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农药在土壤中的吸附和淋溶特性是评价其环境行为的重要指标,特别是决定了其在土壤中的迁移性。本文分别利用振荡平衡法和柱淋溶法研究了2,4-二氯苯氧基乙酸(2,4-D)在不同土壤中的吸附和淋溶特性及其影响因素。结果表明,2,4-D在3种供试土壤上的吸附特性能较好地用线性吸附等温线拟合,吸附常数心在0.95-1.54L·kg^-1之间,很难被土壤吸附。影响2,4-D在土壤中吸附的因素主要是土壤pH值,其次是有机质含量。土壤pH值增高,离子态的2,4-D量增加,吸附减弱;2,4-D在土壤中具有较强的淋溶性,影响其淋溶性能的主要因素是土壤pH值,pH值越高,淋溶性能越强。  相似文献   

We analysed the ability of soil units of millimetre size to mineralise a herbicide, 2,4-D, using incubations of individual aggregates (2-7 mm diameter) and 6×6×6 mm3 cubes dissected from soil cores, under standard conditions. Mineralisation of 14C-ring labelled 2,4-D was measured using a barite paper trap and a Phosphorimager to record the evolved 14C-CO2 from these very small soil samples. We found a large variability of 2,4-D mineralisation potential between aggregate size classes, between individual aggregates of the same size and between the different dissected cubes from a given core. We explained this variability by an uneven distribution of the degrading microorganisms at this scale, and to a lesser extent, an uneven distribution of C, necessary for co-metabolism. Furthermore, we found that in a soil core, the dissected cubes with a large mineralisation potential were not randomly distributed, but rather organised into centimetre sized hot spots.  相似文献   

The influence of fertilizer N on the mineralization of atrazine [2-chloro-4(ethylamino)-6(isopropylamino)-s-triazine] and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) in soils was assessed in microcosms using radiometric techniques. N equivalent to 0, 250, and 500 kg N as NH4NO3 ha-1 was added to three grassland soils. Compared to the control, the 250- and 500-kg treatments suppressed mineralization of atrazine by 75 and 54%, respectively, and inhibited mineralization of 2,4-D by 89 and 30%, respectively. Active fungal biomass responded to the N treatments in an opposite manner to herbicide mineralization. Compared to the control, the 250- and 500-kg treatments increased the active fungal biomass by more than 300 and 30%, respectively. These results agree with other observations that N can suppress the decomposition of resistant compounds but stimulate the primary growth of fungi. The degree of suppression was not related to the amount of N added nor to the inherent soil N levels before treatment. The interaction between the N additions and the active fungal biomass in affecting herbicide mineralization suggests that N may alter microbial processes and their use of C sources and thus influence rates of herbicide degradation in the field.  相似文献   

采用纳米Fe3O4/微生物联合体系降解溶液中2,4-D和阿特拉津,考察了不同2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度、微生物接种量、纳米Fe3O4投加量、溶液pH值等对降解效果的影响。结果表明,纳米Fe3O4/微生物联合体系对2,4-D和阿特拉津的降解率显著高于纳米Fe3O4和微生物单一体系;2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度在0~10 mg·L^-1、微生物接种量在0~12 mg·L^-1、纳米Fe3O4的投加量在0~200 mg·L^-1范围内,2,4-D和阿特拉津的降解率随其初始浓度、微生物接种量和纳米Fe3O4 投加量的增大而增加。溶液pH3.0左右、2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度10 mg·L^-1、微生物接种量12 mg·L^-1、纳米Fe3O4投加量200 mg·L^-1,是反应的最佳条件,此实验条件下反应7 d,2,4-D和阿特拉津的残留率分别降低至35.7%和54.0%。  相似文献   

恩诺沙星(enrofloxacin,ENR)是农业生产中广泛使用的一种抗菌药,其药物残留和耐药危害导致了严重的生态风险。因此,降低或消除ENR残留是生态农业的重点研究内容。该研究利用果业废弃物——樱桃核,通过高温氧化法和氯化锌腐蚀造孔技术,将其制备成一种改性生物炭,用于降低和消除水体ENR污染度。通过比表面积分析和电镜扫描比对,与直接氧化制备的生物炭(primitive biochar,PBC)相比,氯化锌改性生物炭(biochar of ZnCl2 modification,Zn-BC)呈大孔径多片层结构,每层分布大量蜂窝状孔隙,其比表面积多达1 148.79m2/g,对ENR的最大吸附量显著提高。傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, FT-IR)和X射线电子能谱(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS)分析表明,Zn-BC具有更多含氧基团,促进其与ENR形成更多配合物,吸附机制可能与孔隙填充、π-π键相互作用、氢键作用有关;吸附动力学和吸附等温模型拟合发现,PBC和Zn-BC均与准二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型吻合较好,证实表征分析结果与吸附机理相呼应;热力学分析进一步表明两种生物炭对ENR吸附为自发、熵增加和放热过程。综上,与PBC相比,Zn-BC吸附面积大、效率高,是消除水体ENR残留污染的良好材料。  相似文献   

Converting oil palm empty fruit bunches into biochar is an alternative waste management method and has strong potential to improve N fertiliser use efficiency in agriculture. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of oil palm empty fruit bunch biochar (EFBB) in improving recovery of 15N-labelled nitrogen fertiliser by maize (Zea mays L.) and leaching of mineral N and K. An experiment was conducted in a mini-lysimeter system with randomised complete block design layout and six replications under controlled environment in a rain shelter. Each mini-lysimeter was filled with 20 kg of sandy loam soil before adding EFBB (0, 5, 10 and 20 Mg ha?1). The N source used was (15NH4)2SO4 at 80 kg N ha?1 (2 at% 15N excess). Maize was irrigated to induce leaching every 4 days. Maize plant and soils were sampled 58 days after sowing (tasselling stage). Application of EFBB significantly reduced cumulative leachate volume and mineral N leaching. Soils applied with EFBB significantly improved 15N fertiliser recovery in maize and dry matter weight. This study shows that EFBB has the potential to be applied on highly weathered acidic soil as an amendment to improve fertiliser efficiency and crop growth.  相似文献   

Biochar application has the potential to improve soil fertility and increase soil carbon stock, especially in tropical regions. Information on the temperature sensitivity of carbon dioxide(CO_2) evolution from biochar-amended soils at very high temperatures, as observed for tropical surface soils, is limited but urgently needed for the development of region-specific biochar management targeted to optimize biochar effects on soil functions. Here, we investigated the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration to the addition of different rates of Miscanthus biochar(0, 6.25, 12.5, and 25 Mg ha~(-1)) in two types of soils with contrasting textures. Biochar-amended soil treatments and their controls were incubated at constant temperatures of 20, 30, and 40℃. Overall, our results show that: i) considering data from all treatments and temperatures, the addition of biochar decreased soil CO_2 emissions when compared to untreated soils;ii) CO_2 emissions from biochar-amended soils had a higher temperature sensitivity than those from biochar-free soils; iii) the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in sandy soils was higher than that in clay soils; and iv) for clay soils, relative increases in soil CO_2 emissions from biochar-amended soils were higher when the temperature increased from 30 to 40℃, while for sandy soils, the highest temperature responses of soil respiration were observed when increasing the temperature from 20 to 30℃. Together, these findings suggest a significantly reduced potential to increase soil organic carbon stocks when Miscanthus biochar is applied to tropical soils at high surface temperatures, which could be counteracted by the soil-and weather-specific timing of biochar application.  相似文献   

Some alternative mehods for estimating soil erosion rates rapily were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation.The ^137Cs content,magnetic susceptibility,aggregate stability,and soil properties were studied in the Dongxi River Basin, a mountainous area of ewstern Fujian, A plot of ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle(X) shows a strong inverse log-log relationship(r=-0.83), indicating that muh more soil erosion occurs on steeper slopes.Average soil loss(in thickness of top soil per year) in the past 30 years for arable slope crest,arable slopes and tea plantation slopes are 1.6,10.4 and 8.0 mm year^-1 respectively,The surface layer enrichment factor of magnetic susceptibility(Y) in soil aslo shows an inverse log-log relationship (r=-0.63), indicating a similar tendency with the realtionship between the ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle (X).The Physical and chemical properties of soils among different land use types show different degraded characteristics at different significant levles.  相似文献   

Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) is a powerful tool for analysing the fate of pesticides in soil. Together with FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), it can help identify biodegradation pathways and recycling into the microbial biomass. The fate of ring-labelled 13C-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or 2,4-D (C2,4-D) was determined in soil during a 6-month incubation. The distribution of 13C among the microbial biomass, the CO2 respired, the water, methanol and dichloromethane soluble fractions, and the residual non-extracted bulk soil was measured. Molecular analyses were carried out on the lipid and the non-extractable fractions. After 8 days, about half of the initial amount of C2,4-D was mineralised; the other half remained in soil as non-extractable residues (NER). C2,4-D continued to be mineralised, suggesting that NER were still bioavailable. Analysis of C2,4-D-enriched FAME contained in the lipid fraction suggested that a succession of microbial populations was involved in 2,4-D biodegradation. This is possibly due to the change of 2,4-D availability. The C2,4-D yield coefficient and degrader diversity evolved during the incubation, providing corroboratory evidence that different physiological groups were active during the incubation. The 13C-labelled microbial community was always less diverse than the total community, even at the end of the incubation, suggesting that the cross-feeding community is also a specific part of the total community. This work shows that molecular analysis of 13C-labelled pesticides is a useful tool for understanding both chemical and biological aspects of their fate in soil.  相似文献   

作为典型的持久性有机污染物,DDTS尽管已被禁止使用,但由于其稳定的结构,土壤中仍然残留大量的DDTs,亟需开发快速高效的DDTs降解技术。基于此,本文研究了微米尺寸具有纳米单元的铁粉(微纳铁,micro/nano-Fe~Ⅱ)活化过硫酸钠(sodium persulfate,PS)降解场地污染土壤中DDTs的效果,并考察了微纳铁负载量、过硫酸钠浓度、反应时间及氧化-洗脱耦合对DDTs去除效率的影响。研究结果表明:微纳铁能有效活化Ps降解土壤中的DDTs,在Ps浓度为100mmol/L时,DDTs的降解率随着微纳铁负载量增加而增加,当微纳铁升高到44.8g/L时,p,p'-DDT和o,p'-DDT的降解率高达92.2%和95.1%。洗脱-氧化耦合实验中,3种表面活性剂Tween80、Brij35和SDBS,其中Brij35土壤洗脱液中DDTs的降解效率最高,微纳铁和Ps的摩尔比为4:1时,对DDTs有最佳的降解效果。以上研究结果为DDTs的去除提供了一种新的途径,也为其他有机污染场地的修复提供了一类新技术。  相似文献   

红壤交换性钙、镁和钾的分布及施肥对其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A leaching experiment was Carried out with repacked soil columns in laboratory to study the leaching process of a red soil derived from sandstone as affected by various fertilization practices.The treatments were CK(as a control),CaCO3,CaSO4,MgCO3,Ca(H2PO4)2,Urea,KCl,Multiple(a mixture of the above mentioned fertilizers) and KNO3,The fertilizers were added to the bare surface of the soil columns,and then the columns were leached with 120 mL deionized water daily through perstaltic pumps over a period of 92 days,At the end of leaching process,soils were sampled from different depths of the soil profiles ,i.o.,of 92 days,At the end of leaching process,soils were sampled from different depths of the soil profiles,I.e.0-5cm,5-10cm,10-20cm,20-40cm,and 40-60cm,The results showed when applying Ca,Mg,and K to the bare surface of the soil columns,exchangeable Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,and K^ in the upper layer of the soil profile increased correspondingly,with an extent depending mainly on the application rates of Ca,Mg,and K and showing a downward trend,CaCO3,CaSO4,MgCO3,and Ca(H2PO4)2 treatments had scarcely and effect on movement of exchangeable K^ ,while CaCO3,and CaSO4 treatments singnificantly promoted the downward movement of exchangealble Mg^2 although these two treatments had no obvious effect on leaching losses of Mg,The fact that under Urea treatment,exchangeable Ca^2 and Mg^2 ,were higher as compared to CK treatment showed urea could prevent leaching of exchangeable Ca^2 and Mg^2 ,the obvious downward movement of exchangeable Ca^2 and Mg^2 was noticed in KCl treatment ,In Multiple treatment,the downward movement of exchangeable Ca^2 and Mg^2 was evident,while that of K^ was less evident,Application of KNO3 strongly promoted the downward movement of exchangeable Ca^2 and Mg^2 in the soil profile.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2023-2030

Iron toxicity is a problem in many areas of wetland rice. Since Fe2+ is considered to be the toxic form of iron, the objective of this research was to determine the Fe2+ concentration in rice leaves using the chelator bathophenanthroline disulfonate (BPDS), disodium salt alone or combined with the chelator ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), disodium salt, where BPDS should solely chelate the Fe2+ and EDTA chelate only Fe3+. Thus, the combination of these chelators should stabilize the Fe oxidation states. It was also tested whether the chelators BPDS and EDTA could stabilize the oxidation states of Fe during the extraction of rice leaves. Extractions of rice leaves were carried out using an 1 mM BPDS or BPDS‐EDTA extractant solution. To test the stabilization of the Fe oxidation states by the combination of BPDS with EDTA, the extraction solution for one part of the samples contained 0.07 mM Fe3+. An extraction without plant material as control was also taken into consideration. The results indicated that the chelators were able to stabilize the oxidation states of Fe in the control (extraction without plant material). However, in the presence of plant material, Fe3+ was partly reduced to Fe2+, i.e., the chelators could not stabilize the oxidation states of Fe. Accordingly, we concluded that the BPDS‐EDTA method may function for the Fe2+ determination in water and soil, but it is apparently not suited for rice leaves.  相似文献   

Legumes increase the plant-available N pool in soil, but might also increase NO3 leaching to groundwater. To minimize NO3 leaching, N-release processes and the contribution of legumes to NO3 concentrations in soil must be known. Our objectives were (1) to quantify NO3-N export to >0.3 m soil depth from three legume monocultures (Medicago x varia Martyn, Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Lathyrus pratensis L.) and from three bare ground plots. Furthermore, we (2) tested if it is possible to apply a mixing model for NO3 in soil solution based on its dual isotope signals, and (3) estimated the contribution of legume mineralization to NO3 concentrations in soil solution under field conditions. We collected rainfall and soil solution at 0.3 m soil depth during 1 year, and determined NO3 concentrations and δ15N and δ18O of NO3 for >11.5 mg NO3-N l−1. We incubated soil samples to assess potential N release by mineralization and determined δ15N and δ18O signals of NO3 derived from mineralization of non-leguminous and leguminous organic matter.Mean annual N export to >0.3 m soil depth was highest in bare ground plots (9.7 g NO3-N m−2; the SD reflects the spatial variation) followed by Medicago x varia monoculture (6.0 g NO3-N m−2). The O. viciifolia and L. pratensis monocultures had a much lower mean annual N export (0.5 and 0.3 g NO3-N m−2). The averaged NO3-N leaching during 70 days was not significantly different between field estimates and incubation for the Medicago x varia Martyn monoculture.The δ15N and δ18O values in NO3 of rainfall (δ15N: 3.3±0.8‰; δ18O: 30.8±4.7‰), mineralization of non-leguminous SOM (9.3±0.9‰; 6.7±0.8‰), and mineralization of leguminous SOM (1.5±0.6‰; 5.1±0.9‰) were markedly different. Applying a linear mixing model based on these three sources to δ15N and δ18O values in NO3 of soil solution during winter 2003, we calculated 18-41% to originate from rainfall, 38-57% from mineralization of non-leguminous SOM, and 18-40% from mineralization of leguminous SOM.Our results demonstrate that (1) even under legumes NO3-N leaching was reduced compared to bare ground, (2) the application of a three-end-member mixing model for NO3 based on its dual isotope signals produced plausible results and suggests that under particular circumstances such models can be used to estimate the contributions of different NO3 sources in soil solution, and (3) in the 2nd year after establishment of legumes, they contributed approximately one-fourth to NO3-N loss.  相似文献   

生物质炭作为一种富碳多孔材料,具有固碳、减污和培肥等多重功效。基于当前限氧高温热裂解制炭技术及炭改性方法,该研究以亚热带地区常见的荔枝木为原材料、选取铁铝土制成泥浆,通过泥浆包覆和淬灭实现生物质“自限氧”和“水”淬灭,探讨铁铝土泥浆在荔枝木炭化过程中的作用及其对炭质的影响机理。结果表明:铁铝土泥浆包覆和淬灭制得的荔枝木炭的碳含量和碳固存率最高,分别为83.5%和83.9%,较无包覆水淬灭炭品的碳含量和碳固存率提高了16.7和37.8个百分点。扫描电镜-能谱分析的结果表明,铁铝土泥浆包覆和淬灭生成的炭品的碳骨架结构规整且其表面有铁铝矿物负载。一方面,泥浆通过涂层包覆形成了包覆壳,以物理阻隔作用截留了碳(防止炭化物中的碳在持续燃烧中生成COX);另一方面,铁铝矿物在高温热裂解过程中与炭化物结合,形成了矿质(Fe/Al)-碳质复合体,实现了碳固存。研究可为生物质炭的制备提供新的便捷、廉价的技术思路,以生物质就地炭化和应用的碳负排放方案助力碳中和。  相似文献   

Zinc ammonium acetate (ZAA) is applied to soil with anhydrous ammonia as a carrier to improve corn (Zea mays L.) productivity. To study the fate of ZAA in the soils, a laboratory leaching experiment was conducted with 14C-ZAA and 65Zn-ZAA using water or NH4OH as carrier. Results showed that ZAA degraded in the soil and released CO2. The released CO2 was from the acetate component of ZAA and accounted for less than 0.06% of the total applied 14C. Using H2O as carrier resulted in more CO2 release than using NH4OH, regardless of soil type. However, more 14C was detected in the leachate when using NH4OH as a carrier than when using H2O. A plant uptake experiment using 14C-ZAA and 65Zn-ZAA indicated that four-leaf-stage corn seedlings absorbed higher amounts of 14C in the stem and root than in the leaves. The 65Zn was detected in most tested plant parts. Our study showed that ZAA enhanced cytokinin levels in root and/or shoot tissues of corn seedlings, suggesting a secondary regulatory effect of ZAA in improving corn productivity.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the microbial recalcitrance of pyrogenic organic material (PyOM) on a molecular scale. We performed microcosm incubation experiments using 13C- and 15N-enriched grass-derived PyOM mixed with a sub soil material taken from a Haplic Cambisol. Solid-state 13C and 15N NMR studies were conducted to elucidate the humification processes at different stages of PyOM degradation. The chemical structure of the remaining PyOM after incubation was clearly different from the initial pyrogenic material. The proportion of O-containing functional groups was increased, whereas that of aryl C and of N-containing heterocyclic structures had decreased, probably due to mineralisation and conversion to other C and N groups. After 20 months of incubation the aryl C loss reached up to 40% of the initial amount and up to 29% of the remaining PyOM C was assigned to carboxyl/carbonyl C and O-aryl C. These reactions alter the chemical and physical properties of the char residue and make it more available for further microbial attack but also for adsorption processes. Our study presents direct evidence for the degradation of N-heterocyclic domains in charred plant remains adding new aspects to the understanding of the N cycling in fire-affected ecosystems.  相似文献   

Changes in the soil water regime, predicted as a consequence of global climate change, might influence the N cycle in temperate forest soils. We investigated the effect of decreasing soil water potentials on gross ammonification and nitrification in different soil horizons of a Norway spruce forest and tested the hypotheses that i) gross rates are more sensitive to desiccation in the Oa and EA horizon as compared to the uppermost Oi/Oe horizon and ii) that gross nitrification is more sensitive than gross ammonification. Soil samples were adjusted by air drying to water potentials from about field capacity to around −1.0 MPa, a range that is often observed under field conditions at our site. Gross rates were measured using the 15N pool dilution technique. To ensure that the addition of solute label to dry soils and the local rewetting does not affect the results by re-mineralization or preferential consumption of 15N, we compared different extraction and incubation times.T0 times ranging from 10 to 300 min and incubation times of 48 h and 72 h did not influence the rates of gross ammonification and nitrification. Even small changes of water potential decreased gross ammonification and nitrification in the O horizon. In the EA horizon, gross nitrification was below detection limit and the response of the generally low rates of gross ammonification to decreasing water potentials was minor. In the Oi/Oe horizon gross ammonification and nitrification decreased from 37.5 to 18.3 mg N kg−1 soil d−1 and from 15.4 to 5.6 mg N kg−1 soil d−1 when the water potential decreased from field capacity to −0.8 MPa. In the Oa horizon gross ammonification decreased from 7.4 to 4.0 mg N kg−1 soil d−1 when the water potential reached −0.6 MPa. At such water potential nitrification almost ceased, while in the Oi/Oe horizon nitrification continued at a rather high level. Hence, only in the Oa horizon nitrification was more sensitive to desiccation than ammonification. Extended drought periods that might result from climate change will cause a reduction in gross N turnover rates in forest soils even at moderate levels of soil desiccation.  相似文献   

在尿素减量施用条件下,探究添加酸化沸石(SF)对氮素淋失及籽粒氮肥利用率的影响.通过等温吸附试验,结合土柱淋溶和玉米盆栽试验,研究酸化沸石对NH4+—N和NO3-—N的吸附性能,以及不同施氮梯度下,酸化沸石对氮素淋失和氮肥利用率的影响,试验分别设置农民习惯施肥(CN)、氮肥减量15%(CN1)、氮肥减量30%(CN2)...  相似文献   

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