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An attempt was made to elucidate the distribution patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria in a paddy-field soil quantitatively by the use of Morishita's -index. It was shown from the -quadrat size relations and (s)/(2s) curves that the bacterial distribution was not uniform nor random, but contagious, forming a small clump or clumps of several sizes, which were estimated to be 8 to 32 mm2.  相似文献   

Soils of the Vorob’evy Gory nature park (Moscow) are characterized by a high content of technogenic ecotoxicants. Dangerous levels of pollution are fixed on ∼60% of soil cover for benzopyrene, ∼40% of soil cover for heavy metals, and ∼6% of soil cover for mineral oils. Besides the total high aerogenic load, the local sources of soil pollution in cities are highways; increased concentrations of heavy metals are also registered near unauthorized dumps. Benzopyrene and mineral oils are characterized by high migratory ability in soils and can form secondary auras of pollution in accumulative landscape facies.  相似文献   

Nematodes and flagellates are important bacterial predators in soil and sediments. Generally, these organisms are considered to be competitors for bacterial food. We studied the interaction among flagellates and nematodes using axenic liquid cultures amended with heat-killed bacteria as food and showed for the first time that a small and common soil flagellate (Cercomonas sp.) is able to attack and kill the much larger nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The killing process is not caused by soluble metabolites but requires direct contact between the flagellate cells and the nematode surface and occurs rapidly (within a few hours) at high flagellate density. At lower flagellate density, adult nematodes sometimes avoid attachment of flagellates, feed on them and become the dominant bacterial predator. Considering that bacterial feeders affect bacterial communities differently, and that one bacterial feeder can control the abundance of another, suggests a new perspective on how bacterial diversity and trophic interactions are linked in the soil food web.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) toxicity in plants is often not a clearly identifiable disorder and it can interfere with the absorption, translocation, and utilization of other elements such as Ca, Mg, Fe, and P. Soil conditions, management factors, and the use of different genotypes of rootstock can determine the degree of Mn toxicity and of interaction with other elements in the orchard. Five plants of the cultivar ‘Big Top’® grafted onto itself, onto plum rootstock ‘Mr.S.2/5’ and onto hybrid peach x almond rootstock ‘GF677’ were grown in 25-L containers under three treatments, 0, 20, 30% concentration of total lime, obtained by mixing powdered CaCO3 to a sandy soil. Plants were fertilized with manure and a solid fertilizer early in April and irrigated in summer periodically with water rich in manganese. After just 28 d, active lime caused a decrease of chlorophyll SPAD index especially in plants grafted on itself, while those grafted on the tolerant ‘GF677’ rootstock behaved better than those grafted on ‘Mr.S.2/5.’ From June to September, irrigation caused increases in soil Mn concentration and Mn concentration in control plants. This caused first a serious defoliation in Big Top / Big Top plants and then a re-greening of cultivar grafted onto ‘Mr.S.2/5’ and ‘GF677,’ probably due to the interaction between iron and manganese at high pH. In particular the 20% CaCO3 addition to the soil preserved the plants of cultivar grafted onto ‘Mr.S.2/5’ from Mn toxicity, as shown by their high chlorophyll content and growth and lower Mn leaf concentrations. Plants grafted onto ‘GF677’ rootstock showed the best behaviour under 30% CaCO3 treatment associated to higher Fe(III)-reducing capacity and photosynthetic activity. Rootstocks and soil conditions (lime and waterlogging) influenced mineral status and growth of the peach cultivar ‘Big Top,’ particularly by interacting together and modifying Fe-Mn availability.  相似文献   


The ‘FHIA-18’ hybrid banana is an alternative for producers as it is resistant to Black Sigatoka and Panama disease. However, few studies report the nutritional requirement of this hybrid, especially phosphorus. It is known that the efficiency of phosphorus use can be improved, reducing the need for application, depending on the genotype cultivated. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the yield and mineral nutrition of ‘FHIA-18’ hybrid banana on phosphate fertilization. A banana orchard with the cultivar ‘FHIA-18’ was conducted on a Typical Red Latosol. Then, triple superphosphate fertilizer was applied on plants at 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60?kg ha?1?year?1, over three productive seasons. At the time of flowering the macro and micronutrient contents of the leaves were evaluated. Subsequently, the nutrient contents of the fruits were evaluated. For this, fruit pulp samples from the third and fourth hands were collected. In addition, yield was estimated considering cluster mass and plant density. The following dose 36?kg ha?1 of P2O5 year?1 increased the content of phosphorus in the leaf, despite that banana hybrid cultivar FHIA 18 demanded 50% of the recommended fertilizer to achieve its maximum yield (29.4 t ha?1?year?1). Phosphate fertilization promoted significant changes in P, Ca, Cu, and Zn contents of leaves and fruits. Therefore, it is concluded that the mineral nutrition of banana ‘FHIA-18’ is affected by phosphate fertilization, as well as requiring less P than recommended to achieve higher yield.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of fertigation on yield, fruit quality and nutrient uptake of ‘Nabbut-Ahmar’ date palm cultivar grown in sandy loam soil. Three fertigation treatments were compared with traditional application. In traditional treatment (CT), the recommended dose [2300 g nitrogen (N), 1200 g phosphorus (P) and 1400 g/tree] was applied as a soil broadcast in three equal doses. The fertigation treatments, (T2), (T3) and (T4), represent all nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) amounts of CT, 2/3 CT and 1/3 CT, respectively that were injected in twelve equal doses. The results showed that compared to CT, the fertigation treatments increased yield/palm by 41%, 31% and 18% for T3, T2 and T4, respectively. Beside the increase in yield, 33% and 66% of the applied fertilizers were saved by T3 and T4, respectively, compared with CT. Feritgation treatments had no negative impact on the overall fruit quality characteristics and even increased total soluble solids (TSS), soluble tannins and total phenols concentrations compared to the conventional fertilization. Availability of NPK increased by fertigation but without further increase in leaves and fruit. In conclusion applying 2/3 of the recommended dose of NPK fertilizers under dry land condition through fertigation maximize yield, quality and fertilizer use efficiency.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at developing preliminary reference values for foliar tissue for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) for `Valencia´ orange in Venezuela, using the Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis system (CND). References values were derived from a database comprising the nutrients concentrations and the yields of `Valencia´ orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) grafted on two different rootstocks, viz., Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana Pasq.), and Cleopatra tangerine (Citrus reshni, Hort. ex. Tan). Cutoff values separating high- and low-yield sub-samples were estimated through modeling the cumulative variance ratio function versus yield relationships with the Boltzmann equation. For macronutrients, the norms developed were dependent upon the inclusion of the micronutrients concentrations in the calculations, and on the rootstocks. Care must thus be exercised, since nutrient indexes, and thus nutritional diagnosis, are based upon proper selection of such values.  相似文献   

The Sicilian grape cultivar ‘Nero d’Avola’ is among the oldest and most cultivated in the island, taking part in the production of several red wines exported worldwide, including DOC wines (Etna Rosso and Cerasuolo di Vittoria). Due to the ancient origin and repeated clonally propagation of the cultivar, phenotypic variability has been observed. Clone identification in this important cultivar has so far relied on phenotypic and chemical traits analyses, often affected by environmental conditions. Genetic markers, such as microsatellites, are particularly useful for cultivar identification, parentage testing, pedigree reconstruction and population structure studies. In the present paper, microsatellites were used to analyze the intra-varietal genetic diversity among 118 plants of ‘Nero d’Avola’, collected in 30 vineyards displaced in different areas of Sicily. Out of 22 microsatellites, 11 showed polymorphism among samples and 15 different phylogenetic groups were identified. Results show that ‘Nero d’Avola’ actually comprises different genetic profiles, although most of clones share a common origin.  相似文献   

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