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The tocopherol and tocotrienol composition of walnuts (Juglans regia L.) was determined for nine cultivars (cvs. Arco, Franquette, Hartley, Lara, Marbot, Mayette, Mellanaise, Parisienne, and Rego). Walnuts were harvested over three consecutive years from two different geographical origins (Bragan?a and Coimbra, Portugal), for a total of 26 samples. The methodology employed was a normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a series arrangement of a diode array detector followed by a fluorescence detector, allowing the simultaneous analysis of all tocopherols and tocotrienols. The analyses showed that all samples presented a similar qualitative profile composed of five compounds: alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, and gamma-tocotrienol. gamma-Tocopherol was the major compound in all samples, ranging from 172.6 to 262.0 mg/kg, followed by alpha- and delta-tocopherols, ranging from 8.7 to 16.6 mg/kg and from 8.2 to 16.9 mg/kg, respectively. Multivariate analysis of the data obtained showed the existence of significant differences in composition among cultivars. These differences were also significant when cultivars were grouped by year of production, showing that besides genetic factors, the vitamin E composition was influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

The contents of soluble and total phenolic acids were analyzed in samples of 29 berries and berry products, 24 fruits and fruit peels, and 12 beverages. Variation of phenolic acids in berries was also studied. Soluble phenolic acids were extracted with methanolic acetic acid, and a tentative quantification was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The total phenolic acid content was determined by HPLC after alkaline and acid hydrolyses. The content of total phenolic acids as aglycones in the above samples varied from 0 (pear cider) to 103 mg/100 g fresh weight (rowanberry). Besides rowanberry, the best phenolic acid sources among berries were chokeberry (96 mg/100 g), blueberry (85 mg/100 g), sweet rowanberry (75 mg/100 g), and saskatoon berry (59 mg/100 g). Among fruits, the highest contents (28 mg/100 g) were determined in dark plum, cherry, and one apple variety (Valkea Kuulas). Coffee (97 mg/100 g) as well as green and black teas (30-36 mg/100 g) were the best sources among beverages. Caffeic acid dominated in all of these samples except in tea brews. Variation in the phenolic acid contents of the berries was either small or moderate.  相似文献   

A total of 26 walnut (Juglans regia L.) samples from 9 cultivars (Arco, Franquette, Hartley, Lara, Marbot, Mayette, Mellanaise, Parisienne, and Rego) harvested in the 2001, 2002, and 2003 crop years and grown in two geographical origins (Braganca and Coimbra, Portugal) were evaluated with regard to their triacylglycerol composition. The methodology employed was reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to an evaporative light-scattering detector (RP-HPLC-ELSD) after extraction of the lipidic fraction of the nuts. Nine compounds were separated, identified, and quantified. All samples presented an identical qualitative profile composed by LLnLn, LLLn, LLL, OLLn, OLL, PLL, OOL, and PLO (P = palmitoyl; O = oleoyl; L = linoleoyl; Ln = linonenoyl). Trilinolein (LLL) was the major triglyceride, followed by dilinoeoyl-oleoyl-glycerol (OLL) and dilinoleoyl-linolenoyl-glycerol (LLLn), with mean values of 37.7, 18.5, and 18.4%, respectively. Significant differences in composition were found between cultivars, and these differences were also significant when cultivars were grouped by year of production, showing that besides genetic factors, the triacylglycerol composition can be strongly influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Six cultivars (Franquette, Marbot, Mayette, Mellanaise, Lara, and Parisienne) of walnuts (Juglans regia L.) were collected during the 2001 crop, from Bragan?a, Portugal. Chemical composition, including moisture, total oil content, crude protein, ash, carbohydrates, and nutritional value, was evaluated. Fat was the predominant component, ranging from 62.3 to 66.5%. Total oil was extracted and analyzed for fatty acids, sterols, oxidative stability, and peroxide value. Fatty acids and sterols were determined by gas-liquid chromatography coupled to a flame ionization detector. Eighteen fatty acids were quantified. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and, in particular, linoleic acid were predominant. Beta-Sitosterol, delta(5)-avenasterol, and campesterol were the major sterols found. Differences were observed among the studied cultivars, especially in peroxide values and in the sterol profile.  相似文献   

核桃EST-SSR标记的开发   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从GenBank数据库上公布的5025条核桃(Juglans regia)EST序列中,用SSRHunter软件搜索到485条EST序列中含有540个SSR,SSR出现频率为10.75%,SSR-ESTs检出率为9.7%。利用检出的SSR-ESTs序列设计SSR引物43对,对6个核桃样品、1个黑核桃(J. nigra)样品和1个核桃楸(J. mandshurica)样品进行了PCR扩增,其中40对引物有扩增带,占设计引物的93%,35对引物有多态性,占可扩增引物的87.5%。在有多态性的35对引物中,27对引物在核桃种内有多态性;8对引物在核桃种内无多态性,而在核桃、核桃楸和黑核桃种间有多态性。应用UPGMA方法对检测样品进行聚类分析,结果与传统分类一致。  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Climate change may cause a significant decline in winter chill over the coming decades and is becoming an important issue for walnut (Juglans regia L.)...  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - In this study, walnut genotypes that were selected during two growing seasons among thousands of seedlings were analyzed in terms of detailed morphometric,...  相似文献   

The fatty acid and tocopherol compositions of three heartnut (Juglans ailanthifolia var. cordiformis) varieties (Imshu, Campbell CW1, and Campbell CW3) were examined and compared with those of two Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) varieties (Combe and Lake). The major fatty acids found in heartnuts and walnuts were identified by gas chromatography as linoleic (18:2n-6), alpha-linolenic (18:3n-3), oleic (18:1n-9), palmitic (16:0), and stearic acid (18:0). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were the main group of fatty acids found in both heartnut and walnut, ranging from 73.07 to 80.98%, and were significantly higher in heartnut than in Persian walnuts (P < 0.001). In addition, heartnuts had significantly higher levels of 18:2n-6 and lower levels of 18:3n-3 compared to the Persian walnuts. gamma-Tocopherol was the main tocopherol homologue present in both types of nuts, followed by delta- and alpha-tocopherol. The highest concentration of gamma-tocopherol was found in Combe Persian walnut at 267.87 mug/g, followed by Lake Persian walnut and Imshu, Campbell CW1, and CW3 heartnut at 205.45, 187.33, 161.84, and 126.46 mug/g, respectively. Tocopherols, particularly the gamma-tocopherol, were found to contribute the most to the strong total antioxidant activities of both walnut and heartnut oils using either the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay or the photochemiluminescence method.  相似文献   

The polyphenolic compositions of three heartnut (Juglans ailanthifolia var. cordiformis) varieties (Imshu, Campbell CW1, and Campbell CW3) were examined and compared with those of two Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) varieties (Combe and Lake). The nuts were defatted, extracted, and separated into three different fractions, the free phenolic acid (FPA), acid-hydrolyzable phenolic acid (AHPA), and bound phenolic acid (BPA) fractions. The total phenolic contents (TPCs) in both FPA and AHPA of the Persian walnuts were significantly higher (P < 0.001) than those of the heartnuts, but not in the BPA (P = 0.20). LC-ESI-MS(n)() studies revealed that except for the FPA fraction, the major polyphenolics in both heartnut and Persian walnut were ellagic acid and valoneic acid dilactone. Persian walnuts contained an average of 0.29 and 1.31 mg of ellagic acid/g nut in the 80% methanol extractable fractions FPA and AHPA, respectively. Heartnuts contained an average of 0.16 and 0.60 mg of ellagic acid/g nut in the respective fractions. Bound ellagic acid in the residue was 0.93 and 0.70 mg/g of nut in the Persian walnut and in the heartnut, respectively. Valoneic acid dilactone was tentatively identified and quantified as milligrams of ellagic acid equivalent per gram of nut. These components were found to contribute to the strong total antioxidant activities measured using ferric reducing antioxidant power and photochemiluminescence methods.  相似文献   

Storage of walnut kernels in light and at room temperature, as is common practice, is detrimental to their sensory quality and shelf life. This study demonstrates that Vis/NIR spectroscopy, in combination with multivariate data analysis (chemometrics), is a most capable rapid method for monitoring the overall quality deterioration of walnut kernels. Spectral predictions of the sensory attributes nutty and rancid tastes by partial least-squares regression (PLSR) resulted in correlations (r(2)) of 0.77 and 0.86, respectively, whereas with PLSR prediction of the chemical parameter hexanal content a correlation (r(2)) of 0.72 was obtained. The study further establishes that storage in light results in pronounced oxidative changes, especially in walnuts stored at 21 degrees C, whereas dark storage at 5 degrees C results in walnuts without any trace of rancid taste during 25 weeks of storage at accelerated storage conditions (50% oxygen).  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Lateral fruiting in walnut is an important feature and many breeding programs follow this criterion. Following the evaluation of walnut genotypes from Padea...  相似文献   

不同核桃农林复合经营模式对土壤肥力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解复合经营对核桃园土壤肥力的影响,在贵州省威宁县核桃主产区选取了3种具有代表性核桃复合经营模式,即核桃-白三叶(J+T)、核桃-大豆(J+S)和核桃-玉米(J+M),以核桃清耕为对照(CK),4年后对4种核桃经营模式0~20 cm,20~40 cm,40~60 cm土层土壤肥力进行分析。结果表明:与核桃清耕模式相比,三种核桃复合经营模式均降低了土壤p H值,提高了土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾和有效钾等;四种核桃经营模式土壤p H值均随土层深度增加而增大,土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾和有效钾等均随深度增加而减少;三种复合经营模式土壤p H值大小依次是核桃-大豆模式核桃-白三叶模式核桃-玉米模式;三种复合经营模式土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾和有效钾等含量高低均表现为核桃-玉米模式核桃-白三叶模式核桃-大豆模式。说明复合经营可以改善核桃园土壤肥力,且四种模式间的土壤肥力差异主要是由不同施肥量引起的。  相似文献   

Butternut (Juglans cinerea), a tree native to North America and Japanese walnut (J. ailantifolia), native to Japan, form the basis for a small but growing specialty nut crop industry in the eastern United States and Canada. Over the last century, Canadian and American nut tree growers, academic plant breeders and nursery owners have clonally propagated cultivars and freely exchanged scion wood, creating the possibility of misidentification. To detect homonymy, synonymy and hybrid misassignments, we used 12 highly polymorphic microsatellites to genotype most of the butternut and Japanese walnut cultivars grown in the United States and Canada. Bayesian clustering and identity analyses revealed high levels of homonymies (genetically different cultivars with the same name) and synonymies (genetically identical cultivars with different names). Over 41% of the butternut cultivars and 45% of the Japanese walnut cultivars tested had homonymies, and a majority of the cultivars in both species also had synonymies. Further, 43 entries (~15%) identified by the contributors as either J. cinerea or J. ailantifolia were interspecific hybrids. Given our results we recommend that any comparative studies on the cultivars of either species or their hybrids include reference genetic fingerprints as a part of the study.  相似文献   

Tulare walnut, a cultivar highly resistant to aflatoxin formation, was investigated for endogenous phytochemical constituents capable of inhibiting aflatoxigenesis in Aspergillus flavus. The activity, located entirely in the pellicle (seed coat), was extractable to various degrees with polar solvents, although some activity remained unextractable, indicating that the bioactivity resided in a complex of hydrolyzable tannins. These tannins can be hydrolyzed by a fungal tannase present in A. flavus, yielding gallic acid and ellagic acid, testing of which showed that only gallic acid had potent inhibitory activity toward aflatoxin biosynthesis. Comparison of the gallic and ellagic acid content in the pellicle of Tulare and Chico cultivars, over the 2002 and 2003 growing seasons, showed that the gallic acid content increased rapidly with maturation of the nut and was 1.5-2 times higher in Tulare than in Chico. Gallic acid content in the pellicle at maturity of a series of commercial English walnut cultivars, and two black walnut species, was determined as an indicator of potential for inhibition of aflatoxigenesis. Regulation of gallic acid levels in the hydrolyzable tannins of walnuts by conventional breeding or genetic manipulation has the potential to provide new cultivars with high resistance to aflatoxigenesis.  相似文献   

The columnar cactus Cereus peruvianus (L.) Miller, Cactaceae (koubo), is grown commercially in Israel. The unripe fruits are green, and the color changes to violet and then to red when the fruit is fully ripe. The content of soluble sugars was found to increase 5-fold during ripening. Glucose and fructose were the main sugars accumulated in the fruit pulp, and each increased from 0.5 to 5.5 g/100 g fresh weight during ripening. The polysaccharides content decreased during ripening from 1.4 to 0.4 g/100 g fresh weight. The titratable acidity decreased and the pH increased during ripening. The major organic acid found in the fruit was malic acid, which decreased from 0.75 g/100 g fresh weight at the mature green stage to 0.355 g/100 g fresh weight in ripe fruits. Citric, succinic, and oxalic acids were found in concentrations lower than 0.07 g/100 g fresh weight. Prominent accumulation of aroma volatiles occurred toward the end of the ripening process. The main volatile found in the ripe fruit was linalool, reaching concentrations of 1.5-3.5 microg/g fresh weight.  相似文献   

Concentrations of antioxidant compounds (total phenolic compounds, free hydroxycinnamic acids, and lycopene) and color parameters ( a*, b*, and L*) were determined in 167 tomato samples belonging to five cultivars (Dorothy, Boludo, Dunkan, Dominique, and Thomas) produced on the island of Tenerife. Chlorogenic, caffeic, p-coumaric, and ferulic acids were identified and quantified in the tomato samples. Chlorogenic acid had the highest mean concentration, whereas the p-coumaric was not detected in almost half of the tomato samples. The cultivar, cultivation method, and production region had little influence on the concentration of analyzed parameters. Considerable seasonal variations in the levels of these parameters were observed. Many correlations were observed between the antioxidant compounds and color parameters. The tomato samples tended to be differentiated according to the sampling period when discriminant analysis was applied.  相似文献   

Organic acids in fresh leaves, fruits, and dried rinds of Garcinia cowa (G. cowa) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Fresh leaves, fruits, and dried rinds were extracted with water at 120 degrees C for 20-30 min under 15 lbs/in(2) pressure. Also, dried rinds were extracted with solvents (acetone and methanol) using a Soxhlet extractor at 60 degrees C for 8 h each. The samples were injected to HPLC under gradient elution with 0.01 M phosphoric acid and methanol with a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min using UV detection at 210 nm. The major organic acid was found to be (-)-hydroxycitric acid present in leaves, fruits, and rinds to the extent of 1.7, 2.3, and 12.7%, respectively. (-)-Hydroxycitric acid lactone, and oxalic and citric acids are present in leaves, fruits, and rinds in minor quantities. This is the first report on the composition of organic acids from G. cowa.  相似文献   

Defatted cinnamon fruit powder was successively extracted with benzene ethyl acetate, acetone, MeOH, and water. The concentrated water extract contained the maximum amount of phenolics and showed the highest antioxidant activities. Hence, it was fractionated by Diaion HP-20SS, Diaion HP-20, and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatographies. It gave five purified compounds, the purities of which were analyzed by HPLC. Compounds 1-5 were identified as 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid), epicatechin-(2beta-->O-7,4beta-->8)-epicatechin-(4beta-->8)-epicatechin (cinnamtannin B-1), 4-[2,3-dihydro-3-(hydroxymethyl)-5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-7-(methoxy)benzofuranyl]-2-methoxyphenyl beta-d-glucopyranoside (urolignoside), quercetin-3-O-(6-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside (rutin), and quercetin-3-O-alpha-l-rhamnopyranoside by using extensive spectral studies. The antioxidant activities of purified compounds were screened for their antioxidative potential using beta-carotene-linoleate and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl model systems. All of the compounds showed antioxidant and radical scavenging activities. This is the first report of the isolation and identification of nonvolatile constituents and as well as antioxidant activities from cinnamon fruits.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 11 Chinese cultivars of marigold to determine their major phytochemical contents and antioxidant activities. Dried marigold flowers were extracted with ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane and the extracts were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemical methods to determine their lutein esters, phenolic and flavonoid contents, and antioxidant activity, respectively. The different cultivars of marigold showed considerable variations in their lutein ester contents, ranging from 161.0 to 611.0 mg/100 g of flower (dry basis). The lutein esters in marigolds consisted predominantly of six all trans-diesters, but small amounts of cis isomers of the respective diesters were also present. The different cultivars of marigold also showed marked variations in total phenols and flavonoids, as well as antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities. Ethanol was confirmed to be the best solvent for extracting both phenols and flavonoids from marigold flowers, while n-hexane was the worst. The ethanolic extracts also exhibited the highest antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities. The cultivar Xinhong had the highest phenolic and flavonoid contents and radical-scavenging activity, as well as one of the highest lutein contents and antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

Corn fiber gum (CFG) is a hemicellulose (arabinoxylan)-enriched fraction obtained by the extraction of corn bran/fiber using a proprietary alkaline hydrogen peroxide process. When purified CFG prepared by this process was hydrolyzed with more concentrated base (1.5 N methanolic KOH at 70 degrees C for 1 hour), considerable amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids (up to 0.015% of mainly ferulic acid) and lipids (up to 0.43%) were released. The released phenolic acids and lipids were identified and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with detection by both UV and evaporative light-scattering detection (ELSD). During the wet milling of corn, two types of corn fiber are produced: coarse fiber, which is primarily from pericarp, and fine fiber, which is from the endosperm. The total phenolic acid content in CFGs purified from coarse corn fiber (pericarp fiber) is comparatively higher than that purified from fine corn fiber (endosperm fiber). It was also determined that the purified CFG samples contained significant amounts of strongly associated proteins, from 2 to 5% by weight. The presence of these phenolic acids, lipids, and proteins strongly associated or bound to CFG may contribute to its excellent ability to emulsify oil-in-water emulsions.  相似文献   

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