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D. Rantzer J. Svendsen 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2013,63(3):175-183
The effect of weaning pigs in pens with slatted versus solid floor dung alleys, and of moving at weaning, was studied on pigs from 201 litters. Weaning was at 5 weeks and no litters were mixed. Four treatments were performed: slatted + moved, slatted + not moved, solid + moved and solid + not moved. Pen hygiene was significantly better in the slatted floor pens and morbidity significantly lower. There were no significant differences in mortality or in daily weight gain. Escherichia coli-associated diarrhoea was the major cause of disease and death, and joint inflammation was also of importance. It was concluded that slatted flooring improved pen hygiene and reduced morbidity due to gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, moving the pigs at weaning to cleaned, slatted floor pens may further reduce disease problems. 相似文献
The validity of producer-recorded preweaning mortality causes was evaluated in 31 Danish sow herds. For 1206 piglets producer-recorded preweaning mortality cause was compared with post-mortem diagnosis. The predominant preweaning mortality causes at post-mortem were injury (trauma, lain on, and savaged), miscellaneous (unknown, starvation, illthrift, euthanasia, and low viability), and diarrhoea, with 391, 219, and 119 recordings, respectively. The sensitivity of producer-recorded preweaning mortality causes was generally low, and further analyses showed that the probability of being born alive and the probability of being given ‘a producer diagnosis other than unknown’ were associated with the herd and that a correct producer-recorded mortality cause relative to the post-mortem diagnosis depended on the mortality cause. Rare mortality causes with primarily internal signs tended to be misclassified. The producers often gave ‘a diagnosis other than unknown’ to pigs with a weight at death under 0.75kg and it was often correct. To pigs with a weight at death over 1.75kg, they rarely gave ‘a diagnosis other than unknown’, but when they did it was often correct. 相似文献
K. E. Bøe I. Kvaal E. J. S. Hall G. M. Cronin 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2016,66(4):221-230
This research investigated individual differences in dunging patterns in loose-housed lactating sows. Farrowing pens were divided into six sectors and in study 1 each sector was given a dung score from 0 (no manure) to 3 (≥2 deposits). There were significant positive correlations between dung score and the weight of manure within sectors. In study 2, pen cleanliness was scored in 24 farrowing pens for loose-housed sows on three consecutive days in weeks 3, 4 and 5 of lactation (9 observations). One-third of the sows received a dung score of 0 for the solid floor area, in seven to nine of the observations. These sows could be categorized as ‘clean’ sows. However, 46% of sows scored 0 in the solid floor area for less than two observations, and these sows could be categorized as ‘dirty’ sows. Overall, older parity sows were ‘cleaner’ than gilts and mid-parity sows. 相似文献
The effects of floor heating at parturition on sow and piglet behaviour in pens were examined in a Danish production herd. A total of 50 gilts and sows were split into two groups; one (n = 25) experienced no treatment; one (n = 25) was exposed to floor heating in the area of the sow around parturition. The sows and piglets were recorded on video 24 h a day for behavioural analyses.Floor heating tended to improve piglet weight at weaning (P = 0.05) but did not affect average daily gain. Piglets in pens with floor heating were more often in proximity of the sow at posture changes than piglets from pens without floor heating on day one postpartum (P = 0.01). Floor heating did not affect duration of parturition or any of the recordings of sow behaviour significantly. 相似文献
Lise Dybkjær Anne N. W. Olsen Finn Møller Karin H. Jensen Mette Giersing 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2013,63(2):83-91
The effects of group size during pregnancy (12 or 24 sows) and introduction methods on behaviour in multi-suckling pens were studied. The introduction methods were: A) (control) all sows and piglets were moved simultaneously to the multi-suckling pen on day 11 after farrowing; B) sows and piglets were moved simultaneously on day 14 after farrowing; C) sows were moved simultaneously and, two hours later, all piglets were moved simultaneously on day 11 after farrowing; D) each sow and her litter were moved separately at three-hours intervals on day 11 after farrowing. The effects of group size during pregnancy interacted with the effects of introduction method. When housed in groups of 12 during pregnancy, treatments B-D resulted in more initiated, but fewer successful nursings compared to A. However, when sows had been housed in groups of 24 during pregnancy, increased age (B) resulted in a decreased number of initiated nursings compared to A, but an increased nursing synchrony. The results indicate that it is possible to affect behaviour in multi-suckling pens through the social environment during pregnancy and by the choice of introduction method. 相似文献
以民和县种畜场的哺乳仔猪为材料,从仔猪初生重,仔猪死亡时间和母猪产仔胎次三个角度对仔猪断奶前死亡原因进行了系统分析。 相似文献
不同胎次长白母猪的繁殖性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对长白母猪不同胎次的繁殖性能的研究结果表明:长白母猪的繁殖性能以第一胎最低,随胎次增加繁殖性能提高,至第4~6胎达到高峰,以后逐胎下降。建议长白母猪在产完8胎后立即淘汰,以提高生产效益。 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of cysteamine on growth performance of preweaning piglets and gastric expression of ghrelin mRNA in vivo and in vitro. Twelve litters of newborn piglets were allocated randomly to control and treatment groups. From 15 d of age, piglets in the control group were fed basal creep diet, whereas the treatment group received basal diet supplemented with 120 mg cysteamine per kg of diet until weaning on 35 d of age. Body weight gain, creep feed consumption, and diarrhea rates were recorded, and gastric mucosal tissues were collected for quantifying mRNA expression. To evaluate the direct effect of cysteamine on gastric ghrelin expression, primary cultures of gastric mucosal cells isolated from 35-d-old piglets were exposed to cysteamine for 20 h at 0, 1, 10, and 100 μg/mL, respectively. Dietary cysteamine increased (P < 0.05) average daily creep feed consumption and BW gain in preweaning pigs, which was accompanied by reduction in diarrhea rates. At 35 d of age, piglets treated with cysteamine showed increased (P < 0.05) ghrelin and gastrin and decreased (P < 0.05) somatostatin mRNA expression in gastric mucosa. Moreover, dietary cysteamine treatment increased serum concentration of gastrin (P < 0.05). In vitro, cysteamine significantly increased ghrelin mRNA expression in gastric mucosal cells at the concentration of 10 μg/mL. In conclusion, dietary cysteamine is effective in improving the growth performance and health condition of preweaning piglets, which is associated with its stimulatory effects on gastric ghrelin mRNA expression both in vivo and in vitro. 相似文献
J. Arango I. Misztal S. Tsuruta M. Culbertson J.W. Holl W. Herring 《Livestock Science》2006,101(1-3):208-218
Individual records from 49,788 Large White piglets were used to evaluate preweaning mortality and its relationship with birth weight (BW). Preweaning mortality included farrowing mortality (TM) was also divided into stillbirth (SB), early (EM), late (LM) and total (ELM) preweaning mortality. Farrowing mortality was also studied as a sow's trait as number of piglets born dead (NBD). Threshold-linear models were used via MCMC. Traits included (1) TM-BW, (2) SB-ELM-BW, (3) SB-EM-LM and (4) NBD-ELM-BW. Model for BW included parity number, litter size, sex, contemporary group (farm-farrowing year-month), litter, and direct and maternal additive genetic effects. For mortality traits, litter effect was of the nursing litter for cross-fostered piglets (4.9%). Models for SB (2, 3) and NBD (4) excluded the effect of sex. In Model 3, BW was fitted as covariable for EM and LM. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability for BW were 0.03–0.06 and 0.14–0.19; and for mortality traits 0.03–0.12 and 0.08–0.12. Direct-maternal correlations were negative for all traits. Genetic correlations between all mortality traits were positive. Results confirmed the importance of BW for the genetic evaluation of piglet mortality. Early mortality is a good candidate for improvement of TM because of larger heritability and high genetic correlations with other mortality traits. It is most efficient to treat SB at sow level and preweaning mortality at the piglet level. 相似文献
This study is based on 12708 first-parity and 7062 second-parity Yorkshire litters from Swedish nucleus herds; and on 1037 first-parity Yorkshire litters from an experimental herd. Gestation length was analysed together with litter size, piglet mortality and average piglet growth rate. A sire–dam model was used to estimate direct (litter) and maternal (sow) genetic effects. Direct heritability for gestation length was 0.3. Maternal heritability was estimated at 0.2 in nucleus data and 0.3 in experimental data. The maternal genetic correlation between gestation length and litter size was negative. The genetic correlations between gestation length and number stillborn were not consistent between the two data sets. Genetic correlations between gestation length and number dead after birth were negative. Genetic correlations between gestation length and average birth weight and piglet growth rate were positive. We conclude that gestation length is influenced by the genotype of the piglets and the genotype of the sow. Selection for prolonged gestation would probably improve piglet survival after birth and piglet growth; it might, however, result in more stillbirths. 相似文献
L. Dybjær A. N. W. Olsen F. Møller K. H. Jensen 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2013,63(2):134-141
This study investigated the effects of housing farrowing sows in either crates (C-sows) or a get-away system (G-sows) until day 11 after farrowing on the subsequent behaviour in multi-suckling pens. Emphases were placed on nursing behaviour patterns of relevance for the piglets' growth and survival in the multi-suckling pens. Ten groups of six sows were used. Behaviour was recorded for 24 h on days 1, 8 and 15 after the introduction to the multi-suckling pen. When the sows had farrowed in the get-away system significantly more nursings were initiated in the multi-suckling pen. Furthermore, the G-sows terminated a significantly smaller percentage of the nursings in the multi-suckling pens and there was significantly less cross-suckling compared with pens with C-sows. G-sows also tended (P = 0.08) to lose fewer piglets in the multi-suckling pens than C-sows. In conclusion, the results suggest that nursing behaviour in multi-suckling pens may be improved when the sows farrow in get-away systems as compared with crates. 相似文献
J. Stefanowska D. Swierstra A. C. Smits J. V. Van Den Berg J. H. M. Metz 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Sciences》2013,63(2):57-64
Now that group housing is replacing individual crates, so that calves can lie, stand and walk on the pen floor, the quality of the floor for group-housed calves has become the focus of attention. The reaction of two groups of four calves to a double area of floor made from two materials (wooden slats and synthetic slats with a rubber coating) was examined round the clock for 5 days. The calves were switched between pens twice, and in each case the 5 day observation period was repeated. In all three phases all calves spent significantly more time ( P <0.01) lying on the wooden floor: on average 656 min day -1 compared with 294 min day -1 on the synthetic floor. The time spent in the standing/walking position on both floors, occurrence of slip incidents and self-maintenance behaviour did not differ significantly between floors. The observations on use of the pen floor for lying and for standing/walking in combination with feeding, plus observations on fouling of the floors with excreta suggest that future pen design could be functionally divided into lying and walking/eating areas. 相似文献
Rolling behaviour of sows in relation to piglet crushing on sloped versus level floor pens 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lone Danholt Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen Mai Britt Friis Nielsen Anders Ringgaard Kristensen 《Livestock Science》2011,141(1):59-68
The study focused on the rolling behaviour of sows and the crushing of piglets by sows' rolling behaviour. The experiment examined the influence of sloped floor in loose housed farrowing pens on the rolling behaviour of sows and crushing of piglets. The experimental unit was made up of 24 pens. There were two experimental pen designs with piglet creep in the corner of the pen and piglet creep across the end of the pen, respectively. Both of the experimental pen designs had a 10% sloped floor in the sow's resting area. The two control pen designs were identical to the experimental pen designs, but with a level floor. The behaviour of 85 sows and their litters was continuously video recorded. Behavioural observations were made from birth of the first piglet and until 3 days after birth of the first piglet. Rolling behaviour of sows caused significantly more trapped piglets under the sow than lying down from standing (P = 0.04). Rolling behaviour caused 64% of the trapped piglets and lying down from standing caused 36% of the trapped piglets. Rolling from udder to side without protection trapped significantly more piglets than rolling from udder to side near slanted wall or piglet protection rails and rolling from side to udder (P < 0.001). With a certain pen design sloped floor reduced rolling from udder to side without protection (P = 0.007) and reduced the number of trapped piglets (P = 0.01), but results concerning lying behaviour showed that sloped floor pushed sows to rest on the level part of the floor. The results indicate that rolling behaviour that crushes piglets can be reduced, and sows prefer to lie on a level floor. 相似文献
The results of 5732 records of kids born between 1985 and 1996 at Gardel Agricultural Experiment Station (INRA) in Guadeloupe, were used in order to estimate the effect of kidding day (KD) on individual preweaning growth performances, total productivity of Creole goats and litter size. The flock was subjected to a restricted mating season for a long time, by using male effect. The results of the fixed linear model showed a highly significant (P<0.001) effect of KD on growth rate and total productivity of does. Live weights of kids born around the 21st day of the kidding period (KP) was 4% to 7% higher than those of kids born the first day of the KP. For total productivity of does, this ratio did not reached more than 4%. The optimum at 70 days of age occurred around 14th day of the KD with 3% of improvement of total productivity. No effect was observed upon litter size. The genetic (co)variance components were estimated by six different Individual Animal Models. The heritability (h2) estimated from the best model, was hD2=0.25±0.05 for genetic direct effect; hM2=0.09±0.04 for genetic maternal effect and the genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects was −0.86±0.12. The use of KD could be highly recommended in a breeding program in this population of Creole meat goats, since it is quite easy to record under commercial conditions as a character related to reproductive performance. 相似文献
The influence of the environment on dairy cow behavior, claw health and herd lameness dynamics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Free stall housing increases the exposure of dairy cows’ claws to concrete walk-ways and to manure between periods of rest, and generally shows the highest rate of lameness compared with other dairy management systems. However, there is great variation within a system, and the rate of new cases of lameness can be reduced to very low levels provided time spent resting per day is maximized through good stall design, access to stalls through stocking density control and comfortable transition cow facilities, limiting the time spent milking, provision of adequate heat abatement, and good leg hygiene. Sand bedded stalls are useful as they also permit lame cows to maintain adequate daily rest. Rubberized alley flooring surfaces benefit the cow by reducing claw wear and trauma compared to concrete, making them ideal for parlor holding areas and long transfer lanes and walk ways. However, caution is required when using rubber floors in pens with uncomfortable stalls due to apparent adverse effects on cow time budgets, which may in turn have a detrimental effect on lameness. 相似文献
今年,生猪养殖陷入“猪周期”亏损困境,生猪价格一再创下近年新低、养殖重度亏损,市场表现出来的价格涨跌规律也与往年不同。为此,笔者专门采访了省内部分养殖、屠宰企业负责人,调查了解目前当前的生猪生产状况、市场变化产生原因,提出了养殖业在新的发展时期应该采取的对策。 相似文献