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We examined arsenic (As) accumulation and speciation in the major cultivars currently grown in Japan, because differences in grain As levels among cultivars may influence dietary As exposure in Japanese people. Ten major cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) were grown under flooded conditions in a paddy field with a background level of As (low-As soil) or in pots filled with soil containing a high level of As (high-As soil). In the low-As soil, the total grain As ranged from 0.11 to 0.17?mg?kg?1, with a mean concentration of 0.14?mg?kg?1, and inorganic As was the major species in all cultivars. There were few genotypic differences in the levels of either total As or inorganic As in the grain. In the high-As soil, total grain As increased to a mean level of 2.4?mg?kg?1 in the 10 cultivars, with markedly increased levels of dimethylarsinic acid. The genotypic variations among cultivars in the levels of both total As and dimethylarsinic acid were statistically significant. However, the genotypic variability of inorganic As levels was quite small, and these levels remained low (at about 0.2?mg?kg?1) even when total As levels increased markedly. These results suggest that differences in grain As levels among Japanese cultivars may not influence dietary As exposure, because there is little genotypic difference in the accumulation of inorganic As, which is considered more toxic than organic As to humans. We discuss the possible mechanism of As accumulation in Japanese paddy rice, in the context of the accumulation of As species in the developing grain and in other plant tissues.  相似文献   

Large concentrations of arsenic in soils, sediments, and freshwaters require risk assessment across the Central Alps and other regions. We measured arsenic concentrations in soil samples collected from 38 sites located in the Austrian Central Alps that had been contaminated due to mining and smelter activities and geogenic mineralization. Medians and ranges of arsenic concentrations (in mg kg—1) in the soil solid phase were: 77.1 (1—3000) for the total (Ast), 19.2 (0—726) for (NH4)2C2O4‐extractable (Aso), 2.35 (0—169) for (NH4)2HPO4‐extractable (Asp), and 0.143 (0—11.1) for (NH4)2SO4‐extractable (Ass) arsenic. Arsenic concentrations in soil solutions (Assol) collected from organic surface layers and mineral horizons at five selected sites using suction cups fitted with nylon membranes ranged from 0 to 171 μg l—1. Typically, the prevailing species of As in the soil solution was As(V). Assol was correlated with Ass (Assol = 0.279 + 15.6 Ass; r2 = 0.938; n = 17) and Ast (Assol = 1.272 + 0.043 Ast; r2 = 0.833; n = 17). Using these empirical models, Assol can be predicted quite accurately based on extraction with 0.05 M (NH4)2SO4 or total arsenic concentrations in the soil. Linking these models to drinking water standards (DWS) we propose soil standards for freshwater protection that vary for Ass (mg kg—1) between 0.62 (for DWS = 10 μg l—1 WHO) and 3.19 (for DWS = 50 μg l—1). Corresponding standards for Ast (mg kg—1) are 203 (DWS = 10 μg l—1) and 1133 (DWS = 50 μg l—1). These considerations demonstrate that changes in legislation on DWS may have dramatic impact on As concentrations in soil that are acceptable for groundwater protection.  相似文献   

The accumulation of heavy metals like cadmium (Cd) and metalloids like arsenic (As) in plants can do harm to human health through the food chain, especially through the rice (Oryza sativa L.). To solve this problem, this study researched the application of magnesium slag (MS) and polyaspartic acid (PASP), which could accelerate rice growth and improve yield, increase soil pH and activate rice enzyme activity as well as reduce the bioavailability of Cd and As in the soil. After these two different treatments, rice yield increased by 17.0% and 18.9%, respectively. Meanwhile, the bioavailable As decreased by 49.1% and 42.5%, while the bioavailable Cd reduced by 72.6% and 44.3%. Besides, the Cd content in rice grains reduced by 77.7% and 17.3%, respectively, after two different treatments. In the MS treatment, the As content in rice grains was reduced by 21.8%, but showed no significant response to the other treatment. The contents of bioavailable Cd and As (determined by one-step extraction) in soil were decreased by MS and PASP, which was favourable for the reduction of Cd and As accumulation in rice. The health risk assessment showed that the application of passivators can effectively reduce the risk of carcinogenesis, but it was still unacceptable. The application dose of MS and PASP still needs further exploration.  相似文献   

Flooded rice (Oryza sativa L.) may contain high arsenic (As) concentrations compared to other grain crops. For the development of measures to reduce the As concentration of rice grains, knowledge about the mobility of As within the rice plant is required. Therefore, to investigate the mobilization of As within the plant, rice was grown in nutrient solution and exposed to As either before flowering, after flowering, or continuously until maturity. Furthermore, rice was grown in four soils under greenhouse and field conditions and the time course of As accumulation in grains during the grain‐filling period was investigated. When grown in nutrient solution, As removal at flowering did not reduce As concentrations in polished rice compared to plants supplied with As continuously or after flowering. Plants that received As only after flowering had the same As concentrations in shoot and bran as plants receiving As only before flowering. However, continuous As supply resulted in doubling of As concentrations in both plant parts. In contrast to grain and shoot, the As concentration in the root decreased after As removal compared to the treatments receiving As only after flowering or continuously. The observations indicate that As was mobilized from root or shoot to the grain and that it was accumulated in the grain, although it was not available in nutrient solution during the grain‐filling period. In soil experiments, the 1000‐grain weight increased up to 2 weeks before harvest in the field as well as in the greenhouse. The As concentration in rice grain was constant during the whole grain‐filling period. It was at a similar level under field and greenhouse conditions, and its variation among soils was in the same order indicating that soil was the decisive factor for As concentration in grains. Our results suggest that temporary cultural measures during the cultivation period, for example drainage, might be ineffective because of the mobilization capacity within the rice plant. Moreover, harvest before final maturity of grains would not reduce the As concentration since it remained constant during the grain‐filling period.  相似文献   

叶面喷施硅调理剂对水稻砷累积及其赋存形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用营养液培养生物学模拟方法,研究了喷施8种不同的叶面硅调理剂对苗期水稻累积总砷(As)和砷形态的影响。结果表明,叶面施用硅调理剂可降低水稻根和茎叶中砷含量,其中叶面施用Na2SiO3+鼠李糖脂处理(Si6)的水稻根系和地上部砷含量最低,分别为10.04,0.31mg/kg,比对照降低25.35%和33.10%(P<0.05);水稻中砷的赋存形态主要为As(Ⅲ),喷施该叶面硅调理剂减少水稻地上部和根系As(Ⅲ)含量,降幅分别为27.74%和21.50%(P<0.05);综合考虑水稻根系和地上部砷累积及砷由根系向地上部的转运,对不同的叶面硅调理剂处理进行聚类分析发现,喷施Na2SiO3+鼠李糖脂的处理为水稻砷低积累类群。因此,生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂与含硅溶液配施是抑制水稻幼苗吸收和积累砷效果最好的叶面硅调理剂,可为我国砷污染区稻米生产安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

按照生态地球化学土壤样品元素形态分析方法,将土壤无机砷分成水溶态、离子交换态、碳酸盐态、腐植酸结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、强有机结合态和残渣态。通过对吉林西部36个表层土壤样品的测试,分析了土壤不同形态砷的分布和不同形态砷与土壤性质的关系。研究表明,洮南市不同形态砷的分布为:残渣态(65.30%)〉腐植酸结合态(17.39%)〉铁锰氧化物结合态(10.70%)〉碳酸盐态(2.23%)〉水溶态(2.17%)〉强有机结合态(1.17%)〉离子交换态(1.04%)。通榆县不同形态砷的分布为:残渣态(56.66%)〉腐植酸结合态(23.82%)〉铁锰氧化物结合态(11.08%)〉碳酸盐态(2.81%)〉水溶态(2.18%)〉离子交换态(1.98%)〉强有机结合态(1.46%)。残渣态砷是吉林西部土壤砷的主要形态。土壤水溶态砷和铁锰氧化物结合态砷与土壤pH值皆呈极显著正相关;残渣态砷与土壤有机质皆呈极显著负相关,而与土壤阳离子交换量呈极显著正相关。离子交换态砷、碳酸盐态砷、铁锰氧化物结合态砷和强有机结合态砷与土壤矿质元素的关系不大,而水溶态砷、腐植酸结合态砷和残渣态砷与土壤矿质元素的关系密切。  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) application into soils is a common agricultural practice. Previous studies have shown that in arsenic (As)‐contaminated paddy soils, OM has the potential to alter the behavior of As and affects the growth and As accumulation of rice plants. In this study, pot experiments were conducted to investigate the differences in the amounts of As released into soil solutions, its toxicity, and accumulation in rice seedlings caused by application of three different OM amendments [soybean meal (SB), sugarcane dreg compost (SC), and cattle‐dung compost (CD)]. These OM amendments were each applied to three As‐contaminated soils, Guandu (Gd), Pinchen (Pc), and Chengchung (Cf), which have different characteristics. The results indicate that after addition of two easily decomposable OMs (SB and SC), the As toxicity and concentrations increased in rice plants, especially in As‐spiked Cf soils which had low As retention capacity. This was the result of elevated As concentration in soil solutions due to a decrease in soil redox potential and competition between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and As for sorption sites, as well as the formation of As–DOC complexes. However, there were no significant effects on plant growth and As accumulation in rice seedlings after treatments with CD (not easily decomposable OM). Another important finding was that the amount of iron plaque on the surface of rice roots increased with OM amendments in the Gd soils rich in iron oxides and hydroxides, thus reducing the As uptake by rice plants. These results suggest that the characteristics of OM and soils should be considered when OM amendments are applied to As‐contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) reduces arsenic (As) levels in rice shoot and grain. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of Si application to three rice paddy soils on the dynamics of Si, iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and As in the soil solution, As accumulation in rice straw, flag leaf, husk, brown rice, and polished rice, and on As speciation in polished rice. Silicon application to soil increased the concentrations of Si, Fe, As, and P in the soil solution, while the redox potential was unaffected. Arsenic concentrations of straw, flag leaf, and husk were reduced by half by Si application, while As concentrations of brown and polished rice were decreased by 22%. The main As species in polished rice was arsenite, As(III), with a fraction of 70%, followed by dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and arsenate, As(V), with 24% and 6%, respectively. Silicon application to the soil did not affect DMA or As(V) concentration of polished rice, while the As(III) concentration was reduced by 33%. These results confirm that Si reduces As(III) uptake and translocation into the shoot. Furthermore, data indicate that decrease of As concentration of polished rice is due to decreased As(III) transport into grain. Possible underlying mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解褐煤基材料对土壤复合体铅形态的影响和污染退化修复机制,将褐煤以及褐煤基改性材料,混入铅污染的土壤中培养4个月,提取其中的土壤复合体,测定各组复合体中的各形态铅.结果表明:施用褐煤基有机材料后,水稳性复合体增加.1)6种铅化学形态在各复合体中分布状况不同.各改良剂处理的离子交换态、铁锰氧化物结合态和碳酸盐结合态铅在复合体中分布的大小顺序均为:G0>G1>G2,各处理从G0到G1,交换态铅质量分数下降了8.74% ~ 32.22%,从G1到G2各处理下降了2.73% ~ 26.74%;弱有机态和强有机态、残渣态铅分布顺序为:G0<G1、G2.2)施用有机材料均引起了3组复合体中交换态铅质量分数的下降,各处理交换态铅质量分数平均下降了2.73% ~32.22%;普遍提高了弱有机态和强有机态铅质量分数,弱有机态铅最高提高51.23%,强有机态铅最高提高67.65%,对残渣态铅没有显著影响.3)所有改性材料改性后均提高了G2组中的交换态铅,普遍降低强有机态铅质量分数,碳酸盐态铅质量分数未有显著变化.因此,施用褐煤基有机改良剂,促进了水稳性复合体的形成,降低了复合体中交换态铅质量分数,对土壤铅起到了钝化作用.褐煤有机材料对交换态和有机态铅影响较大,对铁锰氧化物态、碳酸盐态和残渣态影响较小.  相似文献   

对比研究了酸、中、石灰性紫色土添加砷、铅后其形态分配变化及化学、生物有效性特征.试验表明砷、铅在三种紫色土中形态分配不同,外源砷、铅分配与原始土样本底值有较大差异.从提取能力、生物效应方面比较了几种浸提剂效果,认为用0.5N NaHCO3提取As、2.5%HAc提取Pb可以较好地表征3种紫色土砷、铅的有效量.植物吸收砷、铅与土壤有效量有较好的相关性,但吸收形态却因土而异.试验还证明,As的形态分级中H3BO3可以很好地掩敝F-对比色的干扰.  相似文献   

施用碱稳定固体的酸性土壤的Cu和Zn的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
LUO Yong-Ming 《土壤圈》2002,12(2):165-170
Fractionation of metals in a granite-derived acid sandy loam soil amended with alkaline-stabilised sewagesIudge biosolids was conducted in order to assess metal bioavailability and environmental mobility soil solution was extracted by a centrifugation and filtration technique. Metal speciation in the soil solution wasdetermined by a cation exchange resin method. Acetic acid and EDTA extracting solutions were used forextraction of metals in soil solid surfaces. Metal distribution in different fractions of soil solid phase was determined using a three-step sequential extraction scheme. The results show that the metals in the soilsolution existed in different fractions with variable lability and metals in the soil solid phase were also presentin various chemical forms with potentially different bioavail ability and environmental mobility Alkaline-stabilised biosolids could elevate solubility of Cu and proportion of Cu in organically complexed fractionsboth in soil liquid and solid phases, and may therefore increase Cu mobility. In contrast, the biosolids lowered the concentrations of water-soluble Zn (labile fraction) and exchangeable Zn and may hence decrease bioavailability and mobility of Zn. However, Fe and Mn oxides bound and organic matter bound fractions are likely to be Zn pools in the sludge-amended soil. These consequences possibly result from the liming effect and metal speciation of the sludge product and the difference in the chemistry between the metals in soil.  相似文献   

A pot experiment with Maahas clay soil covered three consecutive crops. After uniform growth of the first crop, the soils were subjected to different moisture conditions during the dry season. Prolonged drying before wet season flooded rice stimulated increased release of mineral nitrogen but moistening of the dry soil for a dryland crop or by occasional rain during the dry season reduced nitrogen use from the soil in the next wet season. One cycle of alternate wet and dry soil preparation for 20 days before transplanting rice improved soil nitrogen availability and plant uptake of fertilizer nitrogen.

The initial growth of rice was retarded after flooding the previously moist dryland or dried soil, but not in the continuously flooded soils.

Losses of applied nitrogen were small in continuously flooded soils and were greater in the previously moist dryland and dry treatments. Uptake of soil nitrogen, however, was much higher in the air-dried soil treatment and in the dry with alternate wet and dry preparation treatments. Total nitrogen uptake (soil+fertilizer) was also greater in those dry treatments. Uptake of soil nitrogen in the wet-season crop was roughly proportional to the amounts of ammonia measured just before transplanting.

The proportion of the uptake of immobilized fertilizer nitrogen to available soil nitrogen was constant among treatments. Release of immobilized fertilizer nitrogen was also greatly enhanced by soil drying. For 1976 wet-season crop, the availability of fertilizer nitrogen immobilized in the 1975 wet season was three times higher than that of native soil nitrogen.  相似文献   

Arsenic mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity in soil‐water systems are strongly affected by species distribution. In spite of species‐selective analytical tools, results may be biased by postsampling oxidation or reduction of compounds. The scope of this study was to delineate a speciation method for inorganic arsenic integrated with pore‐water sampling to prevent problems related to postsampling species transformation. Experiments were performed with exchange cartridges packed with quaternary amine (nitrate‐form) to separate anionic arsenate from uncharged arsenite. Standard solutions with varied As(III) : As(V) ratios as well as groundwater and soil‐solution samples were studied. Analyses were performed by ICP‐MS using either extraction cartridges directly coupled to the instrument or samples obtained by offline speciation tests. Results showed that As(III) passes the packed bed with the rinsing solution, while As(V) is retained on the column and can be released by elution with 0.25 M NH4NO3. Recoveries between 98% and 116% were insensitive to pH variation (pH 3–8) and competing anions. Groundwater samples from a contaminated site yielded recoveries between 92% and 125% when the sum of As(III) and As(V) was compared to total As. Integration of the speciation scheme with pore‐water sampling was tested in a soil‐column experiment. Soil material from a fen site with elevated geogenic As contents was subjected to a varying moisture regime. Reducing conditions during prolonged saturation caused a marked increase of As(III) concentrations. Conversely, when the soil was drained, total As levels decreased and were dominated by As(V). Overall, extraction results with standard solutions and natural samples indicate reliable performance of the method in experimental investigations and field studies.  相似文献   

对新疆水稻主产区的44个稻田耕层土壤及收获籽粒进行调查取样,结果表明:稻田13%属于足硒土壤,82%属于富硒土壤且有5%属于高硒土壤。而水稻籽粒硒含量达到国家谷物类食品富硒标准的仅有20%,水稻籽粒硒含量与稻田土壤全硒含量相关性不显著,但水稻籽粒硒含量与土壤有效硒含量呈极显著正相关,且土壤p H值及土壤有效磷含量与土壤有效硒含量呈极显著正相关,说明在新疆水稻主产区土壤有效硒含量是衡量土壤供硒潜力的有效指标,在实际生产中大部分的稻田需要通过施用适量外源硒肥来提高水稻籽粒中硒的含量。  相似文献   

我国水稻土的硅素营养研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
硅能够改善土壤肥力、促进水稻生长发育、提高生物量和改善品质,在水稻生产上意义重大,所以水稻土是硅素研究的重点。本文着重硅素对水稻的增产机理及硅素营养研究进行综述。  相似文献   

在分析成都平原核心区土壤重金属(Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn)全量、各形态含量及相应点位种植的水稻籽实重金属含量的基础上,通过统计分析、空间插值及线性回归方程的模拟,研究了土壤Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn全量的空间分布状况、各形态重金属含量统计特征,以及水稻籽实对重金属各形态的累积差异及其影响因素。结果表明,成都平原水稻土重金属污染较轻,除Cd外,均低于国家土壤环境质量二级标准。土壤中重金属的可交换态含量均较低,Cd主要以铁锰氧化态存在,Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb主要以残渣态存在。水稻籽实对5种重金属的累积效应顺序为:Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr。与水稻重金属累积关系密切的重金属活性形态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和有机物结合态)主要有:Cd的碳酸盐结合态、Cr的可交换态、Pb的有机物结合态和Cu的碳酸盐结合态含量;Zn各活性形态对水稻籽实含量的影响不明显。土壤理化性质对不同活性形态重金属元素的影响效应各不相同。活性态Cd主要受有机质、pH和容重的影响;活性态Cr与pH、有机质、CEC和容重密切相关;活性态Pb与有机质、容重、中细粉粒、砂粒等均有密切的关系;Cu的活性主要受粘粒、有机质含量的影响;Zn的有效性主要受pH、有机质、砂粒、容重的影响。总的看来,对土壤Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn各活性形态含量影响效应较强的是有机质、pH、容重,而与土壤吸附性能密切相关的颗粒组成、CEC的影响不甚明显。  相似文献   

水稻子实对不同形态重金属的累积差异及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析成都平原核心区土壤重金属(Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn)全量、各形态含量及相应点位种植的水稻子实重金属含量的基础上,通过统计分析、空间插值及线性回归方程的模拟,研究了土壤Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn全量的空间分布状况、各形态重金属含量统计特征,以及水稻子实对重金属各形态的累积差异及其影响因素。结果表明,成都平原水稻土重金属污染较轻,除Cd外,均低于国家土壤环境质量二级标准。土壤中重金属的可交换态含量均较低,Cd主要以铁锰氧化态存在,Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb主要以残渣态存在。水稻子实对5种重金属的累积效应顺序为:Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr。与水稻重金属累积关系密切的重金属活性形态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和有机物结合态)主要有:Cd的碳酸盐结合态、Cr的可交换态、Pb的有机物结合态和Cu的碳酸盐结合态含量;Zn各活性形态对水稻子实含量的影响不明显。土壤理化性质对不同活性形态重金属元素的影响效应各不相同。活性态Cd主要受有机质、pH和容重的影响;活性态Cr与pH、有机质、CEC和容重密切相关;活性态Pb与有机质、容重、中细粉粒、砂粒等均有密切的关系;Cu的活性主要受粘粒、有机质含量的影响;Zn的有效性主要受pH、有机质、砂粒、容重的影响。总的看来,对土壤Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn各活性形态含量影响效应较强的是有机质、pH、容重,而与土壤吸附性能密切相关的颗粒组成、CEC的影响不甚明显。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate (1) the effects of the addition of rice (Oryza sativa. L.) bran to paddy soil on the germination of Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Kunth, and (2) the relationship between the electric conductivity (EC) of the soil solution and germination. Soil samples were collected at 4 sites in Japan. After flooded soils with rice bran had been incubated for 7?d at 30°C, the soil solution was collected using a porous cup and the EC of the soil solution was measured. The amounts of rice bran added to the soil were 0%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9% (weight(w)/w). In the soil solution obtained, seeds of M. vaginalis were incubated for 3?d at 30°C, and the germination percentage was then analyzed. The addition of rice bran suppressed germination, and the degree of suppression increased with increasing content of rice bran. Although the same amount of rice bran was applied to each soil, the degree of growth suppression by rice bran as well as the EC of the soil solution differed among the soils. In each soil, there was a positive correlation between the amount of rice bran and EC, and the degree of growth suppression significantly increased with an increase in EC. When EC was higher than 150?mS?m?1, seeds of M. vaginalis hardly germinated. There was no significant correlation between the oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) of soil and seed germination, suggesting that EC is a more reliable and convenient indicator than Eh for evaluating the relationship between the addition of organic material and seed germination. In conclusion, the addition of rice bran to soil increases the EC of the soil solution, and EC is one of the factors that suppress the germination of M. vaginalis. The suppressive effect of rice bran on germination is different among soils. This fact is attributed to the difference in EC due to the addition of rice bran. Thus, it is expected that EC can be used as an indicator for determining how much rice bran to add.  相似文献   

施硅(Si)可以有效减少水稻镉(Cd)积累,但稻壳灰(rice hull ash,RHA)作为一种广泛易得的富Si材料能否减控水稻Cd积累尚未清楚。为探究RHA对水稻Cd积累的影响,寻找一种可应用到田间的低成本富Si控Cd材料,该试验按土壤质量比分别添加0.2%、1.0%、4.0%的RHA,种植湘晚籼(低Cd积累品种)和玉针香(高Cd积累品种)两种水稻,探究RHA对两个水稻品种Cd积累的影响。结果显示,施加RHA提高了土壤Cd活性,促使铁锰氧化物结合态Cd向可交换态Cd和碳酸盐结合态Cd转换。RHA对水稻Cd积累的影响因水稻品种而异,施加RHA可抑制湘晚籼体内Cd转运,使秸秆Cd含量降低25%~44%,由白根至秸秆、节点I至节间I、节点I至旗叶的转移系数分别降低42%~48%、2%~55%、30%~70%;RHA对玉针香吸收与转运Cd则无抑制作用。该研究结果揭示了RHA对水稻Cd积累的差异影响,为减控水稻Cd吸收提供了一种低成本的富Si材料。  相似文献   

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