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The tropical pasture grass Brachiaria humidiola (Rendle) Schweick releases nitrification inhibitory compounds from its roots, a phenomenon termed 'biological nitrification inhibition' (BNI). We investigated the influence of root exudates of B. humidicola on nitrification, major soil microorganisms and plant growth promoting microorganisms using two contrasting soil types, Andosol and Cambisol. The addition of root exudates (containing BNI activity that is expressed in Allylthiourea unit (ATU) was standardized in a bioassay against a synthetic inhibitor of nitrification, allylthiourea, and their function in soil was compared to inhibition caused by the synthetic nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide. At 30 and 40 ATU g−1soil, root exudates inhibited nitrification by 95% in fresh Cambisol after 60 days. Nitrification was also similarly inhibited in rhizosphere soils of Cambisol where B. humidicola was grown for 6 months. Root exudates did not inhibit other soil microorganisms, including gram-negative bacteria, total cultivable bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonads. Root exudates, when added to pure cultures of Nitrosomonas europaea , inhibited their growth, but did not inhibit the growth of several plant growth promoting microorganisms, Azospirillum lipoferum , Rhizobium leguminosarum and Azotobacter chroococcum. Our results indicate that the nitrification inhibitors released by B. humidicola roots inhibited nitrifying bacteria, but did not negatively affect other major soil microorganisms and the effectiveness of the inhibitory effect varied with soil type.  相似文献   

The quantity and quality of peanut yields are seriously compromised by consecutive monoculture in the subtropical regions of China. Root exudates, which represent a growth regulator in peanut–soil feedback processes, play a principal role in soil sickness. The growth inhibition of a species in an in vitro bioassay enriched with root exudates and allelochemicals is commonly viewed as evidence of an allelopathic interaction. However, for some of these putative examples of allelopathy, the results have not been verified in more natural settings with plants continuously growing in soil. In this study, the phenolic acids in peanut root exudates, their retention characteristics in an Udic Ferrosol, and their effects on rhizosphere soil microbial communities and peanut seedling growth were studied. Phenolic acids from peanut root exudates were quickly metabolized by soil microorganisms and did not accumulate to high levels. The peanut root exudates selectively inhibited or stimulated certain communal bacterial and fungal species, with decreases in the relative abundance of the bacterial taxa Gelria glutamica, Mitsuaria chitosanitabida, and Burkholderia soli and the fungal taxa Mortierella sp. and Geminibasidium hirsutum and increases in the relative abundance of the bacterial taxon Desulfotomaculum ruminis and the fungal taxa Fusarium oxysporum, Bionectria ochroleuca and Phoma macrostoma. The experimental application of phenolic acids to non-sterile and sterile soil revealed that the poor performance of the peanut plants was attributed to changes in the soil microbial communities promoted by phenolic acids. These results suggest that pathogenic fungal accumulation at the expense of such beneficial microorganisms as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi induced by root exudates, rather than direct autotoxicity induced by root exudates, might represent the principal cause underlying the soil sickness associated with peanut plants. We hope that our study will motivate researchers to integrate the role of soil microbial communities in allelopathic research, such that their observed significance in soil sickness during continuous monocropping of fields can be further explored.  相似文献   

ZHENG Yi  ZHANG Fu-Suo 《土壤圈》2000,10(4):333-338
A three-compartments rhizobox was designed and used to study the low-molecular-weight organic acids in root exudates and the root apoplastic iron of “lime-induced chlorosis“ peanut grown on a clacareous soil in realtion to different soil moistrue conditions.Results showed that chlorosis of peanuts developed under condition of high soil mositure level(250 g kg^-1),while peanuts grew well and chlorosis did not develop when soil moisture was managed to a normal level(150 g kg^-1).The malic acid maleic acid and succinic acid contents of chlorotic peanut increased by 108.723,0.029,and 22.446ug cm^-1 ,respectively,compared with healthy peanuts.The content of citric acid and fumaric acid also increased in root exudates of chlorotic peanuts.On Days 28 and 42 of peanut growth,the accumulation of root apoplastic iron in chlorotic peanuts was higher than that of healthy peanuts.From Day 28 to Day 42,the mobilization percentages of chlorotic peanuts and healthy peanuts to root apoplastic iron were almost the smae,being 52.4% and 52.8%,respectively,indicating that the chlorosis might be caused by the inactivation of iron within peanut plant grown on a calcareous soil under soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

脲酶/硝化抑制剂对尿素氮在白浆土中转化的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用室内恒温培养方法,研究了脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)、硝化抑制剂(DMPP)及其协同对尿素氮在三江平原白浆土中转化作用效果。研究表明,在白浆土中NBPT有效作用时间小于13 d,作用时间较在棕壤和黑土中短;对土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮及表观硝化率影响与普通尿素基本一致。NBPT与DMPP组合缓释尿素施入4-7 d,能够有效抑制脲酶活性,减缓尿素水解;只添加DMPP与添加NBPT与DMPP协同作用对抑制铵态氮硝化作用效果相同,二者能保持土壤中NH4+-N高含量时间超过80 d。DMPP作用时间可达80 d以上,能有效抑制NH4+-N向NO3--N的转化;在第80 d,土壤中仍有54.58%~56.85%的氮以铵态氮形式存在,表观硝化率只有50%左右。DMPP抑制硝化作用效果十分显著,因此,在白浆土中施用添加NBPT缓释尿素、DMPP缓释尿素、NBPT与DMPP缓释尿素时,应首选添加1%DMPP的缓释尿素肥料。  相似文献   

In a model experiment, which imitated the rhizosphere of rice, the effect of organic acids (oxalic acid, citric acid) and protons on the release of non-exchangeable NH4^ and the resin adsorption of N was studied in a paddy soil, typical for Zhejiang Province, China. Oxalic and citric acids under low pH conditions, in combination with proton secretion, favored the mobilization of NH4^ ions and increased resin adsorption of N. The release of non-exchangeable NH4^ was associated with less formation of iron oxides. These could coat clay minerals and thus hinder the diffusion of NH4^ ions out of the interlayer. Protons enhanced the release of NH4^ , and then they could enter the wedge zones of the clay minerals and displace non-exchangeable NH4^ ions.  相似文献   

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