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Repeated canopy reflectance measurements together with partial least-squares regression (PLSR) were used to predict seed yield in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The measurements were performed during the spring and summer growing seasons of 2001 to 2003 in three field experiments with first year seed crops using three sowing rates and three spring nitrogen (N) application rates. PLSR models were developed for each year and showed correlation coefficients of 0.71, 0.76, and 0.92, respectively. Regression coefficients showed in these experiments that the optimum time for canopy reflectance measurements was from approximately 600 cumulative growing degree-days (CGDD) to approximately 900 CGDD. This is the period just before and at heading of the seed crop. Furthermore, regression coefficients showed that information about N and water is important. The results support the development of an additional N- and water-application model which will calculate the application rate of N and water according to expected seed yield.  相似文献   


In Denmark, organic vegetable seed production is possible for some of the late-maturing species when the maturing is performed in lightweight tunnels which are also relevant for the isolation of small-scale production. The tunnel system offers several advantages, e.g., it is possible to control water supply and thereby introduce drought at proven optimum times, restrict geneflow through insect- and pollen-proof netting, raise the temperature to prolong the growing season and hence the crop duration, and reduce pest attack by preventing pest entrance to the tunnel. In an experiment, tunnel production of open-pollinated carrot varieties increased the yield and germination percentages when compared with normal field conditions. Yield was in the range of 100–250 g and 2–17 g seeds m?2 respectively, and germination percentage was 84–95 and 43–55, respectively. However, hybrid carrot seed production showed lower yields than did their open-pollinated counterparts. Yields ranging from 60–123 g seeds m?2 can be obtained, but the production needs to be carefully planned and monitored.

Different growing systems in tunnels have been studied in both open-pollinated and hybrid carrot (Daucus carota L.) for their seed production.  相似文献   

介绍杂交水稻晚籼新组合博优253的亲本测253和博A的特征特性;总结出选择适宜的制种地和理想抽穗扬花期、合理安排父母本播种差期、培育多蘖壮秧、合理密植、培育双强高产群体、预测并调整花期及适时适量喷施“九二○”等高产制种的关键技术。  相似文献   

大蒜不同品种干物质生产与氮、磷、钾和硫的吸收特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以三个不同生产目的大蒜品种为试材,于出苗期、花茎伸长期、鳞茎膨大期末取样,测定不同(整个)生长发育阶段的每株干物质增重,每株总干物重和N、P、K、S吸收量,分析了大蒜干物质生产和N、P、K、S吸收特性,以期为合理施肥,制定大蒜优质高产栽培技术提供依据。结果表明:整个生育期早薹蒜2号N、P、K、S的吸收比率为8.96∶1∶5.03∶2.23,苍山蒜为6.01∶1∶2.90∶2.05,苏联2号为5.35∶1∶2.59∶1.83。三个品种大蒜对硫的吸收量大,分别占干重的0.64%、0.77%和0.90%。在花茎伸长期,N、P、K、S的吸收量、吸收比率和干物重比率均为最大。幼苗期干物重比率虽然比鳞茎膨大期小,但早薹蒜2号N、P、K和S的吸收量和吸收比率,苍山蒜N和S的吸收量和吸收比率,苏联2号N、K和S的吸收量和吸收比率高于鳞茎膨大期。而鳞茎膨大期苍山蒜P和K的吸收量和吸收比率,苏联2号P的吸收量和吸收比率高于幼苗期。在经济产量的形成过程中,3个品种对N和K的利用效率不显著;对P和S的利用效率存在显著差异,依次为早薹蒜2号苍山蒜苏联2号。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of studies quantifying the effect of some of the tools available in an integrated weed control strategy focusing on problematic annual grasses in crop rotations with grass seed production. The paper presents the results of experiments demonstrating the influence of competitiveness of the crop on the development of annual grass weeds. The experiments quantify the influence of establishment at different row distance, plant density, sowing depth and cultivar type. The paper further presents the results showing how a change in establishment time from autumn to spring influences the germination rate of four important annual grasses. The study demonstrated that springtime establishment offers the opportunity to reduce problems with Apera spica-venti and Poa trivialis and to a lesser extent with Alopecurus myosuroides and Vulpia myuros. The study further showed that the false seedbed technique can be a very effective tool to reduce problems with annual grasses. The populations of two of the investigated species, P. trivialis and V. myuros, were reduced by almost 80% applying the false seedbed technique. Dependent on the density and species composition of annual grasses expected these IWM tools can be used in strategies to secure a high quality in grass seed production.  相似文献   

A series of experiments on the effects of form and rate of seed row placed phosphorus (P) fertilizer were carried out under controlled environment conditions using flats of a P-deficient Brown Chernozemic soil from Saskatchewan, Canada. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory and growth chamber using rates of seed row placed granular P fertilizer up to 100 kg P2O5 ha?1. Two forms of monoammonium phosphate fertilizer were compared: 1) conventional MAP granules and 2) controlled release phosphorus (CRP) fertilizer granules (Agrium Inc, Denver, CO, USA.) made with a polymer coating to slow the release of phosphate to soil solution. Six crops were utilized in the study to provide a range of commonly grown cereal, oilseed, pulse and forage crops in Western Canada: wheat (Triticum aestivum), canola (Brassica napus), mustard (Brassica juncea), flax (Linum usitatissimum), yellow pea (Pisum sativum) and alfalfa (Medicago sativum). Parameters measured were percentage of planted seeds that had emerged after two weeks, plant biomass yield, and plant P uptake after four weeks. Most of the crops tested showed no negative impact on emergence with seed row placed conventional P fertilizer at rates up to ~20 to 30 kg P2O5 ha?1. Pea, flax and mustard tended to be most sensitive to injury from high rates of seed placed MAP while wheat was least sensitive. The controlled release phosphorus fertilizer (CRP) product greatly increased the tolerance of crops to high rates of seed row placed P, with rates of 80 kg P2O5 ha?1 placed in the seed row producing no significant injury for most crops. This effect is attributed to the coating reducing the harmful salt effect that occurs when high rates of fertilizer are placed in the seed row in close proximity to the seed. Generally, a rate of 30 kg P2O5 ha?1 was sufficient to produce maximum early season biomass yield and P uptake for both conventional MAP and CRP fertilizers. Large differences in early P availability were not evident between the conventional P and controlled released P fertilizer products.  相似文献   

杂交水稻机械化种子生产技术的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
该文回顾分析了国内外杂交水稻制种技术的发展概况,提出中国杂交水稻种子生产技术经历了杂交水稻制种繁种的经验摸索和积累阶段(1973~1980年)、杂交水稻制(繁)种的技术提高和完善阶段(1981~1990年)和杂交水稻制(繁)种的超高产技术研究与推广阶段(1991~至今)等3个发展阶段;国外杂交水稻大面积推广应用与与制种技术研究还在进行之中。认为要提高中国杂交水稻种子质量和种子生产效益及种子生产技术竞争力,今后必须应用推广杂交水稻机械化种子生产技术。至今已进行了除草剂敏感基因导入父本法、抗除草剂基因导入母本法和稻壳颜色标记法的杂交水稻混播机械化制种技术;杂交水稻机械采粉贮粉与授粉制种技术;利用雌性不育系的机械制种技术等。其中杂交水稻混播机械化制种技术已获得小面积成功应用,其余方法还在试验与研究之中。因此,今后需要水稻育种家与农机专家密切合作,进一步深入开展杂交水稻机械化制种技术的研究及推广应用工作。  相似文献   

施磷量对小麦物质生产及吸磷特性的影响   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
在低磷土壤条件下,以中筋小麦扬麦12号和弱筋小麦扬麦9号为材料,研究了施磷量对小麦物质生产和吸磷特性的影响。结果表明,在施磷量(P2O5)0~180.kg/hm2范围内,植株对磷的吸收量、吸收速率和磷的积累量随施磷量增加而上升;以施磷量108.kg/h2处理的叶面积指数(LAI)、植株茎蘖数、茎蘖成穗率、干物质积累量、花后干物质积累量和子粒产量最高。当施磷量超过108.kg/hm2时,相关物质生产指标则呈下降趋势,说明即使在缺磷土壤上,施磷量有其适宜值。小麦一生对磷的吸收存在两个高峰,出苗至越冬始期为第一个吸收高峰,拔节至孕穗期为第二个吸收高峰。植株磷素积累量的70%~75%是在拔节后吸收,表明拔节期施磷对满足小麦第二个吸磷高峰和磷的最大积累期需磷有重要意义。  相似文献   

Given that the optimal sowing rate and inter-row spacing of Italian ryegrass raised for seed have not been determined, the objective of this research was to assess the effect of crop density on biomass and seed yields under different climate conditions, applying the AquaCrop model. The data came from experiments conducted under moderate continental climate conditions at Stitar (Serbia) and Mediterranean climate conditions at Cukurova (Turkey). At Stitar, there were three different inter-row spacings (high (Sd), medium (Sm) and low (Sw) crop densities), while at Cukurova there was only high crop density (Sn). In the calibration process, the initial canopy cover, canopy expansion and maximal canopy cover were adapted to each crop density, while the other conservative parameters were adjusted to correspond to all climate conditions. Calibration results showed a very good match between measured and simulated seed yields; the values of the coefficient of determination (0.922). The biomass simulation was very good for Cukurova (R2 = 0.97), but somewhat poorer for Stitar (R2 = 0.72). Other statistical indicators were high such as Willmott index of agreement of both the calibrated and validated data sets, for both study areas >0.916 and normalized root mean square error in the range from 9–18%. The AquaCrop model was found to be more reliable for Italian ryegrass biomass and seed yield predictions under mild winter climate conditions, with adequate water supply, compared with moderate climate and water shortage conditions.  相似文献   

基于GIS的作物生产管理信息系统   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
在区域作物生产数据库支持下,以MapInfo5.5为系统开发平台,利用MapBasic和VB程序设计语言,建立区域作物生产管理地理信息系统(CPMGIS),CPMGIS包含信息查询、种植区划、系统预测和精确管理4个子系统,把与区域作物生产有关的农业信息与具体的实物地图相结合进行空间分析处理,并通过相关的模型运算进行作物气候区划、生长预测、栽培管理和作物精确管理方案设计等,并以地图或专题地图、数据表格、图形及文字论述3种形式进行结果输出。  相似文献   

介绍无公害农产品(种植业)认证信息登录系统的设计与应用,并对系统的各功能模块进行了说明。系统在实际应用中,能够保障信息传输的高效和安全,并对信息数据进行标准化和动态统计分析,有效地提高信息传输能力和利用率。对目前系统的不足之处提出了进一步完善的建议。  相似文献   

作物种子干燥对种子的安全、保纯、适应性、温度控制精度的要求较高,为此设计了滚筒式作物种子干燥机及以单片机为核心的控制装置。分析了自行研制的滚筒式作物种子干燥机的结构及工作原理,讨论了其自动控制装置在种子干燥过程中的作用及工作原理,介绍了所设计的单片机自动控制装置的硬件电路和控制程序。使用结果表明:该控制装置设计合理,干燥的均匀性好,速度快、能保证种子的纯度,能满足不同作物种子在干燥过程中的安全性及控制精度的要求。  相似文献   

为提高木本粮油植物掌叶木不同种源种子及籽油性状的综合评价结果准确性和评价方法的优选,指导掌叶木优良种源筛选和良种选育,该文构建了一套综合评价模型,对广西乐业、田林、凤山和环江以及贵州独山5个种源掌叶木种子及籽油相关的14项指标采用主成分分析法、因子分析法、离差最大法、熵值法4种单一方法进行评价排序,并对4种方法的评价结果采用均值、Borda、Copeland共3种组合方法进行评价排序,均通过肯德尔和谐系数一致性检验后确定最终评价排序;采用斯皮尔曼等级相关系数对最终评价排序与4种单一方法评价排序进行相关性分析,并筛选最好单一评价方法。结果表明:4种单一评价方法下种源排序虽存在一定差异但通过了肯德尔和谐系数一致性检验;3种组合评价排序均相同,各种源最终评价排序从高到低依次为凤山、乐业、独山、环江、田林。最终评价排序与主成分分析法、因子分析法、离差最大法和熵值法等4种单一方法评价排序的斯皮尔曼等级相关数值分别为1.00、0.90、1.00、0.90,相关性均达到显著水平(P0.05);主成分分析法和熵值法所得种子千粒质量的权重值均列各指标首位。因此,基于4种单一评价方法和3种组合评价方法的综合评模型为多种源掌叶木种子及籽油性状提供更为科学合理的排序结果;从易用、简便和有效性角度,掌叶木种子及籽油性状的最优单一评价方法为熵值法,评价中最重要的指标为种子千粒质量,凤山种源掌叶木种子及籽油性状最优。研究结果可为掌叶木种质资源高效利用提供理论依据,也可为种子及油脂领域综合评价研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

鱼类工厂化循环水人工繁育设施装备应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产种业的高质量发展是推动养殖业发展的基础,现阶段中国鱼类人工繁育生产方式设施装备化程度低,产业大而不强,转型升级的需求迫在眉睫。该研究在文献调研整理的基础上,首先就循环水人工繁育设施装备在亲鱼产卵、鱼卵孵化、鱼苗培育等方面的研究和应用情况展开论述。相对于常规培育方式,循环水系统能够最大程度上构建出符合亲鱼交配和产卵的环境条件,养殖密度0.01~4.5 kg/m3,系统循环率9~76%/h,换水率0.7~3%/d;针对不同性质的鱼卵,介绍了国内外目前常用的孵化器主要有瓶式孵化罐、平列式孵化槽、漏斗式孵化器等,阐明了其适用对象、工作原理和主要性能表现;针对育苗和养殖系统构建需求的差异,综述了目前在循环水育苗设施装备应用研究中关注的重点和难点。其次,概述了中国鱼类人工繁育发展现状和问题,分析了循环水人工繁育技术的优势和面临的挑战。最后提出,鱼类工厂化循环水人工繁育具有较高的可行性和引领性,但是要实现产业化应用仍需要进一步开展基于品种对象的人工繁育环境构建及循环水处理、繁育过程鱼类对环境应激源的生物学响应、智能繁育装备等方面技术攻关和装备研发。  相似文献   

Large quantities of mussel shells(66 000-94 000 t year 1),an alkaline material that can be used as a soil amendment,are generated as waste in Galicia,NW Spain.A field trial was carried out by planting different pasture species in a Haplic Umbrisol using a randomized block design with four blocks and six treatments(not amended control or soil amended with lime,finely ground shell,coarsely ground shell,finely ground calcined shell or coarsely ground calcined shell) to compare the effects of lime and mussel shells additions on a soil with a low cation exchange capacity and high Al saturation.The trial was established in March 2007,and samples of plants and soil were collected when plots were harvested in summer 2008(separating the bulk and rhizosphere soil).The soils were analyzed for pH,total C,total N,available P,exchangeable cations,effective cation exchange capacity and available micronutrients.Dry matter yield was measured in all plots and plants were analyzed for nutrients.Application of mussel shells and the commercial lime resulted in an increase in pH and exchangeable Ca and a decrease in exchangeable Al and Al saturation.The stability of pH over time was high.These effects were most noticeable in the rhizosphere.The amendment also had a positive effect on dry matter yield and concentration of Ca in the plant.  相似文献   

中国种业机械化现状调研与发展分析   总被引:1,自引:10,他引:1  
种业机械化是种业现代化的重要基础和前提,是涵盖品种选育、品种试验、制种生产、种子加工等多环节的系统工程。为了系统梳理中国种业机械化发展成果与存在问题,有效推进种业机械化发展、促进种业现代化建设,该文从田间试验机械化、制种生产机械化、种子加工机械化等方面阐述了国内种业机械化现状调研情况和国际种业机械化发展经验,分析了中国种业机械化存在的主要问题:种业装备企业普遍规模小、装备差、科研投入少,整体水平与国外存在较大差距,装备功能有待扩展、结构设计有待优化、现代化控制水平有待提高等;提出了种业机械化研究重点:1)主要农作物品种试验机械化关键装备研究;2)主要农作物制种生产机械化关键装备研究;3)主要农作物种子低损高效精细加工技术集成研究。指出了"规模化、标准化、集约化、机械化"种子生产是现代种业持续、健康发展的重要保障和基本发展方向。  相似文献   

The effect of ammonium nitrogen concentration in soil solution on the establishment of rice plants was examined. The increase of the concentration decreased the percentage of establishment of seeds sown in submerged soil, although most of seeds sown on submerged soil became established. Therefore, the increase of ammonium nitrogen concentration in soil solution may impair the establishment of seeds sown in submerged soil, which would occur presumably because the increase delays the spear growth and emergence without the decline of soil redox potential. Several seed lots with various nitrogen contents were obtained from rice plants grown under various conditions. The percentage of establishment of low-nitrogen seeds sown in submerged soil was much lower than that of high-nitrogen seeds, especially in soils whose solution contained a large amount of ammonium nitrogen. However, the difference in the percentage of establishment between high- and low-nitrogen seeds sown on submerged soil was much smaller. Therefore, the increase of seed nitrogen content may improve the percentage of establishment of seeds sown in submerged soil, presumably because the increase accelerates the spear growth and emergence. Consequently, for direct sowing in submerged soil, ammonium nitrogen concentration in soil solution should remain low because ammonium nitrogen exerts an adverse effect on seedling establishment, and vigorous seeds with a high nitrogen content should be sown because seed nitrogen exerts a beneficial effect on seedling establishment.  相似文献   

油菜光合生产模拟模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Photosynthetic production is a major determinant of final yield in crop plants. A simulation model was developed for canopy photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) based on the ecophysiological processes and using a three-layer radiation balance scheme for calculating the radiation interception and absorption by the layers of flowers, pods, and leaves within the canopy. Gaussian integration method was used to calculate photosynthesis of the pod and leaf layers, and the daily total canopy photosynthesis was determined by the sum of photosynthesis from the two layers of green organs. The effects of physiological age, temperature, nitrogen, and water deficit on maximum photosynthetic rate were quantified. Maintenance and growth respiration were estimated to determine net photosynthetic production. Partition index of the shoot in relation to physiological development time was used to calculate shoot dry matter from plant biomass and shoot biomass loss because of freezing was quantified by temperature effectiveness. Testing of the model for dynamic dry matter accumulation through field experiments of different genotypes, sowing dates, and nitrogen levels showed good fit between the observed and simulated data, with an average root mean square error of 10.9% for shoot dry matter. Thus, the present model appears to be reliable for the prediction of photosynthetic production in oilseed rape.  相似文献   

用杂交水稻中优679为试验材料,研究氮肥运筹对晚稻产量和氮素利用率的影响。结果表明,在目标产量7 500 kg/hm2,总施氮量150 kg/hm2条件下氮肥运筹不同处理中,以基蘖肥∶穗肥=6∶4且基肥采用碳铵深施方式,其实际产量、齐穗后干物质生产量、成熟期干物质积累量、氮素利用率等均为最高。  相似文献   

Global change scenarios predict an increased risk for declining amounts of soil organic matter (SOM) for Central Germany. Within this region the production of bioenergy is one important strategy to counteract the rising anthropogenic CO2‐emissions. Both issues have a close connection: SOM is an important basis for soil productivity and requires a steady reproduction flux. Bioenergy production requires productive soils and partly consumes plant biomass C. Therefore, the available amount for SOM reproduction is reduced. This study provides a methodology for the large‐scale identification of areas with possible conflicts between bioenergy production and SOM reproduction based on (1) the prediction of climate change impact on SOM reproduction and (2) an analysis of the regional distribution of biogas plants. With the C demand index (CDI) and the capacity index (CAP), two indicators were developed which enable the identification of hot spots of high carbon demand for SOM reproduction due to climate change and the usage of bioenergy. As a result of low data requirements, the indicators are widely applicable and transferable to other large‐scale studies. The proposed methodology was applied to Central Germany as a pilot region. Results indicate a growing demand (10–40%) of fresh organic C from biomass for SOM production in comparison to the current level. The analysis reveals that the bioenergy C demand is not evenly distributed within the study region. It also shows some regional clustering. Furthermore, the analysis identifies certain hot spots of a high C demand, where a high capacity of biogas production may conflict with rising demands for biomass to mitigate climate change effects on SOM storage. The hot spot areas—identified and selected on a large scale—can subsequently be analyzed in more detail on a local to farm scale by using high‐resolution data and models which enable the quantification of soil C dynamics.  相似文献   

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