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A five-year investigation on overwintering of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cv. Wotan has been carried out in Estonia. Sowing in August was conducted four times at weekly intervals. Seeding rates of 100, 150, and 200 plants m?2, at which respectively 47, 71, and 98 plants overwintered, gave different densities at harvest. A lower plant density (47 plants m?2) produced yields just as high as those with higher density (98 plants m?2). The optimal sowing date was mid August, which gave on average 98 plants m?2 with various plant densities. Those plants also gave higher yield (1748 kg ha?1), compared with the plots sown early or later in August.  相似文献   

A field experiment with winter oilseed rape was conducted near Göttingen (northern Germany) in the growing season 1998–99. Twelve varieties were compared at two nitrogen (N) application rates (0, 206 kg N ha–1) regarding shoot dry matter production, shoot N content, shoot N uptake (beginning of shooting, beginning of flowering), and seed yield. Canopy reflectance was measured one week before the beginning of shooting and one week before flowering at different wavelengths between 550 and 940 nm using a spectral reflectance sensor, type FAL II. The vegetation indices red edge inflection point (RIP), soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) introduced in literature as indicators of growth parameters were calculated from the reflectance values and compared with growth parameters. The results showed that the measuring angle (–45° to 45°) had a significant influence on the calculated vegetation indices. Therefore, the measuring angle should be kept constant during the measurements. Nitrogen fertilization led to an increase of all vegetation indices. The results revealed significant differences between the tested varieties, indicating problems regarding an accurate estimation of the N status of the crop. Consistent differences in the vegetation indices appeared between varieties with extremely different growth parameters. However, no general relationship between growth parameters and vegetation indices of the 12 varieties could be found. Therefore, variety‐specific calibrations are necessary. The indices RIP and SAVI resulted in similar statements and seem to be good parameters regarding N effects and variety differences, whereas NDVI could resolve variety differences in the fertilized treatments only imperfectly.  相似文献   

The problem raised here is the intensification of technology in field crops of winter oilseed rape. Is there a justification for this by explaining what relationship between the yield and individual yielding traits are formed in hybrid and population cultivars. During years 2012–2015 field studies to evaluate five hybrid and five population cultivars response on the standard and high-input technology in winter oilseed rape production have been executed in Poland. High-input technology included: double foliar application (in autumn, and in spring) of micro-nutrients, additional top fertilisation of 40?kg N per ha in spring, double application of the amino-acid bio-stimulators, and additional growth regulator. According to the principle component analysis made for both technologies it was found that hybrids and population cultivars displayed varied response which is explained here on the basis of morphological, growth, and yield elements. The high-input technology improved the yield responded elements e.g. number of siliques and number of seeds per silique as well as winter hardiness. This impact was more evident for population cultivars than for hybrids. We state that high-input technology, as the proposal in this paper, that provided 9.6% increase in seed yield, is biologically justified for winter oilseed rape crop and can be recommended in North and central European countries.  相似文献   

稻草覆盖还田对直播冬油菜生长及养分积累的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]冬油菜产量常受限于季节性干旱、冬季低温以及土壤肥力较低等因素。考虑到秸秆还田有培肥土壤的优势以及长江中下游地区稻草过剩的现实,通过田间试验研究稻油轮作区稻草覆盖还田对直播冬油菜生长的影响,探讨稻草整株覆盖还田对直播油菜生育期内密度、株高、根茎粗的变化特征及其对油菜产量和养分吸收量的影响。[方法]试验于2014 2015和2015 2016年在湖北省武汉市华中农业大学试验场进行,共设置4个处理,分别为:1)对照,不施肥稻草不还田(CK);2)不施肥稻草覆盖还田(S);3)单施化肥(NPK);4)稻草覆盖还田配施化肥(NPK+S)。施肥处理(NPK、NPK+S)肥料用量为N 180 kg/hm^2、P2O5 60 kg/hm^2、K2O75 kg/hm^2、硼砂15 kg/hm^2。分别于油菜苗期、蕾薹期、花期、角果期和成熟期取样,测定油菜地上部生物量,氮磷钾含量和积累量,并在田间监测油菜生育期内密度、株高和根茎粗。[结果]稻草覆盖还田提高土壤最低温度0.6~1.2℃(播后95天),降低土壤最高温度0.8~1.8℃(播后184天),缩小土壤温度变幅2.3℃(播后95~184天),提高土壤平均含水量8.0%~8.9%(播后48~184天)。与稻草不覆盖相比,稻草覆盖还田减少冬油菜80%以上的出苗密度;与出苗密度相比,成熟期CK、S、NPK和NPK+S处理的密度分别降低71.3%、40.3%、69.5%和32.1%,稻草还田处理的油菜生育期内密度降低幅度小于稻草不还田处理。油菜成熟期S处理的根茎粗和株高分别比CK显著提高了22.7%和8.3%,NPK+S和NPK处理株高和根茎粗无明显差异。两年结果表明,S处理的最大生物量较CK平均增加了88.6%,与NPK处理相比,NPK+S处理的地上部苗期生物量降低3.7%~27.9%,角果期生物量平均增加28.1%。CK和S处理氮、磷和钾素积累量均在蕾薹期花期差异较大,成熟期S处理的氮、磷积累量分别较CK高28.6%~268.2%、93.3%~253.1%,两年增产率分别为218.8%和28.5%;施肥处理(NPK、NPK+S)冬油菜氮、磷和钾积累量随生育期持续增加,均在角果期达到最大值,与NPK相比,NPK+S处理分别提高成熟期油菜氮、磷和钾积累量18.1%~19.1%、23.7%~36.9%和28.3%~56.9%,两年分别增产1811和1032 kg/hm^2,增产率分别达到25.6%和20.3%。[结论]稻草覆盖还田能缓解气温骤变对土壤温度的影响,保持土壤含水量,缓解土壤干旱。稻草覆盖还田前期抑制直播冬油菜的出苗密度,后期可维持冬油菜密度的稳定,同时对冬油菜的生长、生物量、产量和养分吸收量有促进作用。  相似文献   

基于高光谱的冬油菜叶片磷含量诊断模型   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为快捷、无损和精准表征冬油菜磷素营养与冠层光谱间的定量关系,该文以连续3a田间试验为基础,探究叶片磷含量的敏感波段范围及光谱变换方式,明确基于高光谱快速诊断的叶片磷含量有效波段,降低光谱分析维度,提高磷素诊断时效性。以2013-2016年田间试验为基础,测定不同生育期油菜叶片磷含量和冠层光谱反射率。此后,对原初光谱(raw hyperspectral reflectance,R)分别进行倒数之对数(inverse-log reflectance,log(1/R))、连续统去除(continuum removal,CR)和一阶微分(first derivative reflectance,FDR)光谱变换,采用Pearson相关分析确定叶片磷含量的敏感波段区域。在此基础上,利用偏最小二乘回归(partial least square,PLS)构建最优预测模型并筛选有效波段。结果表明,油菜叶片磷含量的敏感波段范围为730~1300 nm的近红外区域;基于敏感波段的FDR-PLS模型预测效果显著优于其他光谱变换方式,建模集和验证集决定系数(coefficient of determination,R2)分别为0.822和0.769,均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)分别为0.039%和0.048%,相对分析误差(relative percent deviation,RPD)为2.091。根据各波段变量重要性投影(variable importance in projection,VIP)值大小,确定油菜叶片磷含量有效波段分别为753、826、878、995、1 187和1 272 nm。此后,再次构建基于有效波段的油菜叶片磷含量估算模型,R2和RMSE分别为0.678和0.064%,预测精度较为理想。研究结果为无损和精确评估冬油菜磷素营养提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

基于高光谱的冬油菜植株氮素积累量监测模型   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为无损和定量研究高光谱技术在冬油菜植株氮素积累量(PNA,plant nitrogen accumulation)时空变化监测的适宜性及准确性,该文以两年田间氮肥水平试验为基础,采用单变量线性和非线性回归方法,建立基于特征光谱参数的冬油菜P NA高光谱估算模型。结果表明,采用比值光谱的方法可显著提高冬油菜冠层光谱反射率与PNA间的相关性,其最佳的波段组合为1 259 nm与492 nm处光谱反射率比值(R1259/R492),决定系数R2为0.85。高光谱参数间,以比值植被指数(RVI-5)、归一化光谱指数(NDSI)、线性内插法红边位置(REIP)、三角植被指数(TVI)、742 nm处一阶微分光谱值(FD742)和红边面积(SDR)等光谱参数与PNA相关性较好(平均R2和标准误SE分别为0.69和42.70),且以FD742表现最优(R2=0.79,SE=35.66)。精度分析结果显示,以光谱参数R1259/R492和FD742为自变量的指数方程模型作为高光谱监测油菜PNA的最佳模型,各生育期Noise Equivalent(NE)均较低且表现稳定,同时模型估测精度较高,R2分别为0.98和0.98,相对均方根误差RRMSE分别为0.73和0.72,相对误差MRE分别为14.42%和10.31%。该方法为快捷和精确评估冬油菜PNA提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   


Rapeseed acreage has been increasing fast in the last few decades and cultivated areas have expanded into lower latitudes because of the high value of its seed. This work evaluates the effect of date of sowing and nitrogen (N) fertilization on crop productivity and N use efficiency in a Mediterranean environment. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with the dates of sowing as the main-plots and N rates the sub-plots. Rapeseed recovered 128 to 212 kg N hm-2 before top-dress N application in late winter if sown before the last week of September. Seed yield was very dependent on the date of sowing, varying from 3.4 to 6.2 Mg hm-2 on the first sowing date in September to 0.3 to 1.0 Mg hm-2 on the last sowing date in November. The daily loss in seed production was 68.9 kg hm-2 (or 482.3 kg hm-2 per week) or 1.53 % (or 10.7 % per week). N rate significantly increased seed yield within each sowing date but did not allow late-sowed plants to regain the productivity levels of those sown earlier. Apparent N recovery and agronomic N efficiency were particularly dependent on the growing conditions associated to different sowing dates.  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted to assess the effects of varying levels of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) supply on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. Rafal) grown in a soil assessed to be in the low category for plant available sulphate (SO4). There were no significant effects on crop yield as a result of applied S for any of the treatments. This was probably due to a significant input of atmospheric S as a result of the wetter than average year. However, there were significant compositional effects on total S, total N and sulphate‐sulphur (SO4‐S) which has implications for the supply of S from soil which can often display a range of S availabilities. Effects on composition were most marked as the crop reached maturity.  相似文献   

轮作体系下冬油菜养分利用效率的区域研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertilization is essential for oilseed rape because it is sensitivity to nutrient deficiency, especially for winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.). To investigate regional nutrient efficiency and nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape in an intensive cropping system, this study used data from 619 site-year on-farm experiments carried out in the winter oilseed rape planting area of the Yangtze River Basin, China from 2005 to 2010, with large yield in the range of 179–4 470 kg ha~(-1). Currently recommended application rates of N, P and K fertilizers increased rapeseed yield at different levels of soil indigenous nutrient supply(INS) in this region. Boundary values of plant nutrient uptake were established to analyze the nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape(internal nutrient efficiency), i.e., 128 kg N ha~(-1), 24 kg P ha~(-1), and 122 kg K ha~(-1). The internal nutrient efficiency declined by 48.2%–64.1% when nutrient uptake exceeded the boundary value, resulting in excessive nutrient uptake(i.e., low yield response with high nutrient uptake), especially for K. In the intensive cropping system, agronomic efficiencies of N, P, and K were 5.9, 3.4, and3.6 kg kg~(-1), and recovery efficiencies of N, P, and K were 35.6%, 24.1%, and 36.8%, respectively. These findings showed that the fertilization rate should be optimized by considering INS, nutrient status, and nutrient efficiency of winter oilseed rape. In this study,considering the lower yield improvement to high K uptake levels and low K fertilizer efficiency, application rate of K fertilizer should be reduced since soil K deficiency has already been mitigated.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in nitrogen (N) efficiency of rapeseed is caused by differences in reproductive growth. This might be related to genotypic variation in sulfur (S) utilization. In this study it was tested if S deficiency in growing plant parts is induced under N-limiting conditions due to high sulfate accumulation in mature leaves which is poorly remobilized. Leaf S remobilization was compared under high and low N supply in four rapeseed cultivars that were grown in hydroponics with leaf-senescence induction by shading. Low N conditions did not increase sulfate accumulation in mature leaves. Total S remobilization from the leaves was higher under N-limiting than N-sufficient conditions. The proposed S deficiency in young plant parts therefore may not be more probable under low than under high N conditions. However, genotypic variation in S uptake and remobilization was found under N-limiting conditions only and might therefore contribute to genotypic variation in reproductive growth.  相似文献   

直播和移栽冬油菜生长和产量形成对氮磷钾肥的响应差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】直播和移栽是目前长江流域冬油菜的两种主要种植方式,其发展状况对我国油菜产业发展和油料供应安全具有重要意义。直播和移栽冬油菜的栽培过程和植株密度存在显著差异,因此两者的个体形态、 生长发育及产量形成有所差异,对养分的施用响应也可能不同。本研究利用大田试验研究施肥和种植方式对冬油菜生长发育和产量形成的影响,比较不同种植方式下冬油菜的生长特点及其差异。【方法】采用大田试验,研究氮磷钾肥配施(NPK)、 不施氮(-N)、 不施磷(-P)和不施钾(-K)处理下直播和移栽冬油菜各生育期的株高、 根颈粗和叶片数。越冬期低温和干旱逆境发生时测定顶四叶的生理生化指标,包括硝酸还原酶活性、 过氧化物酶活性、 过氧化氢酶活性、 可溶性蛋白含量、 可溶性糖含量、 游离脯氨酸含量和丙二醛含量。角果期调查菌核病的发病率。成熟期调查产量构成因素,包括密度、 分枝数、 单株角果数、 主序角果数、 角粒数和千粒重,最后进行实产统计。【结果】直播冬油菜前期株高相比移栽冬油菜增长较快,薹期后则明显降低,根颈粗和叶片数在各生育时期均显著较低。直播冬油菜越冬期叶片生理生化水平较移栽冬油菜偏低,丙二醛含量显著较高。直播冬油菜角果期菌核病的发病率平均为21.8%,远高于移栽冬油菜的8.5%。两种种植方式冬油菜成熟期表现出显著不同的产量构成,相比移栽冬油菜,直播冬油菜的植株密度显著较高,而个体分枝数、 角果数和角粒数则显著较少,而且主序角果的比例明显较高。最终,直播和移栽冬油菜在NPK处理的产量非常接近,分别为2019和2081 kg/hm2,但直播冬油菜在缺素条件下的产量较移栽冬油菜均显著偏低。相比NPK处理,任一养分缺乏均显著阻碍直播和移栽冬油菜的生长发育和产量形成,其中氮素影响最为显著和全面,其次是磷素,钾素影响相对较小。与移栽冬油菜不同,直播冬油菜成熟期的植株密度在缺素时出现下降,氮、 磷缺乏导致直播冬油菜密度分别降低53.6%和18.7%。养分缺乏条件下较差的个体生长和降低的植株密度是导致直播冬油菜产量降幅偏高的主要原因。【结论】当前栽培方式下,直播冬油菜起始阶段个体发育较差,导致生育期内生长表现和产量形成对养分缺乏更为敏感。相比移栽冬油菜,直播冬油菜应更重视氮磷钾养分的平衡施用,以促进个体健壮和群体稳定而获得高产。直播冬油菜的养分管理研究需进一步加强,尤其是应对逆境发生的施肥调控技术与措施。  相似文献   

冬油菜叶片的物质及养分积累与转移特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为优化当季和下季作物的养分管理,采用田间试验研究了冬油菜品种:华双5号与中油杂12号叶片的干物质及氮、磷、钾的积累及转移规律,并比较了品种间的异同。结果表明,两个油菜品种的绿叶干物质量在苗后期基本达最大值,花后期迅速降低;苗期的落叶干物质量较小,蕾薹期后直线增加;叶片总干物质先增后减,花期达最大值。中油杂12号的落叶及叶片总干物质均高于华双5号,差异随生育期的推进逐渐明显。绿叶氮含量出苗后逐渐降低,后因越冬肥的施用又略有升高,蕾薹期后便迅速下降;落叶氮含量持续降低,苗后期降至最低点,其后一直保持稳定。绿叶磷含量在苗期缓慢增加,蕾薹期达到最大值,而后迅速下降;苗期落叶的磷含量逐渐降低,蕾薹期降至最低值,角果期后又略有升高。出苗50d后绿叶钾含量快速下降,70d达到最低值,其后保持稳定;落叶钾含量在蕾薹期达到最低值,其后波动较大。两品种叶片养分含量的变化趋势相似,但无论绿叶还是落叶,华双5号的养分含量总体略低于中油杂12号。绿叶的养分与叶片总养分积累的变化规律一致,即氮、磷、钾积累量均先增加后降低,分别在蕾薹期、苗后期和花期达到最高值。落叶的养分积累量在抽薹后迅速增加,收获期达最大值。华双5号叶片的干物质、N、P2O5、K2O转移率分别为25.5%、82.9%、75.4%、45.8%;中油杂12号则分别为8.4%、76.0%、60.2%、38.8%,品种间差异显著。  相似文献   

采用大田试验研究稻草、稻草灰、硅钙钾肥、枸溶性钾肥和氯化钾肥5种含钾物料对冬油菜产量及钾素吸收的影响。结果显示,在施钾(K_2O)120 kg/hm~2时,各含钾物料的施用均可显著增加冬油菜产量和钾素累积量,与不施钾对照相比,含钾物料处理的油菜增产率为14.5%~34.9%,地上部钾素(K)总累积量增幅为71.8%~143.0%。不同含钾物料的施用效果不同,以枸溶性钾肥效果最好,其次是稻草灰和氯化钾肥。5种含钾物料的钾素表观利用率以枸溶性钾肥、稻草灰和氯化钾处理较高,其显著高于硅钙钾肥和稻草处理。各含钾物料的施用对土壤钾素供应的影响不同,油菜收获后的土壤速效钾含量以氯化钾肥和稻草灰较高,土壤缓效钾含量则以枸溶性钾肥处理最高,均显著高于其他处理。综合结果表明,在等量钾肥投入下,稻草灰和枸溶性钾肥表现出与氯化钾肥相同的施用效果。  相似文献   

中国冬油菜产业氮肥减施增效潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】在“化肥零增长”的背景下评估冬油菜氮肥减施潜力,为我国油菜产业高产高效的协同发展提供科学依据。【方法】本研究通过分析统计数据 (2005~2014年)、文献数据 (2000年至今) 以及油菜施肥 (2005~2015年) 和调查数据 (2009~2011年),定量研究了国内外油菜产量与氮肥偏生产力的差距,明确了我国冬油菜各主产省份氮肥推荐水平较农户水平的节氮空间,同时利用QUEFTS模型探讨了未来不同情景模式下我国冬油菜的节氮潜力。【结果】统计数据显示,近十年我国油菜产量接近于世界平均水平(1800 kg/hm2),冬油菜产量集中在1500~2100 kg/hm2,但远低于发达国家,且年均产量增幅较低。调查数据显示,国内农户水平施氮量普遍偏高,平均为188 kg/hm2,结合我国冬油菜种植面积 (6238×103 hm2) 和推荐水平施氮量 (平均162 kg/hm2),全国冬油菜氮素投入量可节省16.0×104 t,可节氮的主要省份为湖南、江苏、湖北、四川。其中,湖南、江苏节氮主要由于单位面积节氮空间较大,湖北和四川则因种植面积大而获得较大的节氮空间。分别以不施氮处理油菜吸氮 (N) 量 30、50、70 kg/hm2 (相当于油菜产量约为500、1000、1500 kg/hm2) 划分为低、中、高三个土壤供氮水平。在农户氮肥偏生产力水平 (PFPN,10.9 kg/kg) 的基础上,设置推荐水平为情景Ⅰ,PFPN依次增加5个单位分别为情景Ⅱ (国外一般水平)、情景Ⅲ (国外中等水平)、情景Ⅳ (国外较高水平),分析不同情景的冬油菜节氮潜力。结果显示,在低供氮条件下,当目标产量超过2500 kg/hm2时,至少达到情景Ⅱ (国外一般水平) 时才有节氮空间;而在中、高等供氮条件下,达到不同目标产量时均有一定的节氮空间。【结论】依据土壤基础供氮能力和油菜目标产量进行氮肥管理,并结合其他农艺管理措施,是实现油菜高产、氮肥减施增效的重要途径。  相似文献   

直播是油菜轻简化、机械化生产的重要环节,为了明确生长季施肥管理对油菜种子萌发特性的影响,通过室内种子萌发试验研究了田间条件下不同施肥处理收获后油菜种子萌发的差异,结合种子养分含量以及可溶性糖等生理指标初步揭示了其作用机制。研究结果表明,不同施肥处理显著影响油菜种子养分含量,其中种子氮、磷含量变化最大。与平衡施肥处理相比,不施肥各处理种子氮和磷含量分别降低了5.9%~16.9%和0.0%~27.6%。不同施肥处理种子的萌发存在明显差异,以平衡施肥处理各项指标最高,与平衡施肥处理相比,不施氮和不施硼处理显著降低了种子发芽势和正常苗率,不施磷处理的畸形苗率最高为27.7%。相关分析表明,油菜种子的氮、可溶性蛋白含量与种子未成苗率呈显著的负相关,而种子的发芽率和发芽指数则与种子磷、硼以及可溶性糖含量密切相关,种子磷含量的降低会增加油菜种子畸形苗率。因此,直播油菜育种应加强养分管理,尤其是氮、磷和硼肥的施用,以改善油菜种子的质量,提高直播油菜的产量。  相似文献   


A two-year experiment was conducted on oilseed rape in 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 in north Iran. Treatments were 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha?1 as urea (F0 to F150, respectively), 100 kg N ha?1 as urea +50 kg N ha?1 as manure (F100M50), 50 kg N ha?1 as urea +100 kg N ha?1 as manure (F50M100), and 150 kg N ha?1 as manure (M150). Results indicated that seed yield in M150 was significantly lower than in F150 in both years. Seed protein content in the inorganic fertilization system (F150) was significantly higher than in the organic (M150) and integrated systems (F100M50 and F50M100). Seed oil content, however, was higher in the organic treatment than in the inorganic treatment. Less N uptake in F100M50 compared with F150 in the first year and in F50M100 compared with F150 in the second year did not result in similar differences in grain yield. Owing to the low content of soil-available Zn, the association between Zn and N concentration in shoot in the inorganic treatments was low. In spite of a significant increase in soil-available Zn under the organic and integrated treatments, no significant increase was observed in Zn concentration of shoot in these treatments compared with F150. It appears that the excessive availability of P in M150, F50M100, and F100M50 has reduced either Zn uptake or its translocation from root to shoot. Overall, it could be concluded that in order to increase Zn uptake under manure application in a Zn-deficient soil, N availability should increase.  相似文献   

近年来高光谱技术由于无损和高效等优点成为了现代精准农业发展的必要手段方法。为实现冬油菜无损、快速的氮素盈亏诊断,该研究以连续两年(2022—2023年)不同覆盖及施氮处理下冬油菜蕾薹期采集的90份植物样品(地上部生物量和植株氮浓度)和高光谱实测数据为数据源,根据原始光谱和一阶微分(first-order differential,FD)光谱与氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)的相关系数计算了8种(共16个)典型的光谱指数,随后利用相关矩阵法提取最佳光谱组合,并根据与NNI相关系数的计算结果筛选最优光谱指数,最后将最优光谱指数分为3组模型输入变量,分别采用支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)、随机森林(random forest,RF)、极限学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM)和反向神经网络(back propagation neural network,BPNN)构建冬油菜蕾薹期NNI估算模型。结果表明一阶微分光谱指数与NNI的相关系数均大于原始光谱指数,3个组合选择的光谱指数与NNI的相关...  相似文献   

油菜硼高效的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field experiments were conducted to study the inheritance of boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) by evaluating the boron (B) efficiency coefficient (BEC, the ratio of the seed yield at below the critical boron level to that at the boron-sufficient level) with 657 F2:3 lines of a population derived from a cross between a B-efficient cultivar, Qingyou 10, and a B-inefficient cultivar, Bakow. Qingyou 10 had high BEC as well as high seed yield at low available soil B. On the contrary, Bakow produced low seed yield at low B status. Boron deficiency decreased the seed yield of the F2:3 lines to different extents and the distribution of BEC of the population showed a bimodal pattern. When the 657 F2:3 lines were grouped into B-efficient lines and B-inefficient lines according to their BEC, the ratio of B-efficient lines to B-inefficient lines fitted the expected ratio (3:1), indicating that one major gene controlled the B-efficiency trait. 127 F2:3 lines selected from the population at random, with distribution of BEC similar to that of the overall population, were used to identify the target region for fine mapping of the boron efficiency gene.  相似文献   

为探明长期不同养分缺乏对冬油菜根际与非根际土壤细菌和真菌群落组成结构及多样性的影响,以江汉平原中稻 -冬油菜田间定位试验为研究对象,选取施磷钾肥不施氮肥(-N)、施氮钾肥不施磷肥(-P)、施氮磷肥不施钾肥(-K)和施用氮磷钾肥(NPK)4个处理,于成熟期采集各处理冬油菜非根际土壤(标记为 0)和根际土壤(标记为 1)。基于 Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术对土壤样本的细菌 16S rDNA和真菌 ITS进行扩增、测序,并结合生物信息学分析根际和非根际土壤中细菌和真菌群落组成和多样性。结果表明:长期养分的投入缺乏造成土壤 pH和养分含量均有不同程度的降低。相比非根际土壤,冬油菜根际土壤的有机质、有效磷和速效钾含量有富集的趋势,而缓效钾差异不显著。长期平衡施肥(NPK处理)条件下,油菜根际土壤的细菌多样性比非根际土壤高,而根际真菌多样性低于非根际土壤。门分类水平上,各处理土壤中的细菌优势物种是绿弯菌门、酸杆菌门和变形菌门,平均相对丰度分别为 30.9%、25.7%和 17.6%;真菌优势物种是子囊菌门和担子菌门,平均相对丰度分别为 52.0%和 6.3%。相比 NPK处理,-N、-P和 -K处理对冬油菜根际和非根际细菌、根际真菌群落分布有显著影响,但对非根际真菌群落分布无明显作用,从而导致各处理的优势属种类型和相对丰度差异显著。冗余分析结果表明,pH、速效钾和有效磷含量对土壤细菌群落结构的影响最为显著,而有机质和碱解氮含量对真菌群落结构的影响最为明显。可见,长期不同养分缺乏会显著改变冬油菜根际细菌和真菌群落的组成结构及其多样性,尤其是缺磷、缺氮,其次是缺钾。因此,平衡施肥仍是维持农田微生物生态系统平衡与稳定的重要措施。  相似文献   

江浙油菜主产区冬油菜的区域适宜施氮量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008-2009和2009-2010年,在长江下游地区共布置10组冬油菜的氮肥用量田间试验,研究施氮对产量、干重、氮素吸收累积及氮肥利用效率的影响,通过肥效模型确定该区域油菜的适宜施氮量,为农民合理施氮提供依据。结果表明,长江下游地区冬油菜施氮增产效果显著,施氮270 kg hm-2时油菜产量达到最高的2581 kg hm-2,比对照平均增产1265 kg hm-2,增幅为121 %。施氮明显增加了油菜的地上部干重,促进其对氮素的吸收和累积,但过量施氮导致收获指数和氮素收获指数出现降低,并导致氮肥利用效率的显著下降。各试验点油菜的适宜施氮量平均为199 kg hm-2,此施氮量条件下不仅大幅减少氮肥投入,还同时获得较高的区域产量水平和氮肥利用效率。分析认为,当前长江下游地区油菜推荐施氮200 kg hm-2,不同地区和田块可根据实际情况进行微调。  相似文献   

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