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In two trials, production, feed consumption, mortality, egg quality and birds' live weight of a total of 2877 caged laying hens of four hybrids, Dekalb XL, Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) and Shaver 288 in Trial 1 and ISA Brown and LSL in Trial 2, were studied during full production cycles. The cage designs were Get-away cages (GA) with 15 hens per cage, a special version of the “Edinburgh modified cage” called “Modified and enriched cage” (ME) with 4 ISA or 5 Leghorn hens per cage, conventional cages of metal (CO) with 4 hens per cage and conventional cages of plastic (PL) with 3 hens per cage. GA and ME included nests, perches and sandbaths. LSL produced significantly better than the other hybrids. Shaver had a significantly lower live weight than Dekalb and LSL, while ISA was significantly heavier than LSL. Production in ME was similar to that in conventional cages and, in Trial 2, birds in ME, CO and PL produced significantly better than those in GA. The highest mortality was registered in GA, where in Trial 2 it was significantly higher than in ME. GA gave a significantly higher and CO a lower proportion of cracked eggs than ME and PL. In both trials ME gave significantly lower proportions of dirty eggs than GA and in Trial 2, the lowest. Few differences between the systems were registered regarding interior egg quality. It was concluded that ME is better for production, mortality and management than GA but similar to conventional cages.  相似文献   


In two experiments, a total of 4346 laying hens housed in battery cages, with three hens per cage (C), and in two aviary systems, both with tiered wire floors and litter (Lövsta with two tiers (L) and Marielund with three tiers (M)), were used for studies on production, egg quality, health, plumage and foot condition, bone strength and bird location. Three hybrids were used: Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) were kept in all three systems, Dekalb XL (DK) were kept in both aviaries and Lohmann Brown (LB) in M only. Production and feed conversion in M were inferior but not significantly different from C but significantly better than in L. Proportions of dirty eggs were significantly higher in the avaries. No significant differences were found in interior egg quality traits between keeping systems. LSL showed higher production and better feed conversion than the other hybrids and a tendency for a lower proportion of mislaid eggs. Mortality varied considerably between the aviary pens, reaching 35% in LB mainly owing to cannibalism and salpingitis. Keel bone lesions and bumble foot appeared in the aviaries, while toe pad hyperkeratosis was observed in C. Hens in aviaries had significantly stronger bones (tibia and humerus) and showed more wounds from pecks, inferior plumage condition and dirtier feet than in C. LSL had more bumble foot injuries than LB but better plumage condition than DK. The birds used the different parts in the aviaries well, especially the perches on the resting top tier during the night.  相似文献   

In 2 trials, including 2,768 birds in total, 3 different perch arrangements were evaluated in furnished 8-hen cages for laying hens. The hybrids used were Lohmann Selected Leghorn and Lohmann Brown in trial 1 and Hy-Line White and Hy-Line Brown in trial 2. The furnished cages were identical in all other respects than the arrangement of perches. A perch was either fitted across the cage, providing 12 cm of perch per hen, or 2 perches were installed in a cross, implying 15 cm per hen. Although the perches arranged in a cross provided more perch per hen than the single perch fitted across the cage, perch use at night by the birds was similar or lower as compared with the single perch. Hence, the way perches are arranged in the cage may be as important as perch length itself to achieve a high use at night. Perch arrangement did not affect production, mortality, or egg quality. Compared with a conventional battery cage, also included in the trials, hygiene was inferior in the furnished cages, but there was no difference in proportions of dirty eggs. Differences in proportions of cracked eggs were found between furnished and conventional cages in 1 of the trials. However, on the whole, production, mortality, and egg quality were at similar levels in all cage models. Genotype differences were found in production traits, egg quality, hygiene, and in the use of perches and nests.  相似文献   


A small-scale experiment was conducted to examine layers' selection pattern of whole wheat (WW), protein concentrate (PC) and coarse shell meal (SM) throughout the light day. Consumption of all feed components increased prior to darkness. However, an interaction between SM and the other feed components was found (P<0.05), caused by a greater increase in SM consumption prior to darkness than WW and PC. This interaction is probably related to the requirement for calcium for eggshell formation. Energy (WW)/ Protein (PC) consumption ratio did not vary throughout the light day. In a large-scale experiment, a diet with 40% whole wheat incorporated into 3 mm pellets was compared with a complete diet, also as 3 mm pellets, but containing no whole wheat. Coarse shell meal was added in the feed trough for the experimental diet. These diets were examined in conventional 3-hens cages and two furnished cage systems. The hybrids LSL and Shaver 2000 were used. A tendency towards a lower (P=0.07) feed conversion ratio (FCR) was found in the experimental diet relative to the control diet. This may be a result of a better plumage condition for birds fed the experimental diet. Weight of gizzard and gizzard contents was higher among birds on the experimental diet. Self-selection of shell meal did not affect eggshell strength and legbone strength. Birds housed in furnished cages with 16 birds per cage unit showed higher (P<0.05) feed consumption than birds housed in furnished cages with 8 hens per cage and birds housed in conventional 3-hens cages. Egg production was similar in all cage systems, except for a tendency for lower (P=0.06) egg production in the 8-hens cages in the second half of the experiment period. Plumage condition was generally poorer (P<0.05) in the furnished cages than in the conventional 3-hens cages. Fewer comb lesions were found among birds in furnished cages, which may indicate less aggression in layers housed in furnished cages compared with conventional barren 3-hens hen cages.  相似文献   

为进一步降低蛋鸡养殖成本、提高养殖效益,天祝县鸡大肠杆菌病的综合防制研究项目课题组,针对大肠杆菌综合防控中加强饲养管理环节,以蛋鸡产蛋期目标管理为导向,从转运前准备,到转群后消毒、设备检查、称重、光照控制、免疫、人员管理、饲料控制等各方面,制定了蛋鸡产蛋期饲养管理措施,不仅避免鸡群发生大肠杆菌等疾病,而且可以提高蛋鸡产蛋率,增加蛋鸡养殖效益。  相似文献   

试验采用红(660nm)、绿(560nm)、蓝(480nm)三种发光二极管(处理组)和白炽灯(400~700nm)(对照组),对180只海兰褐蛋鸡进行人工光照,研究单色光对蛋重、蛋长径、短径和蛋形指数的影响。结果提示:蓝光使蛋长径变短而红光使蛋短径变短,蓝光和红光组蛋重随产蛋周龄而增长的趋势小于白光和绿光组。  相似文献   


The wire-mesh netting used as the floor material in cages is often claimed to cause walking problems for foxes. The validity of this claim was tested in 96 15-year-old secondary school pupils. They were shown five separate 2 min fragments of videotapes showing the cage pairs with randomized floor material (solid or wire mesh) but with an obstructed view of the floor. The pupils were asked to evaluate the flooring material based on what they actually saw. The mean proportion of correct answers out of 5 for individuals were slightly more than half correct (0.54), but this did not differ significantly from the random value (0.5). When the pairs of foxes had different flooring material, the pupils answered correctly (0.58, P <0.05). Thus, the pupils were not able to identify a specific floor type (wire-mesh or solid floor) but were able to differentiate between two different types of floor based solely on the behaviour of the foxes.  相似文献   

单色光对蛋鸡产蛋性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验分别采用红(660 nm)、绿(560 nm)、蓝(480 nm)3种发光二级管(处理组)和白炽灯(400~770 nm)(对照组),对180羽海兰褐蛋鸡进行人工照明,每组45羽,光强度均为15 lx,光照时间为16 h,试验期为19~52周龄。结果表明:19~36周龄,蓝光组产蛋率(86.8±0.5)%显著高于其它光照组(P<0.05),其日产蛋量最高(47.7±0.34)g,料蛋比(2.75±0.07)最低,后两者与红光和绿光组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。37~52周龄,红光组产蛋率显著高于蓝光和绿光组(P<0.05),白光组日产蛋量(59.0±0.74)g显著高于其它组(P<0.05),其料蛋比(2.1±0.04)最低。19~36周龄,各组破蛋率之间差异不显著(P>0.05),但白光组软蛋率(1.3±0.3)%显著低于其它组(P<0.05)。在37~52周龄,各组破蛋率和软蛋率之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果表明:在15 lx光强度下,试验前期(19~36周龄)选用蓝光照明,后期(37~52周龄)改为白炽灯,可以显著提高产蛋量和饲料转换率。  相似文献   

This trial was carried out to compare the effect of the dietary supplementation of high doses of either synthetic pigment ethyl ester of β-apo-8′-carotenoic acid (apo-ester) or natural pigments, mainly lutein and zeaxanthin, extracted from Tagetes erecta, on egg quality of hens laying brown shell eggs (ISA Brown) and white shell eggs (Hy-Line White W-36). The hens of each strain were divided into 6 groups and fed a corn-soybean basal diet supplemented either with 40, 60, and 80 ppm of apo-ester (APO) or with 120, 180, and 240 ppm of marigold extract (MAR). Egg pigmentation rose linearly and significantly (P < 0.01) as the dietary levels of apo-ester increased, but this did not occur when MAR supplementation was used. The amount of β-carotene equivalents in whole liquid egg of MAR treatments was almost constant with varying pigment dietary dose and was significantly lower (P < 0.01) than in APO treatments. In both hen strains, whole liquid egg redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) were higher with APO supplementation. The egg component weights were highly affected (P < 0.01) by the hen strain, with yolk:egg ratio higher in the Hy-Line. The trial confirms that in spite of the higher level of MAR supplementation, APO has a better efficiency in whole liquid egg pigmentation. The ISA Brown hens showed a better ability to absorb dietary carotenoids than did the Hy-Line White.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨木醋液对蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的影响。将192只219日龄海兰褐蛋鸡随机分成A、B、C、D 4组,分别饲喂添加0%、0.5%、0.75%、1.0%木醋液的饲料,日饲喂量为124 g。每组设3次重复,每重复16只,试验期80 d。结果表明,添加0.5%、0.75%木醋液处理组产蛋量、产蛋率、蛋白质及钙含量比对照组均有不同程度的提高,且胆固醇含量明显降低。添加1.0%木醋液处理组产蛋量、产蛋率比对照组有所下降。试验结果证实,蛋鸡饲料中添加适量木醋液具有提高蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的作用。  相似文献   

试验采用红(660nm)、绿(560nm)、蓝(480nm)3种发光二极管(处理组)和白炽灯(400~700nm)(对照组),对180羽海兰褐蛋鸡进行人工光照,研究了单色光对蛋重、蛋形指数、蛋长径、短径和蛋壳质量的影响。试验期为19~52周,光强度均为15lx,光照时间为16h。结果表明:在整个试验期,白光组蛋重最高(61.1g),红光组最低(59.2g),二者之间差异显著(P<0.05);38~52周龄,蓝光组蛋长径显著小于其他组,而其短径显著(P<0.05)小于白光组,另外,红光组蛋短径极显著(P<0.01)小于其他组;19~37周龄,绿光组蛋形指数(1.303)显著大于其他组,而38~52周龄,红光组蛋形指数(1.343)极显著(P<0.01)大于其他组;21~45周龄,绿光组蛋壳强度(3.54kg/cm2)极显著(P<0.01)高于白光和蓝光组而绿光组蛋壳厚度(0.368mm)显著(P<0.05)大于其他组;蓝光组蛋壳颜色值(31.6)显著(P<0.05)小于白光组(33.1)。结果提示:蓝光使蛋长、径变短而红光使蛋短径变短,从而使蓝光和红光组蛋重随产蛋周龄而增长的趋势小于白光和绿光组。单色光可影响蛋壳质量,其中绿光组的蛋壳质量最好。  相似文献   

环丙沙星(ciprofloxacin)在鸡蛋中残留的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测了鸡蛋中环丙沙星的残留。鸡蛋经乙腈溶液提取,提取液真空干燥后用流动相溶解。以0.015mol/L四丁基溴化铵/乙腈(94/6,V/V)作流动相,用SymmetryC18柱(5μm,3.9mm×150mm),在激发波长280nm、发射波长455nm处,用荧光检测器检测。将环丙沙星以0.05、0.50、1.00mg/kg分别添加到空白鸡蛋样品中,测得鸡蛋样品中环丙沙星的回收率分别为(82.2±6.8)%、(84.5±5.9)%、(87.9±4.7)%,相对标准差均低于8.3%。用该方法测定鸡蛋中环丙沙星的最低检测限为0.01mg/kg。各试验组产蛋鸡给药剂量分别按10.0、20.0mg/kg(体质量)内服环丙沙星水溶液,每天给药1次,连续5d。停药后鸡蛋中环丙沙星残留消除缓慢;休药8~9d时,鸡蛋中环丙沙星残留量低于0.03mg/kg;休药9~10d时,鸡蛋中环丙沙星残留量均低于最低检测限(0.01mg/kg);且随着环丙沙星给药剂量的增大,环丙沙星在鸡蛋中的残留量也相应增大。  相似文献   

A corn-soybean meal diet was supplemented with 0, 1, or 2% Improved Milbond-TX (IMTX, a hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate) for Hy-Line W-36 laying hens selected for good or poor eggshell quality. Supplementing the diet with IMTX had no detrimental effects on egg weight, eggshell weight, albumen quality, feed consumption, or feed conversion during 5 consecutive 28-d periods. Increase in BW over the 5-mo experimental period was not influenced by the addition of IMTX. Results from this study show that an accidental oversupplementation of a laying hen diet with up to 8 times the recommended level of IMTX of the manufacturer, which may occur due to a feed mill mixing error, should not result in adverse performance of laying hens nor should it affect the concentration of moisture in the excreta.  相似文献   

薛颖  董晓芳  佟建明  辛小青 《动物营养学报》2015,(4):1086-1093,1095,1097-1100
本试验旨在研究不同水平无机及有机复合微量元素对蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的影响。选取990只22周龄的京红1号蛋鸡随机分为11组,每组6个重复,每个重复15只鸡。1组为对照组,2~6组与7~11组分别在饲粮中按NRC(1994)推荐需要量的25%、50%、75%、100%、125%添加不同水平的无机或有机复合微量元素,其中锰(Mn)、铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、硒(Se)添加水平参照蛋鸡NRC(1994)标准,铜(Cu)添加水平参照肉鸡NRC(1994)标准。试验期24周。结果如下:1)以无机形式添加复合微量元素时,试验1~24周,25%无机复合微量元素组产蛋率最高;25%无机复合微量元素组在试验第8和22周极显著提高鸡蛋的蛋壳强度(P0.01)。2)以有机形式添加复合微量元素时,试验17~24周,25%、50%、100%、125%有机复合微量元素组显著提高产蛋率(P0.05);试验17~24周和1~24周,添加NRC推荐需要量的50%、100%、125%有机复合微量元素极显著降低料蛋比(P0.01);50%有机复合微量元素组试验第8周的蛋黄颜色以及试验第24周的蛋白高度和哈夫单位极显著提高(P0.01)。3)NRC推荐需要量的25%添加水平下,试验9~16周,有机组产蛋率显著高于无机组(P0.05);试验第20周,有机组蛋白高度和哈夫单位极显著高于无机组(P0.01)。4)NRC推荐需要量的50%添加水平下,试验第22周,有机组蛋白高度极显著高于无机组(P0.01),哈夫单位显著高于无机组(P0.05);试验第24周,有机组蛋白高度和哈夫单位显著高于无机组(P0.05)。试验表明,产蛋期蛋鸡饲粮中无机及有机复合微量元素分别以NRC推荐需要量的25%和50%水平添加效果最佳,有机复合微量元素在产蛋率、蛋白高度和哈夫单位方面优于无机复合微量元素。  相似文献   

The chicken eye can discriminate light color, and different light wavelengths affect egg quality. In this study, we used blue (B), green (G), and red (R) light produced by light-emitting diode lamps, as well as incandescent light (W) to illuminate Hy-Line Brown hens from 19 to 52 wk. All light sources were equalized to a light intensity of 15 lx and applied for 16 h daily. The results showed that egg weight in W light (61.1 g) was significantly (P < 0.05) greater than those in R light (59.2 g) throughout the experimental stage. Beginning at the age of 30 wk, egg weight in R light was consistently smaller than those in other lights. The egg length in B light was significantly (P < 0.05) shorter than those in other lights, and its width was significantly (P < 0.05) shorter than those in W light from 38 to 52 wk. The egg width in R light was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter than those in W light and to a lesser extent (P < 0.05) shorter than those in B and G lights from 19 to 52 wk. Similarly, eggshell strength in G light was significantly (P < 0.01) better than those in W and B lights, and eggshell thickness in G light was significantly (P < 0.05) better than those in other lights from 21 to 45 wk. Our results indicate that egg weight in R light was less than those in other lights, the egg length and egg width in B light became shorter, and the egg width in R light became shorter with age; the egg quality in G light was found to be the best.  相似文献   

本研究先后用三批400余只鸡进行了实验。在育成鸡实验是,选择110日龄星杂“579”母鸡105只,随机分成3组。对照组1喂基础料,对照组2喂标准蛋鸡料,实验组喂基础料均匀添加100目的吉林麦饭石(10:5)。结果表明,50%和100%的鸡的开产日龄,实验组比两个对照组均早;实验组产蛋率较对照组高7-8%(P<0.05),而3组间蛋重无显著差异;3组的蛋料比分别是1:3.11,1:2.94、1:2.47,实验组的饲料报酬高于两对照组。3组鸡饲料通过消化道时间分别是125.50,139.75、157.15 min,实验组较对照组长;蛋壳的平均厚度,实验组与对照组相差不显著(P>0.05),而蛋的抗压强度显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组蛋壳海绵层排列规则致密,蛋中微量元素如铁、铜,钴、锰含量高于对照组(P<0.05);蛋中7种必需氨基酸和10种非必需氨基酸含量均高于对照组。实验组鸡血中淀粉酶,谷丙转氨酶、脂肪酶含量均高于对照组,且都在生理范围内。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究大豆黄酮对余干乌骨鸡产蛋后期产蛋性能和蛋品质的作用。选择产蛋率相近的60周龄余干乌骨鸡180只,分为大豆黄酮组和对照组,每组6个重复,每个重复15只鸡。大豆黄酮组在基础饲粮中添加30g/t的大豆黄酮,对照组饲喂基础饲粮。试验共8周。结果表明:与对照组相比,大豆黄酮组的产蛋率提高了11.67%(P<0.05),料蛋比降低了8.1%(P<0.05);大豆黄酮组的哈氏单位提高了7.7%(P<0.05)。综上所述,饲粮中添加30 g/t的大豆黄酮能提高余干乌骨鸡产蛋后期的产蛋性能和蛋品质。  相似文献   

旨在研究强制换羽对蛋鸡生产性能和蛋品质的影响。选取80周龄海兰褐蛋鸡4 500只,分为A、B、C组,每组1 500只,于试验组Ⅰ区饲养;选取60周龄海兰褐蛋鸡3 000只,分为D、E组,每组1 500只,于试验组Ⅱ区饲养;另选取60周龄海兰褐蛋鸡1 500只(F组),于对照组Ⅲ区饲养。试验组Ⅰ区和试验组Ⅱ区位于同一栋鸡舍,对照组Ⅲ区位于另外一栋鸡舍。采取饲料、饮水、光照控制的方式对A~E组鸡群进行强制换羽处理;F组不进行强制换羽处理。试验包括7 d的预试期和56 d的正试期。在正试期内,测定各组鸡群的产蛋率、蛋品质指标、死亡率。结果表明:与换羽前相比,强制换羽后A、B、C组的平均产蛋率的提高幅度为27.1%,强制换羽后D、E组的平均产蛋率的提高幅度为16.1%,换羽后F组的平均产蛋率的降低幅度为5.5%;5个接受强制换羽处理的试验组(A~E组)与对照组(F组)相比,蛋重增加2.5%,蛋壳强度提高11.8%,蛋白高度提高8.8%,蛋形指数提高3.3%,蛋壳尖端的厚度提高14.8%;5个接受强制换羽处理的试验组(A~E组)的平均死亡率为2.5%,对照组(F组)的死亡率为1.5%。综上所述,强制换羽技术的应用可以明显提高海兰褐蛋鸡的产蛋率,并提升蛋品质。  相似文献   

本研究根据蛋鸡的生物学特点和行为学习性,在舍内配置栖木、采食底网、料线、水线及产蛋箱等规模饲养设施,构建了栖架舍饲散养模式,围绕其对蛋鸡生产性能、蛋品质与免疫机能的影响,进行了初步的应用研究。结果表明,栖架散养组开产时间推迟3周,但其平均料蛋比下降了9.05%,平均蛋重、平均产蛋率较对照组分别提高了2.62%、3.45%;栖架舍饲散养组的蛋白高度、哈氏单位、蛋形指数均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),分别提高了24.13%、8.03%、6.35%;栖架舍饲散养组的胸腺指数、脾脏指数、法氏囊指数、鸡新城疫抗体效价较对照组分别提高了5.44%、3.48%、6.57%、16.74%。综上所述,栖架舍饲散养模式有助于降低蛋鸡料蛋比,改善蛋品质,促进免疫机能的提高,体现了福利化健康养殖的需要。  相似文献   

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