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There is still a lack of knowledge about the physiological traits of spring triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.) and their relationship with grain yield and protein content under the conditions of the environmental Zone Nemoral 2. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among the physiological indices, grain yield and protein content as affected by nitrogen (N) rates. The correlation among leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll index (SPAD), canopy greenness index (CGI), leaf area duration (LAD) and grain yield as well as direct and indirect effects of those traits on the yield were investigated using a path analysis. Grain yield, protein content and physiological indices were significantly (P?≤?.01) affected by N fertilization. N90 level was the best compromise for the yield and physiological indices. The interaction of all physiological indices influenced the grain yield by 27–39%, protein by 42–44%. SPAD and LAI had greater influence on grain yield and grain protein than CGI and LAD. SPAD had positive direct dominant (the highest) effect on the yield only at BBCH 59 and BBCH 69 (50% of the tested cases). LAI was responsible for 19–39% of the correlation between yield and physiological indices. The physiological indices can be used for spring triticale growth modelling and agronomic management for improved productivity and grain quality. SPAD and LAI values, established at BBCH 45–69, can be used for grain yield prediction and those estimated at BBCH 69 can be used for grain protein prediction.

Abbreviations BBCH: Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie (decimal system for a uniform coding of phenologically similar growth stages of all mono- and dicotyledonous plant species); CGI: canopy greenness index; GS: growth stage; LAD: leaf area duration; LAI: leaf area index; SPAD: chlorophyll index (soil plant analysis development)  相似文献   


Importance of agricultural practices for greenhouse gases mitigation is examined worldwide. However, there is no consensus on CO2 emissions as affected by soil management practices. Deeper understanding of soil CO2 fluxes and drivers under different management practices are needed. The investigation of net CO2 exchange rate as dependent variable and drivers (soil water and temperature, air temperature) as affected by soil type (loam and sandy loam), tillage (conservation and no-tillage) and fertilization are presented.

Soil management practices and weather conditions affected the CO2 flux through effects on soil water and temperature regime. Mean net CO2 exchange rate on sandy loam was 8% higher than on loam. No-tillage, as a moisture-conserving tool, could be an appropriate tool for CO2 emissions mitigation in any weather conditions on sandy loam; however, the advantage of no-tillage on loam was negligible. Mineral NPK fertilizers promoted significantly higher net CO2 exchange rate in both soils, but suppressed it by 15% on sandy loam during a normal year. Effect of soil water content on net CO2 exchange rate was direct in all tillage and fertilization treatments in both loam and sandy loam, whereas this effect was positive only in dry and normal weather conditions. In wet weather conditions, the direct effect of soil water content on net CO2 exchange rate was negative. Soil and air temperature acted indirectly on net CO2 exchange rate. The increase in temperature markedly suppressed the positive direct impact of soil water content on net CO2 exchange rate in dry weather conditions, but did not reduce the direct effect of soil water content in normal weather conditions. In a wet year the negative indirect effect of increased temperature enhanced the negative direct impact of soil water surplus on net CO2 exchange rate.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching as affected by long-term N fertilization on a coarse sand   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract. A field experiment on a coarse sand (1987–92) was conducted with spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), in order to evaluate the effects of increasing N fertilization on nitrate leaching under temperate coastal climate conditions. The N fertilizer levels were 60 and 120 kg N/ha. The experiment was conducted on a 19-year old permanent field trial with continuous spring barley, initiated in 1968, and included treatments with ploughing in autumn or spring, with or without perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) as a catch crop undersown in spring. Prior to 1987, the low and high levels of N fertilizer were 70 and 150 kg N/ha, respectively. To calculate nitrate leaching, soil water samples were taken from a depth of 0.8 m using ceramic cups. The average annual nitrate leaching from plots with 60 and 120 kg N/ha was 38 and 52 kg N/ha/y, respectively. The increased leaching associated with increasing fertilizer application was not caused by inorganic N in the soil at harvest, but rather by greater mineralization, mainly in autumn. Growing of a catch crop was relatively more efficient for reducing nitrate leaching than a long-term low fertilizer application. A 50% reduction in N application decreased average yield by 26%, while nitrate leaching decreased by 27%.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment (1984–2011), was conducted on a Calcic Haploxeralf from semi-arid central Spain to evaluate the combined effect of three treatments: farmyard manure (FYM), straw and control without organic amendments (WOA) and five increasing rates of mineral N on: (1) some energetic parameters of crop production, and (2) the effect of the different treatments on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total N stocks. Crop rotation included spring barley, wheat and sorghum. The energy balance variables considered were net energy produced (energy output minus energy input), the energy output/input ratio and energy productivity (crop yield per unit energy input). Results showed small differences between treatments. Total energy inputs varied from 9.86 GJ ha?1 year?1 (WOA) to 11.14 GJ ha?1 year?1 in the FYM system. For the three crops, total energy inputs increased with increasing rates of mineral N. Energy output was slightly lower in the WOA (33.40 GJ ha?1 year?1) than in the two organic systems (37.34 and 34.96 GJ ha?1 year?1 for FYM and straw respectively). Net energy followed a similar trend. At the end of the 27-year period, the stocks of SOC and total N had increased noticeably in the soil profile (0–30 cm) as a result of application of the two organic amendments. Most important SOC changes occurred in the FYM plots, with mean increases in the 0–10 cm depth, amounting an average of 9.9 Mg C ha?1 (667 kg C ha?1 year?1). Increases in N stocks in the top layer were similar under FYM and straw and ranged from 0.94 to 1.55 Mg N ha?1. By contrast, simultaneous addition of increasing rates of mineral N showed no significant effect on SOC and total N storage.  相似文献   

Literature reports both positive and negative effects of N‐fixing alders on conifer growth in alder‐conifer stands. Such divergent effects probably result from poorly understood species interactions. The aim of this work was to examine how varying alder‐to‐pine ratios (APRs) and N fertilization affect pine nutrient status. A pseudo‐experiment was installed in each of two areas of regeneration (AR) with different amounts of radiation reaching alder. The experimental approach consisted of a series of pseudoreplicated plots with five APRs within each AR. Half of each plot received 200 kg N ha–1. Data were interpreted by vector analysis. Alders in the AR 1987 induced needle‐biomass reductions, K deficiency, and P accumulation in pine needles. However, nutrient availability increased with the proportion of alders in the AR 1989, where alders received high sunlight due to a less dense pine stand. Nitrogen fertilization increased needle biomass and N in three out of five alder proportions where alders were sunlight‐limited. In the other stand, with the exception of the no‐alder and A4 plots, positive effects of N fertilization increased with decreasing alder density. We conclude that sunlight‐limited alders may not positively affect associated‐species growth even in N‐limited sites.  相似文献   

不同施氮水平下土壤的生化性质对干湿交替的响应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
陈林  张佳宝  赵炳梓  黄平 《土壤学报》2013,50(4):675-683
以中国科学院封丘农业生态试验站水氮耦合长期试验地为研究平台,采集五个施氮水平(施氮0、150、190、230、270 kg hm-2)下表层0 ~ 20 cm土壤并测定其土壤肥力参数(土壤pH、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机碳).结果表明:施氮降低了土壤pH、速效磷、全钾,增加了全氮、碱解氮、有机碳,除有机碳随施氮水平的增加而增加外,其他肥力参数并未随施氮水平的增加而发生规律性变化.土壤经过0、3、6、10次干湿交替,培养60 d后测定其生物和化学性质(土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、溶解性有机碳、脲酶活性、脱氢酶活性、微生物生物量碳、土壤基本呼吸).双因素方差分析显示干湿交替次数对铵态氮、硝态氮、无机氮、溶解性有机碳、脱氢酶活性、微生物生物量碳和土壤基本呼吸均有极显著作用,而干湿交替次数和施氮水平对除脱氢酶活性以外的其他土壤性质均无交互作用.五个施氮水平下土壤硝态氮、无机氮、溶解性有机碳、脲酶活性、脱氢酶活性和微生物生物量碳均随干湿交替次数增加而增加,土壤基本呼吸随干湿交替次数增加而降低.高施氮水平(施氮超过190 kg hm-2)下土壤性质的变异系数更小并能更好地发生聚类.研究表明当土壤遭遇干湿交替时,高施氮水平下土壤更能维持其生化性质的稳定.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission was measured in laboratory incubations of an alluvial soil (58% clay, pH 7.4). The soil was amended with 40 mg N kg−1 as NaNO3 or NH4Cl, or with NaCl as a control. Each fertilization treatment was adjusted to three different water contents: constant 60% WHC (water-holding capacity), constant 120% WHC, and water content alternating between 60 and 120% WHC. During an 8-day incubation period N2O emission rates and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in soil (NH4+, NO2, NO3) were determined at regular intervals. In the control and after nitrate application small N2O emission rates occurred with only minor variations over time, and no differences between the water treatments. In contrast, with ammonium application N2O emission rates were much higher during the first two days of incubation, with peaks in the constant 60% WHC and 120% WHC at day 1 and in the changing-water treatment at day 2, when the first wet period (120% WHC) was completed. This N2O peak in the changing-water treatment was 4 to 9 times higher than with constant WHC and occurred when both, NH4+ and NO2 concentrations declined sharply. Thus, this N2O emission flush can be attributed to nitrifier denitrification. After the second rewetting of the NH4+-amended soil no further N2O emission peak was observed, being in accordance with small NH4+ and NO2 concentrations in soil at that time. The unexpectedly small N2O fluxes in the constant 120% WHC treatment after nitrate application were probably caused by the reduction of N2O to N2 under the prevailing conditions. It can be concluded that continuous wetting or flooding of a soil is an effective measure to reduce N2O emissions immediately after the application of NH4+ fertilizers.  相似文献   

长期施肥对土壤氮矿化的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
Two field experiments were conducted in Jiashan and Yuhang towns of Zhejiang Province, China, to study the feasibility of predicting N status of rice using canopy spectral reflectance. The canopy spectral reflectance of rice grown with different levels of N inputs was determined at several important growth stages. Statistical analyses showed that as a result of the different levels of N supply, there were significant differences in the N concentrations of canopy leaves at different growth stages. Since spectral reflectance measurements showed that the N status of rice was related to reflectance in the visible and NIR (near-infrared) ranges, observations for rice in 1 nm bandwidths were then converted to bandwidths in the visible and NIR spectral regions with IKONOS (space imaging) bandwidths and vegetation indices being used to predict the N status of rice. The results indicated that canopy reflectance measurements converted to ratio vegetation index (RVI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for simulated IKONOS bands provided a better prediction of rice N status than the reflectance measurements in the simulated IKONOS bands themselves. The precision of the developed regression models using RVI and NDVI proved to be very high with R2 ranging from 0.82 to 0.94, and when validated with experimental data from a different site, the results were satisfactory with R2 ranging from 0.55 to 0.70. Thus, the results showed that theoretically it should be possible to monitor N status using remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Knowledge about cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) stalk degradation is important for understanding nutrient cycling in soil. The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of continuous cropping on cotton stalk decomposition and nutrient release patterns from fall to spring. Cotton stalks were placed inside nylon mesh bags on 5 October and then buried 15?cm deep in fields that had been continuously cropped to cotton for 1, 10, or 20 yrs. The results showed that the decomposition rates (i.e. mass loss) were significantly greater in the 10- and 20-yr soils than in the 1-yr soil during the first 16 d after burial. The decomposition rates were similar in all three soils between d 16 and 177. However, between d 177 and 193, the decomposition rates were the highest in the 1-yr soil. Overall, stalk mass declined by 35–40% during the 193 d experiment. The largest decreases in stalk mass were in the 1- and 10-yr soils. After 193 d, 95–97% of stalk K had been released compared with 29–34% of stalk P, and 41–48% of stalk N. The duration of continuous cropping had no significant effect on δ13C, N, and K release rates. The release rate of stalk P was the greatest in the 20-yr soil followed by the 1-year soil and then the 10-yr soil. In conclusion, the duration of continuous cotton cropping significantly affected the decomposition characteristics of cotton stalks. Additional studies will be done to learn more about how N application and irrigation can be managed in the fall so that (i) undecomposed residue does not interfere with spring sowing and (ii) the nutrients in the stalks are not lost after decomposition.  相似文献   

Effects of soil type and nitrogen (N) fertilizer–application rates on the nutrient composition of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling) leaves during a growing cycle were compared with the composition of the resulting grape juice. Grapevines were planted in 75 L containers that had been installed in a vineyard and filled with three different vineyard soils (loess, shell lime, and Keuper). Four typical levels of N fertilizer (40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N ha–1) were applied. Elemental composition of mature leaves sampled seven times during the growing cycle as well as of the extracted grape juice was analyzed. The time of sampling affected all measured elements (C, N, Ca, K, P, Mg, S, Fe, Zn, Mn, and B) in the leaves. Nitrogen‐fertilizer rate affected the concentrations of all elements except Ca and Mg, while the soil type had significant effects on elemental composition of the leaves with the exception of N, B, and Ca. Soil type had a significant effect on K, S, Mn, and B in the grape juice. Increasing rates of N fertilizer increased C concentration in the grape juice significantly and affected its elemental composition similar to the effects in leaves. This may be explained with the role of leaves as the source for supplying the grapes during ripening via phloem transport. Cluster analysis for the elemental composition of soils, leaves, and grape juice revealed no consistent relationships indicating that other soil characteristics in addition to the mineral concentration influence the elemental composition of grapevine leaves and grape juice.  相似文献   

 N2 fixation by leguminous crops is a relatively low-cost alternative to N fertilizer for small-holder farmers in developing countries. N2 fixation in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by P fertilization (0 and 20 kg P ha–1) and inoculation (uninoculated and inoculated) with Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar viciae (strain S-18) was studied using the 15N isotope dilution method in the southeastern Ethiopian highlands at three sites differing in soil conditions and length of growing period. Nodulation at the late flowering stage was significantly influenced by P and inoculation only at the location exhibiting the lowest soil P and pH levels. The percentage of N derived from the atmosphere ranged from 66 to 74%, 58 to 74% and 62 to 73% with a corresponding total amount of N2 fixed ranging from 169 to 210 kg N ha–1, 139 to 184 kg N ha–1 and 147 to 174 kg N ha–1 at Bekoji, Kulumsa and Asasa, respectively. The total N2 fixed was not significantly affected by P fertilizer or inoculation across all locations, and there was no interaction between the factors. However, at all three locations, N2 fixation was highly positively correlated with the dry matter production and total N yield of faba bean. Soil N balances after faba bean were positive (12–58 kg N ha–1) relative to the highly negative N balances (–9–44 kg N ha–1) following wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), highlighting the importance of rotation with faba bean in the cereal-based cropping systems of Ethiopia. Received: 13 January 2000  相似文献   

四川省地形地貌复杂多样,常年多旱灾,玉米是该省主要粮食作物之一,在粮食生产中占有重要地位,但干旱一直是制约四川省玉米生长发育和产量形成的重要因素,常年春、夏、伏旱频发重发,造成玉米年际间产量不稳定。评估四川省玉米生育期干旱状况,分析其时空变化特征,可为相关部门制定农业生产计划、防灾减灾措施以及保险部门确定保费率提供科学依据。本文利用四川省144个玉米种植区气象台站1970—2010年逐日气象数据,以水分盈亏指数作为干旱指标,分析四川省6大玉米种植区域(盆南丘陵区、盆中浅丘区、盆西平丘区、盆周边缘山地区、盆东平行岭谷区和川西南山地区)玉米生育期内干旱频率的时空变化特征及干旱发生风险度的空间分布。结果表明:从时间变化看,各区域干旱频率变化趋势不同,但大部区域从20世纪90年代后期开始明显增加,其中拔节—乳熟期干旱站均次数变化趋势除盆东平行岭谷区随年代呈下降趋势,其余各区都呈上升趋势,乳熟—成熟期干旱站均次数变化趋势盆南丘陵区、盆西平丘区及盆周边缘山地区呈明显上升趋势;从空间分布看,盆南丘陵区轻旱发生次数最高,盆中浅丘区中旱发生次数最高,盆西平丘区及盆东平行岭谷区发生干旱次数相对较低;干旱发生风险度空间分布为:全生育期干旱风险重度区主要集中在盆中浅丘区、盆东平行岭谷区大部及盆南丘陵区部分区域,拔节—乳熟期重度风险区主要集中在盆地北部及盆中浅丘区大部,乳熟—成熟期重度干旱区域分布在盆北、盆东南及盆中浅丘区部分区域。  相似文献   

Displacement of NH4+ fixed in clay minerals by fertilizer 15NH4+ is seen as one mechanism of apparent added nitrogen interactions (ANI), which may cause errors in 15N tracer studies. Pot and incubation experiments were carried out for a study of displacement of fixed NH4+ by 15N‐labeled fertilizer (ammonium sulfate and urea). A typical ANI was observed when 15N‐labeled urea was applied to wheat grown on soils with different N reserves that resulted from their long‐term fertilization history: Plants took up more soil N when receiving fertilizer. Furthermore, an increased uptake of 15N‐labeled fertilizer, induced by increasing unlabeled soil nitrogen supply, was found. This ANI‐like effect was in the same order of magnitude as the observed ANI. All causes of apparent or real ANI can be excluded as explanation for this effect. Plant N uptake‐related processes beyond current concepts of ANI may be responsible. NH4+ fixation of fertilizer 15NH4+ in sterilized or non‐sterile, moist soil was immediate and strongly dependent on the rate of fertilizer added. But for the tested range of 20 to 160 mg 15NH4+‐N kg–1, the NH4+ fixation rate was low, accounting for only up to 1.3 % of fertilizer N added. For sterilized soil, no re‐mobilization of fixed 15NH4+ was observed, while in non‐sterile, biologically active soil, 50 % of the initially fixed 15NH4+ was released up to day 35. Re‐mobilization of 15NH4+ from the pool of fixed NH4+ started after complete nitrification of all extractable NH4+. Our results indicate that in most cases, experimental error from apparent ANI caused by displacement of fixed NH4+ in clay is unlikely. In addition to the low percentage of only 1.3 % of applied 15N, present in the pool of fixed NH4+ after 35 days, there were no indications for a real exchange (displacement) of fixed NH4+ by 15N.  相似文献   

The effects of leaf water status in a wheat canopy on the accuracy of estimating leaf area index (LAI) and N were determined in this study using extracted spectral characteristics in the 2 000-2 300 nm region of the short wave infrared (SWI) band. A newly defined spectral index, relative adsorptive index in the 2 000-2 300 nm region (RAI2000-2300), which can be calculated by RAI2000-2300 = (R2224 - R2054) (R2224 + R2054)-1 with R being the reflectance at 2 224 or 2 054 nm, was utilized. This spectral index, RAI2000-2300, was significantly correlated (P 〈 0.01) with green LAI and leaf N concentration and proved to be potentially valuable for monitoring plant green LAI and leaf N at the field canopy scale. Moreover, plant LAI could be monitored more easily and more successfully than plant leaf N. The study also showed that leaf water had a strong masking effect on the 2 000-2 300 nm spectral characteristics and both the coefficient between RAI2000-2300 and green LAI and that between RAI2000-2300 and leaf N content decreased as leaf water content increased.  相似文献   

The effect of potassium (K) supply on dry matter accumulation and partitioning of biomass between different among parts of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was determined under irrigated conditions. The treatments were four cotton cultivars (CIM-448, CIM-1100, Karishma, and S-12), four K rates (0, 62.5, 125, and 250 kg K ha−1), and two K-fertilizer sources (K2SO4, KCl). Sequential harvests were collected at four stages of growth, viz first flower, peak flowering, first boll split, and maturity. The dry weights (DW) of vegetative and reproductive organs were determined. Maximum total DW was obtained at 125 days after planting, and then it declined because of leaf senescence at maturity. Cultivars differed significantly among themselves in the production of total DW and its partitioning between different organs. The addition of K fertilizer increased DW substantially at various stages of growth. Potassium fertilizer stimulated cotton plant to translocate resources towards reproductive organs rather than vegetative organs. Crop receiving 250 kg K ha−1 allocated 77% more dry matter into reproductive organs. The K-sources produced a little effect on the allocation of DW in various parts of the plant. Maximum reproductive–vegetative ratio (RVR) was maintained by cv CIM-448 and minimum in cv CIM-1100. Data showed that a shift in DW allocation into reproductive organs was dependent upon sustained supply of K+ throughout the season. There were positive significant correlations (0.86, 0.71, and 0.90) between seed cotton yield and total DW, vegetative DW, and reproductive DW, respectively.  相似文献   

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