over long distances largely because considerable parts of the regulations are not sufficiently based on scientific evidence. In recent years some research is carried out including the EU financed CATRA research project (contract QLK5-CT 1999-0157) concentrating on the welfare and meat quality aspects of cattle transport. This paper summarises important results of this recent research and gives some recommendations for future legislation. The welfare of the animals is limited by their needs not by a fixed maximum transport time, if vehicle and transport conditions are appropriate. Bulls, steers and heifers are reacting differently on transport. Adapt transport schemes to the needs of the animals. Meat quality is only effected in extreme situations. Some animals develop an energy deficit after 6 h of transport. Develop appropriate feeding regimes for long transport. Abolish stressful loading and unloading in staging posts (injuries, infectious diseases). Staging posts are particularly stressful for bulls. Educate handlers and drivers more intensively. Pay drivers inverse to losses. Develop monitor systems for long and short distance transport (e.g. records, GPS). Improve vehicle design (e.g. vibration).  相似文献   

A large-scale study was undertaken to investigate the effects of two systematic anthelmintic treatments on village cattle productivity in the Gambia. Treated animals had significantly higher performance in terms of live weights and age at first calving, but the mortality rate of 0- to 1-yr-old cattle appeared to be negatively affected. These results and financial data on treatment costs were used in a herd simulation model to assess the profitability of the intervention. Treatment was profitable on average, but the risks of losing money were large and average returns were sensitive to various hypotheses examined. The treatment regimen studied can only be recommended in certain herds and further research is needed to identify the factors determining the negative response in other herds.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a strategic dosing scheme in lowering the incidence of fasciolosis on a mixed dry-stock farm and in maintaining the reduced incidence following a reduction in dosing intensity. Two neighbouring farms with a history of chronic fluke disease were selected, the strategic dosing scheme being implemented on one (the trial farm) while the other (the control farm) continued to treat according to its normal practice. The strategic dosing scheme was designed to suppress the faecal egg output of Fasciola hepatica at critical times of the year in order to limit infection of the intermediate host snail population and thus reduce the subsequent contamination of the pasture with metacercariae. On the trial farm cattle and sheep were treated three times per year for the first 2 years at approximately 8 week intervals, starting in March of each year. A fourth treatment was given when the cattle were housed and out-wintered sheep received an additional treatment in January. In Years 3 and 4 the dosing intensity was reduced. By the end of Year 2, data from faecal egg counts, tracer-sheep fluke burdens and snail infection levels indicated that the treatment strategy had succeeded in suppressing the fluke population and eliminating the occurrence of clinical fasciolosis. The decrease in dosing intensity in Years 3 and 4 maintained both stock and snail infections at low levels and there was no re-emergence of the disease.  相似文献   

Summary Three strategic anthelmintic programmes were evaluated for use in the prophylaxis of parasitic gastroenteritis in naturally infected N’Dama cattle aged 12 to 21 months at Nsukka, eastern Nigeria. Four groups A, B, C and D were used which grazed together and each consisted of seven animals. Group A was treated in April, July, August and December. Group B was dosed in April, August and December and Group C in July, August and September. Group D received no treatments. All three treatment programmes substantially reduced pasture contamination while programmes A and B also resulted in significantly improved weight gains. The potential net profit from the three programmes was 38·0 Naira, 33·10 Naira and 24·74 Naira per head respectively. The early dry season (December) treatment in Groups A and B contributed relatively little to their overall performance but would have minimised the carryover of infection to the following wet season.
Resumen Se evaluaron tres programas estratégicos con antihelmínticos contra la gastroenteritis parasitária en ganado N’dama en edades comprendidas entre 12 y 21 meses, en Nsukka, Oriente de Nigeria. Se utilizaron cuatro grupos de 7 animales cada uno, A, B, C, y D, los cuales pastorearon juntos. El grupo A fue tratado en abril, julio, agosto y diciembre; el B en abril, agosto y diciembre y el C en julio, agosto y septiembre. El grupo D sirvió de control. Todos los tratamientos en general, redujeron sustancialmente la contaminación de los pastos, y los tratamientos A y B produjeron aumentos de peso. La ganancia neta potencial derivada de los tres tratamientos fue de 38·0 naira, 33.10 naira y 24·74 naira respectivamente. El tratamiento al principio de la estación seca (diciembre) en los grupos A y B no contribuyeron significativamente a la productividad, pero minimizó posiblemente la infección parasitária en la siguiente estación húmeda.

Résumé Trois programmes de stratégie anthelmintique destinés à la prophylaxie de la gastroentérite parasitaire chez des bovins N’Dama naturellement infestés agés de 12 à 21 mois, ont été entrepris à NSUKKA, Nigeria oriental. On a utilisé quatre groupes A, B, C et D, composés chacun de sept animaux paturant ensemble. Le groupe A fut traité en avril, juillet, ao?t et décembre; le groupe B en avril, ao?t et décembre; le groupe C en juillet, ao?t et septembre; le groupe D n’a pas re?u de traitement. Tous les traitements ont réduit la contamination du paturage de manière substantielle. Les programmes A et B ont conduit à une augmentation significative des poids corporels. Le bénéfice potentiel net des trois programmes est estimé respectivēment à 38,0 Naira, 33,10 Naira et 24,74 Naira. Le traitement de début de saison sèche (décembre) des groupes A et B a contribué relativement peu à leurs performances globales mais semble avoir diminué le partage parasitaire pour la saison des pluies suivante.

The recent history of tuberculosis infection in cattle in Staffordshire is described, showing how a problem area in the north of the county was identified. The subsequent culture of Mycobacterium bovis from badger faeces and a badger carcase is reported together with the operations to remove badgers from the area.  相似文献   

肉牛产业是我国畜牧业和肉类生产的重要组成部分.中国牛肉产量位居世界第三,且随着中国经济的快速发展,牛肉消费随着人均国内生产总值的增加而增加,但中国国内的肉牛产业未能跟上消费增长,使中国成为其他国家牛肉的净进口国.此外,尽管需求不断增长,但产量几乎没有增长.近年来,牛肉生产增速放缓,导致牛肉价格大幅上涨.国内牛肉生产和消...  相似文献   

In Ireland badgers are removed in response to tuberculosis (TB) breakdowns in cattle herds (focal culling). Prevalence studies, conducted using a detailed post mortem and bacteriological examination, showed that 36-50% of badgers were infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Focal culling forms part of the medium term national strategy for the control of bovine TB in cattle and is based on the premise that badgers in areas with herd breakdowns have a higher prevalence of infection than the badger population at large. However, the hypothesis that cattle can be used as sentinels for infection in the badger population has never been formally tested. In this study we tested the hypothesis by determining the infection prevalence in badgers in areas where there had been historically, a consistently low prevalence of infection in cattle. Low cattle TB prevalence areas were defined as those herds with ≤ 2 standard reactors in the annual round of skin testing over the preceding 5 years (Greenfield sites). Using GIS, and adjusting for variation in land use, previous culling and cattle density, 198 Greenfield sites were identified and surveyed, and 138 areas with badger setts or signs of badger activity were identified. A single badger was removed from 87 sites and all were examined using detailed post mortem and bacteriological procedures. A prevalence of M. bovis infection of 14.9% was found in the Greenfield site badgers. This prevalence was significantly lower (P<0.001) than in badgers removed during focal culling (36.6%). The results validate the use of cattle as sentinels for TB in badgers and support the medium term national strategy for the control of bovine TB. The geographic variation in M. bovis infection prevalence in the Irish badger populations will be used when devising strategies for the incorporation of badger vaccination into the long term bovine TB control programme.  相似文献   

吴湘生 《饲料广角》2006,(10):24-26
2005年,中国水产品产量5100万t,比2004年增长4%,比2001年增长16.75%,年均递增3.31%。水产品出口总额78.88亿美元,比2004年同期增长13.2%,出口数量315.3万t,同比增长12.4%;水产品出口连续6年居农产品出口首位。2005年1-9月全国71个亿元以上水产品批发市场交易额466.14亿元,比同期肉食禽蛋市场128.54亿元高出2.6倍。2005年,全国渔业产品生产价格指数105.14%,比畜牧业产品高4.62个百分点,比种植业高3.59个百分点,比农产品生产价格总指数高3.75个百分点,渔业产品的比较效益已经非常突出,中国水产品在大农业中、特别是在副食品市场中的地位继续提…  相似文献   

The strategic planning process initiated by the Pew Foundation through the Pritchard Report became a major preoccupation of all of the 31 faculties of veterinary medicine in the United States and Canada. It is proposed that, in order to be successful in the strategic planning process, three determinants related to perception, to personality, and to psychosocial behavior are necessary ingredients. First, the professional program should evolve in a team-spirited milieu which can inspire future veterinarians to work in teams. Second, all channels of communication should be kept open. Third, passion and enthusiasm should be the prevailing and all-encompassing characteristics of faculty endeavors. Team-spirit, communication and enthusiasm are the essential ingredients which will be needed to confront the challenges facing the profession, to look towards the future with tremendous hope, and to embrace the 21st century with eagerness.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of gastrointestinal nematode parasitism in beef cattle in mountainous areas of Spain was performed. The dynamics of contamination with gastrointestinal nematode larvae of Pyrenean pastures was studied over four years at five areas at different altitudes (900 m to 2100 m), grazed by animals according to traditional systems of beef cattle in mountainous areas. Grass samples were taken every two weeks and larval differentiation was performed. Worm egg counts of grazing animals were assessed in cows, heifers and calves. A consistent seasonal pattern of infective larvae on pasture through the study was observed. In hay meadows, located below 1000 m, infective larvae were found from the end of October until June of the following year. At higher altitudes (1200-2100 m), a bimodal pattern of pasture larvae contamination was observed with increases in late spring (March-June) and in late autumn (September-November). Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., and Nematodirus spp. were found, with Ostertagia spp. being the most frequently found, followed by Cooperia spp. The highest increase of larval contamination in autumn coincided with the grazing of animals in hay meadows. This elevated autumn larval population had a very important epidemiological role because these larvae remained as overwintered larvae until the following grazing season, starting the cycle of contamination of the animals.  相似文献   

Four groups of 18 beef calves each were used to evaluate effects of different treatments on parasite control and weight gains. The investigation extended from November 1986 (weaning) to October 1987. Group-1 calves were treated with ivermectin (200 micrograms/kg of body weight, SC) at approximately 6-week intervals for a total of 8 treatments; group-2 calves were given the same dosage of ivermectin by the same route of administration as group-1 calves in November, March, and July; group-3 calves were given fenbendazole paste (5 mg/kg, PO) at the same times as group-2 calves; and group-4 calves served as untreated controls with provision for ivermectin salvage treatment. All groups grazed on individual pairs of larval-contaminated, 1.6-ha pastures. Highest (P less than 0.05) initial worm counts in fall tracer calves were found in group 3 (Ostertagia ostertagi and Trichostrongylus axei adults) and group 4 (O ostertagi and Haemonchus adults). Fecal egg counts of group-1 calves were low throughout the experiment and pasture larval counts remained negligible after July. Egg counts and larval counts of other groups remained higher into summer. Worm counts, including O ostertagi inhibited early fourth-stage larvae (EL4), were highest (P less than 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 spring tracer calves; numbers of O ostertagi EL4 were similarly high in groups 2, 3, and 4; and T axei counts were highest (P less than 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 yearlings slaughtered in spring. Liveweights of group-1 calves were greater (P less than 0.05) than in other groups from March 2 to October, and by July 2, group-2 calves had a liveweight advantage over group-4 calves. Group-3 calves had the lowest rate of gain from March to July and mean liveweight of the group was less (P less than 0.05) than in all other groups from April to October. Only minimal worm numbers were recovered from groups-1 or -2 calves in October. Large numbers of O ostertagi and T axei were recovered from group-4 calves and O ostertagi from group-3 calves. A few calves in groups 3 and 4, but particularly in group 4, were affected by type-II disease (chronic to acute gastritis caused by maturation and emergence of previously inhibited larvae) from August to October. Final mean liveweights in descending order were 365 kg in group 1, 328 kg in group 2, 316 kg in group 4, and 281 kg in group 3.  相似文献   

In May 1985 four groups of 10 calves, aged between four and five months, were turned out on to separate, permanent pastures of equal area which had been seeded during the previous few days with larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus. One group acted as a control, the second was vaccinated with lungworm vaccine before turnout and treated with thiabendazole three, eight and 13 weeks after turnout, while the third and fourth groups were given ivermectin three times (three, eight and 13 weeks after turnout) and twice (three and eight weeks after turnout), respectively. A severe outbreak of parasitic bronchitis resulted in the death of three control calves within five weeks of turnout and parasitic bronchitis and gastroenteritis affected the second group of calves after approximately four months at pasture. The calves given ivermectin excreted no lungworm larvae and remained free of clinical parasitism throughout the trial.  相似文献   

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