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Abstract The objective of the present study was genetic analysis of yield-based drought tolerance indices using the diallel method. Twenty-one genotypes of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) derived from a half diallel cross between six inbred lines were evaluated in both stress and non-stress conditions using a randomized complete block design for each one. Eight drought tolerance indices comprising stress tolerance index (STI), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), harmonic mean (HM), stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), yield index (YI) and yield stability index (YSI) were calculated based on grain yield under stress and non-stress environments. Significant genotypic differences were observed in TOL, GMP, MPSTI, HM and YI. Diallel analyses revealed the importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects in GMP, STI, HM and YI. However, the Baker ratio supported the predominance of an additive effect in their expression. Our results demonstrated that SSI, YSI, TOL and MP are not reliable indices to select drought tolerant genotypes in sunflower breeding programmes because of their low heritability. Indices such as GMP, STI, HM and YI were moderately heritable and are usually able to select high-yielding genotypes in both environments and could be usefully employed in drought tolerance breeding programmes of sunflower. 相似文献
The phenotypic performance of a genotype is not necessarily the same under diverse agro-ecological conditions. Two commercial wheat cultivars and 33 wheat landrace varieties were selected for screening drought tolerance and the investigation of genotype × environment interactions (GEI). The study site experiences drought stress at reproductive stages. Fully irrigated along with two drought stress trials at early heading (EHS) and 50% heading stages (HDS) were performed in 2 years. The highest antioxidant and proline contents were accumulated under EHS. Reduction in cell membrane stability in EHS was 90.9% in 2011–2012. The lowest grain yield belonged to EHS (3.2 t ha ?1) while the highest (6.8 t ha ?1) was observed in the irrigated trial. GEI analysis indicated that the Pinthus’s coefficient was not an efficient index for screening GEI. Positive correlations were found between GEI parameters such as regression deviation, Wricke’s ecovalence and Shukla’s variance. Regression coefficients over trials ranged from 0.65 to 1.42, indicating genotypes had different responses to environmental changes. Regression models, GEI variances and grain yield showed that some varieties (KC4557, KC4862, KC3891, KC4495, and KC4633) had higher stability under drought stress and fully irrigated conditions and can be involved in breeding programs for drought stress tolerance. 相似文献
This research was carried out to estimate yield stability of 18 barley breeding lines using different parametric and non-parametric statistics across 15 environments during 2012–2015 growing seasons. The results of combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) and additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis showed that environments (E), genotypes (G), GE interaction, as well as the first four interaction principal component axes were highly significant, suggesting that the lines interacted differentially with environments, so further general adaptability and stability analysis across environments should be followed before being introduced for cultivation. Based on correlation coefficient and principal components analysis (PCA), most of the non-parametric statistics were significantly inter-correlated with parametric statistics, hence seem to be suitable alternatives to complement parametric statistics. Furthermore, according to the static and dynamic concepts of stability, the results revealed that stability statistics can be clustered into three groups. The overall stability analysis following different stability methods concluded that four lines (G5, G7, G17 and G20) were highly stable for grain yield in rain-fed conditions of subtropical regions of Iran. Thus, these lines can be recognized as the most stable lines for cultivation in diverse environments of semi-warm regions of Iran. 相似文献
[目的]通过建立模型修复水生态系统,评价流域水环境质量,为生态系统修复提供实用工具。[方法]以涑水河流域为例,采用了层次分析法(AHP),同时运用模糊隶属函数和综合指数法对影响水质因子的各个指标进行综合评价分析,建立干旱和半干旱流域水环境质量健康评价体系及评价模型。[结果]涑水河流域2008—2011年水环境质量健康评价结果为Ⅲ级,状态一般,较健康,评价结果与实际生态情况相符。[结论]所建立的干旱和半干旱流域水环境质量健康评价体系是合理的,能满足流域水环境质量健康评价需要。 相似文献
Soil nitrogen (N) availability is dominated by soil water regime and the N fertilizer levels, which affect crop growth in soil water stress. To determine the optimum N applications under different degrees of soil drought, this study investigated the effects of N fertilizer levels on the crop water stress index (CWSI) of summer corn under soil water stress. A 2-year field experiment was conducted in waterproof plots in upland red soils in subtropical China. Three N fertilizer levels and seven soil water deficit levels were employed in 2007 and 2008. Nitrogen fertilization had no influence on the CWSI of the corn under slight to moderate soil drought, but the high-N treatment increased the CWSI significantly ( P < 0.01) under soil drought when the mean CWSI exceeded ~0.20. The results suggested that for scheduling irrigation or predicting crop yields, the equations between CWSI and yield should be established on comparable N fertilization levels. 相似文献
Abstract Stem bases from wheat plants in a glasshouse pot experiment conducted under varying nitrogen and two water regimes, were analysed for nitrate (NO 3) concentration. The concentration of NO 3 at three stages of growth i.e. tillering, jointing and anthesis were related both to rates of applied nitrogen and to shoot dry matter yield at time of sampling. Plotted against rate of increasing nitrogen application, the response curve of NO 3 concentration in wheat stem bases was sigmoidal. The level of nitrogen application at which NO 3 began to accumulate in the plants was the supply at which plants reached maximum dry matter yield. The concentration of NO 3 at which plant yield was 90% of maximum dry matter was taken as the critical level. This concentration was around 1000 ppm NO 3‐N at all stages. Compared with plants supplied with unlimited water, plants under moderate water stress accumulated relatively more NO 3 but had a similar critical NO 3 concentration. Maximum grain yield was obtained from plants which stayed above the critical level throughout the growing season. 相似文献
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate whether it is possible to obtain reliable estimates of yield stability of barley on the basis of single year trials. The stability was analysed by using some of the most common stability parameters. The other objective was to study the influence of variation between locations and years on the yield stability of barley under growing conditions in Finland. Barley breeder's trials of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland from the years 1987-89 were used as material in this study. In each of these years six trials from different parts of Finland and six genotypes were analysed. Four parameters were used in analysis of yield stability: b i (Finlay & Wilkinson, 1963), s 2 d i (Eberhart & Russell, 1966), r 2 i (Pinthus, 1973) and environmental variance s 2 i. Each parameter was calculated from single- and multi-year results. The multi-year results were considered as reliable data with which to estimate yield stability. The reliability of the stability parameters was tested by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between single- and multi-year stability values of each parameter. Although the variation between years was highly significant, there was no interaction between genotypes and years. In two experimental years genotype × location interaction was highly significant, and on the basis of this study, the genotype × location interaction seems to be a more important factor than genotype × year interaction in barley breeding for Finnish conditions. However, a series of three years may not be sufficient for indicating genotypes × years interactions. In this study two stability parameters, b i and s 2 i, gave a reliable estimate of yield stability on the basis of single-year trials. 相似文献
本文根据邯郸地区的大范围观测资料,对小麦的作物干旱指数(CWSI)和裸地的土壤干旱指数(SWSI)及其与土壤水发的关系进行了研究,并分析了了CWSI和SWSI的影响因素和在旱情监测中的实用性。 相似文献
为准确评价植物对环境的适应性,以太行山低山丘陵区的7种典型植物为对象,通过测定植物蒸腾速率、光合速率以及水分利用效率等指标,研究不同植物的水分利用特征。结果表明:1)在所研究的7种植物中,火炬树、侧柏、刺槐、荆条和酸枣5种植物的蒸腾速率日变化都属于单峰型;栓皮栎和黄连木为双峰型,双峰型主要与植物的\"午休\"现象有关,是植物对高温、干旱环境胁迫的主动适应;2)植物之间的水分利用效率有较大的差异,刺槐具有最高的水分利用效率;水分利用效率日均值排序为刺槐>酸枣>栓皮栎>黄连木>荆条>火炬树>侧柏,蒸腾耗水量排序为栓皮栎>火炬树>侧柏>黄连木>刺槐>荆条>酸枣;3)根据蒸腾耗水量和水分利用效率,测试植物可以分为3种类型,栓皮栎和酸枣属于高蒸腾耗水量和高水分利用效率类型,侧柏属于低蒸腾耗水量和低水分利用效率类型,刺槐则属于低蒸腾耗水量和高水分利用效率类型,具有最大的水分竞争优势。 相似文献
通过盆栽实验研究1 a生紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)在不同水分处理(土壤相对含水率为40%,60%,80%,100%)及重金属铅胁迫水平(0,1 000,2 000,4 000,6 000 mg/kg)交互作用下叶绿素含量、净光合速率和水分利用效率的变化.结果表明:在水分和铅交互胁迫下,紫穗槐叶绿素含量变化无明显规律可循,铅含量<4 000 mg/kg时,不同水分胁迫条件下紫穗槐叶绿素含量呈逐渐下降趋势,铅含量>4 000 mg/kg时,不同水分胁迫条件下紫穗槐叶绿素含量呈逐渐上升趋势.水分和铅交互胁迫下,紫穗槐净光合速率呈下降趋势,铅含量<2 000 mg/kg时,不同水分胁迫条件下紫穗槐净光合速率逐渐上升,铅含量>2 000 mg/kg时,不同水分胁迫条件下紫穗槐净光合速率逐渐下降.在水分和铅交互胁迫下,紫穗槐水分利用效率呈上升趋势,土壤相对含水率为40%(重度水分胁迫)时,紫穗槐水分利用效率最大. 相似文献
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of water and salt stress in Quinoa plants ( Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Irrigation treatments using saline solutions of 0 (control), 50(T 1), 200(T 2), 400(T 3), 600(T 4), and 800(T 5) mM sodium chloride (NaCl) were adopted. The results indicated that quinoa plants can tolerate water stress (50%FC) when irrigated with moderately saline water (T 1 and T 2, respectively). Salinity stress increases quinoa drought tolerance in terms of biomass production. Neither osmotic stress nor ions deficiency/toxicity seems to be determinant under T 1 and 100%FC. Salinity induced a significant increase of sodium (Na +) and chloride (Cl ?), while reduced magnesium (Mg 2+) and calcium (Ca 2+) in stems, leaves, seed’s coating, and seeds. The potassium (K +)/Na + ratio never fell below 1 with T 1; yet, fell to 0.78 and 0.89 with T 2 for 100% and 50%FC, respectively. The seed coat limited the passage of possibly toxic concentrations of Na + and Cl ? to seed interior, as high Na + and Cl ? was found in the seed coat. 相似文献
The recent drought in South Africa has reduced the production of both dryland and irrigated wheat. This study evaluated physiological traits of irrigated wheat genotypes in response to water stress (WS) imposed at different growth stages. A 8?×?2?×?3 [(genotypes)?×?(water treatmets; stresses and non-stressed)?×?(growth stages; tillering, flowering and grain filling)] factorial experiment based on a randomised complete block design with three replicates was conducetd. In general, the rate of photosynthesis was unaffected by WS except for genotypes LM43 at tillering and LM98 at grain filling. Stomatal conductance (SC) and transpiration rate (Tr) followed the same treand except for genotype LM35 which reduced its SC and Tr significantly at grain filling. Instantaneous waster use efficiency (IWUE) of genotype LM35 and LM57 was unaffected ( p?>?0.05) by WS at tillering but at flowering stage it was affected. However, at grain filling IWUE was affected ( p?<?0.05) in genotypes LM35, ML57, LM79 and LM 98. The relative water content was unaffected at tillering except for LM35 and LM47 genotypes whereas at flowering LM57, ML79, LM83 and LM98 were affected. These results indicate some degree of drought tolerance of these genotypes at different growth stages. 相似文献
利用宝天曼自然保护区32块野外样地调查资料,通过选取21个分别代表植被群落、地形和环境的指标,采用主成分分析、聚类分析和典范相关分析方法,分别对三者之间的定量耦合关系进行分析。主成分分析结果表明,海拔和土壤厚度是指示植被变化的敏感指标;聚类分析结果显示,样地沿海拔梯度有规律分布,在划分的3种群落类型间,随着海拔的增加,土壤厚度在加大,而土壤含水量在减少,乔木种类增加而灌木、草本种类减少;植被、地形、环境指标集团的典范相关分析结果表明,地形与植被指标、环境与植被指标之间都存在者显著的相关关系,而地形与环境之间的相关关系并不显著,乔木种类及林分密度的变化能很好地反映地形和土壤的变化。 相似文献
在土培条件下,对地锦(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)、五叶地锦(Parthenocissus quinquefolia)、扶芳藤(Euonymus fortunei)、树莓(Rubus idaeus)等4种藤蔓植物幼苗的生理指标作了测定。结果表明,4种幼苗的净光合速率日进程、蒸腾速率日进程和水分利用效率日进程均呈明显的单峰曲线。净光合速率相比较,扶芳藤>树莓>五叶地锦>地锦;蒸腾速率相比较,树莓>扶芳藤>五叶地锦>地锦。地锦、五叶地锦、扶芳藤、树莓4种幼苗的光饱和点均在1300μmolm-2s-1以上,光补偿点分别为414、15、0和80μmolm-2s-1,CO2补偿点分别为120、152、1251、14μmolmol-1,地锦和五叶地锦CO2饱和点分别为600、800μmolmol-1,扶芳藤和树莓均在1200μmolmol-1以上。4种幼苗的叶绿素含量相比较,树莓>扶芳藤>地锦>五叶地锦,叶绿素a/b值、叶绿素总含量、最大光合速率三者之间没有关联。 相似文献
土壤控水条件下,测定了2 a生小叶杨、沙地白榆、旱榆、河南白榆、旱柳和紫穗槐等6个树种苗期叶片的气体交换参数、叶绿素相对含量和叶片水势的变化值,并对其进行了比较分析.结果表明,供测的6种苗木随水分胁迫程度的加剧叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、气孔导度(gs)和瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)降低的幅度并不相同.6种苗木上述5个指标的降幅排序依次为:河南白榆>小叶杨>旱柳>紫穗槐>旱榆>沙地白榆,说明了不同树种在水分胁迫条件下的光合能力及水分利用能力差别较大.6种苗木的叶绿素相对含量随水分胁迫程度的加剧变幅也不相同,河南白榆在严重的水分胁迫下叶绿素相对含量降低显著,而沙地白榆即使在极端严重的干旱胁迫下叶绿素相对含量的降幅也较小.干旱胁迫对不同树种光合机构的损伤程度有显著差异.6种苗木叶片水势的测定结果表明,河南白榆和小叶杨对干旱胁迫较敏感,最先受到干旱胁迫的伤害,而沙地白榆和旱榆具有很强的忍耐脱水的性能,对水分胁迫反应迟缓,叶片遭受干旱伤害的程度较轻. 相似文献
The soil‐plant transfer factors for Cs and Sr were analyzed in relationship to soil properties, crops, and varieties of crops. Two crops and two varieties of each crop: lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.), cv. Salad Bowl Green and cv. Lobjoits Green Cos, and radish ( Raphanus sativus L.), cv. French Breakfast 3 and cv. Scarlet Globe, were grown on five different soils amended with Cs and Sr to give concentrations of 1 mg kg –1 and 50 mg kg –1 of each element. Soil‐plant transfer coefficients ranged between 0.12–19.10 (Cs) and 1.48–146.10 (Sr) for lettuce and 0.09–13.24 (Cs) and 2.99–93.00 (Sr) for radish. Uptake of Cs and Sr by plants depended on both plant and soil properties. There were significant ( P ≤ 0.05) differences between soil‐plant transfer factors for each plant type at the two soil concentrations. At each soil concentration about 60 % of the variance in the uptake of the Cs and Sr was due to soil properties. For a given concentration of Cs or Sr in soil, the most important factor effecting soil‐plant transfer of these elements was the soil properties rather than the crops or varieties of crops. Therefore, for the varieties considered here, soil‐plant transfer of Cs and Sr would be best regulated through the management of soil properties. At each concentration of Cs and Sr, the main soil properties effecting the uptake of Cs and Sr by lettuce and radish were the concentrations of K and Ca, pH and CEC. Together with the concentrations of contaminants in soils, they explained about 80 % of total data variance, and were the best predictors for soil‐plant transfer. The different varieties of lettuce and radish gave different responses in soil‐plant transfer of Cs and Sr in different soil conditions, i.e. genotype x environment interaction caused about 30 % of the variability in the uptake of Cs and Sr by plants. This means that a plant variety with a low soil‐plant transfer of Cs and Sr in one soil could have an increased soil‐plant transfer factor in other soils. The broad implications of this work are that in contaminated agricultural lands still used for plant growing, contaminant‐excluding crop varieties may not be a reliable method for decreasing contaminant transfer to foodstuffs. Modification of soil properties would be a more reliable technique. This is particularly relevant to agricultural soils in the former USSR still affected by fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. 相似文献
土壤侵蚀作为山区生态系统退化最主要的驱动力,严重干扰着植被的发育演替过程,植被则通过采用不同的繁殖方式、形态与生理补偿等方式来克服和适应土壤侵蚀造成的负面压力,使植物本身对土壤侵蚀环境的适应性增强,继而发展成为可抵抗土壤侵蚀的植物和群落。凡具有适应土壤侵蚀环境能力,能在土壤侵蚀条件下生存,并能保护改良土壤和具有防止土壤侵蚀的作用,具有繁殖更新能力,可维持群落稳定与可持续发展的植物,称之为抗侵蚀植物。在对黄土丘陵沟壑区植被恢复中不同抗侵蚀植物进行分类、及其侵蚀学特征与土壤侵蚀环境演变特征分析的基础上,提出从土壤侵蚀学观点出发,对植被恢复过程中先后出现的植物和群落的形态学、生理学和生态学特征及防蚀功能进行系统研究,以更好地发挥植物和植被保持水土与改善环境的生态功能。 相似文献
One means of achieving increased forage grass production on infertile soils is to select plant genotypes which grow efficiently at low levels of available nutrients. This requires methods to identify variability in individual plant nutrient response from among large populations of plants grown under controlled environmental conditions. A compact, containerized system, partially developed for growing large numbers of forage grass seedlings for use in automatic machine transplanter research, was adapted as the basis for such a screening technique. Three trials were made with 100‐plant samples of a kleingrass‐75 (Panicum coloratum L.) population to test the utility of the system. Results of these trials showed that differences in nutrient use efficiency (= reciprocal of nutrient concentration in the plant tissue, or milligrams dry matter produced per milligram nutrient absorbed) among the grass plants could be effectively identified by using the system in conjunction with laboratory analysis of the material grown. Plants could be maintained in vigorous condition during several harvest periods, and those selections that were retained could be easily transplanted for further propagation and evaluation. 相似文献
The association between functional traits and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was investigated to assist the breeding of nitrogen (N) use-efficient bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum ssp. aestivum) varieties. This study combined results from a climate chamber experiment involving 41 spring wheat varieties and a field experiment involving six winter and six spring wheat varieties grown with and without the application of mineral N fertiliser. The climate chamber experiment was analysed by partial least squares (PLS) regression, with several predictors and NUE as response, to identify traits related to NUE. Specific hypotheses were then tested in the field experiment. The PLS indicated six traits of particular importance for overall NUE: leaf chlorophyll (SPAD value) of the top leaf at stem elongation, grains ear ?1, ears pot ?1, straw biomass pot ?1, days between emergence and anthesis, and days between emergence and completed senescence. In the field experiment, the SPAD value of flag leaves of winter wheat around anthesis was positively correlated with NUE and total grain N, at both N levels. Fast development was positively correlated with high NUE and N uptake efficiency in spring wheat. Early senescence of the flag leaf was positively correlated with grain N concentration and negatively correlated with grain-specific N efficiency in winter wheat at low N fertilisation levels. The results indicate that high SPAD value of the top leaf might be a candidate trait that could be used in wheat breeding for improved NUE, while genetic variation in senescence could possibly be used to tailor varieties for different end-use quality when grown at low N. More studies are needed to validate these findings in other environments and for other genotypes. 相似文献