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A long-term fertiliztion experiment was carried out in an experimental field in Lyczyn near Warsaw,Poland.Application ofmineral fertilizers ,especially Nfertilizer with and without farmyard manure accel-erated the eacidification process of the soil.Application of 1.6 t CaO ha^-1 every four years was essential to maintenance of the soil pHKCl at 5.5-6.6 and base saturation degree above 60% Application of 50 t farmyard manur ha^-1 every 4 years,whih contained 46 kg P and 240 kg K,was sufficient to maintain boh the K and P fertility of the soil.Besides,it was beneficial to alleviating soil acidifcation. As a result of long-term unbalanced fertilization,yield responses to N,P and K fertilizers incereased significantly with time.the efficiency of N from farmyard manure was found to be comparable to that of N fertilizer during 1988-1991.  相似文献   

The effects and residual effects of farmyard manure (FYM), straw fertilization and mineral N fertilization were investigated in Field F of the long‐term fertilization trial in Halle (Saale), Germany. With sufficient mineral N fertilization, FYM and straw did not directly affect yield. The application of FYM alone increased the yield of potato less than those of silage maize and sugar beet. With low mineral N fertilization, however, residual effects of FYM, applied to root crops, were observed in the following cereal crops. Application of more mineral N to root crops had the same residual effects. In case of omitted mineral N fertilization, the humus content of the soil decreased rapidly. This implies that almost no stable humic material had been accumulated by application of FYM and straw. The calculated N loss increased with enhanced organic fertilization. In case of mineral N fertilization the content of organic C (Corg) was slightly higher (1.4 to 1.5%) than without any N fertilization (1.3%). FYM and straw (with same amounts of dry matter) likewise enhanced the Corg‐content and, consequently, the content of decomposable C (Cdec). In general, organic fertilizers should not be applied in too large amounts to avoid N losses.  相似文献   

In a 20‐yr‐old long‐term experiment, the impact of continuous application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on soil quality and the sustainability of finger millet production was conducted on two cropping systems: finger millet and finger millet–groundnut on an Alfisol of semi‐arid southern India. The study was conducted from 1992 to 2011 at the All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, UAS, Bangalore, using a randomized block design. The treatments comprised of T1: control [no fertilizer and no farmyard manure (FYM) applied], T2: FYM 10 t/ha, T3: FYM 10 t/ha + 50% of recommended NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha), T4: FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK and T5: 100% recommended NPK. Comparison of long‐term yield data between treatments was used to calculate a ‘sustainability yield index’ (SYI), which was greatest for T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% of recommended NPK), in both rotational (0.68) and monocropping (0.63) situations. Soil quality indices were determined using principal component analysis linear scoring functions. The key indicators which contributed to the soil quality index (SQI) under rotation were organic C; potentially available N; extractable P, K and S; exchangeable Ca and Mg; dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass C and N. The largest SQI (7.29) was observed in T4 (FYM 10 t/ha + 100% NPK), and the smallest (3.70) SQI was for the control. Application of 10 t/ha FYM together with NPK (50:50:25 kg/ha) sustained a mean yield of 3884 kg/ha.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) deficiencies are a widespread phenomenon throughout the world, and are one of the most common nutritional disorders in Turkish hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivation. In this research, the effects of macronutrient fertilizers on mineral contents and some biochemical contents of ‘Tombul’ hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) variety cultivated in the Black Sea Region of Turkey were investigated, and the contribution of these nuts to human nutrition was determined. The trials were carried out at ‘Tombul’ hazelnut orchards, and the hazelnuts were fertilized with five different doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in each year for three consecutive years. The basic fertilizers (N, P2O5, and K2O) significantly affected some biochemical contents and mineral compositions of the hazelnuts. In order to improve the biochemical and mineral compositions of hazelnut, 200 kg ha?1 and 400 kg ha?1 N fertilizations, 120 kg ha?1 and 160 kg ha?1 P2O5 fertilizations, and 400 kg ha?1 and 600 kg ha?1 K2O fertilizations could be recommended for practice. According to the daily mineral element requirements, 100 g of hazelnuts provided about 43.5% P, 13.2% K, 19.4% Ca, 37.0% Mg, 0.2% Na, 53.8% Fe, 24.5% Zn, 14.5% B, and 66.7% Mo of the recommended dietary allowances. Cu and Mn contents of 100 g hazelnut were higher than the respective daily requirements. These results indicated that the mineral composition of hazelnut depended not only on the variety but also on the cultivation techniques such as soil condition and especially basic fertilization practices.  相似文献   

A long‐term fertilization experiment with monoculture corn (Zea mays L.) was established in 1980 on a clay‐loam soil (Black Soil in Chinese Soil Classification and Typic Halpudoll in USDA Soil Taxonomy) at Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, China. The experiment aimed to study the sustainability of grain‐corn production on this soil type with eight different nitrogen (N)‐, phosphorus (P)‐, and potassium (K)–mineral fertilizer combinations and three levels (0, 30, and 60 Mg ha–1 y–1) of farmyard manure (FYM). On average, FYM additions produced higher grain yields (7.78 and 8.03 Mg ha–1) compared to the FYM0 (no farmyard application) treatments (5.67 Mg ha–1). The application of N fertilizer (solely or in various combinations with P and K) in the FYM0 treatment resulted in substantial grain‐yield increases compared to the FYM0 control treatment (3.56 Mg ha–1). However, the use of NP or NK did not yield in any significant additional effect on the corn yield compared to the use of N alone. The treatments involving P, K, and PK fertilizers resulted in an average 24% increase in yield over the FYM0 control. Over all FYM treatments, the effect of fertilization on corn yield was NPK > NP = NK = N > PK = P > K = control. Farmyard‐manure additions for 25 y increased soil organic‐matter (SOM) content by 3.8 g kg–1 (13.6%) in the FYM1 treatments and by 7.8 g kg–1 (27.8%) in the FYM2 treatments, compared to a 3.2 g kg–1 decrease (11.4%) in the FYM0 treatments. Overall, the results suggest that mineral fertilizers can maintain high yields, but a combination of mineral fertilizers plus farmyard manure are needed to enhance soil organic‐matter levels in this soil type.  相似文献   

Annual changes in stocks of soil organic carbon may be detected by measurement of heterotrophic respiration, but field studies of heterotrophic respiration in long-term fertilization experiments on sandy soils are scarce. Our objectives were to: (1)investigate the influence of fertilizer type on mineralization of soil organic carbon and crop residue, and (2) show how fertilization treatments affect the annual C balance (net ecosystem carbon balance, NECB; negative values indicate a CO2-source) in the sandy soil of the Darmstadt experiment. Treatments were long-term mineral fertilization with cereal straw incorporation (MSI) and application of rotted farmyard manure (FYM), both treatments receiving 14 g N m?2 year?1. This study used δ13C natural abundance after introduction of a C4 crop to distinguish between different sources of respiration. Mineralization derived from C3 sources was similar for MSI and FYM treatments (~270 g C m?2 year?1). The rate of residue mineralization in MSI treatments was higher, resulting in a mineralization of 49 and 37% of initial residue C in the soil of MSI and FYM treatments, respectively. The NECB (g C m?2 year?1) indicated the MSI treatment (approximately ?190) as a stronger source compared with the FYM treatment (~?30).  相似文献   

Baby spinach is a relatively new crop of commercial significance in South Africa with considerable health attributes. Three parallel trials to investigate its response to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were conducted. N and P (0, 45, 75, 105, and 120 kg·ha?1) and K (0, 63, 85, 127, and 148 kg·ha?1) treatments were applied to baby spinach in a randomized block design with four replications. After the parallel trial, NPK combination trial was also done. The biomass yield, chlorophyll content, and leaf area index increased significantly with increase in N and P rates; K had no effect on the yield, chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and leaf area index. Yield and chlorophyll content peaked at 75 kg·ha?1 of N/P but growth was best optimized at the NPK combination of 45:45:60 kg·ha?1.  相似文献   

不同施肥管理对红壤性水稻土有机碳、氮形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A long-term experiment beginning in 1981 in Jinxian County of Jiangxi Province, subtropical China, was conducted in a paddy field under a double rice cropping system with four different fertilization regimes, including 1) no fertilizer as control (CK), 2) balanced chemical N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK), 3) organic manure using milk vetch and pig manure in the early and late rice growing season, respectively (OM), and 4) balanced chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure (NPKM). Samples (0-17 cm) of the paddy field soil, which was derived from Quaternary red clay, were collected after the late rice harvest in November 2003 for determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and fractions of organic C and N. Results showed that TOC and TN in the NPKM and OM treatments were significantly higher than those in other two treatments (CK and NPK). Application of organic manure with or without chemical fertilizers significantly increased the contents of all fractions of organic C and N, whereas chemical fertilizer application only increased the contents of occluded particulate organic C (oPOC) and amino acid N. In addition, application of organic manure significantly enhanced the proportions of free particulate organic carbon (fPOC) and oPOC in total C, and those of amino sugar N and amino acid N (P < 0.01) in total N. In contrast, chemical fertilizer application only increased the proportions of oPOC and amino acid N (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in either contents or proportions of soil organic C and organic N fractions between the NPKM and OM treatments. These indicated that organic manure application with or without chemical fertilizers played the most significant role in enhancing soil organic C and N quantity and quality in the paddy field studied.  相似文献   

Biochar is widely used as a soil amendment to increase crop yields. However, the details of its impact on soil properties have not been fully understood. A pot experiment was conducted using soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Toyoharuka) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. Hybrid Sorgo) under four soil treatment combinations (cattle farmyard manure with or without biochar and rapeseed cake with or without biochar) to elucidate the mechanisms of its beneficial effects on plant growth in terms of the microbial community structure and mineral availability in soils with different types of organic manure application. The application of biochar significantly increased the growth of both species, particularly sorghum with rapeseed cake application by 1.48 times higher than that without biochar. Microbial activity in soil was also enhanced by biochar application in both species with rapeseed cake application, particularly in sorghum. Principal component analysis using Biolog EcoPlateTM data indicated that biochar application changed the microbial community structure in soil, particularly sorghum-grown soil. The changes in microbial community structure in sorghum were considered to be at least partly affected by changes in soil pH due to interaction between plant and biochar under organic manure application. Biochar application had little effect on the profile of ammonium-acetate-extractable mineral elements in soil including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and sulfur with both types of manure application under soybean. Under sorghum, however, biochar with rapeseed cake manure application altered the profile. This alteration is attributable to an increase in the extractable concentration of certain metals in the soil including aluminum, cadmium and zinc, possibly caused by enhanced organic matter decomposition producing metal-chelating organic compounds. These different changes in the soil properties by biochar application may be directly or indirectly related to the different growth responses of different plant species to biochar application under organic manure application.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in the international mineral and organic nitrogen fertilization trial (IOSDV) located in Keszthely in the western part of Hungary. The soil class of the study site was Ramann-type brown forest soil (Eutric Cambisol). The factors of the experiment are the increasing rate of mineral N fertilization and the complementary application of different forms of organic fertilizers in a three-course crop rotation (maize, winter wheat and winter barley) set up in 1983. The organic carbon content of the soil (Corg%) definitely increased after application of organic manure (OM), similarly to the average yield of the cultivated crops. After application of OM the increase in Corg content was 0.20%, and after straw + complementary N application it was 0.12%, compared with plots without organic manures. Mineral N fertilizer did not significantly influence the Corg content in soil over this period. Depending on the type of crop, the specific year and the N content of the soil, the combined application of mineral fertilizers and organic manures resulted in a 12–17% increase in crop yield, in general, whereas at maximum yields the increase accounted for 5–10%.  相似文献   

Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) is mostly grown in the rainfed regions of India. However, little is known about the effects of nutrient‐management practices on plant growth and fruiting pattern of Asiatic cotton. Therefore, plant growth and fruiting pattern under four nutrient‐management treatments, N, NPK, FYM (10 Mg ha–1), and INM (integrated nutrient management: a combination of NPK and FYM) were quantified during 2000–01 to 2002–03 (years 16 to 18 of a long‐term field experiment). Plants of the INM and FYM treatments were taller (68.4–149.5 cm) and had more main stem nodes per plant (30.5–44.5) as compared to N and NPK treatments. In treatment N, the shortest plants (50.9–83.6 cm) and the least number of fruiting structures were produced. Plants of the INM and FYM treatments accumulated more squares and bolls. Maximum boll production was 10–19 days earlier with the manure‐amended than the N and NPK treatments. Treatment N had the lowest seed cotton yield (639–790 kg ha–1), because of small boll size (1.48–1.73 g) and few open bolls. Seed cotton yield followed the trend: NPK (815–1278 kg ha–1) < INM (776–1551 kg ha–1) < FYM (902–1593 kg ha–1). Water stress and nutrient deficiencies (P and Zn in the N and Zn in the NPK treatments) as a consequence of nutrient depletion over the years may have decreased seed cotton yields in treatments that received mineral fertilizer alone in comparison with manure‐amended treatments. On a long‐term basis, FYM application should therefore form an integral part of nutrient recommendation.  相似文献   

Phospho-compost (PC) and poultry manure (PM) were evaluated in field experiments to diversify integrated nutrient management (INM) for rain-fed cotton. Seed cotton yield in the PC (2501–2579 kg ha?1) was similar to the recommended INM (2673 kg ha?1) treatment and was significantly better than nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (100% NPK) (2130 kg ha?1) and farmers practice (FP) (1886 kg ha?1). Yield was lower in the PM (2476–2617 kg ha?1) than in the PC. Nutrient uptake was higher in all INM intervention plots due to an improvement in soil nutrient status compared with those receiving 100% NPK. Soil labile carbon values were higher in the INM treatments (333–452 mg kg?1), with a greater magnitude in the PC-amended plots (402–452 mg kg?1). Carbon management index (CMI) values were higher for the INM than treatments NPK and FP. Among INM interventions, PC plots had higher values than the PM.  相似文献   


Radioactive cesium (Cs) deposited after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident contaminated farmyard manure (FYM) in the wide area surrounding the plant. We conducted a field trial to determine the transfer factor of radioactive Cs to forage corn (Zea mays L.) from soil to which the contaminated FYM had been applied. The main purpose of this experiment was to examine the behavior of the radioactive Cs from contaminated FYM that was incorporated in agricultural fields. Application of FYM containing 3900 Bq kg?1 dry matter (DM) of cesium-137 (137Cs) at a rate of 4.3 kg m?2 increased the 137Cs concentration in the soil by 64 Bq kg?1 dry soil, and in the forage corn by 9.2 Bq kg?1 DM. Therefore, we calculated the transfer factor to corn plants from the soil after application of contaminated FYM to be 0.14. This value is lower than that observed for soil to which uncontaminated FYM had been applied as a control, and it is within the range of reported soil-to-plant transfer factors of 0.003–0.49 listed in the recent parameter handbook by International Atomic Energy Agency. The increase in the radioactive Cs concentration in the corn plants, expressed as the sum of 137Cs and cesium-134 (134Cs), was only 3% of the 2012 provisional tolerance level for cattle roughage in Japan. Even though the application of contaminated FYM did not cause a large change in the radioactive Cs concentration in the corn plants in this trial, such application should be carefully controlled because it increased radioactive Cs concentrations in both soil and forage corn.  相似文献   

Spinach grown in cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soils accumulates Cd compounds in toxic concentration contaminating the food chain leading to the chronic toxic effects on human and animal health. A study was conducted in a Cd-contaminated soil to examine the ameliorative effect of lime and organic manure on the mobility of Cd and its uptake in spinach. Application of lime or organic manure or both decreased the Cd concentration in soil and shoots and increased chlorophyll content of leaves. As compared to the control treatment, combined application of lime and organic manure decreased the level of Cd in soil by 54.7%, in spinach shoot by 61.3%, and the transfer factor of Cd by 35.0% and increased in leaf chlorophyll content by 29.4%. Combined application of lime and organic manure emerged as a viable option in reducing the mobility of Cd in contaminated soil for growing spinach.  相似文献   

Crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa is primarily limited by soil fertility decline. In view of this, the fertilizer value of locally available organic materials (OMs) was assessed for their nutrient release to crop growth. Crop residues and farmyard manure (FYM) were evaluated along with mineral fertilizers to grow a test crop maize variety – Gibe 2. The maize allometric parameters, nutrient ratios (NRs), nutrient recovery (NRy) and mineral fertilizer equivalency (MFE) were used to assess the mineral fertilizer value (MFV) of OMs. MFE of OMs was estimated as the available mineral N and P out of the fraction of total nitrogen and phosphorus applied relative to mineral fertilizers supply. The results revealed that maize allometry, NRy and MFE were significantly influenced by fertilizer sources. OM amendment resulted in poor maize allometry and low NRy. Interestingly, MFE of OM amended ranged from ?201% with chickpea (CHP) residue to 63% with FYM. The results demonstrate that CHP has the poorest quality, while FYM is a good-quality OM as a fertilizer source.  相似文献   

Despite a high energy requirement, the mouldboard plough remains the dominant tillage tool in northwest Europe. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relative influences of soil texture (clay content), soil organic carbon (SOC) and long‐term management on soil‐specific draught (S), where S is the force per cross‐sectional area of worked soil. Measurements were made during autumn 2000 on the then 157‐year‐old Broadbalk wheat experiment at Rothamsted, UK, where clay contents vary from 19 to 39% and the different cropping history, mineral and organic fertilizer treatments lead to SOC values of 0.7–3.2%. Minimum SOC values increased with increasing clay and were associated with zero or low mineral N inputs, while higher SOC values (>2%) were associated with long‐term applications of farmyard manure (FYM), despite these being on the lighter (<24% clay) soils. S values ranged between 52 and 142 kPa, with higher values co‐located in areas with high clay contents. Contour maps were generated to illustrate the spatial variability of S and show similarity to those for clay. Where FYM had been added, S was 66 kPa compared with 74 kPa where only mineral or no fertilizer was applied on soils of the same texture. Increasing applications of mineral N resulted in relatively small increases in SOC but up to 12% reduction in S.  相似文献   

Among agricultural soil fertility management options, the environmental benefits of organic amendments have recently drawn particular attention. However, little information exists about their effects on crop metabolites or quality. Field plots of Komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis) were planted in a fractional factorial design with the following treatments: soil amendments of cattle manure (0, 2 or 4?kg?m?2), wheat straw (0, 0.05 or 0.1?kg?m?2), fast release nitrogen (N) (0, 6 or 12?g?N?m?2 of ammonium sulfate), slow release N (0, 3 or 6?g?N?m?2 of coated ammonium nitrate), phosphorus (P) [0, 5 or 10?g phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)?m?2 of lime superphosphate] and potassium (K) [0, 6 and 12?g potassium oxide (K2O)?m?2 as potassium sulfate]. Metabolite profiling was carried out using a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS), which yielded 62 and 67 metabolites in the leaves and the petioles, respectively. Metabolite peak areas were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). The first component accounted for 44.1% of the total variance and bore a close relationship to N. The third component accounted for 8.8% of the total variance and was used to distinguish between different levels of manure application. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) of treatment factor effects on individual metabolites showed that the three most significant factors, from highest to lowest, were N absorption, manure amendments and slow release N. The effects of the manure amendments were not fully explained by its attendant N, P or K inputs. This result raises the question as to what mechanisms may bring about the metabolic changes caused by the manure amendment. The current findings will serve to direct further studies on the relationship between crop quality and cultivation procedures and will lead to more efficient quality control methods.  相似文献   

Abstract. Knowledge of changes in soil organic matter (SOM) fractions resulting from agricultural practice is important for decision‐making at farm level because of the contrasting effects of different SOM fractions on soils. A long‐term trial sited under Sudano‐Sahelian conditions was used to assess the effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on SOM fractions and sorghum performance. Sorghum straw and kraal manure were applied annually at 10 t ha?1, with and without urea at 60 kg N ha?1. The other treatments included fallowing, a control (no fertilization), and inorganic fertilization only (urea, 60 kg N ha?1). Fallowing gave significantly larger soil organic carbon and nitrogen (N) levels than any other treatment. Total soil SOM and N concentrations increased in the following order: urea only < straw < control < straw+urea < manure with or without urea < fallow. Farming had an adverse effect on SOM and N status; however, this mostly affected the fraction of SOM >0.053 mm (particulate organic matter, POM). The POM concentrations in the control, straw and urea‐only treatments were about one‐half of the POM concentrations in the fallow treatment. POM concentrations increased in the following order: urea only < control < straw with or without urea < manure with or without urea < fallow. The fraction of SOM <0.053 mm (fine organic matter, FOM) was greater than POM in all plots except in fallow and manure+urea plots. Total N concentration followed the same trend as SOM, but cultivation led to a decline in both POM‐N and FOM‐N. Crop yield was greatest in the manure plots and lowest in the straw, control and urea‐only plots. Results indicate that under Sudano‐Sahelian conditions, SOM, POM and FOM fractions and crop performance were better maintained using organic materials with a low C/N ratio (manure) than with organic material with a high C/N ratio (straw). Urea improved the effect of straw on crop yield and SOM concentration.  相似文献   

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea cv. Okame) was grown in hydroponic pot culture with an Enshi nutrient solution amended with 0, 20, or 50% urea with or without nickel addition (Ni; 0.05 mg L-1), while the total concentration of N (17.33 mmol L-1) remained constant in all the cases to evaluate the effect of partial urea application, with or without the addition of Ni, on the absorption of NO3-N, urea-N, NH4-N, minerals (e.g. Ca, K, Mg, P) by plants. Fresh and dry weight of the shoots was highest when a 20% urea solution with Ni addition was used. The variation in spinach yield was related to the absorption of total-N by the plants. The absorption of total-N, attributed mainly to NO3-N and urea-N, differed between the treatments. In the case of short-term absorption, determination by using 15N-urea and 15N-KNO3 showed that, the urea-N absorption significantly increased with the increase in the urea concentration in the nutrient solution. When the urea solutions were used, regardless of Ni addition, the absorption of NO3-N was more than four times higher than that of urea-No The addition of Ni in the urea solutions stimulated and increased both urea-N and NO3-N absorption. In the case of long-term absorption, the NO3-N absorption decreased with the decrease of the NO3-N concentration when NO3-N was partially replaced with urea in the nutrient solution. The addition of Ni in the urea solutions resulted in the increase of the absorption of both urea-N and NO3-N, but the NO3-N absorption remained lower in all the treatments compared to the control. In the urea solutions, the absorption of urea-N with or without the addition of Ni increased at a lower rate over time (sampling stages). Application of urea, with or without the addition of Ni in the nutrient solution, increased Ca absorption but decreased K and Mg absorption, whereas, P absorption was unaffected. It is suggested that spinach could grow adequately in an Enshi nutrient solution modified with 20% urea with the addition of 0.05 mg Ni L-1, when urea totally replaced NH4-N and partially replaced NO3-N.  相似文献   

Investigations carried out at Field F3 of the Halle long‐term fertilization trials using data from 1974 to 1983 showed that with adequate supply of mineral N‐fertilizer soil organic matter (SOM) had no significant effects of yield. Similarly enhanced SOM did not justify a reduction of mineral N (Stumpe et al., 2000). The studies presented here examine the effects of the SOM differences existing after the termination of those trials in 1986 up until 1997 (then mainly differences of hardly decomposable SOM) in comparison to farmyard manuring with enhanced mineral N application (3‐factor‐experiment). As with total SOM, hardly decomposable SOM did not directly affect yields. The effects of FYM treatment observed at lower mineral‐N levels were compensated for by enhanced mineral‐N supply. The direct effect of FYM (40 t ha—1) corresponded to a mineral‐N supply of about 60 kg ha—1 and the residual effect to about 20 kg ha—1. The differences of the C‐content in the soil at the beginning of the present studies continued throughout the experimental period of 12 years. In addition, significant differentiation has been caused by FYM and N fertilization in comparison to unfertilized treatments. The major finding is that differences in SOM content do not lead to yield differences on physically good soils (chernozem‐like soils) if appropriate compensation by mineral‐N fertilization takes place.  相似文献   

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