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西藏林工守区引种栽培木本观赏植物研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合西藏林芝地区“福建园”绿化工程建设,首次在露地条件下引种栽培了35种观赏植物。从引种苗木的成活率以及景观表现来看,在本次引种中,初期生长表现较好的植物有:碧桃、日本晚婴、紫叶李、垂丝海棠、贴梗海棠、结香、榆叶梅、二乔玉兰、鸡爪槭、腊梅、紫竹等11种。生长表现良好或一般的植物有:三角枫、元宝枫、金丝垂柳、火棘、红叶桃、迎春花、美国地锦、紫藤、梅花、重瓣红石榴、红叶小檗、南天竹、红瑞木、白丁香、棣棠、垂枝连翘等16种,它们的成活率在70%以上,对这些植物在栽培中应注意选择适宜的栽培小环境和改进栽培技术方法,以便进一步提高栽培成活率。生长表现不佳的植物有:紫薇、银杏、紫荆、小叶女贞、杜鹃花等5种,对这些植物在景观构建时就理使用。而目前在该地区开阔地带不宜种植的主要植物有:柿、栾树、合欢等3种。  相似文献   

国家林业局甘肃濒危动物保护中心于2013年春季对从河南引进海棠实生苗进行了栽培试验,通过4年多的引种栽培试验研究,结果表明:海棠在荒漠区表现良好,成活率高,抗性强,栽培管理简单,园林绿化效果突出,是一种适合在武威地区推广应用的优良树种。  相似文献   

为了丰富深圳地区山龙眼科植物资源,于2013年在深圳儿童乐园引入9个种/品种的山龙眼科植物,观测分析其成活率、生长势、生长量、开花情况,得出:有8个种/品种的引种成活率为100%;栽培2年后,树高生长量为13-136.46 cm,地径生长量为0.17-2.54 cm,冠幅生长量为2.5-89.33 cm,开花率达到66.67%。初步表明,这些树种/品种在深圳儿童乐园综合生长表现良好,适应性强,适宜在深圳地区栽培。  相似文献   

介绍了小叶榄仁的形态特征、生态学特性以及在汕头地区引种的生长表现。引种栽培结果表明:小叶榄仁生长和抗逆性表现良好,适合汕头等沿海地区作为庭园景观树种和行道树种,并总结了小叶榄仁的育苗及管理技术。  相似文献   

对牡丹江第五引种4种北美海棠的5年引种试验结果进行了调查分析。研究表明:经过5年引种试验,在0.05显著性水平下,4个品种5年来的引种试验测量指标差异显著。4种海棠均能在试验地成活、生长。受低温冻害限制,白兰地海棠和道格海棠表现较好,最适宜牡丹江地区培育利用,火焰海棠、王族海棠冻害较严重,不是最好的培育选择。  相似文献   

抗寒平欧榛子在黑龙江省东部山区引种栽培研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对5个平欧榛子品种7年的引种栽培试验,内容主要包括:幼苗成活率、抗寒性、物候期、各年生长量、开花结实、树形整形修剪等方面。观测与分析结果表明:在5个引进品种中,达维、平欧110、平欧226三个品种在抗寒性、生长、结实性状等方面均表现较好,适合在黑龙江省东部地区推广栽培。  相似文献   

厦门植物园自1975年至今已引种保存泽米铁科6属25种和3个变种,约占世界泽米铁科植物种类的16%,丰富了我国的苏铁目植物资源。引种以种子、播种苗和栽培苗为材料,引种总成活率为68%。引种的泽米铁科植物大都适应于引种试验地的生长,适应性表现良好。  相似文献   

为丰富成都地区彩叶树种资源,于2009年12月在成都崇州羊马引种美国红枫、北美枫香、北美海棠、紫叶矮樱、紫叶加拿大紫荆5个彩叶树种,对其成活率、生长势、生长量、物候、观赏性状和病虫害发生情况等进行了观察分析。结果表明,5种彩叶树种的引种成活率为80%~100%,地径年均生长量为0.4~0.9 cm,树高年均生长量为32~83 cm,冠幅年均生长量为15~76 cm,最佳色叶观赏期为49~150天,色叶期为90~282天和有叶期为258~303天,病虫害发生率为9%~95%。其中美国红枫、北美枫香、北美海棠和紫叶加拿大紫荆4个彩叶树种在崇州羊马综合生长表现较好,适应性较强,可作为适宜栽培的彩叶树种;紫叶矮樱生长速度最慢,病虫害发生率最高,达95%,不适宜在崇州羊马引种栽培。  相似文献   

西安市藤本月季引种驯化优选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对国内外50个品种藤本月季的引种栽培,经2~3年的驯化研究,结果表明:改良土壤,细化养护,引种成活率平均达95%以上,绝大多数品种生长良好,从其形态特征、生态习性等方面,筛选出表现较强优势的种类,以丰富西安市园林立体绿化植物多样性。  相似文献   

对自陕西杨凌引种的日本晚樱、二球悬铃木、木槿、垂丝海棠、西府海棠等五种植物在乌鲁木齐地区的越冬抗寒能力进行了对比实验,根据调查数据分析结果表明:木槿、西府海棠抗寒能力极弱,日本晚樱、二球悬铃木抗寒能力较强,唯有垂丝海棠抗寒能力强,能够在乌鲁木齐地区园林绿化中推广应用。  相似文献   

通过对白丁香等5个树种初期生长指标分析得出:西部沙樱的成活率最高,引种当年的高生长最旺;银水牛果的成活率最低,引种当年长势却很旺盛;5个树种的保存率均在80%以上,且西部沙樱保存率最高。  相似文献   

随着人类对居住环境要求的不断提高,彩叶植物以其色彩艳丽,观赏期长,营造的园林景观稳定性强,色相变化明显等无可比拟的优越性在园林行业中占有相当大的优势。选取紫叶矮樱、紫叶李、紫叶碧桃、美人梅等九种彩叶植物对其生态适应性和景观效果进行了分析评价。  相似文献   

Root and shoot characteristics related to drought resistance were compared among cultivated peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.), P. andersonii (Nevada Desert almond), P. besseyi (western sand cherry), P. maritima (beach plum), P. subcordata (Sierra or Pacific plum), and P. tomentosa (Nanking cherry). In all species, shoot characteristics were more closely associated with drought adaptation than root characteristics. The most xeric species, P. andersonii, had the lowest specific leaf area, smallest leaves, highest stomatal conductance (before stress), highest rate of carbon assimilation (A), high root length/leaf area and root weight/leaf area ratios, and the highest leaf nitrogen content on an area basis. Root hydraulic conductivity was similar for all species, indicating a lack of importance of this parameter for drought resistance. During a 5-7 day drought, water use efficiency (WUE) increased as shoot water potentials (Psi) declined to -3.0 to -4.0 MPa for the xeric P. andersonii and P. subcordata, whereas after an initial increase, WUE decreased with declining Psi in the -1.5 to -3.0 MPa range for the more mesic P. maritima, P. persica and P. tomentosa as a result of non-stomatal limitations to A. Carbon assimilation rate decreased linearly with Psi during drought in all species, but the Psi at which A reached zero was not associated with drought adaptation. We conclude that the variation in leaf characteristics among Prunus species could be exploited to improve the drought resistance of commercial cultivars.  相似文献   

采用2019年WorldView-3卫星遥感影像与SRTM数字高程模型(DEM)数据,通过遥感面向对象提取、地理信息系统数字地形分析等,研究新疆伊犁吐尔根农场沟流域新疆野杏(Prunus armeniaca)的生长分布特征。结果表明,新疆野杏主要分布于吐尔根农场沟流域上游海拔1 000~1 900 m的山地坡面,分布面积2.57 km2,覆盖率为2.58%;新疆野杏垂直地带性空间分布特征明显,其分布面积、覆盖率均随海拔升高呈先增大后减小趋势,在海拔1 300~1 400 m出现最大值;新疆野杏分布面积西风迎风阳坡大于背风阴坡、15°~35°坡大于其他更缓和更陡坡,覆盖率西风迎风阴坡高于背风阳坡、陡坡高于缓坡;随海拔升高,同一海拔内不同坡向、坡度上新疆野杏覆盖率的差异均呈先减小后增大趋势,海拔1 300 m附近各坡向、各坡度间新疆野杏分布差异最小,相对最适宜其生存。  相似文献   

本文观测了从日本引进的5个垂枝樱花品种在武汉2014年和2015年两年间的部分生物学性状变化,包括对成活率、成枝力、生长势、落叶期、叶芽萌动期、展叶期、抽梢期、花芽萌动期、初花期、盛花期和落花期等指标的观测结果。研究表明:重瓣品种‘八重红枝垂’成活率最高,‘枝垂樱’和‘红枝垂’两个单瓣品种花期较早,‘枝垂樱’与‘菊枝垂’一起搭配应用于园林工程,可使垂枝樱花的赏花期持续达40多天。  相似文献   

东北主要绿化树种对大气重金属污染物吸收能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文于2003年9月到10月在哈尔滨市主要街道采集和分析主要绿化树种的树叶,研究测定了东北主要的24种乔木树种和6种灌木树种对大气重金属污染物铅、镉、铬、汞的吸收能力。结果表明:绿化树种对铅、镉、铬、汞具有一定的吸收能力,并依污染物和树种的不同而有明显差异;根据不同树种对不同大气重金属污染物吸收量的差异将其各分为三级,其中吸铅量高的树种有白桦、垂枝榆和京桃等;吸镉量高的树种有小黑杨、钻天杨、银中杨和旱柳等;吸铬量高的树种有黄菠萝、紫丁香、旱柳、黑皮油松、红皮云杉、京桃、榆叶梅和糖槭等;吸汞量高的树种有榆叶梅、蒙古栎、旱柳、接骨木、野梨和华北绣线菊等。本研究为在不同大气重金属污染条件下选择不同绿化树种提供了科学依据。表4参11。  相似文献   

In northern Thailand, a growing interest in restoring forests for wildlife conservation and environmental protection is increasing demand for high quality planting stock of a wide range of native forest tree species. Since most native tree species have never been grown in nurseries, their production is hindered by a lack of knowledge of basic propagation methods. Basic data on germination and performance of ten indigenous framework tree species, Castanopsis acuminatissima, Dalbergia rimosa, Diospyros glandulosa, Eugenia albiflora, Ficus glaberrima var. glaberrima, Lithocarpus craibianus, Melia toosendan, Prunus cerasoides, Quercus semiserrata and Spondias axillaris were collected during the production process. Different species produce seeds at different times of the year and they have different growth rates, yet saplings must attain a plantable size by the optimum planting time i.e. the start of the wet season. Germination percentages ranged from 38 to 89%, and the time in the nursery to reach a plantable size ranged from 119 days for Prunus cerasoides, when it had reached a mean height of 48.6 cm (SD 7.9), to 609 days for Lithocarpus craibianus, when it had reached mean height of 40.5 cm (SD 10.6). This paper discusses the scheduling of production for these candidate framework species.  相似文献   

为了探明胼胝质对玫瑰授粉亲和性的影响,本研究以‘唐红’玫瑰花柱为试材,采用RT-PCR和RACE方法获得了玫瑰β-1,3-葡聚糖合成酶基因的cDNA全长,命名为RrCalS。该基因全长5742 bp,开放阅读框5295 bp,编码1764个氨基酸。推导编码蛋白的分子量为204.7kD, PI值为9.00,在164-265位具有pfam14288结构域,在869-1642位具有pfam02364保守结构域,属于葡聚糖合成酶超家族;该蛋白属于疏水性、非分泌型蛋白,具有16个跨膜结构域,含有32个Ser磷酸化位点、21个Thr磷酸化位点、12个Tyr磷酸化位点;该蛋白的α-螺旋占49.49%,无规则卷曲占22.68%,β-转角占7.94%;该蛋白与Fragaria vesca等8种植物的Cals氨基酸序列同源性达73%以上,且它们的系统进化关系与传统分类结果一致。本研究为进一步深入研究玫瑰授粉不亲和机理,提高玫瑰育种理论和技术水平奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用临时标准地法,对20块标准地的40株平均木和优势木进行了树干解析,采用IBMPC系列程序集对所得数据进行计算,以分析稠李、斑叶稠李树高、胸径和材积的生长规律。结果表明:稠李、斑叶稠李都属早期速生树种,稠李高生长在12年时已达高峰,胸径生长在32年时已趋最高,材积生长在40年左右时达到最佳。斑叶稠李高生长在18年达到高峰,胸径生长在32年趋于最高,材积生长在45年左右达到最佳水准。  相似文献   


Key message

Large genetic variation was found in Prunus avium L. populations from the northern parts of the species distribution range. The ranking of genotypes in terms of growth was stable when tested at three trial sites within the northern parts of the species distribution range.


Peripheral populations especially those in the leading edge are isolated from rest of the areas in the species distribution range. This can make them less genetically diverse yet genetically distinct from the rest of the populations in the species distribution range. Evaluation of their genetic diversity is thus crucial in understanding the local adaptation potential of a species.


We investigated the genetic diversity and genotype by environment interaction at the northern parts of the distribution range of P. avium.


Quantitative genetic variation of growth, stem form, and spring phenology were assessed in progenies from 93 plus trees of P. avium selected from 43 locations at the north of the species distribution range in Sweden and tested at two Swedish sites and one Danish site.


We find large quantitative genetic variation in growth and phenology at the northern part of the distribution range of P. avium. Only a limited genotype by environment interaction was observed with no clear indication of local adaptation at the northern parts of the species distribution.


We conclude that P. avium harbors a high level of genetic diversity at the north of its distribution range. Present patterns therefore reflect more likely the recent introduction of the species and dispersal dynamics rather than a long-term loss of diversity along South-North ecological clines during the Holocene. With no indications of genetic depletion in growth or phenology, the gene pool in the breeding program is considered suitable for the future propagation of the species in the tested area.

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