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The effect of water temperature on the progress of experimentally induced Cytophaga psychrophila infection was investigated in juveniles of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch, chinook salmon O. tshawytscha, and rainbow trout O. mykiss (formerly Salmo gairdneri). A virulent strain of C. psychrophila was administered to fish by subcutaneous injection. Infected fish were held in tanks containing pathogen-free well water at temperatures ranging from 3 to 23°C. Mean times from infection to death of the fish were shortest at 12–15°C, which were the temperatures associated with the shortest time for doubling the population of this bacterium in vitro. Juvenile steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout) injected with viable C. psychrophila cells and held in 22°C water did not become diseased.  相似文献   

Multiple outbreaks of acute severe fibrinopurulent lesions of the eyelids occurred in chickens and turkeys. Lesions began as tiny foci of epidermal necrosis and ulceration and spread to involve the entire eyelid. Scabs overlying the epidermis contained large gram-positive cocci; lesser numbers of small cocci and gram-negative bacilli were in more superficial areas. Staphylococcus hyicus was isolated from birds in all stages of the disease. Escherichia coli and Streptococcus sp. were isolated only during severe stages; no anaerobic bacterial pathogens were isolated. Vasculitis and perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates in deep layers of the dermis suggested that a staphylococcal toxin may have been involved. The disease was not reproduced by scarifying S. hyicus onto the eyelids or by intravenous inoculation of retrovirus-infected chickens.  相似文献   



Etiology of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) syndrome in dogs is unknown and histopathologic and microbial investigations have only been performed post mortem.


To identify characteristic intra vitam endoscopic and histologic mucosal lesions, as well as bacterial species, within the mucosa of dogs with HGE.


Ten dogs diagnosed with HGE were included. Eleven dogs with gastroduodenoscopy and different intestinal diseases were used as controls for microbial changes. Dogs pretreated with antibiotics or diagnosed with any disease known to cause bloody diarrhea were excluded from the study.


In this prospective study, gastrointestinal biopsies were collected from 10 dogs with HGE. Endoscopic and histologic changes were assessed according to WSAVA guidelines. Biopsies from the stomach, duodenum, ileum, and colon were investigated by histology and by immunohistochemistry for the presence of Clostridium spp. and parvovirus. The first duodenal biopsy taken with a sterile forceps was submitted for bacterial culture.


Acute mucosal lesions were only found in the intestines, not in the stomach. Clostridium spp., identified as Clostridium perfringens in 6/9 cases, were detected on the small intestinal mucosa in all dogs with HGE, either by culture or immunohistopathology. In the control group, C. perfringens could only be cultured in one of 11 dogs.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

The results of this study demonstrate an apparent association between C. perfringens and the occurrence of acute hemorrhagic diarrhea. The term “HGE,” which implies the involvement of the stomach, should be renamed as “acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome.”  相似文献   

试验旨在研究酵母多糖对空肠弯曲菌感染獭兔生产性能、载菌量、盲肠和皮肤抗菌肽的影响。选取断奶獭兔180只,随机分为5组,每组6个重复,每个重复6只。对照组饲喂基础日粮,其他4组空肠弯曲菌感染,并于基础日粮中分别添加0、200、400、600 mg/kg酵母多糖。饲养试验起始日诱导空肠弯曲菌感染,饲养试验持续35 d。结果显示,空肠弯曲菌感染降低了獭兔结束体重、日增重和日采食量,提高了料重比(P < 0.05),添加酵母多糖改善了这些指标(P < 0.05),且日增重和料重比达到了对照组水平。酵母多糖降低了獭兔盲肠食糜、皮肤、肝脏、脾脏的空肠弯曲菌载菌量(P < 0.05)。空肠弯曲菌感染诱导内源性抗菌肽的Cathelicidin、Galectin-3和LEAP2基因表达量显著上调(P < 0.05),对DEFA4基因无显著影响,而添加酵母多糖对基因表达量具有进一步上调作用(P < 0.05)。酵母多糖添加剂量与结束体重、日增重呈现线性和平方效应关系(P<0.05);与皮肤、肝脏和脾脏载菌量呈现线性效应(P<0.05);与盲肠和皮肤抗菌肽Cathelicidin和Galectin-3基因表达水平呈现线性效应(P<0.05);与盲肠抗菌肽Galectin-3、LEAP2和DEFA4基因呈现平方效应(P<0.05)。表明日粮添加酵母多糖可以降低空肠弯曲菌感染獭兔组织载菌量,提高内源抗菌肽活性,不影响獭兔生产性能。  相似文献   

芽孢杆菌B13的分离鉴定及其抑菌作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验旨在发掘有效的抗性菌以替代部分抗生素,并研究其抑菌作用,以大肠杆菌K88、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌为指示菌,采用凝胶打孔法从猪肠道内容物中筛选出一株对3种病原菌均具有抑菌活性的菌株,利用形态特征观察、革兰氏染色、16SrDNA序列同源性比对鉴定菌株,并对其抑菌条件和生长条件进行优化。结果显示,试验筛选到1株对大肠杆菌K88、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌均具有较强抑制作用的菌株,经鉴定确定其为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.),并命名为芽孢杆菌B13。此分离菌为革兰氏阳性菌,单生或成对生长。生长试验结果表明,该分离菌在pH为6.0,温度为34℃,以蔗糖为碳源、蛋白胨为氮源时,生长速度最快;在pH为7.0,温度为35℃,以麦芽糖为碳源、蛋白胨为氮源时,抗鼠伤寒沙门氏菌、黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌K88活性最高。本试验通过对芽孢杆菌B13的特性进行研究发现,此菌株具有较好的抑菌效果,在抑菌方面具有良好的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

Forty-eight cattle were used in 4 experiments; 6-week-old calves in experiments 1-3 (n = 24) and 10-month-old heifers in experiment 4 (n = 24). In experiments 1-3, 7 groups of 3 calves each were inoculated SC with 5 strains of Brucella abortus: virulent strain 2308 (2 groups), vaccine strain 19 (2 groups), and mutant strains RB51. 19 delta 31K, and 19 delta SOD. Sera and lymph node tissues were examined at 2-week intervals for evidence of infection. At postinoculation (PI) week 12, 2 calves in each group were given dexamethasone for 5 days. Calves were then euthanatized and lymphoid tissue, spleen, liver, and bone marrow were examined for evidence of B abortus. Calves given strain 2308 had large numbers of bacteria in their lymph nodes, marked granulomatous lymphadenitis in the deep cortex, and loss of lymphoid cells in superficial cortical areas. In addition, they had high serum antibody titers at PI week 16. Calves given strain 19, or genetic mutants derived from strain 19, cleared bacteria from lymph nodes more rapidly, had less lymphoid destruction, and developed antibody titers that did not persist for 16 weeks. The RB51 strain (rough) was cleared most rapidly from lymphoid tissues and induced serum antibody responses only to the core of the lipopolysaccharide molecule. Treatment of calves with dexamethasone did not cause B abortus to reappear in tissues of any calves, nor did serum antibody titers increase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Twenty-three dogs with positive skin scrapings for Cheyletiella sp. were treated with milbemycin oxime using a protocol approximating 2 mg kg−1 orally once weekly for three weeks. Nineteen of these dogs belonged to a household of 41 dogs and two dogs were in households with one other dog. All in-contact dogs were treated. Pre-treatment intradermal skin tests showed positive reactions to D. farinae in 13 dogs and to D. pteronyssinus in 12 dogs; these became negative post-treatment in four and seven dogs, respectively. All dogs showed a dramatic reduction in clinical signs one week after the third treatment. Eighteen dogs no longer had mites on skin scrapings, three had dead mites and two had deformed eggs. Recurrence of clinical signs necessitated two additional courses of the protocol in the multiple dog household and for a dog receiving immunosuppressive treatment for pemphigus foliaceus. Possible adverse reactions to the milbemycin (vomiting, lethargy) were noted once in two dogs.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection is difficult, especially in the early stages of disease. This is due to the long incubation period, the variable lag phase associated with bacterial proliferation, and the multifocal distribution of slowly developing lesions. There are few previous studies of the early stages of experimental paratuberculosis in goats. In the present study, the ability of conventional diagnostic methods to detect M. a. paratuberculosis infection during the early stages of infection was assessed. Eight goat kids were experimentally infected with M. a. paratuberculosis and subjected to a series of immunological and bacteriological tests before being euthanatized at various times postinfection. At postmortem examination, the ages of the kids ranged from 1 1/2 to 12 months. Of the eight goats infected, three had histopathological evidence of paratuberculosis. Two of these goats were positive with bacteriology, but only one was also positive with all immunological tests. One animal had a positive immunological response, but infection could not be demonstrated by bacteriologic or histopathologic examination. Histopathologic lesions were found in the jejunum, in the ileum, and in one mesenteric lymph node, but only the mesenteric lymph nodes and one retropharyngeal lymph node gave positive results following bacteriologic culture. The disparity between the localization of histopathologic lesions and bacteriologic results emphasizes the need for exhaustive sampling to confirm a diagnosis during the early phase of an infection. It also highlights the need for a better understanding of the biology of M. a. paratuberculosis and its interaction with the immune system of the host.  相似文献   

To detect Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia sp. and Eimeria leuckarti in horses, fecal samples were collected from three different handling horse groups from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Group A was composed of “Mangalarga Marchador” pure breed horses, Group B was formed by horses of a Military Corporation and Group C by stray horses captured by the Center of Zoonosis Control Paulo Dacorso Filho. A total of 396 fecal samples were collected, 212 samples from Group A, 154 samples from Group B and 30 from Group C. The material was submitted to the centrifugation - flotation technique and staining by the safranin-methylene blue technique and analyzed. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. were identified in 0.75% of the samples (n = 3); cysts of Giardia sp. in 0.5% (n = 2) and oocysts of E. leuckarti in 0.5% (n = 2). One case of E. leuckarti in group A and one of Cryptosporidium sp. in group B were observed. In group C were observed two cases of Cryptosporidium, two of Giardia and one of E. leuckarti,. Horses of group C were more parasitized by the three protozoans than animals from the other groups (p < 0.01). It was possible to verify that factors related to the animals, like host individual susceptibility and sanitary factors may influence the occurrence of natural infections by gastrointestinal protozoans, although the age did not have influence. This study reports, for the first time, the occurrence of Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia sp. and E. leuckarti in equines of the State of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

Larvae of the genus Pseudoterranova constitute a risk for human health when ingested through raw or undercooked fish. They can provoke pseudoterranovosis in humans, a fish-borne zoonotic disease whose pathogenicity varies with the species involved, making their correct specific identification a necessary step in the knowledge of this zoonosis. Larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens s.l. have been reported in several fish species from off the Argentine coasts; however, there are no studies dealing with their specific identification in this region. Here, a genetic identification and morphological characterization of larval Pseudoterranova spp. from three fish species sampled from Argentine waters and from Notothenia coriiceps from Antarctic waters was carried out. Larvae were sequenced for their genetic/molecular identification, including the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mtDNA cox2), the first (ITS-1) and the second (ITS-2) internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, and compared with all species of the P. decipiens (sensu lato) species complex (sequences available in GenBank). Further, adults of Pseudoterranova spp. from the definitive host, the southern sea lion, Otaria flavescens, from Argentine and Chilean coasts were sequenced at the same genes. The sequences obtained at the ITS-1 and ITS-2 genes from all the larvae examined from fish of Argentine waters, as well as the adult worms, matched 100% the sequences for the species P. cattani. The sequences obtained at mtDNA cox2 gene for Antarctic larvae matched 99% those available in GenBank for the sibling P. decipiens sp. E. Both MP and BI phylogenetic trees strongly supported P. cattani and P. decipiens sp. E as two distinct phylogenetic lineages and depicted the species P. decipiens sp. E as sister taxon to the remaining taxa of the P. decipiens complex. Larval morphometry was similar between specimens of P. cattani from Argentina, but significantly different from those of P. decipiens sp. E, indicating that larval forms can be distinguished based on their morphology. Pseudoterranova cattani is common and abundant in a variety of fish species from Chile, whereas few host species harbour these larvae in Argentina where they show low levels of parasitism. This pattern could arise from a combination of factors, including environmental conditions, density and dietary preferences of definitive hosts and life-cycle pathways of the parasite. Finally, this study revealed that the life-cycle of P. cattani involves mainly demersal and benthic organisms, with a marked preference by large-sized benthophagous fish.  相似文献   

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