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2006年7月12日凌晨,秦皇岛市公安局刑警支队技术三大队使用警犬,在距案发仅7个小时后成功将命案犯罪嫌疑人毕某抓获。  相似文献   

2006年6月2日凌晨,秦皇岛市卢龙县铁矿内发生一起特大纵火毁财案,停放在矿区内的挖掘机被人焚毁,损失价值80余万元。接报后,秦皇岛市公安局刑警支队技术三大队副大队长郝景会立即安排民警杨志明携警犬“德罗”赶赴现场。在现场勘查中,发现在去往中心现场的小路上有一串成趟足迹  相似文献   

万洪林  陈海波 《警犬》2004,(1):49-49
2004年1月15日.中原油田公安局110特勤大队召开了一个特别的庆功表彰会,在第一天的带犬执勤中.训导员张伟立与所携警犬密切配合.在三小时内接连擒获一名交通肇事逃逸违法人员和一名散发“法轮功”传单的犯罪嫌疑人。  相似文献   

2003年4月9日晚,犯罪嫌疑人吴一(化名)、吴二(化名)、陈X、彭XX、朝X,黄XX先后纠集组成犯罪团伙,在贵阳市花溪镇杀死出租车驾驶员,抢走“捷达”出租车一辆,后带上自制炸弹准备驾车前往广东、广西继续作案。10日上午,途经独山县麻尾镇时,被例行检查的麻尾交警中队民警发现车中藏有自制炸  相似文献   

在深入开展打击“两抢一盗”犯罪专项斗争中,四川省乐山市活跃着一支鲜为人知的特殊专业队伍——乐山市公安局警犬队。据不完全统计,2005年1~11月,该队共直接和协助破获各类刑事案件22起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人16名,充分发挥了警犬在预防和打击犯罪中的特殊作用。  相似文献   

广东省肇庆市怀集县公安局针对近年来地方恶势力突出、逃犯多的情况,进行了全面的摸查工作,并确定了一批犯罪在逃人员。肇庆市公安局组织部署了清查搜捕行动,在市公安局刑警支队周锦满政委带领下,两名带犬民警携带两头警犬参与协助搜捕工作。2006年4月12日凌晨,多警种联动,出动  相似文献   

妻子砍死丈夫逃走,警犬追踪指明方向 2006年6月24日凌晨6时许,长沙县安沙镇龙华新村村民报警称本村村民郭某(男,现年39岁)死在其家屋前的路上。长沙县公安局刑侦大队立即请求市局警犬大队携带警犬前往支援。接到处警电话后,警犬大队立即派带犬民警徐俊、刘孝红携带警犬“尼娜”、“叮当”于当日8时赶到案发现场。带犬民警经过细致勘查,决定以犯罪嫌疑人作案后逃跑遗留在现场的拖鞋为嗅源,进行追踪。  相似文献   

2005年4月22日下午,贵州省凤岗县公安局接到毗邻的思南县公安局通报,称其羁押在德江县看守所的犯罪嫌疑人张某,于2005年4月22日14时许会亲结束后,在返回监区途中逃跑。请求凤岗县公安局派警犬火速前往协助追捕。凤岗县公安局接到思南县公安局的求助电话后,立即派两位民警携带两头警犬赶往德江。两民警赶往德江县看守所问明案情后,立即带着警犬与搜捕队一道上山展开追捕。从4月22日16时至23日凌晨3时许,一连10多个小时,  相似文献   

在搜捕持枪犯罪嫌疑人的行动中,我们是无法预知在搜捕中可能出现的各种情况的。因此,不论是谁第一个赶到现场,其首要工作就是要及时向指挥部通报情况,封闭和保护现场,包括控制现场周围的所有车辆。其次是要尽可能多地收集有关信息,这对保障整个搜捕行动的顺利进行尤为重要。  相似文献   

肖明星 《警犬》2013,(2):40-42
使用警犬抓捕疑犯一、案情基本情况2012年6月10日凌晨4时,腾冲县公安局刑侦大队接到市公安局指令:抽调刑侦大队带犬民警及警犬立即赶赴保山追捕一名涉案犯罪嫌疑人。  相似文献   

A panel of 8 monoclonal antibodies to rabies glycoprotein antigen was used to characterize the modified-live virus vaccines marketed in the United States during the last 10 years. Thirteen of 14 rabies virus isolates from 11 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 fox suspected of developing vaccine-induced rabies were shown to have reactivity patterns that were identical to the vaccine administered. Reactivity patterns for 20 rabies isolates from human beings, wild animals, or domestic animals with no history of recent vaccination with modified-live virus rabies vaccine were different from those obtained for vaccines.  相似文献   

农业部发布2009年6月玉米市场监测信息显示,6月国内玉米价格连续5个月反弹,国际玉米价格回升势头减缓,国内外价差继续扩大. 在国家临时收储政策刺激下,国内玉米价格连续5个月回升.6月份,国内产区平均批发价为1544元/吨,环比涨3.0%,同比跌4.4%.其中,东北产区1534元/吨,环比涨1.9%,同比涨1.4%;华北黄淮产区1553元/吨,环比涨3.8%,同比跌6.6%,销区平均批发价1780元/吨,环比涨3.4%,同比跌5.5%.  相似文献   

The Western diet is characterized by a high intake of SFA relative to PUFA, and the consumption of n-3 PUFA is decreased relative to n-6 PUFA. Therefore, there has been much interest in recent years in ways to manipulate the fatty acid composition of meat. The objective of this work was to determine the effects of dietary extruded linseed, an n-3 PUFA source, on growth performance, carcass composition, meat quality, and oxidative stability of pigs slaughtered at 111.0 (+/-4.8) kg of BW and 160.0 (+/-9.2) kg of BW. The association of these factors with BW at slaughter was also examined. Forty barrows, 78.1 (+/-1.75) kg of initial BW, were fed a control diet (2.5% sunflower oil) or a linseed diet containing 5% of whole extruded linseed. Both diets contained 170 mg of vitamin E and 250 mug of selenium. Eight pigs from each dietary treatment were slaughtered at 110 kg of BW and the others at 160 kg of BW. There was no dietary effect (P > 0.05) on growth, carcass characteristics, meat quality, or the activity of malic enzyme in LM and backfat. Inclusion of linseed increased (P < 0.05) n-3 PUFA content in both LM and backfat and decreased the n-6:n-3 PUFA ratio from 12 to 4.5 in LM, and from 11 to 3 in backfat. Liveweight at slaughter significantly influenced carcass characteristics, meat quality, total lipid and oxidative stability of LM, malic enzyme activity in adipose tissue, and fatty acid content of LM and backfat. This study shows that the inclusion of linseed in swine diets may improve the fatty acid profile of pork without deleteriously affecting oxidation or color stability. Thus, such a feeding practice may improve human health based on the n-6:n-3 PUFA ratio recommended for the human diet.  相似文献   

Three hundred commensal Escherichia coli recovered from healthy herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous mammals from one zoo were characterized for their phylogenetic origin, intestinal virulence gene (VG) prevalence, and genomic diversity. The phylogenetic structure of the E. coli (groups A, B1, B2, and D) from the herbivores was homogenous, with a prevailing representation of group B1. In the carnivores and omnivores, the phylogenetic diversity was species specific with a higher representation of group A compared to the herbivores. Of 16 intestinal VGs in the whole set, 8 were detected and they formed 13 VG profiles. In the herbivores, all the VG-positive isolates belonged to group B1 and harboured the genes eaeA, eastI, ehxA, stx1, and stx2, which separately or in combination formed 8 VG profiles. In the carnivores and omnivores, the VG-positive isolates frequently belonged to group A and harboured the estI and estII genes or a combination of eastI and estI, forming three VG profiles. Single genes cnf2, in group B2, and eastI, in group D, were found. Similarity analysis of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns revealed closer relatedness between the isolates from carnivores and omnivores than those from herbivores. The comparison between the prevalence of phylogenetic groups and the phylogenetic origin of VG-positive isolates in the examined E. coli suggested, that E. coli from group B1 in herbivores and E. coli from group A rather than B1 in carnivores and omnivores are "best adapted" to the host organism. The groups revealed different preferences in the acquisition and maintenance of intestinal VGs.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis, a genetically inherited disease of the exocrine glands in man, has no known counterpart in animals. The symptoms in man produced by mucous obstructing the lungs, pancreas and liver have been described. The signs, symptoms and course of an analogous disease in animals have been predicted. If an analogous disease in animals can be discovered, it is anticipated that it will make possible significant advances in the study of the normal and pathological physiology of the abnormal exocrine glands and will lead to a means of controlling the human disease.  相似文献   

各位来宾,各位朋友,尊敬的女士们、先生们,大家好!各位不辞鞍马劳顿,从四面八方来到美丽的海滨城市福州,参加2005年中国饲料工业展示交易会,表现了对这次盛会的高度热情和大力支持。在此,让我代表中国饲料工业协会,向大家表示热烈的欢迎和真诚的感谢!中国有句俗语:“有缘千里来  相似文献   

近几年来,广西黄羽肉鸡产业异军突起,中等规模的黄羽肉鸡企业已达70多家,黄羽肉鸡的年出栏量已接近广东省的出栏量。伴随着广西黄羽肉鸡业发展壮大的广西春茂集团,已成长为集畜牧、机械、食品加工、连锁餐饮等产业于一体的农业产业化重点龙头企业。2007种鸡存栏127.5万套,出栏肉鸡3200万只,生产鸡苗1.2亿只,带动农户创收6700多万元,集团年产值7个亿。  相似文献   

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