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The presence of Eimeria spp. oocysts in fecal samples collected from 1,108 broiler houses in six regions, representing about 12% of all broiler farms in Turkey, was studied using the modified McMaster method. The age of the chickens in the 1,108 pens varied from 1 to 50 days. Oocysts were found in 602 (54.3%) of these broiler houses, and the mean OPG (oocysts per gram of feces) in those samples was 36,498.7 (50–952,000). No indication of clinical coccidiosis or other clinically evident infection or wide mortality was encountered in any of the pens studied. Further study showed that the age of the chickens, the occurrence of diarrhea on the houses and the density of broiler breeding in the area correlated with subclinical coccidiosis prevalence.  相似文献   

A survey of the prevalence of subclinical coccidiosis in broiler-chickens was conducted in the municipality of Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran. Eighty-four chicken farms were randomly selected; from each farm, five birds per 10 000 were sampled (as was litter). Serial scraping of the intestinal lining was done in chicks at 3rd and >6th week of age.

The farm-level prevalence of subclinical coccidiosis was 38% (95% CI: 28, 48.47%). Uni- and multi-variable associations were tested between each variable. An increased risk of infection in the broiler was associated with the larger farm, with older chickens, and if the chicken farm were sampled in the winter or spring, using coccidiostat in the food was not associated. The peak oocyst score in the litter occurred at >6th week of age. Most farms (97%) had E. acervulina; (41%) had E. maxima and (12%) had E. tenella.  相似文献   

由于去年夏季持续高温和干旱,肉鸡球虫病的发病机会大增,且有许多病例与新城疫并发。若单纯利用球虫药物治疗或按新城疫进行治疗,效果并不理想,所以有人认为是坏死性肠炎或弧肠孤病毒感染,实则不然,主要还是球虫病,或并发新城疫。二者并发时须免疫新城疫弱毒苗,同时用青霉素及其它球虫药几个疗程才能达到彻底治疗目的。 1 发病特点和临床表现 不同日龄鸡都会发病,在蛋鸡以育雏和育成鸡为主,产蛋鸡也有发病,且会造成一定死亡和产蛋下降。球虫卵囊多通过尘土随风传播,也通过蚊蝇、野鸟等携带传播。农村的养鸡场(户)中,网上平养和舍内清洁干燥的发病较轻,而地面散养、卫生条件较差的发病较重。发病日龄多在15~45日龄,12日龄内的雏鸡由于有母源抗体的保护,很少发病。病鸡表现贫血,鸡冠苍白,精神不振,羽毛蓬乱,采食减少,有的鸡有瘫痪和点头的神经症状,发病率达80%以上,死亡率一般为5%~20%。出现神经症状有三种可能原因:①并发新城疫后遗症所致;②球虫本身损害肠道,同时也伤害鸡的神经系统所致;③由于损害肠壁后维生素等营养成份不能充分吸收,致使出现维生素缺乏引起的神经症状。由于使用球虫药进行治疗,典型的盲肠球虫(柔嫩艾美耳球虫)较少见,而主要为小肠球虫,所以粪便多为胡萝卜色(桔红色)粘液状,而少有鲜红血便或深红色血便。使用国产或进口球虫疫苗的鸡场发病情况相对较轻或不发病。常用的克球粉、盐霉素、球痢灵、痢特灵、马杜拉霉素、地克珠利、百球清、球杀死等药物对本病的疗效都不太理想,因此有的人认为是别的什么病,但按坏死性肠炎和弧肠孤病毒感染治疗也无效。  相似文献   

This paper describes an observational longitudinal study of cattle farms in England and Wales, which aimed to identify management practices associated with the presence of Eimeria spp. infection in young cattle. Thirty cattle farms situated in England and Wales were selected and one group of more than 20 young cattle aged 5-18 months of age was monitored on each farm. Three variables were identified as significantly associated with status in a multivariable model. The odds of finding Eimeria spp. were lower on farms that kept sheep on the same premises as the cattle, as was an increase in the maximum age within the sampled group. The latter probably reflects the development of post-infection immunity within the sampled animals. Good water-trough hygiene protected against Eimeria spp. oocyst excretion, with the odds of detection being higher on farms where it was reported that the water troughs were not cleaned and emptied more than once per month. The value of frequent emptying and cleaning of water troughs in reducing the exposure of calves to Eimeria spp. and thus lowering the impact of coccidiosis, both clinical and subclinical should be communicated to cattle farmers.  相似文献   

Despite indications of a considerable spread of Maedi-Visna among sheep flocks in Germany, prevalence studies of this important infection are hardly available. Prior to any health schemes and guidelines, knowledge about regional disease distribution is essential. Depending upon herd size, 70 farms were randomly selected, of which 41 cooperated. A total of 2229 blood samples were taken at random and serologically examined. For assessment of selected farm characteristics a questionnaire exercise was conducted at all farms involved. The average herd prevalence is 51.2%, the within-herd prevalence is 28,8%. In the unvariate analysis of risk factors, small (10-100 sheep) and large (> 250 sheep) farms are more MVV-affected than medium sized farms. The average stable and pasture space per sheep is larger at non-infected- compared to infected farms. Owners judgement on general herd health turns out to be better at non-infected compared to infected farms. Taking infected farms only, the risk of within-herd prevalence above 20% is significant higher in crossbred than in purebred flocks.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine Campylobacter prevalence in broiler chicken flocks in Reunion Island and to define specific practices associated with the presence of Campylobacter spp. Infection in Reunionese broiler flocks. Fifty broiler flocks were studied in Reunion Island from May 2007 to February 2009. A questionnaire was submitted to the farmers and samples of fresh droppings were collected to assess the flock's Campylobacter status. Fifty four percent of the flocks were infected by Campylobacter spp.: 30% (95% CI: 28.71-31.29) were infected with Campylobacter coli and 17% (95% CI: 15.95-18.05) with Campylobacter jejuni; only 7% (95% CI: 6.28-7.72) were infected by both species at the same time. Several poultry houses in the farm (OR=11.2; [1.05-92]) and cleaning without any detergent (OR=13.1; [2.1-78.3]) increased the risk of Campylobacter infection. A distance higher than 500 m between broiler farms (OR=0.27; [0.1-0.8]) and use of disinfectant during the rearing period decreased this risk of infection (OR=0.15; [0.1-0.75]).  相似文献   

A study was performed in 1997 to estimate the prevalence and to investigate the etiology of subclinical mastitis in Swiss dairy herds managed under guidelines of controlled organic farming. It was planned as a longitudinal study over a period of 1 year and included a stratified random sample of 152 certified organic farms and 1907 cows. Two farm visits (the first from June to October when cows were on pasture, the second from January to March when cows were confined to barns) were performed on each farm. At each visit, farm management and individual-cow data (with emphasis on milking procedures and udder sanitation) were recorded. California mastitis tests (CMTs) were performed on each udder quarter of all cows in lactation. Milk samples with CMT >1+ were submitted for somatic cell counting (SCC), bacteriological examination and to test for antibiotic susceptibility. The SCC and germ-cell counts of monthly bulk-tank milk samples were available through Dairy Inspection and Advisory Services and milk production data of 567 herd-book cows were available from breeding associations. Possible individual and environmental predictors of subclinical mastitis were identified using logistic models adjusted for clustering of the data at herd and cow levels. Data were analyzed separately for cows from 7 to 100 and from 101 to 305 days post partum. Prevalences of subclinical mastitis at the quarter level were 21.2% for lactation period 7–100 days and 34.5% for 101–305 days post partum. The geometric mean SCC in bulk-tank milk samples was 85.6×103 cells/ml. Samples at 7–100 and 101–305 days post partum were positive for Staphylococcus aureus in 16.0 and 7.4%, for coagulase-negative Staphylococci in 51.5 and 50.6%, for Streptococcus agalactiae in 0.0 and 0.8%, for other Streptococci in 19.4 and 15.6%, for E. coli in 1.0 and 0.4%, and for Corynebacterium bovis in 25.7 and 45.1%, respectively. Risks of subclinical mastitis increased significantly with increasing days post partum and advancing age of cow. Cows that were sampled when staying in alpine dairies had considerably higher risks of subclinical mastitis than cows staying in home barns. Significantly lower risks of subclinical mastitis were observed in farms where CMT was performed regularly as a control measure. Bacteria in milk from cows with mastitis exhibited antibiotic resistance at a comparable frequency as found previously in conventional farms.  相似文献   

We conducted an observational study to estimate prevalence and risk factors for Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. caecal colonization in poultry. Eighty-one broiler chicken and 59 turkey flocks selected among flocks slaughtered in the province of Quebec, Canada, were included in the study. Flock status was evaluated by culturing pooled caecal contents from about 30 birds per flock. Exposure to potential risk factors was evaluated with a questionnaire. Odds ratios were computed using multivariable logistic regression.

The prevalence of Salmonella-positive flocks was 50% (95% CI: 37, 64) for chickens and 54% (95% CI: 39, 70) for turkeys, respectively. Odds of Salmonella colonization were 2.6 times greater for chicken flocks which failed to lock the chicken house permanently. In turkeys, odds of Salmonella colonization were 4.8–7.7 times greater for flocks which failed to be raised by ≤2 producers with no other visitors allowed onto the premises, or origin from a hatchery.

The prevalence of Campylobacter-positive flocks was 35% (95% CI: 22, 49) for chickens and 46% (95% CI: 30, 62) for turkeys. Odds of colonization were 4.1 times higher for chicken flocks raised on farms with professional rodent control and 5.2 times higher for flocks with manure heap >200 m from the poultry house, and also increased with the number of birds raised per year on the farm and with the age at slaughter. For turkeys, odds of Campylobacter flock colonization were 3.2 times greater in flocks having a manure heap at ≤200 m from poultry house and 4.2 times greater in flocks drinking unchlorinated water.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 290 cattle, 400 goats and 588 sheep slaughtered for food in various areas of the Mazandaran province, Iran were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), from December 2004 to April 2005. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 30% (120/400) goats and 35% (206/588) sheep and 0% (0/290) cattle, at a dilution of 1:16 or more for goats and sheep and 1:128 or more for cattle. The highest titres observed in cattle, goats and sheep were 1:64 (0.7%), 1:128 (1%), 1:64 (2%), respectively. These results indicate that T. gondii antibodies are widespread in the animal populations and suggest that toxoplasmosis is a widely spread zoonotic infection in northern Iran.  相似文献   

Background: The potential for rabbit production in Kenya is high. However, high morbidity and mortality of domestic rabbits were reported.

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the pathology, prevalence and the predisposing factors to coccidiosis in domestic rabbits in selected regions in Kenya.

Animals and methods: A total of 61 farms keeping rabbits in six different counties were visited in the survey. A total of 2680 live rabbits were examined and 61 rabbits and 302 fecal samples were randomly collected from the farms and examined for coccidian oocysts by ante-mortem and post-mortem methods. The predisposing factors to coccidiosis were assessed through questionnaires and direct observation. Chi square (χ2) statistics was used with P values < 0.05 considered statistically significant.

Results: Of the 302 fecal samples, 85% (P < 0.001) contained coccidian oocysts and 2% harbored nematode eggs (Passalurus ambiguous). The overall prevalence of Eimeria spp. infestation was 85.1% in the study area and 90.2% in the individual rabbits, while prevalence of intestinal coccidiosis and hepatic coccidiosis was 29.5% and 11.5%, respectively. Higher counts of coccidian oocysts per gram of feces were recovered in weaners than in growers and adults rabbits (P < 0.001), rabbits that were kept in high density group housing (P < 0.05) and housing with more than two tiers.

Conclusion: This study identified group housing of rabbits of different ages and inadequate control of concurrent infections as the major risk factors associated with coccidiosis in domestic rabbits in Kenya.  相似文献   

To evaluate the economic effects of subclinical chicken anemia agent (CAA) infection on broiler performance, clinically normal broiler flocks were grouped into two categories: A) flocks in which none of 10 birds sampled at slaughter had antibody to CAA, and B) flocks in which six or more of 10 similarly sampled birds had CAA antibody. Production and performance parameters of 25 flocks in each category were compared. No statistically significant differences were found between category A and category B flocks in major production parameters such as sex, feed manufacturer, type of litter, stocking density, and age at slaughter. However, category A flocks achieved 13% (P less than 0.05) greater net income per 1000 birds, 2.0% better feed-conversion ratio (P less than 0.05), and 2.5% (P less than 0.05) greater average weight per bird than category B flocks. No significant differences in hockburn bonus per 1000 birds (a bonus payable to growers whose broilers have the lowest prevalence of contact dermatitis lesions on the hocks) and mortality were found between category A and category B flocks. These results show that subclinical CAA infection has a substantial, statistically significant effect on commercial broiler performance and profitability.  相似文献   

天津市杨柳青前桑园村李某地面平养5000只肉仔鸡,在25日龄时发病,有百余只小鸡死亡。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the presence of trichinellosis in backyard-farmed pigs and the risk factors associated with the infection in Zaria, Kaduna State. Serum samples were collected from 120 pigs selected at random from 50 small backyard farms, and the presence of Trichinella spp. antibodies was determined using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Data on farm management practices from the farms were obtained through the use of a structured questionnaire. The overall seroprevalence of Trichinella spp.-specific antibodies was 40 % (48/120) by ELISA. All the extensive farms sampled had at least one Trichinella-positive animal. The age and sex of the animals were not significantly (p?>?0.05) associated with the infection; however, the management systems, presence of rodents, rodent control, and access to dead pigs showed significant (p?<?0.05) association with Trichinella spp.-infected pigs on the farm. In conclusion, there was a high prevalence of antibodies to trichinellosis in backyard raised pigs in Zaria, and intensive pig farming with the adoption of proper biosecurity measures is advocated to prevent the transmission and spread of trichinellosis.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to estimate the prevalence of lameness, claw lesions, and associated risk factors in dairy farms in...  相似文献   

To estimate the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 on Dutch dairy herds, faecal samples were collected once from 678 randomly selected dairy farms in the period October 1996-December 2000. Samples were cultured for E. coli O157. Thirty-eight isolates were tested for virulence genes (eae, VT1 and VT2). A questionnaire about farm characteristics was taken from the farm manager, resulting in variables that could be analysed to identify and quantify factors associated with presence of E. coli O157. In total, 49 of the 678 herds (7.2%) showed at least one positive pooled sample. E. coli O157 was not isolated from herds sampled in December-April in consecutive years (except for one isolate found in March, 2000). VT- and eae-genes were found in 37 and 38 isolates, respectively. Logistic regression was performed on variables obtained from the questionnaire, comparing E. coli O157-positive herds to negative herds. To account for season, a sine function was included in the logistic regression as an offset variable. In the final model, the presence of at least one pig at the farm (OR = 3.4), purchase of animals within the last 2 years before sampling (OR = 1.9), supply of maize (OR = 0.29) to the cows, and sampling a herd in the year 1999 or 2000 (compared to sampling in 1998; OR = 2.1 and 2.9, respectively) had associations with the presence of E. coli O157.  相似文献   

Prevalence and persistence of Salmonella in broiler chicken flocks.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cecal contents of 2,345 broiler chickens consisting of 28 flocks originated from 12 farms were examined for the prevalence of Salmonella to know the actual status of infection with Salmonella in the chicken flocks. Salmonella was isolated from 336 (14.3%) samples. From these isolates, eight serovars were identified. Of the 336 Salmonella isolates, 242 (72.0%) were serotyped as S. Blockley, 60 (17.9%) S. Hadar, 15 (4.5%) S. Bredeney, nine (2.7%) S. Schwarzengrund, four (1.2%) S. Anatum, three (0.9%) S. Enteritidis, two (0.6%) S. Ohio, and one (0.3%) S. Livingstone. The same serovars of Salmonella were repeatedly found in the chickens from the same farms. S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis were detected in pooled broken eggshell samples collected from the hatchery. Analysis of plasmid profiles revealed 11 patterns of S. Blockley and seven patterns of S. Hadar. Strains of the same plasmid profiles of S. Blockley were isolated repeatedly from the same farm over one year after the first isolation.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out on 200 randomly selected farms in each of the Iringa and Tanga regions of Tanzania to estimate the prevalence and risk factors for subclinical mastitis in dairy cows kept by smallholders. Subclinical mastitis was assessed using the California mastitis test (cmt), and by the bacteriological culture of 1500 milk samples collected from 434 clinically normal cows. The percentages of the cows (and quarters) with subclinical mastitis were 75.9 per cent (46.2 per cent) when assessed by the cmt and 43.8 per cent (24.3 per cent) when assessed by culture. Factors significantly associated with an increased risk of a cmt-positive quarter were Boran breed (odds radio [or]=3.51), a brought-in cow (rather than homebred) (or=2.39), peak milk yield, and age. The stripping method of hand milking was associated with a significantly lower prevalence of cmt-positive quarters (or=0.51). The cmt-positive cows were more likely to be culture positive (or=4.51), as were brought-in (or=2.10) and older cows.  相似文献   

The study was conducted on antibiotics use and determinant of use on 101 broiler farms in Songkhla province, Thailand. Ninety-six farms used the broiler production system under contracting companies and 5 farms were independently operated. All of the farms used antibiotics for disease prevention. Twenty agents in 9 classes of antibiotics were used; the most commonly used ones were enrofloxacin, amoxicillin, doxycycline, colistine and roxithromycin. There were 33 patterns of antibiotics use, the most frequently used being the combination of amoxicillin-enrofloxacin (21.18%). Cluster analysis suggested that the variation in antibiotic usage is mostly under the influence of the companies. Regulation of antibiotics use thus should focus on the company level.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that subclinical mastitis (SCM) is an extensive problem in the dairy industry worldwide. It is of particular concern in developing countries. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of SCM in dairy cattle in the urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda and to gain information about pathogens and antibiotic resistance patterns. The study was conducted as a field study in 18 smallholder dairy farms in peri-urban Kampala, Uganda. All cows at the farms were physically examined, and cows with signs of clinical mastitis were excluded. Cows (n?=?195) were tested with California Mastitis Test (CMT), and udder quarters with CMT score ≥3 (scale 1–5) were milk sampled for bacteriological analysis. To allow further sub-analysis of the results, the stage of lactation, parity, milk production, production type, udder hygiene, and cow breed were recorded. Results indicate that 86.2 % (n?=?168) of the tested cows had SCM in one or more quarters. The most common bacteriological outcome was infection with coagulase-negative staphylococci (54.7 %), followed by negative growth (24.9 %) and streptococci (16.2 %); all of which (n?=?34) were sensitive to penicillin. Of the tested staphylococci (n?=?17), the majority (58.9 %) were positive for penicillinase production. Factors with significant impact on the prevalence of SCM at cow level were the stage of lactation, parity, and production type. The results suggest that the prevalence of SCM in Uganda is substantially higher than reported in previous studies and in other comparable developing countries. This implies that SCM deserves more attention and that improvement in dairy cow husbandry in terms of hygiene and management is necessary.  相似文献   

According to the European Food Safety Authority, salmonellosis is still one of the main causes of infectious foodborne gastroenteritis in humans. Broilers are an important source of salmonellosis after eggs and pork. Between 1987 and 1999 the trend of human salmonellosis incidence in Belgium increased constantly. However, from 2000 until 2005 a decrease in human cases was observed, probably following the sanitary measures implemented in the poultry breeder and laying sector. In order to decrease human infections it is essential to tackle the problem at the farm level to minimize cross-contamination from farm to fork. This paper seeks to answer two questions: (i) given the Salmonella status of the farm at a certain occasion (equal to the sampling time of the flock), what are the risk factors that the farm will be Salmonella positive at a following occasion? And (ii) what are the risk factors for a farm to be persistently positive for two consecutive flocks? We used surveillance data on 6824 broiler flocks studied for Salmonella infectivity from 2005 to 2006 in Belgium. The farms were tested regularly (3 weeks before slaughter of each broiler flock) for the presence of Salmonella based on multiple faecal samples per flock on a farm yielding clustered data. Generalized estimating equations, alternating logistic regression models, and random-intercept logistic regression models were employed to analyse these correlated binary data. Our results indicated that there are many factors that influence Salmonella risk in broiler flocks, and that they interact. Accounting for interactions between risk factors leads to an improved determination of those risk factors that increase infection with Salmonella. For the conditional analysis, the risk factors found to increase the risk of Salmonella infection on a farm at a current occasion given the previous Salmonella status included: Salmonella infection of day-old chicks (of the current flock); a previously infected flock even though the farm was equipped with a hygiene place to change clothes prior to entering the broiler house; having temporary workmen when there was a separation between birds of different species; and separating birds of different species in the Walloon region relative to the Flanders region. Sanitary measures such as a cleaning and disinfecting procedure conducted by an external cleaning firm, applying the all-in all-out procedure, and hand washing decreased the risk despite their interaction with other factors. From the joint analysis, the most important factors identified for increased risk for persistent Salmonella on a farm involved the interaction between having temporary workmen when there were poultry or farmers in contact with foreign poultry or persons, and the interaction between having temporary workmen when there were poultry or farmers in contact with external poultry or persons.  相似文献   

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