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针对内蒙古阴山北麓农牧交错带土壤风蚀严重的问题,研究了带状留茬间作的防风蚀效果,通过测定风速、地表粗糙度和土壤风蚀量,揭示不同留茬高度对留茬地和相邻裸露地的防风蚀效果.结果表明,随着留茬高度的增加,作物残茬带近地表风速降低,且留高茬(30 cm)效果最明显;随着测定高度的增加,同一留茬高度对风速的降低程度减小.地表粗糙度随留茬高度的增加而增大,留高茬地(30 cm)和邻高茬裸地的地表粗糙度分别较对照增加了466.67%和126.98%.土壤风蚀量随留茬高度的增加而减少,留高茬地(30 cm)和邻高茬裸地的风蚀量分别较对照减少了90.21%和65.51%.因此,作物残茬既增强了自身带的防风蚀效果,又在一定程度上保护了邻茬裸露带,留茬高度30 cm时防风蚀效果最好,对相邻裸露带的保护作用最明显.  相似文献   

Seedbanks of five weed species were monitored in response to tillage and crop rotations in a semi-arid location in northern Jordan. Tillage practices of mouldboard- or chisel-plowing and cropping patterns of barley (Hordeum vulgare) planting or fallow were evaluated on permanently established subplots. Soil samples were collected from the upper 10 cm for three consecutive years, immediately after performing tillage and prior to planting. Soil seedbanks of the five dominant weed species (Anthemis palestina, Diplotaxis erucoides, Hordeum marinum, Rhagadiolus stellatus, and Trigonella caelesyriaca) were estimated by recovering viable seeds through greenhouse and laboratory procedures. At initiation, more viable seeds were present in soil subjected to mouldboard plowing than chisels plowing. In the following two sampling seasons, significant rotation by tillage interaction affected the seedbank of each species. Generally, mouldboard plowing increased weed seedbanks when combined with frequent fallowing. Conversely, chisel plowing combined with barley cropping generally reduced weed seedbank sizes. Results emphasized the importance of managing weeds during fallow to avoid the build up of H. marinum, a serious grass weed in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

采用P(P -1)/2 完全双列杂交设计对6 个白桦优良个体生长性状进行一般配合力( GCA) 和特殊配合力(SCA) 分析,结果表明:2个性状同时受加性和非加性效应控制。同一亲本不同性状的一般配合力差异较大,同一性状在不同亲本间的一般配合力差异也比较大,在6个亲本中Q2 是最好的亲本,M2次之。同一性状不同组合和同一组合各性状的SCA 效应值均有较大差异,试验中苗高地径的特殊配合力最高的是8×Q1,苗高地径两个性状的一般配合力均高于特殊配合力,苗高地径的遗传力属于高强度遗传力,可以进行早期选择。  相似文献   

Tillage systems can influence weed seed viability and the distribution with depth of weed seeds in soil. To investigate this ‘tillage effect’, weed seed bank composition was determined at two soil depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm) in three tillage systems [mouldboard plough (MP), shallow tillage (ST), and direct drilling (DD)] established for 14 years on a sandy loam (Podzol) in Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Canada. The cropping system was a cool-season soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) in rotation with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The objectives were to evaluate the size and composition of the viable soil seed bank, using the seedling germination method, and to determine if the adoption of non-inversion tillage practices (DD and ST) influence seed bank parameters relative to the conventional full inversion MP. The diversity of weed species was slightly lower for MP (17 species) compared to the ST (21 species) and DD treatments (22 species). The population for most weed species was relatively low with only three common species [low cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum L.), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens L.), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.)] above 5 m−2. For the total soil depth sampled (0–20 cm), weed seed population was significantly greater under DD (56 weeds m−2) and ST (66 weeds m−2), compared to MP (25 weeds m−2), and mainly related to changes in the number of annual broadleaf weeds, compared to perennial broadleaf and grasses. Comparison of the 0–10 with the 10–20 cm soil depth showed a relatively uniform weed seed distribution for the MP treatment, while a greater proportion of weed seeds was found at the lower soil depth for DD and ST. This distribution tended to be weed species dependent. Soil texture and weed seed characteristics were considered to have a critical impact on the total weed seed bank size, specifically for the 10–20 cm soil depth. Overall, the weed bank size was relatively small indicating that adoption of conservation tillage practices for sandy loams in Atlantic Canada should not cause a major change in weed community and weed populations, or present a need for significant changes in weed control management.  相似文献   

2022年春季(3-5月),全国平均气温为12.1℃,为1961年以来最高值。其中3月上旬、中旬和4月上旬气温异常偏高,5月中旬气温明显偏低,为典型倒春寒年。全国平均降水量为154.0mm,较常年同期偏多,其中四川降水量为1961年以来历史同期最多。全国平均日照时数为649.2h,接近常年同期。北方冬麦区光热条件适宜,墒情较好,播种期推迟的冬小麦苗情持续转化升级,气象条件总体利于小麦生长发育和产量形成;春播区大部水热条件适宜,阶段性低温影响偏轻,利于作物播种出苗,春播进度总体快于上年,幼苗长势良好。南方冬麦区大部成熟收获期多晴好天气,麦收进展顺利。辽宁西部等地出现明显旱情。春季后期江汉东部、江淮南部、华南西部和西南地区等地出现强降水。西南地区南部多阴雨寡照天气。春末华北东部、黄淮等地部分麦区出现干热风天气,对部分地区春播和冬小麦后期灌浆有一定不利影响。  相似文献   


Placement of seeds on a firm, moist seedbed bottom has proved important for crop establishment in spring in Sweden. However, most modern seed drills can place the seed at the desired depth independent of a firm seedbed bottom. This was not the case with older equipment. In this work, the importance of a firm seedbed bottom was evaluated, where germination of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under dry weather conditions was studied on a clay, a silty clay loam and a sandy loam with or without a firm seedbed bottom. The experiments were carried out in lysimeters protected from precipitation. Time-domain reflectometry was used for soil water content measurements, and thermocouples to monitor soil temperature. A firm seedbed bottom greatly improved seed germination on the clay soil with a small content of plant available water, but not on the other soils. On all soils, a loose seedbed bottom increased maximum surface soil temperature.  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同留茬高度小叶锦鸡儿生长和光合生理的变化规律,揭示不同留茬高度下小叶锦鸡儿生长和光合能力的强弱,探索其平茬时的最适留茬高度,为寻求合理抚育管理措施、指导小叶锦鸡儿生产实践提供理论依据.[方法]选择2003年人工种植小叶锦鸡儿为研究材料,设置未平茬(CK)、留茬高度5cm(T1),10 cm(T2),15 ...  相似文献   

对3个不同品质类型的春小麦品种在籽粒灌浆过程进行温度处理。结果表明,温度略低时(比对照低2.5℃),3个品种千粒重均增加,温度继续降低(比对照低5℃),3个品种千粒重,主穗和单株粒重均下降。随温度升高,千粒重,主穗和单株粒重均下降,3个品种籽粒蛋白质含量随温度升高均明显增加。温度略低时变化不明显,温度继续降低时,高蛋白品种Roblin和东农7742蛋白质含量增加,而低蛋白品种新克旱9号无显著变化。  相似文献   

在籽粒灌浆过程中对3个不同品质类型的春小麦品种进行遮光处理。结果表明,3个品种产量均随灌浆期光照度增大而增加.而蛋白质含量则随光照增大而下降,原因是产量的提高稀释了蛋白质含量。  相似文献   

研究生态条件和采种期对党参种子产量及其构成因素的影响,可以确定党参种子生产适宜生态区域和采种期。我们以海拔为主区、采收期为副区采取裂区试验设计研究了不同海拔和采种期对党参种子产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,当海拔为1 920~2 200 m时党参采种量较高,当海拔2 200 m以上则不利于党参结种;低海拔区域1 922~2 000 m的果实成熟度高,成熟度受采集地生态条件影响明显。党参单株果实数、单株产种量随海拔升高呈增加趋势,当海拔达到2 000 m时党参单株果实数最多,为62.77个;单株产种量最高,为2.25 g。当海拔达到2 000 m、采种期为10月15日时,党参产种量最高,为481 kg/hm2。在高海拔下采种期可以适当提前至10月5日。因此,党参种子生产适宜的海拔区域为2 000~2 200 m范围的生态区,在此海拔下10月中旬是适宜的采种期。  相似文献   

Rosemary is an important aromatic and spice plant. Its cultivation for production of its essential oil has gained importance in recent years. An experiment was conducted in a red sandy loam (Kandiustalf) soil to study the impact of cultivation of this multiharvest crop at different nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) application regimes on soil fertility and crop yield at the farm of the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Resource Center, Bangalore, during 2003–2005. The treatments consisted of all combinations of N levels (0, 150, and 300 kg per hectare per year) and K levels (0, 50, and 100 kg per hectare per year). Five harvests were taken at about 5‐month intervals. The results showed that initially the soil alone was able to meet the crop requirements for K, but with the progress of time, addition of K to the soil in the form of fertilizer became necessary for obtaining optimum yields. At the end of five harvests, exchangeable K in soil was significantly lower as application of K decreased from 100 to 50 and 0 kg per hectare per year. Soil fertility could be maintained and oil yields of rosemary from four harvests could be increased from 146.6 L to 344.7 L per hectare by application of 150 kg N and 100 kg K.  相似文献   

蚯蚓黏液对黑麦草幼苗生长及其对菲吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
史志明  马丽丽  胡飞龙  胡锋 《土壤》2013,45(6):1091-1096
以50 mg/kg菲人工污染黄棕壤为供试土壤,设置添加蚯蚓黏液处理和不添加蚯蚓黏液对照((CK)),研究蚯蚓黏液对黑麦草幼苗生长及吸收菲的影响,添加蚯蚓黏液处理根据蚯蚓黏液浓度设置4个水平,分别为蚯蚓黏液原液浓度的2/8,3/8,1/2和1倍。结果显示:①蚯蚓黏液促进了黑麦草幼苗的生长,根系鲜重比对照增加了33.6% ~ 146%,地上部和整株生物量鲜重比对照增加了12.4% ~ 35.8% 和34.5% ~ 59.6%;②显著降低了根部菲的浓度,约23.0% ~ 49.0%,促进了黑麦草对菲的吸收,使吸收量比对照增加了约62.8%;③降低了黑麦草根系对菲的富集系数,与对照相比降低约33.7% ~ 52.6%,提高了菲在黑麦草体内的传输系数,约54.0% ~ 102.0%。  相似文献   

Summary The development of a number of components was analysed in an agro-ecosystem study with four cropping regimens, barley without and with N fertilization, grass ley, and lucerne. A great variation in N inputs (1–39 g N m-2 year-1) and cropping systems produced a variation in primary production (260–790 g C m-2 year-1) and input of organic material to the soil (150–270 g C m-2 year-1). This was reflected in variations of total soil animal biomass (1.6–5.1 g C m-2) and in variations in the abundance of various animal groups, nematodes (5.6–9.8×106m-2), micro- (2.6–4.8×10-4 m-2), and macroarthropods (0.9–4.2×103 m-2). In contrast, total bacteria, fungi, flagellates, and amoebae varied quite independently of the organic matter input. Mineralization processes covaried more with C and N inputs and total animal biomass than with microbial biomass. it is suggested that the rather constant microbial biomass was a result of an adjustment in the grazing pressure of microbial-feeding animals to the level of microbial production.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. W. Kühnelt  相似文献   

对3个不同品质和产量类型的春小麦品种在籽粒灌浆过程进行水分处理。结果表明,高产品种东农7742和新克旱9号产量均随水分增多而增加,水分较少时增加明显,水分较多时变化趋缓;低产品种Roblin的产量在灌水量为80mm水平时达最大,此后随水分增多而下降。东农7742和新克旱9号蛋白质含量随水分增多呈下降趋势,而Roblin的变化较小。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 on a Black Chernozem (Udic Boroll) silty clay soil at Melfort, Saskatchewan, to determine the effects of seeding date on forage dry-matter yield (DMY) and quality [protein and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents] of four annual crops [barley (Hordium vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), triticale (×?Triticosecale Wittmack L.), and foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv; hereafter called Golden German millet)] with various maturities as well as different growing-season temperature and moisture requirements. Seeding date had a significant effect on forage DMY of all four crops in each 2002 and 2003. In 2002, the greatest forage DMY for barley, oat, triticale, and Golden German millet was achieved on 3 July, 22 June, 3 July, and 24 May, respectively. In 2003, the greatest forage DMY was from the 24 May seeding date for all four crops. In both 2002 and 2003, protein content in forage tended to decrease as DMY increased in all crops. In 2002, protein content in forage tended to be greater for the cereals with the early seeding dates and lowest days to harvest. The greatest protein content in forage for Golden German millet occurred at the latest seeding date but the fewest days to harvest. In 2003, the greatest protein content in forage occurred at the latest seeding date and fewest days to maturity for all four crops. In both 2002 and 2003, ADF content in forage responded inversely to protein content in forage. The ADF content in forage tended to increase as DMY of all crops increased and days to harvest increased. The seeding date for maximum DMY of cool-season crops was greatly influenced by the growing-season conditions in this study whereas the seeding date of the one warm-season crop was not. In conclusion, the findings suggest that date of seeding of annual forage crops would affect forage yield, and rainfall distribution throughout the growing season also plays a significant role in annual crop forage yields. As long as there is adequate precipitation later in the growing season, late seeding can also result in good forage yields.  相似文献   

春季切花月季采收期的时间分布特征及预测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在试验确定春季切花月季萌芽日温度指标和月季从萌芽至切花采收所需积温值的基础上,利用历史气象资料,分析研究了海宁切花月季萌芽至达到780℃.d和980℃.d积温采收期的时间分布特征,结果表明:由于月季切花采收期的年际迟早差别,会造成切花月季生产效益的较大差异。通过建立海宁春季切花月季采收期的两种预测模型,为相应农艺措施的采取提供依据。  相似文献   

在山西临汾、襄汾采用大区对比法研究了土壤质地、耕作方式及茬口对小麦播前土壤贮水量的影响。结果表明:夏闲制不同土壤质地的传统土壤耕作方式,小麦播前0-200cm的各主要土壤层面的贮水量为中粘土〉中壤土〉轻壤土;夏季复播制的土壤质地和复播作物对小麦播前贮水量的影响以土壤质地〉复播作物种类;夏闲制不同土壤耕作方式的小麦播前贮水量以浅旋灭茬〉免耕〉隔行深松〉传统耕作〉全耕层深松。不同春播作物茬口小麦播前的贮水量以地黄茬贮水量最高,其次为丹参茬,棉花茬较差。该项研究为小麦播前土壤贮水量的恢复选择夏季复播制的土壤质地、夏闲制合理的土壤耕作方式和春播作物茬口提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Research efforts aim to enhance fundamental understanding about the role of salt in cereal products. Such knowledge may open new strategies for salt reduction in respective product categories. A model system, containing pregelatinized starch, glucose, and amino acids heated at 230°C for up to 10 min demonstrated that NaCl leads to darker products compared with the same model heated without NaCl (P < 0.05). The same trend was observed in wheat breakfast cereal flakes toasted at 230°C. The present study investigated two hypotheses how salt may influence color formation through Maillard Reaction: 1) hygroscopic behavior of salt may change the retention of water during heating and encourage Maillard reactions by improving mobility of reactants; 2) salt has a plasticizing effect and the presence of salt might keep the product in a rubbery state longer while heating, hence improving mobility and Maillard reactions of reactants. The same models (pregelatinized starch, glucose, and amino acids) mixed with several types of plasticizers (NaCl, KCl, or trehalose) and a blank without plasticizer were made and heat‐treated under controlled conditions. The presence of plasticizers always led to darker products but no correlation was found between color formation, the hygroscopic behavior of the system, and its glass transition temperature as measured by phase transition analyzer.  相似文献   

为探索和验证未来气候变化对半干旱雨养区春小麦生产的影响,了解春小麦生长发育和产量对增温和降水减少协同响应的基本特征,采用开放式红外增温系统装置和水分控制观测场,设置不同温度[增温0℃(对照)、增温1.0℃、增温2.0℃]和水分梯度(正常降水、降水减少30%)模拟气候变化对半干旱区春小麦产量、生物量、穗部性状以及株高、叶面积、叶绿素和叶片净光合速率的影响。结果表明:温度升高和降水减少在春小麦的籽粒产量和生物产量上均表现出显著的协同作用。在不增温、增温1.0℃、增温2.0℃下降水减少30%处理比正常降水处理分别减产24.41%、12.93%和27.38%,生物量分别减少19.25%、10.31%和22.11%。因为籽粒产量的降幅略大于生物产量的降幅,所以导致经济系数降低。温度升高和降水减少抑制了春小麦穗的形成,在各增温条件下,穗长、穗重、总小穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重表现为降水减少30%处理低于正常降水处理,而无效小穗数和不孕率表现为降水减少30%处理高于正常降水处理。温度升高和降水减少的协同作用对春小麦叶片净光合速率有极显著影响,对叶面积和叶绿素含量有显著影响。二因子协同作用使春小麦叶片净光合速率降低,导致春小麦株高、叶面积、叶绿素含量和茎秆重降低。研究结果可为进一步开展气候变暖下春小麦的响应与适应研究和未来半干旱区春小麦的安全种植提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The influence of moisture and salinity of quartz sand on activation of the CO2 emission and water consumption by seeds of spring wheat (Triticum), winter rye (Secále cereále), triticale (Triticosecale), and spring barley (Hórdeum) treated by a stimulant was studied under conditions of a model experiment. It was found that the seeds treated with a stimulant get advantages in the development upon a decrease in the water content of quartz sand. However, in the case of sand salinization, stimulant application did not lead to acceleration of seed development. The deficiency of moisture in saline sand also resulted in the increase of stimulant application efficiency. It was supposed that optimum moisture contents of quartz sand for seed germination and for the development of endophytic microorganisms do not coincide: active development of endophytic microorganisms stimulating seed development began under a lower moisture in comparison with that of the active seed development. Thus, active development of endophytic microorganisms upon the low moisture content mitigates the deceleration of seed development in the case of water deficiency. Hence, application of the microbial stimulant for seeds should be efficient in the cases, when germination of seeds proceeds under conditions of possible moisture deficiency, i.e., in the regions, where early spring droughts are frequent.  相似文献   

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