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Plant response to increasing atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) depends on several factors, one of which is mineral nitrogen availability facilitated by the mineralisation of organic N. Gross rates of N mineralisation were examined in grassland soils exposed to ambient (36 Pa) and elevated (60 Pa) atmospheric pCO2 for 7 years in the Swiss Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment experiment. It was hypothesized that increased below-ground translocation of photoassimilates at elevated pCO2 would lead to an increase in immobilisation of N due to an excess supply of energy to the roots and rhizosphere. Intact soil cores were sampled from Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens swards in May and September, 2000. The rates of gross N mineralisation (m) and NH4+ consumption (c) were determined using 15N isotopic dilution during a 51-h period of incubation. The rates of N immobilisation were estimated either as the difference between m and the net N mineralisation rate or as the amount of 15N released from the microbial biomass after chloroform fumigation. Soil samples from both swards showed that the rates of gross N mineralisation and NH4+ consumption did not change significantly under elevated pCO2. The lack of a significant effect of elevated pCO2 on organic N turnover was consistent with the similar size of the microbial biomass and similar immobilisation of applied 15N in the microbial N pool under ambient and elevated pCO2. Rates of m and c, and microbial 15N did not differ significantly between the two sward types although a weak (p<0.1) pCO2 by sward interaction occurred. A significantly larger amount of NO3 was recovered at the end of the incubation in soil taken from T. repens swards compared to that from L. perenne swards. Eleven percent of the added 15N were recovered in the roots in the cores sampled under L. perenne, while only 5% were recovered in roots of T. repens. These results demonstrate that roots remained a considerable sink despite the shoots being cut at ground level prior to incubation and suggest that the calculation of N immobilisation from gross and net rates of mineralisation in soils with a high root biomass does not reflect the actual immobilisation of N in the microbial biomass. The results of this study did not support the initial hypothesis and indicate that below-ground turnover of N, as well as N availability, measured in short-term experiments are not strongly affected by long-term exposure to elevated pCO2. It is suggested that differences in plant N demand, rather than major changes in soil N mineralisation/immobilisation, are the long-term driving factors for N dynamics in these grassland systems.  相似文献   

Elevated pCO2 increases the net primary production, C/N ratio, and C input to the soil and hence provides opportunities to sequester CO2-C in soils to mitigate anthropogenic CO2. The Swiss 9 y grassland FACE (free air carbon-dioxide enrichment) experiment enabled us to explore the potential of elevated pCO2 (60 Pa), plant species (Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L.) and nitrogen fertilization (140 and 540 kg ha−1 y−1) on carbon sequestration and mineralization by a temperate grassland soil. Use of 13C in combination with respired CO2 enabled the identification of the origins of active fractions of soil organic carbon. Elevated pCO2 had no significant effect on total soil carbon, and total soil carbon was also independent of plant species and nitrogen fertilization. However, new (FACE-derived depleted 13C) input of carbon into the soil in the elevated pCO2 treatments was dependent on nitrogen fertilization and plant species. New carbon input into the top 15 cm of soil from L. perennne high nitrogen (LPH), L. perenne low nitrogen (LPL) and T. repens low nitrogen (TRL) treatments during the 9 y elevated pCO2 experiment was 9.3±2.0, 12.1±1.8 and 6.8±2.7 Mg C ha−1, respectively. Fractions of FACE-derived carbon in less protected soil particles >53 μm in size were higher than in <53 μm particles. In addition, elevated pCO2 increased CO2 emission over the 118 d incubation by 55, 61 and 13% from undisturbed soil from LPH, LPL and TRL treatments, respectively; but only by 13, 36, and 18%, respectively, from disturbed soil (without roots). Higher input of new carbon led to increased decomposition of older soil organic matter (priming effect), which was driven by the quantity (mainly roots) of newly input carbon (L. perenne) as well as the quality of old soil carbon (e.g. higher recalcitrance in T. repens). Based on these results, the potential of well managed and established temperate grassland soils to sequester carbon under continued increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 appears to be rather limited.  相似文献   

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