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 Gross rates of soil processes and microbial activity were measured in two grazed permanent pasture soils which had recently been amended with N fertilizer or dung. 15N studies of rates of soil organic matter turnover showed gross N mineralization was higher, and gross N immobilization was lower, in a long-term fertilized soil than in a soil which had never received fertilizer N. Net mineralization was also found to be higher in the fertilized soil: a consequence of the difference between the opposing N turnover processes of N mineralization and immobilization. In both soils without amendments the soil microbial biomass contents were similar, but biomass activity (specific respiration) was higher in the fertilized soil. Short-term manipulation of fertilizer N input, i.e. adding N to unfertilized soil, or witholding N from previously fertilized soil, for one growing season, did not affect gross mineralization, immobilization or biomass size and activity. Amendments of dung had little effect on gross mineralization, but there was an increase in immobilization in both soils. Total biomass also increased under dung in the unfertilized soil, but specific respiration was reduced, suggesting changes in the composition of the biomass. Dung had a direct effect on the microbial biomass by temporarily increasing available soil C. Prolonged input of fertilizer N increases soil C indirectly as a result of enhanced plant growth, the effect of which may not become evident within one seasonal cycle. Received: 18 December 1998  相似文献   

Amazon is the largest state in Brazil and majority of the state is covered by the largest tropical rainforest of the world. Most soils of the Amazon region soils are acidic and infertile. When the Amazon forest land is cleared for agricultural use by burning the vegetation, the efficient nutrient recycling mechanisms are disrupted. However, nutrient contents in the deforested burn land increased temporarily. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil fertility, mineral nitrogen (N), and microbial activity of carbon (C), N, and phosphorus (P) resulting from the replacement of the primary forest with pasture (Brachiaria brizantha) and commercial plantations of rubber (Hevea spp.), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), and citrus trees (Citrus sinensis) cultivated in Xanthic Ferralsol and secondary forest under Acrisols Dystric Nitosols. The results showed that ammonium-N predominates in the 0- to 10-cm soil depth in both primary forest and areas with secondary forest, citrus plantation, and pasture. There was no increase in soil fertility with management of the cultivated areas under the secondary forest, but in the pasture there was a significant increase in the stock of organic C and total N and high C/N ratios, the inverse of what occurred with the C of the microbial biomass. The primary forest had the greatest values of C and P of the microbial biomass and the lowest metabolic quotient. Of the successions studied, the rubber trees were the plant cover with the smallest changes in terms of quality of the organic matter in the soil.  相似文献   

碱性肥料对香蕉枯萎病发生及土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】针对我国香蕉主产区蕉园土壤酸化、 微生物环境恶化,香蕉枯萎病严重泛滥和肆虐,严重威胁产业等问题,通过施用碱性肥料改善蕉园土壤酸性及微生物环境,从而降低香蕉枯萎病发病率,促进香蕉健康生长。【方法】以重病区蕉园土壤为对象,采用盆栽试验,研究碱性肥料对土壤微生物及香蕉枯萎病发生情况的影响。试验设碱性肥料(AF)和常规肥料(CCF)2种肥料处理,每种肥料设低量(L1)、 中量(L2)和高量(L3)3个施肥量,同一施肥量处理的氮、 磷、 钾总用量相等。于2013年3月6日移栽香蕉苗到营养钵, 130 d后待各处理香蕉发病明显时采集土壤及植株样品进行各项指标测定。【结果】 1)施碱性肥料能显著降低香蕉枯萎病的发病率,常规肥料处理的香蕉发病率为78%,而碱性肥料处理的仅为33%。2)碱性肥料对土壤微生物群落有明显的影响,土壤中的真菌数量AF处理明显少于CCF处理,而细菌、 放线菌数量则显著高于CCF处理,因此AF处理土壤的香蕉尖孢镰刀菌明显减少。3)试验期间碱性肥料能显著提高土壤pH值,较常规肥料处理提高了0.75个pH单位,而土壤EC值比常规肥料处理低47.76 μS/cm。4)土壤pH值与土壤中古巴专化型尖孢镰刀菌(FOC)的数量及香蕉发病率呈显著负相关; 细菌数量与FOC数量、 香蕉枯萎病发病率、 病情指数之间呈显著的负相关; 土壤中FOC和真菌数量与香蕉发病率呈显著正相关。5)香蕉生物量随着碱性肥料和常规肥料用量的增大而增加,但碱性肥料的效果更加明显。【结论】应用碱性肥料不仅可以为香蕉提供氮、 磷、 钾养分,而且能改良蕉园土壤酸性从而改善土壤微生物群落结构及环境,有效防控香蕉枯萎病的发生。  相似文献   

Salinity is a major abiotic stress that limits the productivity of crops, particularly cereal crops, while decreasing nutrient availability, especially of nitrogen. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of salt stress [i.e., S0, S1, and S2 (control, 1.09; 5; and 10 dS m?1)] and four different nitrogen (N) levels [i.e., N0, N1, N2, and N3 (control, 175, 225, and 275 kg N ha?1)] on two maize hybrids, Pioneer 32B33 (salt tolerant) and Dekalb 979 (salt sensitive). The experiment was conducted in a wire house. The experiment was laid out with three factors in a completely randomized design. The plant tissue was analyzed for solute and ion contents. With the increase in salt stress and N rate, solute (i.e., glycinebetaine), protein, total soluble sugar, and total free amino acids accumulated in both hybrids. Nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) reductase activity decreased sharply at 10 dS m?1 compared to lower levels of salinity but it increased significantly with the addition of N. The uptake of potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), N, and phosphorus (P) reduced significantly in shoots with increased salinity while the sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl) contents were increased. It is concluded from the present study that at greater salinity level, hybrid Pioneer32B33 maintained statistically greater solute and ion contents excluding Na+ and Cl ions and significantly decreased enzyme activity. However, these parameters were increased by N rate.  相似文献   

【目的】植株对介质中磷素的吸收及磷素在体内器官组织间的转运,是通过位于细胞质膜上的磷转运蛋白(PT)介导完成的。高亲和PT在介导植物对低磷逆境下的磷素吸收中发挥重要作用。本研究以小麦中国春遗传背景的整套B染色体双端体为材料,对小麦高亲和PT基因TaPht1; 4的染色体定位特征及其与低磷下小麦品种磷效率的联系进行系统研究,旨在为今后小麦品种磷效率分子鉴定和磷高效遗传改良提供依据。【方法】采用水培法培养中国春(CS)及其遗传背景B染色体组双端体幼苗。三叶期时收获各供试材料根系,提取各材料基因组DNA,通过PCR特异扩增TaPht1; 4,鉴定TaPht1; 4在染色体上定位。通过对各供试材料三叶期幼苗进行24 h低磷胁迫获取丰缺磷处理根叶样本,采用半定量RT-PCR及实时定量PCR分析TaPht1; 4在丰缺磷下的表达。采用上述幼苗培养、 丰缺磷处理和基因表达分析技术,研究不同磷吸收效率小麦品种磷效率参数和TaPht1; 4表达特征。【结果】 1)与CS及其他双端体材料能特异扩增目标基因不同,在3BS中未扩增到目标基因TaPht1; 4; 采用半定量RT-PCR和qPCR对丰、 缺磷下CS和各双端体根、 叶中TaPht1; 4的表达研究表明,丰磷下各供试材料根、 叶中均检测不到TaPht1; 4 表达,缺磷下各供试材料叶片中也均未检测到TaPht1; 4表达,但在根中除3BS未检测到TaPht1; 4 表达外,CS和其他双端体均具有较高的TaPht1; 4表达水平。表明TaPht1; 4定位在3B染色体长臂,呈低磷诱导和根系特异表达特征。2)丰磷下,3BS单株干重与CS没有差异; 缺磷下,与CS相比,3BS单株干重显著降低。表明缺少TaPht1; 4及所在3B染色体长臂后,植株干物质生产能力受到较大影响,这可能与因缺乏该染色体臂丧失TaPht1; 4造成低磷下植株的磷素吸收能力降低密切相关。3)对丰、 缺磷下不同磷吸收效率6个小麦品种TaPht1; 4 的表达水平以及单株干重、 全磷含量、 磷累积量和磷效率研究表明,缺磷下各小麦品种表现为随品种磷吸收效率提高,TaPht1; 4表达水平也随之增高。表明TaPht1; 4 表达水平与低磷下小麦品种磷素吸收能力和干物质积累具有紧密联系。【结论】小麦高亲和PT基因TaPht1; 4 定位在3B长臂。低磷条件下,3BS的单株干重和磷累积量较CS显著降低。丰、 缺磷下,不同磷吸收效率小麦品种TaPht1; 4 表达水平与植株干重和单株磷累积量密切相关。TaPht1; 4 能显著增强小麦在低磷下磷素吸收能力,可作为小麦品种耐低磷能力的参考分子评价指标。  相似文献   

不同覆盖类型下减量施肥对油菜产量及水肥利用效率影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探讨覆盖与缓释肥(节水节肥)技术对西南旱地油菜生长及水肥利用效率的影响,设置了由3种栽培模式(传统平作栽培、秸秆覆盖和沟垄集雨节水栽培)和3种施肥模式(习惯施肥、减施缓释肥、不施肥)组成的双因素大田定位试验,比较分析2a不同降水年型下覆盖与缓释肥技术对油菜生长的调控效应。结果表明,2016-2017年苗期降水异常偏多,2017-2018年偏少。苗期降水异常偏多对油菜生长的影响大于季节性干旱,2017-2018年苗期根冠比2016-2017平均增加83.55%。多雨年型(2016-2017)下产量及其构成值均低于季节性干旱年型(2017-2018)。单一的节水技术在季节性干旱发生时无显著的增产效应。季节性干旱和降水异常偏多均会影响油菜品质,且多雨会进一步降低了含油量及某些脂肪酸含量;干旱对脂肪酸构成影响更大。2 a节水节肥处理总耗水量均较习惯栽培加传统施肥显著减少,节水节肥处理水分利用效率较习惯栽培加传统施肥高8%~40%,并显著增加肥料利用效率。综上,单一的节水或节肥技术难以满足西南旱地油菜生产面临的复杂环境,通过秸秆覆盖和沟垄集雨与缓释肥集成的双节技术,能适宜不同降水年型下的油菜生产并兼顾环境效应,缓解生育期降水异常对作物生长的影响,实现节本增效的目标。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess whether accumulation of photosynthetic pigments, proline, and maintenance of water relation attributes relate to the yield of maize hybrids differing in salt tolerance. Two maize hybrids, Pioneer32B33 and Dekalb979, were grown at three salinity levels under four nitrogen treatments. The experiment was laid out in a three-factor randomized complete block design and there were three replications of each treatment. Salt stress significantly decreased leaf chlorophyll a and a/b contents, whereas chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were slightly increased. Under salinity stress, relative water content decreased, and water potential and osmotic potential become more negative. As a result, turgor potential also decreased. Nitrogen application improved all the chlorophyll pigments, water-related attributes, and yield components. However, chlorophyll a/b ratio was decreased. Overall, because of the differential response of maize hybrids to salt stress in terms of their performance in photosynthetic pigments, water relations, and yield, it can be concluded that hybrid Pioneer32B33 might perform better, if grown under salinity regime and sufficient nitrogen was applied in the growth medium.  相似文献   

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