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Head and lateral line erosion syndrome (HLLES) is a common but very poorly understood disease of marine aquarium fish. One suspected etiology is the use of granulated activated carbon (GAC) to filter the water. Seventy-two ocean surgeons Acanthurus bahianus were distributed among three carbon-negative control systems and three GAC-treated systems such that each tank contained approximately the same total body mass. Each replicate system was made up of two 250-L circular tanks with a common filtration system (6 fish per tank, 12 fish per replicate system). The GAC-treated tanks were exposed to full-stream, extruded coconut shell activated carbon, which produced a mean total organic carbon content of 0.4 mg/L. The results of this study indicate that extruded coconut shell activated carbon filtering at full-stream rates can cause HLLES-type lesions in ocean surgeons. The HLLES developed exponentially over 15 d, beginning in the chin region. This was followed by pitting in the cheek region, which expanded until erosions coalesced. Once the carbon was discontinued, the processes reversed in a mean time of 49 d. As the lesions healed, they reverted from the coalesced to the pitted stage and then darkened before returning to normal.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨生长轴基因与羔羊十二指肠生长发育的关系。分别于0、7、14、30、60和90日龄随机选取健康的中国美利奴绵羊(新疆军垦型)肉用品系雌、雄各3只,测定体质量后屠宰,迅速采集其脑垂体、肝脏和十二指肠等组织样品,并测量十二指肠长度。用荧光实时定量PCR法分别测定脑垂体中生长激素(GH)和生长激素释放激素受体(GHRHR),肝脏和十二指肠中生长激素受体(GHR)、胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)和胰岛素样生长因子1受体(IGF-1R)基因表达的发育性变化,并进行了性别间比较。结果表明,羔羊肝脏中GHR基因和十二指肠中GHR、IGF-1基因表达mRNA丰度的变化模式与垂体中GH和GHRHR基因表达mRNA丰度的变化发育模式相似,呈先升高后逐渐下降的趋势,但这种趋势有一定的时差性;十二指肠的日增长发育性变化模式与肝脏中IGF-1基因表达的变化模式相似。结果提示,十二指肠的发育性变化主要受到肝脏中产生的IGF-1内分泌作用的调控,同时也可能受到脑垂体中GH内分泌的直接作用。  相似文献   

1993年Higgins等新发现一种猪的临床疾病———猪皮炎肾病综合征 (PorcineDermatitisandNephropathySyndromePDNS)。此病主要发生于肥育猪 ,最明显症状是皮肤上出现圆形或不规则的红色到紫红色斑块或斑点。剖检可见淋巴结肿大、肾脏有许多点状出血。据报告 ,此病首次于1993年发生在英国的苏格兰地区 ,但自 1999年秋季以来成为了较大的问题 ,经常 (尽管并非总是如此 )发生在同时存在断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征 (Postweaningmutisystemicwastingsyndro…  相似文献   

肉鸡肿头综合征的病理形态学变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对黑龙江省某鸡场发生肿头综合征( S H S) 的4 例肉鸡进行了病理学观察。肉眼所见为病鸡的眼周围、肉髯、肉冠的肿胀,包括肉髯、肉冠在内的头部皮下的蜂织炎,头盖骨气室内的干酪样物贮留。病理组织学所见主要为头部皮下组织、头盖骨气室及鼻粘膜下的纤维素性、化脓性肉芽肿性炎,并见有间质性心肌炎及支气管粘膜上皮组织纤毛脱落等变化。从上述病例的头部病灶中分离到了大肠杆菌。  相似文献   

The causes and pathogenesis of radial head luxation and subluxation are reviewed. A surgical technique is described for repair of the condition that permits direct visualization of the joint, reestablishment of normal joint anatomy by ulnar osteotomy, and stabilization of the radioulnar articulation with a lag screw. Two clinical cases are presented.  相似文献   

The development of the cephalic region of rainbow trout in the 24th, 30th and 36th stages, corresponding to the table of development by Vernier (1969), was studied using light microscopy and SEM. The 24th stage shows a voluminous cephalic region as a principal feature. At this time, most components of this region have started their differentiation. The 30th stage can be considered as an intermediary phase in the embryonic formation, and it is characterized by the high degree of differentiation between the nervous system and the sense organs. In the 36th stage, the basic final shape of the embryo has been reached. The results of this study show that the differentiation of gill lamellae and the opening of the mouth takes place later than that moment described by other authors. This suggests that development between 30th and 36th stages is a critical survival period for rainbow trout, in which respiratory and digestive functions start.  相似文献   

Cranial transposition of the fibular head stabilizes the stifle joint by displacing the distal attachment of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). The forces applied to the LCL after displacement may cause ligamentous elongation. This investigation evaluated the morphological, histological, and biomechanical changes of the LCL after fibular head transposition (FHT) in dogs. Unilateral cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) excision and FHT were performed on 25 dogs. Cross-sectional area, length, histological, and structural properties of the LCL were evaluated 3 weeks, 4 months, and 10 months after surgery. Ligament length means were significantly increased at week 3, month 4, and month 10 compared with intraoperative length means. No significant changes in elongation were observed after week 3. Fibrovascular proliferation within the LCL increased the cross-sectional area and associated structural properties.  相似文献   

2010年11月至今,在山东、江苏、河北、河南、辽宁等肉种鸡养殖密集地区发生一种以肿头为主要特征的疾病.发病特征为病鸡有明显呼吸道症状,中后期出现肿头和神经症状病例,经流行病学分析和实验室检测证明为肉种鸡肿头综合征.  相似文献   

本文采用流变相法合成了碳包覆改性的LiMn_(0.5)Fe_(0.5)PO_4/C锂离子电池正极材料。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)等手段,比较和分析了柠檬酸、酒石酸、月桂酸三种碳源对材料结构、形貌的影响。结果表明,以柠檬酸为碳源合成的LiMn_(0.5)Fe_(0.5)PO_4/C是由一次颗粒极小的纳米粒子组成的微纳结构聚集体,具有极高达48.32m2g-1的比表面积。  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》2015,175(1):123-131
Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains are extra-intestinal E. coli that infect poultry and cause diseases. Nitrite is a central branch-point in bacterial nitrogen metabolism and is used as a cytotoxin by macrophages. Unlike nitric oxide (NO), nitrite cannot diffuse across bacterial membrane cells. The NirC protein acts as a specific channel to facilitate the transport of nitrite into Salmonella and E. coli cells for nitrogen metabolism and cytoplasmic detoxification. NirC is also required for the pathogenicity of Salmonella by downregulating the production of NO by the host macrophages. Based on an in vitro microarray that revealed the overexpression of the nirC gene in APEC strain SCI-07, we constructed a nirC-deficient SCI-07 strain (ΔnirC) and evaluated its virulence potential using in vivo and in vitro assays. The final cumulative mortalities caused by mutant and wild-type (WT) were similar; while the ΔnirC caused a gradual increase in the mortality rate during the seven days recorded, the WT caused mortality up to 24 h post-infection (hpi). Counts of the ΔnirC cells in the spleen, lung and liver were higher than those of the WT after 48 hpi but similar at 24 hpi. Although similar number of ΔnirC and WT cells was observed in macrophages at 3 hpi, there was higher number of ΔnirC cells at 16 hpi. The cell adhesion ability of the ΔnirC strain was about half the WT level in the presence and absence of alpha-d-mannopyranoside. These results indicate that the nirC gene influences the pathogenicity of SCI-07 strain.  相似文献   

放牧对草地生态系统CO2净气体交换影响研究概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆地生态系统与大气之间的CO2净气体交换(net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide,NEE)被称为生物圈的呼吸,它是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组分,是全球气候变化研究的重点.草地生态系统是陆地生态系统的主体,约占陆地表面的40%,是气候变化的敏感区域.放牧是草地生态系统的主要利用方式,伴随着气候变化,放牧利用强度不同,对草地生态系统NEE的影响也不同.本文以放牧草地生态系统NEE组成为基础,从放牧干扰途径出发,综述了放牧对草地生态系统CO2净气体交换特征的影响.放牧主要干扰草地土壤-植被界面,通过影响植物群落组成、地上净初级生产力、地下净初级生产力来影响植被群落的光合作用和呼吸作用,使草地生态系统的NEE发生变化;放牧也可通过影响土壤包括土壤呼吸、土壤养分以及土壤温度和水分来影响NEE.放牧干扰途径的研究亦可应用于草地开垦和刈割等利用方式中,这对了解和研究草地不同利用方式下生态系统的CO2交换特征、草地碳源或碳汇的转换状态,以及草地碳贮存功能的强弱具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Tumors of gastrin-secreting cells (gastrinomas) result in a characteristic clinical syndrome of hypergastrinemia, which leads to gastric acid hypersecretion with subsequent severe gastrointestinal ulceration. The most common clinical signs are inappetance/anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypoalbuminemia. Hypergastrinemia is also seen in other disorders and caution should be used in utilizing fasting serum gastrin concentrations as the sole diagnostic criterion.  相似文献   

本文比较和分析了柠檬酸、酒石酸、月桂酸三种碳源对LiMn_(0.5)Fe_(0.5)PO_4/C材料电化学性能的影响。采用流变相法合成,通过恒流充放电测试等手段分析,结果表明,以柠檬酸为碳源合成的LiMn_(0.5)Fe_(0.5)PO_4/C表现出优异的倍率性能和循环性能。  相似文献   

选择云南省海拔高度76.4m~3200m不同的5个地、县自然发生的肉鸡腹水综合征(ASB)与同品种的健康鸡进行对比研究。结果证实,同品种肉鸡喂同种饲料并在相同的饲养管理条件下,无论在低海拔地区还是高海拔地区发病相同,肉鸡腹水综合征的发生与海拔高低无关。  相似文献   

Histochemical and ultrastructural studies were performed on lateral musculature from individual female weakfish (Cynoscion striatus Cuvier). Based upon SDH, PhR, Sudan and myosin-ATPase determinations, different kinds of red, pink and white fibres were discerned at the anterior, medium and posterior regions. Levels of glycolytic activity increased from red to white fibres, being intermediate in the pink ones. Contrarily, oxidative activity decreased from red to pink and white fibres. Histochemical stain showed a complex distribution of fibre types in each layer. A considerable variation in size and distribution was also found among fibres.  相似文献   

Postnatal development and variation of the bony cranial border of the lateral vertebral foramen (LVF) of the atlas was studied in 96 dogs. Developmental ossification was investigated in 8 known-aged Miniature Schnauzer pups, after each atlas was prepared either as an alizarin-red stained clearing or as a dried cleaned bone. Variation was investigated in 63 atlases from mature dogs and by study of radiographs from 25 mature dogs of various breeds. The soft tissue structures passing through the LVF and attaching to its cranial border were dissected in an additional 2 embalmed and 2 fresh cadavers. In 2-week-old pups, the LVF was represented by a notch in the cranial margin of the bony arch of the atlas, with a cartilage bar completing the foramen cranially. Between 6 and 16 weeks the bar forming the cranial bony border of the LVF ossified in its preexisting cartilage anlage. In mature dogs, the LVF was present in the craniolateral aspect of the arch of the atlas and was recognized on lateral radiographs. The vertebral artery and vein, and first cervical nerve passed through the LVF and the atlantooccipital joint capsule and dorsal membrane attached to the cranial border of the LVF. In one dog the cranial border of the LVF of the atlas was incompletely ossified bilaterally. This developmental variant was compared with variations in man and other mammals, and with proatlas neural arch derivatives.  相似文献   

In order to figure out the antiviral effects of Radix Isatidis,Astragalus herb,Artemisia annua and their polysaccharides on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in vitro,the antiviral activity of the three Chinese herbal medicine and their polysaccharides,Isatis root polysaccharide (IRPS),Astragalus polysaccharides (APS) and artemisinin maximum were evaluated by adding to Marc-145 cell cultured with PRRSV respectively.The results showed that the safety concentrations of IRPS,APS and artemisinin to Marc-145 cells were 0.03,0.03 and 0.06 mg/mL;The safety concentrations of Radix Isatidis,Astragalus herb,Artemisia annua to Marc-145 cells were 6.25,6.25 and 3.13 mg/mL.Almost all the cells (about 100%) were protected from PRRSV when Astragalus herb were added early to PRRSV,while IRPS had the same effect on PRRSV among three extracts with 48.03% cells were protect and artemisinin could not protect cells when the concentration was lower than 0.16 mg/mL.IRPS had no effect on PRRSV while APS and artemisinin got a protection rate for cells at about 20% when simultaneously added with PRRSV,under the concentration of 0.32 mg/mL.In terms of simultaneously added with PRRSV,Chinese herb Astragalus could exterminate the virus directly with its protect cells coming to 100% and more.Artemisia annua could promote the growth of cells but its stability was weak.Its protection rate decreased as its concentration reducing.In the experiment of exploring the antivirus effect of infected cells,polysaccharides of these three herbs had nearly the same effect.When in a concentration of 0.01 mg/mL,IRPS,APS and artemisinin respectively protected 24.57%,24.30% and 26.20% cells.However,the protection rate to cells of the three herbs themselves was respectively up to 100% or more.In conclusion,in the extracts of the three herbs,APS had the best antiviral effect,followed by artemisinin and IRPS,and in the single herbal medicines,Astragalus was the best and Artemisia annua was worst.Therefore,Astragalus and APS had the best antiviral effect on PRRSV.It needed more research on Astragalus and APS,and try to use them as antiviral drug in clinical application.  相似文献   

为研究板蓝根、黄芪和青蒿及其提取物体外抗猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)的作用,本试验在研究板蓝根、黄芪和青蒿及其提取物对Marc-145细胞最大安全浓度的基础上,研究3种中药提取物体外抗PRRSV的作用。结果显示,板蓝根多糖、黄芪多糖和青蒿素3种中药提取物对Marc-145细胞安全浓度分别为为0.03、0.03和0.06 mg/mL,板蓝根、黄芪和青蒿3种中药单方的安全浓度分别为6.25、6.25和3.13 mg/mL。在体外抗PRRSV作用的试验中,3种中药单方中黄芪的阻断作用最强,能达到100%的保护率,中药提取物中板蓝根多糖对PRRSV的阻断作用最强,在浓度为0.031 mg/mL时对细胞保护率能达到48.03%,青蒿素最差,在0.16 mg/mL时就已不具有阻断作用。板蓝根多糖对病毒不具有直接杀灭作用,黄芪多糖和青蒿素在浓度为0.32 mg/mL时,保护率都是20%左右;黄芪的直接杀灭作用保护率为100%,且非常稳定,青蒿在浓度较高时还有促进细胞生长的作用,但稳定性差,随浓度降低其保护率迅速下降。在对病毒的抑制作用试验中,3种中药提取物的作用相当,浓度为0.01 mg/mL时,板蓝根多糖、黄芪多糖和青蒿素多糖对细胞的保护率分别为24.57%、24.30%和26.20%;而3种中药单方的细胞保护率都能达到100%甚至以上。综合3种作用方式可知,3种中药提取物中,黄芪多糖的抗PRRSV作用最好,青蒿素次之,板蓝根多糖最差;3种中药单方中黄芪的效果最好,青蒿最差。因此,可知黄芪及其提取物具有非常强的抗PRRSV作用,可对其进行进一步研究,以供临床上使用。  相似文献   

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