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为探讨苹果果实中毒死蜱残留的品种间差异及套袋对其残留的影响作用,采用气相色谱法(GC-FPD),研究了不同品种苹果果实中毒死蜱的残留动态以及套袋对苹果果实不同部位中毒死蜱残留的影响。结果表明,毒死蜱在苹果果实中的残留量存在着明显的品种差异,其中红富士属于高农药残留的品种,而嘎拉、红将军和83-1-70-3则属于低农药残留的品种。毒死蜱在苹果果实不同部位中的残留量表现出明显差异,果皮是毒死蜱残留的主要部位,其次是全果,果肉中的残留最少。套袋明显减少了毒死蜱在苹果果实中的残留量,不论处理浓度和取样时间如何,套袋苹果果实中毒死蜱的残留量比不套袋至少减少1/3。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of aluminum (Al) in nutrient solutions on the dry weight (DW) yield, Al and phosphorus (P) contents, and organic acid exudation in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Four alfalfa cultivars (‘Robust’, ‘Sceptre’, ‘Aquarius’, and ‘California-55’) were grown in nutrient solution at pH 4.5 and 6.0, with (50 and 100 μM) and without Al. The results revealed that Al caused a significant reduction in DW, especially in pH 4.5 treatment. Organic acid exudation was affected by pH and Al treatments. Citrate and succinate exudation increased with the high Al treatment at pH 4.5. However, no relationship between pH and carboxylate exudation was observed at pH 6.0. Accumulation of P and Al in roots suggests the existence of an exclusion mechanism for Al in alfalfa. Selection of cultivars with enhanced organic exudation capacity in response to Al might be useful for alfalfa production in moderately acidic soils.  相似文献   

根据农业部在80年代两次组织评选出的全国24个优质梨产地的生态资料,用微型电子计算机系统和汉字dBASE III 建立数据库,统计出我国优势梨的品种构成比例,产地分布区域及其适宜的生态指标,并分析了这些优质梨主栽品种的生态适应性能,为我国今后大力推广优质梨品种,实现良种区域化栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted with two typical paddy soils from China and a vermiculite to study the influence of iron oxides on the fixation and release of ammonium. Removing iron oxides, especially amorphous iron oxides, from the soils favoured the release of non-exchangeable NH4-N and stimulated the fixation of NH4-N in the presence of added (NH4)2SO4. Addition of artificial goethite and hematite to the original soils or to the soils free of iron oxides reduced the fixation of NH4+-ions. This effect was also observed with vermiculite. We conclude that the coating of clay minerals with iron oxides has an impact on the diffusion of NH4+-ions into and out of the interlayers of the clay minerals. The reduction and dissolution of iron oxides induced by low redox potential (Eh) after flooding of paddy soils is assumed to be an important mechanism controlling NH4+-fixation in paddy fields.  相似文献   

城市化和工业化背景下,传统小规模农业一直被认为是经济效益较低的产业。重要农业文化遗产地的小规模农业已有上千年的历史,至今仍发挥生计功能,为何仍有大量农户在从事农业生产?为解释这个现象,本文选取中国重要农业文化遗产——河北宽城板栗栽培系统为例,以宽城板栗种植户为单位,采用随机抽样问卷调查法收集数据,构建劳动投入回报模型,计算农户板栗种植和外出务工的劳动投入回报率。研究结果表明:宽城板栗种植户使用化肥和农药比例不高,耕地面积小(0.57 hm~2·户~(–1)),田间管理、采摘是板栗种植消耗劳动量较多的农事活动,年均只需要投入121.4人·d·户~(–1)的劳动量;外出务工劳动力约2人·户~(–1),人均务工时间为8.9月·a~(–1),每年每户外出务工的总劳动量为537人·d·户~(–1),是板栗种植劳动投入的4.4倍。板栗价格相对略高,每户种植板栗所获得的收入是15 623.3元·户~(–1);农民文化程度较低、技能不足,外出务工的月收入较低,每户劳动力外出务工所获得年收入为59 243.7元·户~(–1)。但从农户劳动投入回报率的角度看,小规模板栗种植业较外出务工高约1.2倍。这一结果与人们对农业低效益的普遍印象存在较大差别,也从经济维度解释了多数农户不愿意放弃板栗种植的原因。板栗种植需要的劳动量较少,使得农户有大量的剩余劳动力从事非农产业,农户兼业化是充分利用剩余劳动力以适应社会转型的适应性现象。  相似文献   

农户生计资源重组是在耕地流转胁迫下对经济机会的反馈响应。基于重庆市合川区川柠柠檬示范园188户耕地流转农户及其394块流转耕地地块的调查数据,分析了流转农户劳动力特征和流转耕地的数量、质量及耕作半径特征,进而剖析耕地流转后农户多元化生计选择策略,并基于可持续生计框架,从生计资本、生计策略和生计成果3方面构建农户生计可持续性评价指标体系,采用自然资本、物质资本、人力资本、金融资本、社会资本、生计多样化指数、收入多样化指数、非农化水平及家庭纯收入指标,对农户生计可持续性水平进行评价。结果表明:1)耕地流转致使农户自然资本严重减少,家庭生计结构由农业主导型向非农主导型转变,生计种类显著增加,趋于多元化。2)耕地流转后,农户生计资本总指数增加,且农户生计资本属性间及各类型农户间的增长率存在分异。耕地流转导致5大资本失调,生计资本耦合协调度降低。3)不同类型农户生计可持续水平在流转后得到不同程度的提升,提升强度从大到小表现为非农主导型农户>农业主导型农户>非农型农户>纯农型农户。总之,农户在家庭承包耕地流转的内部冲击下,生计资本得以重组,致使农户生计的分化与转型,而多元化生计有助于农户生计的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Soil from Eutrochrept A horizons under long-term spruce forest (Sf), mixed deciduous forest (Df), permanent grassland (Gp) and arable rotation (Ar) was fractionated according to particle size and analysed for contents of C, N, lignin-derived phenols and carbohydrates. Whole soil from Sf, Df, Gp and Ar contained 84, 59, 73 and 25 g C kg?1 soil, respectively. For all sites, the C content declined and C/N ratio increased in the order: clay (<2 μm), silt (2–20 μm), sand (20–2000 μm). Clay and silt were significantly lower in C in Ar than in Sf, Df and Gp, C associated with sand being substantially lower under arable rotation. The yield of lignin-derived phenols decreased and carboxyl functionality and methoxyl demethylation of lignin derivatives increased with decreasing particle size, indicating a progressive lignin alteration. Whole soil from Sf and Gp was substantially higher in vanillyl (V), syringyl (S) and cinnamyl (C) units (VSC) than soil from Df and Ar. Compared to whole soil, clay was depleted and sand enriched in VSC. Only sand appeared to be affected significantly by land use. Sand from Ar and Df was more enriched in VSC than sand from Gp and Sf. Whole soil carbohydrates decreased in the order: Gp>Ar>Df>Sf. Sand- and clay-sized separates were enriched in carbohydrates compared to silt. Carbohydrates in sand were mainly of plant origin whereas microbially-derived sugars accounted for a larger proportion in the clay. Compared to Sf, Df and Gp, clay from Ar was enriched and sand depleted in microbial sugars. Lignin and carbohydrate distribution patterns indicate that organic matter was in a more advanced stage of decomposition in the sand separates from forest than from agricultural A horizons. The forest soils also show a higher degree of oxidative changes in lignin associated with clay. In contrast, differences between silt from the four A horizons were small.  相似文献   

This paper is the first in a series of four,describing the hypothesis and approach of acorrelative study between observed data on crowncondition in Europe, monitored since 1986 at asystematic 16 × 16 km grid, and site-specificestimations of various natural and anthropogenicstress factors. The study was based on the hypothesisthat forests respond to various natural andanthropogenic stress factors, whose contributiondepend on the geographic region considered. In view ofthis hypothesis, major stand and site characteristics,chemical soil composition, meteorological stressfactors (temperature and drought stress indices) andair pollution stress (concentrations and/ordepositions of SOx, NOy, NHx andO3) were included as predictor variables. Theresponse variables considered were actual defoliationand changes/trends in defoliation for five major treespecies. The spatial distribution of the averagedefoliation during the period 1986–1995 shows highdefoliation in Central Europe and in parts ofScandinavia and of Southern Europe. There are,however, sharp changes at country borders, which aredue to methodological differences between countries.The spatial distribution of the calculated trends showa distinct cluster of large deterioration in parts ofCentral and Eastern Europe and in Spain and a ratherscattered pattern of positive and negative trends for most of Europe, indicating that other factors than airpollution only have a strong impact on defoliation.The limitations of the study are discussed in view ofthe quality of the considered response and predictor variables.  相似文献   

Abstract. The two approaches most commonly applied to characterizing the chemical form and 'reactivity' of metals in the soil solid phase are sequential extraction procedures (SEPs) and isotopic dilution (ID). The development and limitations of both approaches are described and their application to contaminated soils discussed. It may be argued that ID offers a better means of discriminating between 'reactive' and 'inert' forms of metal. However, the literature on SEPs is considerably larger, providing greater scope for comparative analysis of new data. Although ID methods are subject to operational constraints, the procedural dependency of SEPs is probably much greater. Thus greater effort has been expended to standardize and verify methodologies for SEPs. However, despite achieving a level of 'political ratification' at the procedural level, the use of SEPs within risk assessments for planning or development purposes is currently almost absent. The future for ID methods in this context may lie in site-specific risk assessments that include improved methods for the prediction of metal solubility and bioavailability.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities associated with Moina sp. in the floodwater of a paddy field microcosm were examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA. Eighteen out of 20 eubacterial DGGE bands were sequenced. The associated eubacterial communities mainly consisted of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacterial groups, irrespective of the application of rice straw and rice straw compost. The effect of the application of rice straw and compost on the communities was not appreciable, compared with host specificity. An uncultured Cytophagales bacterium was estimated to be specifically associated with Moina sp. Presence of bacteria that are specific to rice straw treatment was also estimated.  相似文献   

Agricultural production systems are complex involving variability in climate, soil, crop, tillage management and interactions between these components. The traditional experimental approach has played an important role in studying crop production systems, but isolation of these factors in experimental studies is difficult and time consuming. Computer simulation models are useful in exploring these interactions and provide a valuable tool to test and further our understanding of the behavior of soil–crop systems without repeating experimentation.Productivity erosion and runoff functions to evaluate conservation techniques (PERFECT) is one of the soil–crop models that integrate the dynamics of soil, tillage and crop processes at a daily resolution. This study had two major objectives. The first was to calibrate the use of the PERFECT soil–crop simulation model to simulate soil and crop responses to changes of traffic and tillage management. The second was to explore the interactions between traffic, tillage, soil and crop, and provide insight to the long-term effects of improved soil management and crop rotation options. This contribution covers only the first objective, and the second will be covered in a subsequent contribution.Data were obtained from field experiments on a vertisol in Southeast Queensland, Australia which had controlled traffic and tillage treatments for the previous 5 years. Input data for the simulation model included daily weather, runoff, plant available water capacity, and soil hydraulic properties, cropping systems, and traffic and tillage management. After model calibration, predicted and measured total runoffs for the 5-year period were similar. Values of root mean square error (RMSE) for daily runoff ranged from 5.7 to 9.2 mm, which were similar to those reported in literature. The model explained 75–95% of variations of daily, monthly and annual runoff, 70–84% of the variation in total available soil water, and 85% of the variation in yield. The results showed that the PERFECT daily soil–crop simulation model could be used to generate meaningful predictions of the interactions between crop, soil and water under different tillage and traffic systems.Ranking of management systems in order of decreasing merit for runoff, available soil water and crop yield was (1) controlled traffic zero tillage, (2) controlled traffic stubble mulch, (3) wheeled zero tillage, and (4) wheeled stubble mulch.  相似文献   

A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Results of the experiment showed that the correlation between wheat yield and water consumption was not significant, but that between wheat yield and the ratio of water supply to Penman evaporation was significant, following a parabolic curve. The water consumption process, as well as the growing season of wheat plant, could be divided into three periods. The first (154 days) was vegetative growth period, during which the water consumption accounted for 35% of the total; the second (65 days) reproductive growth period, during which the water consumption occupied 57%, indicating the importance of water consumption in this period; and the third (5~9 days) maturation period, during which water supply was not important to yield formation. According to the statistics of meteorological data over the years in this region, the hydrological conditions of the five seasons covered a probability range of 74.8%. The results (3.465.63 t ha-1) indicated that the productivity of the wheat field under rainfed conditions in this region had a degree of confidence of 74.8%.  相似文献   


An established stand of Ranger alfalfa was topdressed with equal rates, but different combinations, of N, P, and K. Five harvests were taken and the material analyzed for cation concentrations.

Phosphorus application significantly increased P concentrations in alfalfa, but had little influence on concentration of other ions. Potassium applications showed striking effects by significantly increasing K levels of the forage while decreasing Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Al, and Mo levels.

Significant differences occurred among harvest dates for 14 of the 16 cations analyzed. Seasonal trends were evident for SiO2, Zn, Al, Co, and Na.

Applied N, P, and K and available soil P and K were associated with cation concentration of alfalfa and these interrelationships are discussed.  相似文献   

研究建立了温室南方红豆杉扦插苗病虫害综合防治技术体系,主要包括生态防治技术、物理防治技术、栽培防治技术、消毒技术以及化学防治技术,应用该防治技术体系可减少化学农药使用量50%以上,病虫害防治效果达95%。  相似文献   


The effects of catch crops on the nitrogen nutrition of a succeeding carrot crop were investigated. An attempt was made to distinguish the effects of growth and nitrogen uptake by the catch crop from the effect of mineralization of its residues. It was found that growth and nitrogen uptake by catch crops could reduce the nitrogen supply to the succeeding carrot crop through pre-emptive competition, whereas mineralization of nitrogen from the catch crop residues increased the nitrogen supply to the carrot crop. Nitrogen uptake by the carrots was thus highest where catch crop residues were incorporated on plots where no catch crop had been grown. The effect of the mineralization was found mainly to influence topsoil mineral nitrogen contents and the early nitrogen uptake by carrots, whereas the effect of pre-emptive competition was to reduce subsoil mineral nitrogen content and the nitrogen uptake by carrots late in the growing season. The apparent recovery of catch crop nitrogen by carrots was between 8 and 33%.  相似文献   

目前已经找到一种由雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f.)细胞培养法生产雷公藤甲素和生物碱的方法,但是这种方法生产的次生代谢物产量较低,因此本研究利用紫外光(UV-B)辐照和超声波处理对雷公藤悬浮培养体系中萜类次生代谢物的含量进行了检测分析.在雷公藤悬浮细胞的不同培养时期,利用不同时长的UV-B辐照和超声波分别处理的雷公藤悬浮细胞和培养体系,采用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)对悬浮细胞和培养液中雷公藤内酯醇、吉碱和次碱的含量进行测定.结果表明,利用UV-B辐照和超声波处理均可以显著提高雷公藤悬浮培养体系中悬浮细胞生长量及其次生代谢物的含量.紫外辐照及超声波处理均可使雷公藤悬浮细胞的生长量比对照提高1~2倍.在雷公藤悬浮细胞生长周期的第13天用UV-B辐照90 min,雷公藤悬浮细胞中内酯醇、吉碱和次碱产物含量达到最大,分别为5.185、39.747和42.189 μg/L;超声波处理40 s时,次生代谢物含量达到最大,分别为5.185、40.080和45.472 μg/L,与对照相比提高1~3倍.另外超声波处理对雷公藤悬浮细胞中次生代谢物释放分泌入细胞培养液中有一定程度的促进作用,通过对雷公藤悬浮细胞培养液中次生代谢物含量的检测发现,在处理时长分别为40 s时,内酯醇、吉碱和次碱的转化率分别达到93.7%、86.6%和88.1%,与对照相比含量提高1~3倍.本研究为解决雷公藤野生资源短缺,利用雷公藤悬浮细胞培养生产雷公藤内酯醇、吉碱和次碱提供基础资料.  相似文献   

Soil properties and surface characteristics affecting wind erosion can be manipulated through tillage and crop residue management. Little information exists, however, that describes the impact of long term tillage and residue management on soil properties in the subarctic region of the United States. This study examines the impact of 20 years of tillage and residue management on a broad range of physical properties that govern wind erosion processes on a silt loam in interior Alaska. A strip plot experimental design was established in 1983 and included intensive tillage (autumn and spring disk), spring disk, autumn chisel plow, and no tillage with straw either retained on or removed from the soil surface. Soil and residue properties measured after sowing barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in May 2004 included penetration resistance, soil water content, shear stress, bulk density, random roughness, aggregate size distribution, and residue cover and biomass. No tillage was characterized by larger aggregates, greater soil strength (penetration resistance and shear stress), wetter soil, and greater residue cover compared to all other tillage treatments. Despite crop failures the previous 2 years, crop residue management influenced residue biomass and cover, but not soil properties. Autumn chisel and spring disk appeared to be viable minimum tillage options to intensive tillage in controlling erosion. Autumn chisel and spring disk promoted greater roughness, aggregation, and residue cover as compared with intensive tillage. Although no tillage appeared to be the most effective management strategy for mitigating wind erosion, no tillage was not a sustainable practice due to lack of weed control. No tillage also resulted in the formation of an organic layer on the soil surface over the past 20 years, which has important ramifications for long term crop production in the subarctic where the mean annual temperature is <0 °C.  相似文献   

长沙生态条件下籼爪交杂交稻在整精米率、精米长宽比、垩白粒率、垩白面积率、碱消值和直链淀粉含量方面表现为正向超亲优势;在精米长宽比、碱消值和直链淀粉含量方面表现为正向对照优势。三亚生态条件下籼爪交杂交稻在糙米率、总精米率、情米长宽比和胶稠度方面表现出正向对照优势,三亚籼爪交杂交稻的糙米率、总精米率、整精米率、精米长宽比和胶稠度对照优势极显著高于长沙相应性状的对照优势;三亚的垩白粒率对照优势显著高于长沙的垩白粒率对照优势;三亚的碱消值和直链淀粉含量对照优势显著低于长沙相应性状的对照优势。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM), typically quantified as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), has been hypothesized to play many roles in pedogenesis and soil biogeochemical cycles, however, most research to date concerning forest soils has focussed on the high molecular weight (HMW) components of this DOM. This review aims to assess the role of low molecular weight (LMW) DOM compounds in the C dynamics of temperate and boreal forest soils focussing in particular on organic acids, amino acids and sugars. The current knowledge of concentrations, mineralization kinetics and production rates and sources in soil are summarised. We conclude that although these LMW compounds are typically maintained at very low concentrations in the soil solution (<50 μM), the flux through this pool is extremely rapid (mean residence time 1-10 h) due to continued microbial removal. Due to this rapid flux through the soil solution pool and mineralization to CO2, we calculate that the turnover of these LMW compounds may contribute substantially to the total CO2 efflux from the soil. Moreover, the production rates of these soluble transitory compounds could exceed HMW DOM production. The possible impact of climate change on the behaviour of LMW compounds in soil is also discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing fertilizer costs have prompted farmers to ask whether soils could be maintained at lower levels of plant‐available phosphorus (Olsen P) than currently recommended without losing yield. To help answer this question, we assessed the response to Olsen P by spring barley grown from 1986 to 1991, followed by winter wheat from 1992 to 2008, on a silty clay loam soil. Each year the curve relating grain yield to Olsen P was fitted statistically to determine the asymptotic yield and the Olsen P associated with 98% of that yield, that is, the critical level of Olsen P. The variance accounted for by the relationship ranged between 83 and 97% in all but two years, suggesting that the availability of soil P was the major soil factor affecting yield and that Olsen P was a reliable measure of plant‐available P in soil. Asymptotic annual yield of spring barley ranged from 2.34 to 7.12 t/ha and of winter wheat from 3.87 to 10.36 t/ha. In part, this range in yields was because of changes in the cultivar grown while the range of yields for any one cultivar was probably due to differences in weather, principally rainfall, between years. Critical Olsen P ranged from 7 to 18 mg/kg for both cereal crops (with one outlier at 26 mg/kg for winter wheat) most probably due to seedbed and soil structure conditions affecting root growth, and thus acquisition of available soil P, and the way these soil factors were affected by weather. Thus, a general recommendation for cereals grown on this silty clay loam, which is comparatively easy to cultivate, would be to maintain Olsen P at about 20 mg/kg in the plough layer to minimize the risk of losing yield in some years. This value, 20 mg/kg, equivalent to 20 mg/L, is the midpoint of P Index 2, the recommended P Index given in the Fertiliser Manual (RB209) (Defra 2010) for soils growing arable crops and grass in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

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