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Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to evaluate the crop water stress index (CWSI) for low-energy precision application (LEPA) irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) grown on slowly-permeable Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, Torrertic Paleustoll) during the 1992 growing season at Bushland, Tex. The effects of six different irrigation levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% replenishment of soil water depleted from the 1.5-m soil profile depth) on corn yields and the resulting CWSI were investigated. Irrigations were applied in 25 mm increments to maintain the soil water in the 100% treatment within 60–80% of the “plant extractable soil water” using LEPA technology, which wets alternate furrows only. The 1992 growing season was slightly wetter than normal. Thus, irrigation water use was less than normal, but the corn dry matter and grain yield were still significantly increased by irrigation. The yield, water use, and water use efficiency of fully irrigated corn were 1.246 kg/m2, 786 mm, and 1.34 kg/m3, respectively. CWSI was calculated from measurements of infrared canopy temperatures, ambient air temperatures, and vapor pressure deficit values for the six irrigation levels. A “non-water-stressed baseline” equation for corn was developed using the diurnal infrared canopy temperature measurements as T cT a = 1.06–2.56 VPD, where T c was the canopy temperature (°C), Ta was the air temperature (°C) and VPD was the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). Trends in CWSI values were consistent with the soil water contents induced by the deficit irrigations. Both the dry matter and grain yields decreased with increased soil water deficit. Minimal yield reductions were observed at a threshold CWSI value of 0.33 or less for corn. The CWSI was useful for evaluating crop water stress in corn and should be a valuable tool to assist irrigation decision making together with soil water measurements and/or evapotranspiration models. Received: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

A model for optimal distribution of water in the canal command areas has been developed. Water production functions in the form of polynomial expressions were developed from existing experimental information. Using the production functions, water distribution is indicated in order to obtain maximum returns. It has been shown that higher returns can be obtained from canal command areas by a suitable modification of the existing water release pattern at the outlet.  相似文献   

Consumptive water use and crop coefficients of irrigated sunflower   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In semi-arid environments, the use of irrigation is necessary for sunflower production to reach its maximum potential. The aim of this study was to quantify the consumptive water use and crop coefficients of irrigated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) without soil water limitations during two growing seasons. The experimental work was conducted in the lysimeter facilities located in Albacete (Central Spain). A weighing lysimeter with an overall resolution of 250 g was used to measure the daily sunflower evapotranspiration throughout the growing season under sprinkler irrigation. The lysimeter container was 2.3 m × 2.7 m × 1.7 m deep, with an approximate total weight of 14.5 Mg. Daily ET c values were calculated as the difference between lysimeter mass losses and lysimeter mass gains divided by the lysimeter area. In the lysimeter, sprinkler irrigation was applied to replace cumulative ET c, thus maintaining non-limiting soil water conditions. Seasonal lysimeter ET c was 619 mm in 2009 and 576 mm in 2011. The higher ET c value in 2009 was due to earlier planting and a longer growing season with the maximum cover coinciding with the maximum ET o period. For the two study years, maximum average K c values reached values of approximately 1.10 and 1.20, respectively, during mid-season stage and coincided with maximum ground cover values of 75 and 88 %, respectively. The dual crop coefficient approach was used to separate crop transpiration (K cb) from soil evaporation (K e). As the crop canopy expanded, K cb values increased while the K e values decreased. The seasonal evaporation component was estimated to be about 25 % of ET c. Linear relationships were found between the lysimeter K cb and the canopy ground cover (f c) for the each season, and a single relationship that related K cb to growing degree-days was established allowing extrapolation of our results to other environments.  相似文献   

This paper develops a non-linear programming optimization model with an integrated soil water balance, to determine the optimal reservoir release policies, the irrigation allocation to multiple crops and the optimal cropping pattern in irrigated agriculture. Decision variables are the cultivated area and the water allocated to each crop. The objective function of the model maximizes the total farm income, which is based on crop–water production functions, production cost and crop prices. The proposed model is solved using the simulated annealing (SA) global optimization stochastic search algorithm in combination with the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. The rainfall, evapotranspiration and inflow are considered to be stochastic and the model is run for expected values of the above parameters corresponding to different probability of exceedence. By combining various probability levels of rainfall, evapotranspiration and inflow, four weather conditions are distinguished. The model takes into account an irrigation time interval in each growth stage and gives the optimal distribution of area, the water to each crop and the total farm income. The outputs of this model were compared with the results obtained from the model in which the only decision variables are cultivated areas. The model was applied on data from a planned reservoir on the Havrias River in Northern Greece, is sufficiently general and has great potential to be applicable as a decision support tool for cropping patterns of an irrigated area and irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   

A soil water dynamics model for establishing the wetting pattern of point source trickle emitters under a tomato crop has been developed and verified. Infiltration from the point source trickle emitters in the presence of water extraction has been investigated by assuming a hemispherical shape of the wetted soil volume and analytic expressions have been derived for determining the position of wetting front. Water extraction by the plants has been estimated by using a macroscopic model of uptake utilizing root length. Daily values of water uptake have been used to update the volumetric moisture content in the root zone layers. The values of soil moisture content predicted by the model compared well with the field-observed values. The predicted values were used to predict the radius of the hemispherical wetted soil volume which forms a basis for deciding emitter spacing for various crops and operating conditions.  相似文献   

The use of a simulation package to study the consequences of various water allocation policies during time of water shortage is described. The study shows that simulation can be a valuable aid to irrigation scheme managers in their decision making.  相似文献   

The Government of Egypt is currently implementing projects that expand irrigated area on the Sinai Peninsula and in the southern desert. Those projects will reduce the supply of Nile River water available to farmers in the Nile Delta, which is a heavily populated and highly productive agricultural region. The southern desert project will obtain water directly from Lake Nasser, while a mixture of Nile River water and drainage water will be delivered to the Sinai. The true costs of the projects include the opportunity costs of water and capital that could be used alternatively in the Nile Valley and Delta, or in other productive endeavors. Economic analysis generates optimizing criteria that describe the role of scarcity values (opportunity costs) in determining the allocation of Nile River water that will maximize net social benefits. Policy implications are derived by comparing those criteria with the criterion that farmers implement when maximizing profits from crop production. A small-scale simulation model demonstrates the potential impact of water allocation policies on regional net revenues. Results are discussed within the context of a broader view of national goals that include promoting economic growth, achieving food security, and enhancing the quality of life for Egyptians.  相似文献   

The primary objective of an agriculture water management system is to provide crop needs to sustain high yields. Another objective of equal or greater importance in some regions is to reduce agriculture impacts on surface and groundwater quality. Kandil et al. (1992) modified the water management model DRAINMOD to predict soil salinity as affected by irrigation water quality and drainage system design. The objectives of this study are to incorporate an algorithm to quantify the effects of stresses due to soil salinity on crop yields and to demonstrate the applications of the model. DRAINMOD-S, is capable of predicting the long-term effects of different irrigation and drainage practices on crop yields. The overall crop function in the model includes the effects of stresses caused by excessive soil water conditions (waterlogging), soil water-deficits, salinity, and planting delays. Three irrigation strategies and six drain spacings were considered for all crops. In the first irrigation strategy, the irrigation amounts were equal to evapotranspiration requirements by the crops, with the addition of a 10 cm depth of water for leaching applied during each growing season. In the second strategy, the leaching depth (10 cm) was applied before the growing season. In the third strategy, a leaching depth of 15 cm was applied before the growing season for each crop. Another strategy (4th) with more leaching was considered for bean which is the crop most sensitive to salinity. In the fourth strategy, 14 days intervals were used instead of 7 and leaching irrigations were applied: 15 cm before the growing season and 10 cm at the middle of the growing season for bean. The objective function for these simulations was crop yield. Soil water conditions and soil salinity were continuously simulated for a crop rotation of bean, cotton, maize, soybean, and wheat over a 19 years period. Yields of individual crops were predicted for each growing season. Results showed that the third irrigation strategy resulted in the highest yields for cotton, maize, soybean and wheat. Highest yields for bean were obtained by the fourth irrigation strategy. Results are also presented on the effects of drain depth and spacing on yields. DRAINMOD-S is written in Fortran and requires a PC with math-coprocessor. It was concluded that DRAINMOD-S is a useful tool for design and evaluation of irrigation and drainage systems in irrigated arid lands.  相似文献   

地下水对作物生长影响研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
浅埋深地下水对作物的生长发育过程有着很大影响。通过对不同地下水埋深条件下冬小麦和移栽棉生长试验 ,探讨浅埋深地下水对作物生长的影响 ,为地下水浅埋区作物生长调控提供基础数据。试验表明 :对于冬小麦和移栽棉存在一个最优的地下水位 ,埋深分别为 1.5m和 1.3m。  相似文献   

The great challenge of the agricultural sector is to produce more food from less water, which can be achieved by increasing Crop Water Productivity (CWP). Based on a review of 84 literature sources with results of experiments not older than 25 years, it was found that the ranges of CWP of wheat, rice, cotton and maize exceed in all cases those reported by FAO earlier. Globally measured average CWP values per unit water depletion are 1.09, 1.09, 0.65, 0.23 and 1.80 kg m−3 for wheat, rice, cottonseed, cottonlint and maize, respectively. The range of CWP is very large (wheat, 0.6–1.7 kg m−3; rice, 0.6–1.6 kg m−3; cottonseed, 0.41–0.95 kg m−3; cottonlint, 0.14–0.33 kg m−3 and maize, 1.1–2.7 kg m−3) and thus offers tremendous opportunities for maintaining or increasing agricultural production with 20–40% less water resources. The variability of CWP can be ascribed to: (i) climate; (ii) irrigation water management and (iii) soil (nutrient) management, among others. The vapour pressure deficit is inversely related to CWP. Vapour pressure deficit decreases with latitude, and thus favourable areas for water wise irrigated agriculture are located at the higher latitudes. The most outstanding conclusion is that CWP can be increased significantly if irrigation is reduced and crop water deficit is intendently induced.  相似文献   

In this study a simulation model for real-time irrigation scheduling of water deliveries at the tertiary and secondary canal levels of large irrigation systems has been developed. The model is responsive to current season changes in weather and other variables. The irrigation scheduling of the subsequent week is found out at the end of each week by updating the status of the system with real time data up to that week and then by solving the model for the new conditions. The model is based on water balance approach for lowland paddy and a soil moisture simulation approach for determining the irrigation requirements of upland crops. Expected rainfall at different probability levels during the irrigation season was used based on past rain fall data and Leaky law. The model was applied to an irrigation system in Thailand for determining the required irrigation deliveries. Result of the application indicate that the model can be used for determining water deliveries in a real-time basis.  相似文献   

The actual water management practices, in terms of the volumes and intervals of delivery, are examined in a rice-based irrigation subsystem where crop diversification is practised. A simulation model (WACCROD) is used to generate the hypothetical water requirements of the changing crop mixture at quartenary and tertiary levels.Crops other than rice were planted in the dry season to reduce the need for water. Then, as the available water supplies diminished, the volume and timing of water deliveries changed based on the time, hydraulic location and relative importance of the crop.  相似文献   

New cultivars of sorghum for biomass energy production are currently available. This crop has a positive energy balance being irrigation water the largest energy consumer during the growing cycle. Thence, it is important to know the biomass sorghum water requirements, in order to minimize irrigation losses, thus saving water and energy. The objective of this study was to quantify the water use and crop coefficients of irrigated biomass sorghum without soil water limitations during two growing seasons. A weighing lysimeter located in Albacete (Central Spain) was used to measure the daily biomass sorghum evapotranspiration (ETc) throughout the growing season under sprinkler irrigation. Seasonal lysimeter ETc was 721 mm in 2007 and 691 mm in 2010. The 4 % higher ETc value in 2007 was due to an 8 % higher evaporative demand in that year. Maximum average K c values of 1.17 in 2007 and 1.21 in 2010 were reached during the mid-season stage. The average K c values for the 2 years of study were K c-ini: 0.64 and K c-mid: 1.19. The seasonal evaporation component was estimated to be about 18 % of ETc. The average basal K c (K cb) values for the two study years were K cb-ini: 0.11 and K cb-mid: 1.17. The good linear relationship found between K cb values and the fraction of ground cover (f c) and the excellent agreement found between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and different biophysical parameters, such as K cb and f c, will allow monitoring and estimating the spatially distributed water requirements of biomass sorghum at field and regional scales.  相似文献   

The salinity condition in the root zone hinders moisture extraction from soil by plants, because of osmotic potential development in soil water due to presence of salts, which ultimately, decreases transpiration of plants and thereby affects crop yield. Therefore, an effort was made in this study to quantify the impact of salinity on soil water availability to plants. The movement of salts under irrigation and evapotranspiration regimes in root zone of soil profile was studied throughout the growing season of wheat crop with adopting exponential pattern of root water uptake. A model was developed to analyze soil water balance to find out moisture deficit because of salinity. A non-linear relationship was formulated between moisture content and salt concentration for simultaneous prediction. The Crank–Nicolson method of Finite Differencing was used to solve the differential equations of soil water and solute transport. The effect of various salt concentrations on transpiration was analyzed to develop a relationship between relative evapotranspiration and relative yield. Relationships among salt concentration, matric potential, moisture deficit and actual transpiration were also established to provide better understanding about impact of salinization and to provide guidelines for obtaining better crop yields in saline soils.  相似文献   

In this paper, an economic optimisation model for hydrologic planning in deficit irrigation systems is proposed. Irrigation water allocation between agricultural demands is carried out following an economic efficiency criterion with the aim of maximising the overall economic benefits obtained, allocating available water to each user as a function of the water’s profit margin. Water resources constraints in the system are considered. Aggregated economic functions for each irrigation district are generated optimising the water used for the cropping pattern. Stochastic nature of water availability and irrigation requirements have been taken into account.Due to the complexity of the system, the problem has been broken down into three independent optimisation sub-problems that perform hierarchically. Each of these sub models takes into account a different resolution level of the system: crop, irrigation district and the whole basin.The proposed model has been used in a subsequent paper to optimise water allocation planning in a small basin in southern Spain; the Bembézar system.  相似文献   

Crop water use efficiency of irrigated cotton was hypothesized to be improved by a combination of minimum tillage and sowing a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation crop. This hypothesis was evaluated in a Vertisol near Narrabri, Australia from 1997 to 2003. The experimental treatments were: continuous cotton sown after conventional or minimum tillage and minimum-tilled cotton–wheat. Soil water content was measured with a neutron moisture meter, and runoff with trapezoidal flumes. Application efficiency of irrigation water was estimated as the amount of infiltrated water/total amount applied. Plant available water was estimated using the maximum and minimum soil water storage during the growing season. Evapotranspiration was estimated with the water balance method using measured and simulated soil water data. Seasonal evapotranspiration was partitioned into that coming from rainfall, irrigation and stored soil water. Crop water use efficiency was calculated as cotton lint yield per hectare/seasonal evapotranspiration. Rotation of cotton with wheat and minimum tillage improved water use efficiency in some years and application efficiency in all years. Average seasonal evapotranspiration was higher with minimum tillage than with conventional tillage. In years when cotton was sown in all plots, average cotton crop water use efficiencies were 0.23, 0.23 and 0.22 kg (lint)/m3 for minimum-tilled cotton–wheat and continuous cotton, and conventionally tilled continuous cotton, respectively. In-season rainfall efficiency, transpiration and soil evaporation were unaffected by cropping system.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the water stress effect on yield and some physiological parameters including crop water stress index for drip irrigated second crop watermelon. Irrigations were scheduled based on replenishment of 100, 75, 50, 25, and 0% soil water depletion from 90 cm soil depth with 3-day irrigation interval. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ET) for I100, I75, I50, I25, and I0 were 660, 525, 396, 210, and 70 mm in 2003 and 677, 529, 405, 221, and 75 mm in 2004. Fruit yield was significantly lowered by irrigation water stress. Average water-yield response factor for both of the years was 1.14. The highest yield was obtained from full irrigated treatment as 34.5 and 38.2 t ha−1 in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Lower ET rates and irrigation amounts in water stress treatments resulted in reductions in all measured parameters, except water-soluble dry matter concentrations (SDM). Canopy dry weights, leaf relative water content, and total leaf chlorophyll content were significantly lowered by water stress. Yield and seasonal ET were linearly correlated with mean CWSI values. An average threshold CWSI value of 0.17 before irrigation produced the maximum yield and it could be used to initiate the irrigation for watermelon.  相似文献   

Analysis of the possible economic impact of climate change at the local level is becoming increasingly relevant to agricultural policy, in terms of the definition of new measures to sustain adaptation of the farm sector. This study focuses on a Mediterranean agricultural zone to evaluate the economic impact of rainfall regime changes that modify the accumulation of irrigation water in a dam. The objective is to identify farm typologies that suffer more from rainfall changes, in order to target policy measures that increase farm sector capability to adapt to climate change. First, an analysis of historical series is conducted for precipitation. The decreasing trend in annual precipitation, as well as an increase in monthly rainfall variability, is shown to have a statistically significant influence on the regime of water accumulation in the dam. Density functions representing this regime are estimated for several periods, including the 1960s-1970s, the current time and a time interval that extends to 2015. A comparison of these functions reveals an increase in variability of water accumulation in the dam through time. Parameters of these functions are used in three models of Discrete Stochastic Programming to represent different expectations of irrigation water availability and to simulate the possible reaction of the farm sector in the study area to the different scenarios. The simulation results show that both income and employment are noticeably reduced in some farm typologies when scenarios with higher variability levels for water accumulation in the dam are considered. In addition, changes in the use of soil are seen, the use of inputs declines and the quantity of extracted groundwater increases.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations were carried out in 1989 to determine the evapotranspiration (ET) of alfalfa when irrigated with saline waste water coming from the evaporation of fresh water in the cooling towers of Utah Power and Light Company Electrical Power Plant at Huntington in central Utah, U.S.A. The primary goal is to dispose of the waste water from the power plant by irrigation and to maximize salt deposition in the soil, maximize crop ET, minimize runoff from the soil surface, and minimize leaching to the ground water. Using the Bowen ratio-energy balance method, alfalfa evapotranspiration was measured at an experimental site for each 20-minute period during the 1989 irrigation season. Using a simplified seasonal water balance, the results showed that cumulative irrigation plus rain was less than evapotranspiration for the 1989 irrigation season. This means that for the long term in addition to irrigation and precipitation some water was withdrawn from the soil for alfalfa crop water requirements (ETa). Short term evaluations showed that because of unforeseen heavy rain (thunder showers) in this mountainous area between irrigations, ETa was occasionally less than irrigation plus rain. This means the excess water was stored in the soil for later use. The average value for ETa/ETp (potential ET) for the 1989 irrigation season was 0.47 but occasionally the ratio was greater than unity. Short-term studies (Hanks et al. 1990 a) indicate that yield and ETa are likely to decrease only slightly for the coming years if saline irrigation water is applied. This method of investigation can be applied to any industrial processes which produce waste water.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the optimal water allocation and cropping patterns for the Jordan Valley, taking into consideration variations in expected incomes from agricultural production and rising water prices. The calculations were based on information available on water supplies, areas under irrigation and market conditions, and used linear programming models for determining solutions that maximize gross margins and minimize potential variations in these gross margins. The results indicated that optimizing cropping patterns and the allocation of irrigation water still has a substantial potential to increase the financial return from agriculture. Optimal solutions that consider risk from varying gross margins react quite elastically in terms of demand for irrigation water to rising water prices. This adds the element of a changing market supply to any discussion about managing water consumption between sectors of the society by using pricing mechanisms.  相似文献   

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