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施氮时期对超高产夏玉米产量及氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
选用登海661(DH661)和郑单958(ZD958)为试材,研究了超高产条件下施氮时期对夏玉米子粒产量、氮素利用率以及转运特性的影响。结果表明,拔节期一次性施氮较不施氮增产不显著;随着施氮次数的增加产量显著提高,灌浆期施氮可以显著提高粒重,从而提高产量。拔节期、大口期、花后10d按2:4:4施氮,DH661产量可达14188.9 kg/hm2;基肥、拔节期、大口期、花后10d按1:2:5:2施氮,ZD958产量可达14529.6 kg/hm2。生长期内分次施氮及灌浆期施氮可显著提高植株和子粒中氮素积累,延长氮素积累活跃期;同时可以显著提高氮素收获指数、氮肥农学利用率、氮素表观回收率和氮肥偏生产力。DH661和ZD958在2:4:4和3:5:2施肥方式下开花前和开花后氮素吸收比例分别为51:49和60:40。开花前分次施氮可显著提高氮素转运量和转运效率,灌浆期施氮可显著提高花后子粒氮素同化。DH661和ZD958在2:4:4和3:5:2施肥方式下花后氮素同化量分别占子粒吸氮量63.0%和50.5%。本试验条件下,DH661采用拔节期、大口期、花后10d按2:4:4施入,ZD958基肥、拔节期、大口期、花后10d按1:2:5:2施入或拔节期、大口期、花后10d按3:5:2施入可提高氮素利用率,实现高产高效。  相似文献   

春玉米产量、氮素利用及矿质氮平衡对施氮的响应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过在辽宁省昌图县的田间试验,研究了不同施氮水平(0、60、120、180、240和300 kg hm-2)对春玉米产量、氮素利用及农田矿质氮平衡的影响。结果表明:春玉米产量随施氮量增加而显著提高,当施氮量高于N 240 kg hm-2时,产量有减少趋势;氮素当季利用率随施氮量增加先增加后降低,在施氮量180 kg hm-2时达到最大,为27.95%。随着施氮量增加,氮肥农学利用率、氮素吸收效率和氮素偏生产力均显著降低,而氮肥生理利用率和氮肥表观残留率均先增加后降低,这与氮肥表观损失率的变化正好相反。作物吸氮量随施氮量增加而显著增加,氮盈余主要以土壤残留为主,表观损失在氮盈余中的比例虽小,但随着施氮量增加而明显增加。低量施氮(<180 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤矿质氮残留量的显著增加,而高量施氮(240 kg hm-2和300 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤氮素表观损失量的显著增加。在本试验条件下,合理施氮量应控制在180~209 kg hm-2左右。  相似文献   

采用田间试验研究了氮素形态、用量及施用时期对小青菜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响。结果表明,等氮量施肥下,产量最高的是硝酸钙,尿素+微量元素处理;尿素,有机无机复混肥和碳酸氢铵处理间无显著差异,DMPP处理产量最低;追施微量元素能提高小青菜的产量。硝酸盐含量随着收获时期的延后而降低,有机无机复混肥处理则略有升高,但未达到显著水平;收获期取样时,不同氮肥对硝酸盐的积累是:硝酸钙>DMPP>尿素>有机无机复混肥>尿素+微量元素>碳酸氢铵。配施微量元素及氮磷钾的协同吸收均能降低硝酸盐含量。综合考虑产量和品质指标,以有机无机复混肥处理效果较好。小青菜产量和Vc含量随着施氮量的提高而提高,但硝酸盐含量也随之提高;小青菜产量和Vc含量随着施氮时期的延后而降低,硝酸盐含量高峰出现在追肥后20d左右。  相似文献   

Nitrogen is an essential element for living organisms because it is a crucial constituent of biomolecules. Inadequate supply of usable nitrogen reduces plant growth and crop yield. The primary nitrogen sources for plants are nitrate and ammonium in soils, and plants have multiple layers of sensing and adaptive mechanisms that respond to the availability of these nutrients. The adaptive responses are called ‘nitrogen responses,’ which include morphological and physiological responses enabling plants to efficiently take up nitrogen and adapt to spatiotemporal fluctuations in nitrogen abundance in the field. In this review, we summarize the strategies that plants use to respond to changes in the nitrogen nutrient status in the soil and discuss different effects produced by nitrate and ammonium, emphasizing the important role of nitrate for plant growth. Recent studies revealed the molecular mechanism mediating the primary response to nitrate provision and the molecular mechanisms that coordinate the nitrogen response with responses to another macronutrient, phosphorus. We thus discuss these molecular mechanisms as well.  相似文献   

改进施氮运筹对水稻产量和氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
【目的】秸秆还田不仅可改良土壤和增加土壤有机质,还能提高作物产量和品质。但秸秆还田后,土壤有机酸积累和微生物固氮,抑制水稻前期生长。在长江流域稻麦两熟地区,当地农户往往通过增加施氮量来解决秸秆还田的负效应,造成肥料浪费和氮污染。因此,探索研究秸秆还田条件下水稻优化的氮肥运筹措施,阐明水稻产量形成和氮素吸收与利用对氮素响应特征,对于提高水稻产量和氮素利用效率具有重要意义。【方法】2012 2013年,以超级粳稻武运粳24号和宁粳3号为材料,在江苏省兴化市进行大田试验,在秸秆全量还田条件下,设置常规施氮300 kg/hm2(N1)、增加施氮量345 kg/hm2(N2)和常规施氮运筹(CFP,基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=3∶3∶4)、改进施氮运筹(MFP,基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=4∶3∶3),以无氮处理为对照,研究施氮量和氮肥运筹措施对水稻产量及其产量构成、干物质积累、氮素积累、氮素吸收速率和氮肥利用效率的影响。【结果】随着氮肥水平提高,水稻穗数显著增加,每穗粒数、结实率和千粒重下降,最终增产不显著。与常规施氮运筹比较,改进氮肥运筹显著增加穗数,显著提高群体颖花量并增产,在N1水平下,改进施氮运筹增产幅度为5.18%7.10%,高于N2水平的2.70%4.29%。随着施氮量增加,水稻分蘖中期、拔节期、移栽期至分蘖中期、分蘖中期至拔节期干物质积累量、氮素积累量显著增加,最终成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量有所增加,但差异不显著,而氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率和氮偏肥生产力显著下降。与常规氮运筹处理相比,改进氮运筹显著增加水稻移栽期至分蘖中期干物质积累量、氮素积累量和氮素吸收速率,增加成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量,提高氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥生理利用率和氮偏肥生产力,在N1水平下成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量分别增加6.52%和5.55%,氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥生理利用率和氮偏肥生产力分别提高13.36%、8.55%、4.44%和5.29%,差异均达显著水平。【结论】秸秆全量还田条件下,增加氮肥用量水稻增产不显著,且氮肥利用效率低。不增加氮肥用量,通过适当提高基肥比例(基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=4∶3∶3),可实现提高水稻产量、干物质积累量、氮素积累量和氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

不同水氮管理对苋菜和菠菜的产量及硝酸盐含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
通过田间试验研究不同水氮管理对苋菜和菠菜的产量、水分利用效率及硝酸盐含量的影响。结果表明,在同一水分处理条件下,不同的土壤供氮水平对苋菜和菠菜的产量均无显著差异,而各水分处理间也无显著差异,但水分利用效率却以W1处理(农民习惯灌水方式)为最低;苋菜和菠菜中硝酸盐含量主要受土壤的供氮量的影响,其次是土壤含水量,因此,降低土壤供氮量的同时适当降低土壤含水量,是提高水分利用效率和蔬菜品质的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

通过添加硝化/脲酶抑制剂达到秋马铃薯生产中减氮增效的目的,为制定秋马铃薯的农田氮素管理措施及节肥增效策略提供依据.采用随机区组试验设计,设置30、60、90、120 kg/hm24个施氮水平与硝化/脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)、双氰胺(DCD)、2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(CP)、未添加硝化/脲酶抑制剂(C...  相似文献   

 The effect of six Bradyrhizobium sp. (lupin) strains (WPBS 3201D, WPBS 3211D, USDA 3040, USDA 3041, USDA 3042 and CB 2272) and Fe supply on nodulation, N2-fixation and growth of three lupin species (Lupinus termis, L. albus and L. triticale) grown under Fe deficiency in an alkaline soil, were examined in sterilized and non-sterilized pot experiments. When inoculated with USDA 3040, 3041, 3042 and CB2272 without Fe addition, the three lupin species had a very low nodule number and mass, low shoot and root dry matter accumulation and lower N yield. However, inoculation with WPBS 3201D and 3211D without Fe treatments increased all these parameters substantially. The ability of WPBS 3201D and 3211D to form nodules on the three lupin species under conditions of Fe stress could be attributed to their ability to scavenge Fe from Fe-deficient environments through their siderophore production. Addition of Fe to the other four strains significantly increased nodulation and N2-fixation of the three lupin species, indicating that the poorer nodulation and N2-fixation of these strains in the absence of Fe, resulted from a low ability to obtain Fe from alkaline soils. Bradyrhizobium strains WPBS 3201D and 3211D were superior to the other four strains in terms of promoting greater nodulation, N2-fixation, plant growth and N accumulation of L. termis and L. albus. However, the other four strains were more efficient in symbiotic association with L. triticale. The greater variations in nodule efficiencies (specific nitrogenase activity) under different levels of Fe supply could be attributed to the quantities of bacteroid protein and leghaemoglobin in the nodules. The results suggested that Bradyrhizobium (lupin) strains differ greatly in their ability to obtain Fe from alkaline soils, and that the selection of bradyrhizobial strains which are tolerant of Fe deficient soils could complement plant breeding for the selection of legume crops for Fe-deficient soils. Received: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Onion is the one of the most important vegetable crops grown extensively throughout the world; hence, understanding the response of the crop to the form and amount of N provided is of immense importance. In a field experiment, poultry and cattle manure (at 10?t/ha) were compared with four inorganic nitrogen (N) application levels (0, 60, 90 and 120?kg?N/ha), and six combinations of manure and N applications were investigated. Plant growth and total yield (kg/ha) significantly increased, when N application increased from 0 to 120?kg/ha, with or without added poultry manure. Plant height, leaf number and neck thickness were significantly reduced at 0?kg/ha?N plus cattle manure. The bulb ascorbic acid concentration significantly increased with the use of poultry manure (15.94?mg/100?g) and cattle manure (15.94?mg/100?g), compared with 120?kg/ha inorganic N (11.42?mg/100?g). No significant effects were observed on total phenolics and total soluble solids of onion bulbs following the different fertiliser treatments. Cattle manure increased P and K concentrations, whilst poultry manure significantly increased Zn and Fe concentrations in onion bulbs. Onion bulb Ca and Mg concentrations were lower when cattle manure (0.19% and 0.12%) was used than when other organic or inorganic fertilisers were used. Therefore, organic manure increases the concentrations of certain minerals in onions, compared with inorganic N application, without negatively affecting bulb size.  相似文献   

The degree of damage done to lupin plants by slugs is highly dependent on the species and the cultivar of plant. A study was carried out, in laboratory conditions and on small plots, to investigate the extent of damage done to plants of eight cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin when exposed to grazing by Arion vulgaris, Arion rufus and Deroceras reticulatum. Five sweet and three bitter cultivars of lupin were selected, respectively, having low- and high-alkaloid content. The contents of the dominant lupine alkaloids in these plants were determined. It was found that the susceptibility of the plants to slug damage is dependent on their content of alkaloids. The plants of high-alkaloid cultivars (Karo, Mirela and Oskar) were less heavily damaged by the studied species of slugs. The greatest differences were recorded for A. vulgaris and D. reticulatum, while the differences for A. rufus were smaller. For all studied slug species, the differences were statistically significant. The results of carried out experiments may potentially be of use in the selection of cultivars of Lupinus angustifolius to be grown in areas inhabited by these slug species.  相似文献   

【目的】合理施用氮肥不仅可提高大豆结瘤固氮能力,还可减少农业污染,实现大豆生产的高产优质高效。研究施氮时期和施氮量对大豆结瘤固氮、产量及蛋白质含量的影响,为大豆高产优质提供理论基础及科学依据。【方法】采用盆栽试验,供试大豆品种为‘东生35’,试验设2个氮肥施用时期(V2期和R1期)和3个氮肥施用量[N 0、5、100 mg/(kg,土)],表示为N0、N5和N100。在大豆R2期(盛花期)和R5期(鼓粒期)取样分析了地上部干物质积累量、根瘤数量、根瘤干重和固氮酶活性。在R8期(成熟期)调查了大豆籽粒产量和蛋白质含量。【结果】施氮时期和施氮量对大豆地上干物质积累、结瘤和固氮能力均有显著影响。不论是V2期还是R1期施氮,大豆地上部干物质积累量均随着施氮量的增加而增加,而根瘤干重、数量则呈降低的趋势。R1期施氮条件下,N100处理的大豆盛花期根瘤数量和根瘤干重比N0分别下降了42.3%和32.8%,而固氮酶活性则均以N5处理最高;V2期施氮条件下,N5处理的大豆固氮酶活性在R2期和R5期较N0处理分别增加15.3%和27.1%。大豆籽粒产量和蛋白质含量均以N5处理最高,籽粒蛋白质含量较N0处...  相似文献   


The use of organic fertilizer is essential to ensure sustainable agricultural production. Because organic fertilizer normally acts as a slow-release fertilizer, improving its nutrient-use efficiency is important, particularly in terms of nitrogen (N) nutrition. In the present study, we attempted to increase the N-use efficiency of cattle farmyard manure (CM) in the cultivation of pasture grasses by mixed cropping with white lupin (Lupinus albus), which has been reported to decompose organic N in its rhizosphere. Timothy (Phleum pratense) and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) were cultivated with or without either lupin or soybean (Glycine max) in pots under three different N treatments (CM, ammonium sulfate, or no N). In the CM treatment, growth was higher in grasses cultivated with lupin than in those cultivated alone or with soybean. Moreover, decomposition of soluble organic N and protease activity in the rhizosphere soil of grasses with CM treatment were enhanced by mixed cropping with lupin. Analyses of microbial activity and bacterial community structure using Biolog EcoPlates suggested that the enhanced decomposition of soluble organic N was facilitated by lupin roots rather than by rhizosphere microorganisms.  相似文献   


Early spring application of N to Iowa sandy, leachable soils results in reduced sweet corn yields and kernel protein content. Normally, split N applications are used to coincide with crop N demand. Our objectives were to determine if nitrapyrin, a nitrification inhibitor, applied with urea would provide high yields and kernel protein levels when applied at planting.

Nitrogen rate increased yield, ear leaf N concentration, and kernel protein content in 1976 and 1978, with the optimum rate dependent on the year and soil N residual. Urea, with or without nitrapyrin, significantly enhanced yield 13%, early leaf N concentration 17%, and kernel protein content 9% as compared with Ca(NO3)2 for both years. High leaching loss of NO3‐N occurred with the Ca(NO3)2 source as compared with urea alone. Kernel protein concentration correlated well with ear leaf N concentration (r = .74) and yield (r = .61). Ear leaf K content was not affected by N rate or source, but Ca(NO3)2 enhanced uptake of Ca and Mg as compared with the urea sources. Urea, with nitrapyrin, decreased leaf Mg content in 1978, but not in 1976, as compared with urea alone.  相似文献   

Effects of nutrient solution composition ratio on (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cv, ?Apricot Parrot? and ?Daytona? growth and flowering were studied hydroponics. Plants were grown with five treatments respectively: S1(0), S2(0.01), S3(0.02) S4(0.03) and S5(0.04) meq L.-1 ammonium or 0,0.38, 0.74, 0.11 and 0.14 ammonium (NH4+)/NH4+nitrate (NO3)?ratios. Flowering was accelerated by increase of ammonium level for both cultivars. Nutrition solution was not significant on the stem length of Daytona cultivar, but maximum flowering stem length occurred S2 solution for Apricot Parrot cultivar. Increasing ammonium level, decreased potassium concentration in the aerial parts. Total nitrogen of new bulbs decreased with increasing ammonium level for both cultivars. Maximum bulblet production rate occurred in plants that were fed with S5 solution. Maximum flower longevity was in S2 solution for both cultivars. growth and quality of tulip were affected by ammonium level in nutrient solution, so for obtain the best flower quality must added to nutrient solution.  相似文献   

锰、硼对紫花苜蓿草产量和矿质元素含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用叶面喷施的方法,研究不同水平锰、硼对紫花苜蓿草产量和矿质元素含量的影响。结果表明,喷施锰、硼可增加紫花苜蓿产草量;施锰200 mg/kg(Mn2处理)和硼600 mg/kg(B3处理)效果最好,草产量比CK分别显著提高809.49和1065.35 kg/hm2。喷施锰肥能显著提高紫花苜蓿锌和锰的含量,适量喷施能显著提高磷、钴、硒、铁和钼的含量;但喷施锰肥降低了紫花苜蓿钙、铜和硼的含量,适量喷施能显著降低钙和铜的含量。紫花苜蓿锰含量与施锰量呈正相关,硒、铜含量与施锰量呈负相关,而铁、锌含量随施锰量增加呈先升后降趋势。喷施硼肥显著提高了紫花苜蓿锌和磷含量,显著降低了钙、钼、硒的含量,而适量喷施硼肥能显著提高钴、铁、锰、硼的含量,但喷施硼肥未显著降低紫花苜蓿铜的含量。紫花苜蓿锌、硼含量与施硼量呈正相关,铁、钙、钼、铜、硒含量与施硼量呈负相关,而锰、磷含量随施硼量增加呈先升后降趋势。  相似文献   

施氮量对白萝卜硝酸盐含量和土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在保护地栽培条件下,通过6个施氮水平的田间小区试验,结合土层原位渗滤装置,研究了施用氮肥对白萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)产量和硝酸盐含量及土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响。结果表明,施氮处理白萝卜产量比不施氮处理仅增加6.04%~10.92%,当尿素氮施用量大于N 100 kg/hm2时,增产幅度开始下降。不同施氮处理白萝卜产量没有显著差异,说明在土壤基础肥力较高的情况下,增施氮肥不能明显提高白萝卜的产量;单施有机肥白萝卜体内硝酸盐含量为 196.86 mg/kg,比不施氮处理降低 5.08%。在此基础上加施尿素后,硝酸盐含量随氮肥施用量的增加显著升高(p0.05);0—100cm土壤剖面硝态氮累积量随氮肥施用量的增加而增加,且与氮肥施用量显著正相关(r=0.993, r0.01=0.917);白萝卜生长期间收集到的土壤淋溶液中硝态氮浓度较高,平均为32.88 mg/L,硝态氮的淋失量为 4.42~6.14 kg/hm2,不同施氮量处理之间没有显著差异。  相似文献   

In this study, the yields, nutritional qualities and nitrate (NO3) content of Chinese kale were studied with two cultivars, following partial replacement of nitrate (20%) with ammonium (NH4), urea and glycine in hydroponics. The results showed that, compared with the full nitrate treatment, ammonium replacement increased the fresh weight by 18.1% and 8.0% of ‘Zaobao’ and ‘Lvbao’ cultivars respectively, whereas urea and glycine replacements decreased the biomass significantly. Adding different nitrogen (N) forms significantly improved the contents of vitamin C, soluble sugar, free amino acid, protein, soluble phenol and flavonoids in Chinese kale. Adding the three alternative N forms also reduced nitrate content significantly, in which glycine replacement was the lowest. According to the results obtained, different forms of N replacement could be used for different purposes. Glycine replacement could be the best alternative only to improve qualities, while ammonium replacement could be the best alternative to improve both the yield and qualities.  相似文献   

Secretion of acid phosphatase (APase) from the roots to take up phosphorus (P) is a well-known strategy of plants under P-deficient conditions. White lupin, which shows vigorous growth in low-P soils, is noted for its ability to secrete APase under P-deficient conditions. The APase secreted by white lupin roots is stable in soil solution and shows low substrate specificity, suggesting that genetic modification of plants using the APase gene LASAP2 might improve their ability to use organic P. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential of LASAP2 transgenic plants to increase organic P utilization. Dry matter production and P accumulation were higher in LASAP2 transgenic tobacco plants grown in gel media containing soluble phytate as the sole P source than in wild-type tobacco plants. Phosphorus uptake by the transgenic plants also increased in soil culture conditions. LASAP2 was apparently more effective in the liberation of organic P, including phytate, in the soil than the native tobacco APase. Thus, the enzymatic stability of LASAP2 in the soil appears to be an important factor for P acquisition.  相似文献   

在大田栽培条件下,运用15N示踪技术研究了不同施氮量和底追肥比例对小麦氮素利用和子粒产量及蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明,施用氮肥提高了小麦植株的氮素积累量、子粒产量、蛋白质含量和蛋白质产量。相同施氮量条件下增加追肥氮的比例,提高了氮肥农学利用率和吸收利用率,增加了植株地上部器官(子粒+营养器官)中追肥氮、土壤氮的积累量,提高了营养器官中氮素的转运量和开花后氮素的同化量,增加了子粒蛋白质含量。相同的氮素底追肥比例条件下,将240.kg/hm2施氮量降至168.kg/hm2的处理,氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥偏生产力提高,子粒中土壤氮的积累量增加,植株地上部器官中土壤氮的积累量亦增加,开花后氮素同化量提高,子粒蛋白质含量增加。各施氮处理间子粒产量无显著差异。在本试验条件下,施氮量为168.kg/hm2且全部于拔节期追施是兼顾产量、品质和效益的优化处理。  相似文献   

Pepper plants were hydroponically grown in a growth chamber with two levels of light intensity (300 and 240 w/m2 ) and two N03:NH4 ratios (100:0 and 80:20). Plants supplied with both N forms (80:20) under high light conditions showed a decrease of nutrient uptake and produced low plant weight and yield compared to the all NO3 treated plants. By contrast, plants receiving both N forms (80:20) with light reduced over 25% showed a growth and yield slightly superior to plants supplied with N03 as sole source of N. This suggests a significant light intensity‐N form interaction that favors all NO3 nutrition for pepper at high light intensities.  相似文献   

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