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为使果桑当年二次挂果,对3个果桑品种采用3种不同剪伐方式处理,初步试验结果表明:春季果桑产果后,在6月下旬剪伐,不同品种间差异显著,“台湾长果桑”萌芽早、采收期长,果实纵径最长,果形指数及单株产量最高,可溶性固形物最高,可溶性糖含量和糖酸比显著高于其他品种;同一品种所有枝条剪去顶梢,剪伐长度为枝条长度1/3~1/4,并疏光保留枝条全部叶片的技术处理3,单株产果量最高。综合看“台湾长果桑”处理3,二次结果果品质量较优、产果量最高。  相似文献   

果桑不同留条长对桑椹质量与品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究果桑优质高产栽培技术,在田间条件下以果桑品种大10树龄13年的植株为研究对象,进行了1年生枝条留取不同条长对桑椹产量与品质的影响试验,调查果桑的发芽率、单株产果量、单果质量及可溶性固形物含量等指标。试验结果表明:不同单枝留条长对果桑发芽率及米条长产果量没有明显影响,产果量随着单枝留条长的增加而增加,但桑椹单果质量和可溶性固形物含量随着单枝留条长的增加呈现下降的趋势。桑椹产量与品质表现较高的是单枝留条长120 cm单株条长1 080 cm的C处理,单株产果量2 840.00 g,单果质量3.79 g,可溶性固形物含量9.47%;其次是单枝留条长150 cm单株条长1 250 cm的D处理,单株产果量2 192.33 g,单果质量3.15 g,可溶性固形物含量9.53%。因此,生产上建议以枝条基部5 cm处直径1.0 cm及以上,单枝留条长120~150 cm,每667 m~2果桑园留条长4 000~5 000 m,每667 m~2果桑园留条数3 000~4 000条为宜。  相似文献   

为筛选适合在湖北武汉地区种植的果桑品种,以紫晶、蜀果、安杂8号、日本甜橙和台湾长果桑为材料,对物候期、生物学特性、果实性状及菌核病发病情况等方面进行了观测。结果表明,不同的果桑品种表现出不同的特征特性,紫晶和台湾长果桑萌芽期、花期和成熟期均早于其他果桑品种;台湾长果桑为长果型品种,产果量仅次于安杂8号,可溶性固形物高达18.48%,菌核病发病率最低,综合表现较优;紫晶表现出较强的丰产能力,可溶性固形物仅次于台湾长果桑,适宜本地区发展鲜食观光采摘种植。  相似文献   

为丰富台州市的果桑品种,引进了桂花蜜、白玉王、大白鹅、白珍珠、红宝石、中果01-13、东光大白和奶油蜜8个果桑品种,以主栽果桑品种大10为对照进行引种栽培试验,于2017-2019年连续3年对各果桑品种的物候期、主要生长性状、果实性状及产果量性状等进行了调查和综合评价.结果表明,桂花蜜单株产果量、叶片产量均高于大10,...  相似文献   

将台湾大果桑、长果桑引入三峡库区进行栽培,通过对其生物学性状、产果性能及繁殖情况等调查,与目前主要果桑品种大十、红果二号相比较,台湾果桑适应性广、产果量高、桑果特点突出,在作为观光采摘桑园方面具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

在果桑种植过程中,部分优良果桑品种落果严重,“台湾长果桑”的落果率甚至达到50%~80%,给果农造成很大的经济损失。为此,以“台湾长果桑”为试验果桑,采用植物生长调节剂防落素进行桑果不同发育时期喷施及不同喷施次数的效果试验,调查座果率;选取7种植物生长调节剂进行果桑保果药剂的筛选试验。结果表明:采用防落素250~1 000倍液或8%对氯苯氧乙酸钠可溶粉剂3 000~5 000倍液、 85%2,4-滴钠盐可溶性粉剂3 000~5 000倍液在果桑盛花期喷施1次,对减少“台湾长果桑”的落果有明显效果,果桑的座果率达到90%以上。  相似文献   

通过引进台湾果桑等16个果桑品种进行比较试验,试验结果认为台湾果桑可作为深加工用桑品种;嘉陵40号、无核大十、广东果桑、伦教、云桑2号可在我市大面积推广种植;白玉、四季长果桑可作休闲观光和鲜果采摘品种适量推广。  相似文献   

果桑品种台湾长果桑的成熟桑椹香甜可口,深受消费者喜爱.但台湾长果桑幼树养型期间易发生枯桩现象,导致树型养成及盛产期延后.本试验于台湾长果桑2年生植株夏伐养型时,在其支干剪口处涂抹不同的涂膜剂,调查枯桩率和新生枝条的长势,结果表明:供试的愈伤涂膜剂和抗菌防霉乳胶漆对减少台湾长果桑植株枯桩的效果明显,枯桩发生率分别下降到4.38%和6.40%,而对照区植株的枯桩发生率高达26.77%;2种涂膜剂处理后植株新生枝条的数量及生长长度与对照组差异不显著,即不会影响植株的正常生长发育.初步的试验结果显示,生产上可采用涂膜剂减少台湾长果桑幼树养型期的枯桩发生率.  相似文献   

台湾科研部门利用当地野生桑与国外引进的品种杂交,选育出60个果桑品种,其中编号为46C019和72C002两个品系产果量相当高,每667m2产果量达4000kg.目前在台湾的苗栗、台中、台南、花莲、桃园等市县广泛栽种,多作为观光休闲农庄和加工桑果饮品及食品.  相似文献   

不同果桑品种资源的生长结实特性调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究果桑品种在汉中市的生长结实特性,对大10等12个果桑品种资源的叶片性状特性、桑椹及产量性状等进行了调查、比较及分析。结果表明:果桑品种资源间鲜果单果质量差别较大,大10、台湾72C002、四季果桑、中椹2号、苏蕾1的鲜果单果质量较大,分别为3.76、3.46、3.27、2.98、2.87 g;苏白椹、云龙桑的鲜果单果质量较小,分别为0.83、1.02 g。而四季果桑、中椹2号、台湾72C002、云果桑1号、红果2号的每667 m2果桑园的桑椹产量较高,分别为1 264、1 136、860、772、692 kg;大10、苏蕾1号、中椹1号、白玉王的桑椹产量次之,分别为296、292、252、100 kg;苏白椹的桑椹产量最低,为40 kg。大10、苏蕾1号、中椹1号、831A、红果2号可以作为果叶两用的品种栽植;四季果桑、台湾72C002、云果桑1号、中椹2号可以作为果用的品种栽植;云龙桑可以作为叶用和观赏的品种栽植;苏白椹的桑椹产量低,生长势弱。  相似文献   

Spleen is one of the important lymphoid organs with wide variations of morphological and physiological functions according to species. Morphology and function of the spleen in bats, which are hosts to several viral strains without exhibiting clinical symptoms, remain to be fully elucidated. This study aims to examine the spleen morphology of fruit bats associated with their physiological functions. Spleen histological observations were performed in three fruit bats species: Cynopterus titthaecheilus (n = 9), Rousettus leschenaultii (n = 3) and Pteropus vampyrus (n = 3). The spleens of these fruit bats were surrounded by a thin capsule. Red pulp consisted of splenic cord and wide vascular space filled with blood. Ellipsoids in all three studied species were found numerously and adjacent to one another forming macrophages aggregates. White pulp consisted of periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths (PALS), lymphoid follicles and marginal zone. The lymphoid follicle contained a germinal centre and a tingible body macrophage that might reflect an active immune system. The marginal zone was prominent and well developed. This study reports some differences in spleen structure of fruit bats compared to other bat species previously reported and discusses possible physiological implications of the spleen based on its morphology.  相似文献   

As the only mammal that can fly, bats have organ systems with a unique morphophysiology. One of the highlights is the heart and blood circulation system, which must be able to meet the needs of blood and oxygen supply when flying. This study examined the radiography of the normal condition of the heart organ in 3 species of fruit bats, namely Cynopterus titthaecheilus, Cynopterus brachyotis and Rousettus leschenaultii using radiological silhouette analysis and clock analogy. The results showed that the heart positions of the three bat species tend to be tilted to the left with the apex moving away from the midsagittal plane. Analysis of intercostal space (ICS) value and vertebral heart score (VHS), and evaluation of radiographic features showed R. leschenaultii has a relatively larger heart size than the other two species. All three bat species have a higher VHS than mammals in general. Radiographic images obtained, and interpretation results show the position, size and normal heart parts of the three bat species. They will be useful in diagnostic efforts related to heart problems in these three species.  相似文献   

生产上发现授粉方式对百香果发育及果实性状产生较大影响,为揭示其影响方式与机理,本试验以紫果百香果为材料,采取异株异花、同株异花、自花3种授粉方式,对百香果发育性状及品质等外在与内在因子进行测定与分析。结果表明:(1)异株异花授粉和自花授粉座果率较高,分别达到98.3%、96.7%;(2)不同授粉方式,百香果单果重和单果种子数具有显著差异,由高到低依次为:自花授粉>异株异花授粉>同株异花授粉;自花授粉和异株异花授粉可食率较高,而自花授粉果实纵径、横径最大。(3)单果重与果果实横径均呈显著正相关,果实横径与果实纵径也呈极显著正相关;异株异花授粉和同株异花授粉果实单果重与单果种子数呈极显著正相关;同株异花授粉百香果果实固酸比与成熟天数呈极显著正相关,与可滴定酸呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

1 范围 本标准规定了绿色食品干果要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、标签、包装、运输和贮存. 本标准适用于绿色食品荔枝干、桂圆干、桂圆肉、葡萄干和柿饼等干果.  相似文献   

为提高黄冠梨果实品质,试验选用4个梨品种为授粉品种,以生长健壮、盛果期的黄冠梨为母本进行人工授粉,测定了不同授粉组合的坐果率、果实外在品质及内在品质等几个主要指标。结果表明:黄冠梨果实在坐果率、果形指数、可食率、 单果重、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物等方面差异显著。综合考虑认为砀山酥梨是适宜景泰地区黄冠梨最适宜的授粉品种。  相似文献   

施用有机肥能促进果树生长,提高果树产量,改善果实品质,是生产优质果品和增加经济收益的重要措施。本文简要概述了果树生产中常见有机肥的种类、作用,以及有机肥对果树生长及产量和品质影响的研究结果,并探讨了有机肥使用存在的问题及展望。  相似文献   

弘金祥 《广东蚕业》2002,36(2):47-48
桑果可繁殖桑树,培育桑园养蚕;也可作水果上市,而且药用价值和营养价值很高。和其它物质合用可治疗多种疾病及制作多种纯天然保健食品和饮料。  相似文献   

Objectives To establish normal reference ranges of ocular parameters including phenol read thread, palpebral fissure length, horizontal and vertical corneal diameter, upright and hanging intraocular pressure (IOP) and to report ophthalmic examination findings of the anterior segment and lens, in a population of captive fruit bats. Animals studied Eyes of 30 bats of three species were included in this study: 10 (5 males, 5 females) Malayan Flying Foxes (Pteropus vampyrus), 10 (5 males, 5 females) Little Golden‐mantled Flying Foxes (Pteropus pumilus), and 10 (4 males, 6 females) Island Flying Foxes (Pteropus hypomelanus). Results The most common ophthalmic examination findings included iris‐iris persistent pupillary membranes (83%), nuclear sclerosis (56.7%), prominent arterial circle (40%), iridal hyperpigmented foci (30%), pupillary margin cysts (27%), and third eyelid defects (20%). The mean, among all species for: phenol red thread was 20.23 ± 1.28 mm/15 s both eyes (OU); palpebral fissure length was 13.34 ± 0.33 mm for OU; for horizontal corneal diameter was 10.72 ± 0.32 mm for OU; for vertical corneal diameter was 9.90 ± 0.30 mm for OU; for the hanging intraocular pressures was 19.38 ± 0.77 mmHg for OU; for upright IOP was 13.95 ± 0.60 mmHg for OU. Measurements for the individual species groups and eyes were also calculated. Conclusions Results revealed the IOP of bats in a hanging position were significantly higher than the IOP of bats in an upright position. The size of the bat, between the species, affected palpebral fissure length, horizontal corneal diameter, and vertical corneal diameter. Information about the ocular structures and normal ophthalmic parameters for the Pteropus species is crucial for species protection because of dependence on vision for survival.  相似文献   

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