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Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of drip irrigation regimes on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growth, tuber yield and quality, and water use efficiency (WUE) when grown under plastic mulch in an arid area of Northwestern China in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 2008 experiment consisted of a drip irrigation check without plastic mulch and four different drip irrigation frequency treatments with plastic mulch: once every day, once every 2 days, once every 4 days, and once every 8 days. In 2009 and 2010 the drip check treatment without mulch was irrigated at −25 kPa soil matric potential (SMP) during three potato development stages and four different SMP drip irrigation strategies were compared during the potato development stages (using plastic mulch): S1 (−25 kPa SMP during the three development stages), S2 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and bulking and −35 kPa SMP during maturation), S3 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and maturation and −35 kPa SMP during bulking), S4 (−35 kPa SMP during the three development stages). Plastic mulch negatively affected tuber yield, WUE, and tuber quality. In the presence of plastic mulch, tuber yield, specific gravity, starch content, and vitamin C content seemed to be enhanced as the irrigation frequency increased, although the differences were not statistically significant. Irrigation frequency did not affect WUE for potato grown under plastic mulch. Analysis of plant height, tuber yield and WUE showed that a drip irrigation threshold of −35 kPa SMP led to obvious water stress for potato growth in this arid area. Under plastic mulch in 2010, S2 was the optimum drip irrigation regime because of the significantly higher yield than S3 and S4, the highest WUE and significantly firmer tubers than any of the other irrigation regimes tested.  相似文献   

适期早播双膜覆盖栽培菜用花生,可以有效地提早鲜果上市时间,提高花生种植效益。试验以不同播期处理研究提早播种对花生生长发育,鲜果产量、产值以及效益的影响,研究结果初步明确、泰州及相近地区早春双膜覆盖栽培菜用花生,最早播期为3月14,安全播期为3月24日,适宜播期为3月20日前后。  相似文献   

种衣剂拌种和地膜覆盖对花生成苗与产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
种衣剂拌种和出苗期盖膜均能明显提高花生成苗率、百果重和荚果产量等,二者具有一定的正向互作效应。在酸性红壤条件下,出苗期盖膜与全生育期盖膜处理比较.单株饱果数、百果重、百仁重等性状值均较高,花生增产15.8%。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,57(3):253-263
Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was grown in the field for two consecutive seasons under ambient and supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–315 nm) radiation to determine the potential for alterations in community structure, developmental stages, growth and yield components. The supplemental UV-B radiation simulated depletions of 12, 20, or 25% stratospheric ozone. Spring wheat is a potentially UV-B sensitive species, showing the greatest sensitivity to UV-B radiation at 5.31 kJ m−2. Delays in development and decrease in plant height were observed at early tillering stage under UV-B treatment, and slowly exacerbated during further development. UV-B radiation changed crop structure, by decreasing the total number of tillers produced and increasing dead shoot number, resulted in fewer head-bearing shoots at ripening stage, and decreased biomass and yield. UV-B radiation decreased the area of the last leaf and leaf area index, but increased specific leaf weight. UV-B radiation inhibited biomass accumulation and altered the patterns of biomass partitioning; these effects might be correlated with yield. Decreases in yield were the result of significant reductions in spike number, grain number per spike and thousand grain weight under UV-B. Generally, the effects of UV-B radiation on developmental stages and crop structure were the most important, they might change the other characteristics of spring wheat crop. The responses of spring wheat crop to enhanced UV-B radiation were assessed, decreases in some crop characteristics caused by a 10 or 20% global ozone depletion were predicted. Ozone depletion had the greatest decrease in yield and the least reduction in plant height.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1995,41(1):55-60
Spikeless tillers of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) affect grain yield because of less than optimum effective plant population. This study was conducted to examine the genetic variability for tiller mortality, and its relationship to grain yield in diverse wheat lines. Twenty lines were evaluated in replicated field tests in 4 years at Rampur, Nepal. The characters investigated were maximum number of tiller produced, the number of reproductive tillers, tiller mortality, and grain yield. The lines differed significantly for all characters. The tiller mortality ranged from 7 to 30%. There were substantial effects of environment on all four characters. The entry-by-year interactions were significant for all traits, primarily because of changes in the relative genotypic differences for these traits in the four years. However, certain lines consistently ranked low or high for tiller mortality. There was a significant negative correlation between tiller mortality and grain yield in 3 out of 4 years. There was a positive correlation of highest tiller number with reproductive tiller number and with tiller mortality. Grain yield showed a nonsignificant positive correlation with maximum tiller number. The reproductive tiller number was positively correlated with grain yield. Results of this study indicate that spikeless tillers contribute negatively to grain yield and that genetic variation exists for tiller mortality in spring wheat.  相似文献   

In rice-based lowland areas in the Mekong region, the lack of full irrigation water availability for post-rice legume crops and the poor soil physical and chemical conditions are major constraints for development of sound rice/legume double cropping system. In order to improve legume productivity, use of rice straw mulch and various crop establishment methods were examined in two series of mungbean experiments in Cambodia where soils were coarse and strongly compacted. In one set of experiments conducted at four locations in the first year the effect of straw mulch, planting method (manual vs seed drill) and tillage method (conventional vs no-till) was examined. Another set of experiments were conducted in the second year at three locations with four levels of mulch under two planting densities. On average in year 1, mulching of rice straw at 1.5 t/ha increased mungbean crop establishment from 72 to 83%, reduced weed biomass from 164 to 123 kg/ha and increased yield from 228 to 332 kg/ha. Mulch was effective in conserving soil moisture, and even at maturity the mulched area had on average 1% higher soil moisture content. The amount of mulch between 1 and 2 t/ha did not show consistent effects in year 2, partly because some mulch treatments resulted in excessive soil moisture content and were not effective. Rice straw mulch had a significant effect on mungbean yield in 6 out of the 7 experiments conducted in two years, and mean yield increase was 35%. This yield advantage was attributed to better crop establishment, improved growth and reduced weed pressure, but in some cases only one or two of these factors were effective. On the other hand, planting method, tillage method and planting density had only small effects on mungbean yield in most experiments. Only in one location out of four tested, the no-till treatment produced significantly higher yield than the conventional method. Seed drill produced similar mungbean establishment and grain yield to the manual planting suggesting that the planter can be used to save the labour cost which is increasing rapidly in the Mekong region. Maximum root depth varied little with mulch or planting density, and was shallow (<20 cm) in all three locations where this character was determined. It is concluded that while rice straw mulch increased yield of mungbean following rice, the inability of mungbean roots to penetrate the hard pan is a major constraint for development of a sound rice/mungbean cropping system in the lowlands with compacted soils.  相似文献   

The effects of growing forage maize (Zea mays) with or without plastic mulching treatments on the dry‐matter (DM) yield, cob yield, DM content and starch content was investigated in Northern Ireland in 1996 and 1997. Cultivars differing in maturity characteristics were sown in spring at a range of dates in three replicated plot experiments and were used to compare the effects of two plastic mulches and an untreated control: one plastic mulch completely covered the rows (floating); the other had holes punched in the plastic, through which the plants grew (punch). Between April and October in 1996 and 1997, the Ontario heat units (OU) received were above average at 2489 and 2660 respectively; in those years without plastic mulches, the earliest maturing cultivar, Melody, yielded 11·0 and 13·6 t DM ha–1, with dry‐matter contents of 214 and 215 g kg–1 respectively. Mean daily increases in soil and air temperature under plastic mulches of up to 6°C and 11°C, respectively, were closely related to solar radiation. Under plastic mulches, 15% fewer OU were required to reach silking, and 33% more OU were available between silking and harvest. Meaned over three experiments, two years and three cultivars, plastic mulches, when compared with the unmulched control, increased maize yield from 12·0 to 14·7 t DM ha–1, cob yield from 3·7 to 6·8 t DM ha–1, dry‐matter content from 230 to 270 g kg–1 and starch content from 198 to 272 g kg–1. The effect of plastic mulch on the maturation of the crop was greatest at earlier sowings. In 1997, plants from an early sowing date (10 April) that had recently emerged through the punch plastic mulch were damaged by frost, whereas those in the floating plastic mulch plots were unaffected. When the floating plastic mulch was left on after the six‐ to eight‐leaf stage of the first‐early maize cultivar Hudson, the plants were physically damaged and the yield reduced, but DM and starch contents continued to increase. The increases in yield and dry‐matter content under the plastic mulch were greater in Diamant (second‐early cultivar) than in Melody (first‐early cultivar). It was concluded that, under marginal climatic conditions, plastic mulches ought to be used to improve the reliability of early cultivars rather than growing later maturing cultivars.  相似文献   

福建龙岩成酥花生是龙岩一大特色产业,特别是湿考型成酥花生以香酥脆闻名,年加工能力达2.6万t。但新罗区常年种植花生面积2000hm^2左右,其中春播花生650hm^2左右,秋播花生1300hm^2左右,年产花生0.8万t,只能满足三分之一的加工需求,为提高花生产量,增加湿考花生原料供应,进行花生春播高产栽培配套试验,为春播花生丰产栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1997,51(3):241-252
Agronomic efficiency (kg grain yield kg−1 N applied) is conditioned by environmental factors and nitrogen availability during the growing period. Hence, a fertilization model that considers environmental factors affecting wheat crop growth and effective N supply should be based on crop N demand. In this work, a simple model based on N balance during the growing season is used as the frame to simulate both the demand and the availability of N, and to determine grain yield. Fertilization experiments were conducted under different environments (50 sites, 8 y) of the Southern Pampa of Argentina. Nitrogen fertilization rates ranged between 25 and 125 kg N ha−1. Soil initial conditions and water balance during the crop cycle were found to modify both N demand and soil N supply. The amount of N taken up by crops, water balance during the crop growth period and mean maximum temperature during grain filling, all affected grain yield components. The proposed model provided a good agreement between observed independent data sets and simulated values of grain yield (root mean square error = 9% of the mean value). Model operation was performed for one site within the region using climatic records to estimate annual grain yield variability under three levels of N availability.  相似文献   

覆膜栽培对中稻-再生稻生育期及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻收割后稻桩上存活的休眠芽 ,在适宜的水、温、光和养分条件下 ,萌发再生蘖 ,进而抽穗成熟的一季水稻称为再生稻。水稻再生利用是一种省工、省种、省肥、省水、省药、种一季收两熟的高效水稻栽培技术 ,1996年以来 ,在浙西南山区推广应用面积逐年增加 ,至今已累计推广近7000hm2,共增产稻谷2.83多万t,增值3200多万元 ,增加纯收入2100多万元 ,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。但如何提高山区烂糊田的中稻 -再生稻产量这一问题 ,一直是许多基层农技人员工作的难点。为了探索烂糊田中稻 -再生稻高产途径 ,我们借鉴地…  相似文献   

Intensive cultivation of rice and wheat in north-west India has resulted in air pollution from rice straw burning, soil degradation and declining groundwater resources. The retention of rice residues as a surface mulch could be beneficial for moisture conservation and yield, and for hence water productivity, in addition to reducing air pollution and loss of soil organic matter. Two field experiments were conducted in Punjab, India, to study the effects of rice straw mulch and irrigation scheduling on wheat growth, yield, water use and water productivity during 2006-2008. Mulching increased soil water content and this led to significant improvement in crop growth and yield determining attributes where water was limiting, but this only resulted in significant grain yield increase in two instances. There was no effect of irrigation treatment in the first year because of well-distributed rains. In the second year, yield decreased with decrease and delay in the number of irrigations between crown root initiation and grain filling. With soil matric potential (SMP)-based irrigation scheduling, the irrigation amount was reduced by 75 mm each year with mulch in comparison with no mulch, while maintaining grain yield. Total crop water use (ET) was not significantly affected by mulch in either year, but was significantly affected by irrigation treatment in the second year. Mulch had a positive or neutral effect on grain water productivity with respect to ET (WPET) and irrigation (WPI). Maximum WPI occurred in the treatment which received the least irrigation, but this was also the lowest yielding treatment. The current irrigation scheduling guidelines based on cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) resulted in sub-optimal irrigation (loss of yield) in one of the two years, and higher irrigation input and lower WPI of the mulched treatment in comparison with SMP-based irrigation scheduling. The results from this and other studies suggest that farmers in Punjab greatly over-irrigate wheat. Further field and modelling studies are needed to extrapolate the findings to a wider range of seasonal and site conditions, and to develop simple tools and guidelines to assist farmers to better schedule irrigation to wheat.  相似文献   

For adapted cultivars under normal crop densities, biological yield is largely determined by the pool of available resources, e.g. water, nutrients and photosynthetically active radiation, while the nature and intensity of intraspecific competition plays an important role in determining the magnitude of harvest index (HI). Water deficits can drastically reduce the HI from its genetic potential to zero. This study was conducted to determine the effect of drought-weighted intraspecific competition on the HI and, consequently, the grain yield in spring wheat populations along a natural moisture gradient in northwestern China. Along the natural moisture gradient (annual mean rainfall decreased 328→204→185 mm per year, supplemented with 70 mm of irrigation), culm size inequality (as measured by the Gini coefficient of above-ground biomass per culm) always increased, and Lorenz curves were more concave. HI decreased significantly in 1999 (0.364→0.345→0.307) and 2000 (0.341→0.303→0.251). There was a significant negative correlation between the Gini coefficient and the HI of spring wheat along the moisture gradient (R2=0.92, P<0.01). These results suggested that size hierarchies in spring wheat populations are closely correlated with the water regime in the field, and that under greater drought stress there are relatively more smaller plants with lower HI (size-dependent reproductive allocation). Size inequality is an index of competitive status in plant populations under stress environments. Agriculturally, greater size inequality may result in a competitive cost for energy and photosynthetic products, in other words, growth redundancy, which is detrimental to reproductive allocation and consequently, grain yield. The results support the view that stand uniformity in field crops is an important mechanism for increasing grain yield.  相似文献   

Unpredictable temperatures and rainfall associated with climate change are expected to affect wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in various countries. The development of climate-resilient spring wheat cultivars able to maintain grain yield and quality is essential to food security and economic returns. We tested 54 CIMMYT spring bread wheat genotypes, developed and/or released over a span of 50 years, in the field for two years under optimum sowing dates, as well as using two delayed sowing dates to expose crops to medium and severe heat-stress conditions. The grain yield and yield components were severely affected as the heat-stress increased. Two contrasting groups of 10 lines each were identified to determine the effect of heat-stress on bread-making quality. The first set included entries that produced high yields in optimal conditions and maintained higher yields under heat-stress (superior-yielding lines), while the second set included genotypes that did not perform well in the environment with high temperature (inferior-yielding lines). We identified genotypes exhibiting bread-making quality stability, as well as the quality traits that had higher correlation with the loaf volume in the environment without stress and under heat-stress. Of all the quality traits tested, dough extensibility (AlvL) and grain protein content had a significant influence in heat-stress adaptation. Most of the lines from the superior-yielding group were also able to maintain and even improve quality characteristics under heat-stress and therefore, could be used as parents in breeding to develop high-yielding and stable quality wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Optimum plant densities are a key to maximise yields in most crops. However, such information is often lacking for more environmentally sound cropping systems, such as living mulches (LM) for small grains. In 2004 and 2005, three trials were conducted in the Swiss Midlands on fields managed in accordance with the Swiss organic farming guidelines. The objective of the study was to determine whether seeding density of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a relevant factor for determining grain yield in a white clover (Trifolium repens L.) living mulch. The winter wheat cv. Titlis was directly sown in wide spaced rows (0.375 m) at densities of 300 (LM300), 450 (LM450) or 600 (LM600) viable grains m−2 in a white clover living mulch established at a seeding rate of 15 kg ha−1. A bare soil control treatment with a wheat density of 450 viable grains m−2 (BS450) was also included in the trials. Mean grain yields of LM300, LM450, and LM600 never reached the values observed in BS450. This was mainly due to a lower ear density, which, nevertheless, increased linearly with the seeding density within the living mulch in all trials, but the rate of increase depended on the environment. The decrease of the grain weight brought about by the increasing seeding density had only a marginal impact on the grain yield, which was increased from 1.31, 1.98, and 4.09 Mg ha−1 (LM300) to 1.97, 2.64, and 4.75 Mg ha−1 (LM600) for each of the three trials in the study. Significantly higher protein contents were observed for LM300 compared to the higher densities in the living mulch and to BS450. Our research showed that an increase of the seeding density is an effective mean to increase the grain yield in living mulch systems with white clover. However, it is likely that the control of the living mulch to reduce competition with the main crop is a more relevant factor.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1996,15(2):167-170
Foliar sprays containing benzimidazole and/or compounds inhibiting ergosterol biosynthesis in fungi were tested for their effects on spring wheat at different localities in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Fungicide treatments caused significant yield increases (P > 0.05) at most of the localities where plants were sprayed at Zadok's growth stages 31 and 39. Plants were affected by physiological leaf spot, which occurred in all localities. At one locality good control of leaf rust (Pucdnia recondita f.sp. tritici) was obtained with triazole-containing sprays, but not with imidazole- and benzimidazole-containing sprays. Lodging due to eyespot (Tapesia yallundae) occurred at another locality where it was partially controlled by benzimidazole-containing fungicide mixtures. Fungicides had little or no effect on yield when planting date was delayed or when the rate of soil-applied nitrogen on fallow land was increased. The study indicates that in the Western Cape Province growth regulating effects, rather than fungicidal effects of fungicides, are often responsible for yield increases of wheat.  相似文献   

麦茬旱稻不同播量对产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年在沂水、费县以早稻65为材料进行了6个播种量处理的试验。结果表明.随着播量的增加。群体逐渐增大.穗数明显提高。合理的播量。形成了适宜的群体结构.光能利用率提高,光合产物增加.最终产量较高。试验认为以播量75~90kg/hm。较适宜。  相似文献   

To broaden genetic variation, an irradiated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) M5 population was generated in the background of spring wheat cv. Almaken. This resource was used to measure components of productivity, including grain number and grain weight (GW) per main spike, GW per plant (GWP), 1000-grain weight (TGW), grain size and grain shape, and some quality parameters. Some mutant lines, mostly in the 200-Gy-dosed germplasm, had 2–4 times higher grain iron and zinc concentrations and 7–11% higher protein content relative to the parent line. Some irradiated lines had significantly larger TGW, and grain area (GA), length, and width than the parent, cv. Almaken. The largest GA and grain length (GL) were 30–40% greater than those of the parent. Correlations for Zn concentration versus GA = 0.191, p ? 0.01, grain protein content (GPC) versus GA = 0.128, p ? 0.05, GPC versus GL = 0.113, p ? 0.05, and GPC versus grain width = 0.191, p?0.001 were observed in 200 Gy-dosed mutants. In 100 Gy-dosed mutants, correlations for Fe concentration versus GWP = 0.302, p ? 0.001 and Fe concentration versus TGW = 0.153, p ? 0.01 were found. The mutant lines showed the capacity to biofortify wheat grain without negatively impacting on crop productivity and this population offers promising donors for improving grain parameters such as GA, length, and width and quality. The data presented showed how the genetic variation generated through radiation could be used to test the linkage between various important grain parameters.  相似文献   

Hexaploid spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm from CIMMYT's breeding program in Mexico has assisted wheat improvement in Australia, particularly in the north-eastern region where terminal drought frequently reduces grain yield. A total of 273 conventional hexaploid and derived synthetic hexaploid spring wheats from CIMMYT, along with 15 locally adapted Australian cultivars (Oz lines), were evaluated for grain yield over four years in a total of 27 environments in Australia's north-eastern wheat region. The CIMMYT conventional spring wheats were from a Seri/Babax recombinant inbred line population (SB lines), elite entries from an International Adaptation Trial (IAT lines) introduced to Australia between 1999 and 2004 and from CIMMYT screening nurseries introduced to Australia in 2004–2005 (SW lines). Synthetic wheats (SYN lines) were also from these nurseries as well as from a separate program of synthetic wheat introductions to Australia over 2001–2004.  相似文献   

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