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Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) is an important multipurpose tree with great economic importance, but this tree has been devastated by dieback disease. Seedlings and asexually propagated (cuttings) plants were artificially inoculated with four fungi (Fusarium solani, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunata and Ganoderma lucidum) to evaluate the potential role of these fungi in shisham dieback disease. Results at 2 years revealed that highest disease was caused by inoculation of F. solani (31.39%), followed by B. theobromae (19.042%) and C. lunata (12.22%), but no dieback disease was caused by G. lucidum. During both years, seedlings exhibited greater susceptibility to disease (17.24%) compared to cuttings (7.83%). In particular, F. solani caused more disease in seedlings (46.18%) compared to cuttings (16.61%). With the F. solani inoculations, maximum disease rate was observed at 8 weeks post‐inoculation both in seedlings (77%) and in cuttings (31%), but the maximum disease increase was observed at 4–5 weeks post‐inoculation. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the different fungi and also between seedlings and cuttings. F. solani can be considered as a major fungal pathogen contributing to dieback disease of shisham, and asexual propagation can reduce the severity of dieback.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992 studies on Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. showed the availability of ample amount of viable seed from November to May. Viability of seeds collected from December to March was more than 90 per cent. There was a slight but significant decrease in germination from March to may. Again germination per cent was slightly and significantly decreased from May to July. Thereafter, seed availability and viability were got drastically reduced. Sufficient viable seed of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. can be collected at any time from November to July.  相似文献   

In pine forests damaged by pine wilt disease, in western Japan, the effect of protection regimes of pine trees on the stand dynamics were examined in the following four stands: (1) lightly damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in operation for protecting pine trees; (2) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in place for protecting pine trees; (3) severely damaged stand (age 50 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees; (4) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees. All the stands had been abandoned before the pine wilt disease damage. The understory structure of the severely damaged stand with no protection procedure was similar to that of the lightly damaged stand. Frequent invasion by tree species and acceleration in the growth of understory trees occurred after the dieback in the selective cutting stand. These results suggest that a deficiency in the canopy layer caused by the dieback resulted in low disturbance intensity in the early stages after the dieback, but the selective cutting increased the intensity by the reduction in the understory as well as the canopy layer. The intensity of the disturbance in the selective cutting stands was larger in the younger stand because it had a higher density of selectively cut pine trees. The different stand structure of pine forests occurred after the dieback because the intensity of the disturbance varied as a result of the selective cutting operation and the stand age.  相似文献   

本文探测了无机肥(磷和钾)对苗圃内培养的印度黄檀生长和结瘤的影响。播种前,磷和钾肥以不同比例混合后与营养匮乏的自然林土壤混合,然后混合土再补以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)。出苗后60天时记录植株结瘤状况(结瘤数、形状、鲜重、干重和颜色)和植株生长参数(枝条和根长及鲜重和干重、直径)。与对照相比,补充肥料的土壤显著地改变了植株生长和结瘤状况(P<0.05)。植株结瘤的数目、鲜重和干重均在磷钾施肥量为 160kg/hm2时达到最大值,分别为62, 0.05g和0.07g。不同比例的补肥处理改变了结瘤形状和颜色,同时显著地影响了枝条和根长、直径、鲜重和干重等生长参数。研究揭示:苗圃内生长的黄檀,在贫瘠的自然林土壤中施以160kg/hm2磷钾肥并混以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)可使植株生长和结瘤的形成达最佳。  相似文献   

Three varieties of wheat, viz., PBW-222, HD-2329 and PBW-34, were studied for grain yield potential under six-year-old poplar plantations. The order of yield reduction found was: PBW-34 (57.1%)>PBW-222 (19.4%)>HD-2329 (15.3%). The reduction in wheat yield was found to be significant under poplar plantations as compared to crops grown in open condition. Research needs to maintain the increased wheat production by evolving suitable ideotypes for an agrisilviculture system have been suggested.  相似文献   

In an agrisilvicultural system having poplar (Populus deltoides, clone G-3) as a tree component and wheat crop as an intercrop, wheat yield was studied under five age classes of poplar and compared to wheat yield under pure cropping. A substantial reduction in wheat yield (23.3%) under three-year-old poplar plantation was observed. Maximum MAI (GBH, 20 cm) was recorded in a three-year-old poplar planting. Pruning after the third year permitted some recovery in yield. The reduction in wheat yield was significantly correlated with MAI (GBH) of poplar and occurred even under one-and-two-year-old poplar plantings.  相似文献   

Nutrient loss due to export of wood and bark of 4.5-year-old Eucalyptus urograndis was studied in the Jari project, eastern Amazonia, Brazil. Results are based on estimates of biomass, above-ground nutrient store, and nutrient stores in the soil. Thirteen stands varying in site conditions and the number of previous rotations (up to three), were studied. Average nutrient losses due to export of wood and bark, as a percentage of the element store in the above-ground tree biomass, were: N, 65%, P, 54%; Ca, 76%; K, 57%; Mg, 61%. A comparison of export losses with the present soil stores of Ca, K and Mg cations shows that export is equal to or surpasses the remaining soil store to a depth of 100 cm. As a result of the last narvest, about 200–250 kg Ca and about 100 kg K ha−1 were removed. In spite of uncertainties about other unknown inputs and outputs, one has to conclude that the next rotation may be endangered by acute deficiency of mineral nutrients, especially of Ca.  相似文献   

South Africa has c. 110 000 ha planted to Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) with 85% of the revenue from the species obtained from the timber and 15% from the bark. From 2012/13 a wattle rust disease has spread throughout the black wattle plantation area in KwaZulu-Natal and from 2015 it was recorded in southern Mpumalanga. The pathogen affects trees of all age classes, causing a reduction in growth, as well as mortality with severe infection. No fungicides are currently registered in South Africa for the control of wattle rust. In October/November 2014, three black wattle trials were initiated in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands and south-eastern Mpumulanga where fungicides were tested at varying rates for the control of wattle rust. The same trial design was used for all three trials and consisted of a 3 × 3 factorial with one additional control, replicated three times and laid out as a randomised complete block design. The factorial combination consisted of three fungicides (azoxystrobin + difenoconazole; azoxystrobin + cyproconazole; azoxystrobin) applied at three rates (×, 2× and ½ ×). The additional control was not treated with fungicides. Wattle rust had a significant and negative impact on tree growth, irrespective of site and/or previous infection. All fungicides tested, and at all rates applied, proved effective for the control of wattle rust. The optimum rate selected, timing and frequency of application will be based on a combination of prevention of resistance as well as optimisation of growth. For the most effective control of wattle rust, fungicides should be applied as a preventative, rather than corrective, measure. However, in cases of severe infestation, a corrective application could also be used to aid the management of wattle rust.  相似文献   

G. Singh  Bilas Singh 《林业研究》2009,20(4):307-313
1998年7月,利用非称重式蒸渗池种植单一种源的一年生黄檀种苗,研究在印度沙漠地区培养黄檀种苗的合理灌水技术参数。当各处理(W1、W2、W3、W4)的土壤水分含量分别降低到7.56%、5.79%、4.44%和3.23%时,通过灌溉使苗木生长保持在一定的土壤的水分状况,如36.2mm(W1)、26.5mm(W2)、20.2mm(W3)和18.1mm(W4)。结果表明,在36.2mm(W1)水平时,种苗的株高、冠径、叶数和叶面积达到最大值(p〈0.01)。在W1和W2处理中,虽然上述参数没有明显差异,但在W2处理中,种苗的每升水分利用率的生物量最大。在W3、W4和W5灌溉水平下,不利于提高种苗的株高、生物量和营养积累。在W2水平以下(5.79%),土壤水分有效率能提高根系生物量占总生物量的百分比。但在W3和W4处理中,叶干生物量百分比下降,同时在W5处理中,茎干生物量百分比下降。在W5处理中,土壤水势达到-196Mpa,种苗才可以成活。在W3和W4处理中,土壤水分有效率的限额影响黄檀种苗的生长和生物量。在W2处理中,土壤水分有效利用率最高,种苗的生长和生物量达到最高值。因此,在壤砂土条件下,通过灌溉维持幼苗土壤水分含量在5.79%以上时,可获得较好的黄檀种苗的生长和生物量产量。  相似文献   

Extensive tree dieback is a recurrent issue in many regions. Crown dieback of Fraxinus nigra Marsh. (black ash; brown ash) in the northeastern and north central United States is an example. F. nigra is a widely distributed hardwood that is often the dominant species in wetland forests from Manitoba to Newfoundland and West Virginia to Indiana. Widespread crown dieback of F. nigra has been noted in many regions, but there are few quantitative assessments of dieback extent or relationship to potential causes. Most F. nigra dieback episodes are not associated with specific disease or pest agents. Drought, excessive soil moisture, cohort senescense, and road influences, have all been suggested as potential contributing factors. Our objectives were to (1) quantify variable dieback across northern Minnesota, a region described as having extensive dieback, (2) determine the relationship between dieback and site moisture, (3) relate dieback to tree age/size distributions, and (4) assess whether dieback was related to road proximity. Given the increasing threat of Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer) in the region, it is important to know the current health status of F. nigra populations before widespread infestation occurs. Many stands in our study exhibited high incidences of crown dieback. However, the incidence of dieback was variable across the region. Spatial variability in dieback was associated with site wetland characteristics; more dieback occurred on jurisdictional wetlands and on sites with a higher wetness index and a deeper depth to a perching layer. Dieback was also positively correlated with mean stand diameter, and tree diameters were generally correlated with age, suggesting that stands with larger and older individuals experienced more dieback. Cohort senescence is a possible explanation for this trend. Finally, dieback occurred with higher frequency nearer to roads. The road influence could be related to hydrological alterations or perhaps toxicity from road deicing salt. The fact that dieback is more severe close to roads may contribute to a general perception that black ash dieback is more severe throughout the region than our study suggests. Collectively, our results indicate that the healthiest F. nigra stands in our study region are likely to be younger and located on relatively drier sites and farther from roads, compared to stands with significant crown dieback.  相似文献   

The damaging effects of mistletoes Amyema spp. on host eucalypts in rural Australia concern many landholders, but few data are available to evaluate mistletoe impacts or formulate management strategies. We used an experimental disinfection approach to determine the effects of a putative pest mistletoe, Amyema miquelii, on its two principal hosts, Blakely's red gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi) and yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora), on pastoral properties in northern New South Wales. For each host species, pairs of nearby trees were matched for heigth, diameter at breast height, level of mistletoe infestation and distance to neighbouring trees. One tree per pair was chosen at random and all the mistletoes pruned. After 33 months all treated trees were still alive, but among control trees seven of 29 red gums and one of 20 yellow box trees had died. The difference in survival between treated and control trees was significant for red gum. Among surviving pairs of trees, treated trees of both species had significantly greater diameter increments and significantly more foliage than untreated trees. After 33 months, the average increase in relative host foliage biomass attributable to removal of mistletoes was 22% in red gum and 24% in yellow box, compared with untreated controls. The average increase in radial growth attributable to mistletoe removal was 55% in red gum and 49% in yellow box. Diameter increment was negatively and linearly related to mistletoe infestation level in control trees of both species. The differences between infected and disinfected trees in this experiment may underestimate the impact of Amyema miquelii on host growth because small amounts of host biomass were unavoidably lost during disinfection. In a separate experiment, loss of host biomass had a significant negative impact on diameter increment. Although the results indicate that control of serious Amyema miquelii infestation of individual trees will be worthwhile in terms of immediate host survival and higher growth rate, prudent long-term management may well allow for the loss of small numbers of farm trees to mistletoes when planning tree recruitment and utilisation.  相似文献   

The effect of auxins (IAA or IBA at 100,200,500 mg L 1) on rooting and sprouting parameters differed significantly (p < 0.05).Rooting and sprouting percentages were higher in some treatments while other parameters were significantly higher in other treatments.The results of the present study revealed that rooting was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the length of cuttings,as well as the position of shoots and type of cuttings.On average,86.0 per cent rooting was observed in the 30-cm long cuttings compared to the other two lengths of cuttings,i.e.,20 and 25 cm,irrespective of any auxin treatment.In a control set,without any auxin treatment,a maximum of 60.0% rooting was recorded in the 30-cm long cuttings and a minimum of 40.0% of the cuttings rooted in the 20-cm long cuttings.Similarly,cuttings collected from the lower and upper portions of shoots resulted in 72.5 and 52.5 per cent rooting respectively,irrespective of auxin treatments.Maximum rooting was observed in the lower portion (40.0%) of cutting compared to the upper portion (30.0%) in the control set without auxin treatment.Leafless branches produced maximum (72.0%) rooting compared to the leafy cuttings (35.0%),irrespective of the auxin treatment.The leafy cuttings produces a minimum of 15.0% sprouting and rooting in the control set.  相似文献   

Fast-growing trees such as hybrid poplars (Populus) have the potential to decrease rotation length (time to harvest) and thus produce wood products more quickly from smaller areas of land. Several forest companies in Quebec currently plant hybrid poplar on formerly logged forest sites, rather than on agricultural land as is more common elsewhere. The forest sites often have acidic soils, and lime addition has been proposed to improve hybrid poplar growth. In addition, forest sites present challenges with regard to control of competitive vegetation, particularly in jurisdictions such as Quebec where use of herbicides in forests is banned or restricted.  相似文献   

Ash dieback, caused by the ascomycete fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, has been rapidly expanding across Europe during the last two decades, posing a considerable threat to native ash populations. In this study, we applied regression-based models trained by field data, in conjunction with geographic information systems, to produce spatial predictions of ash dieback severity and environmental suitability for the disease in Czech forests. A model of actual ash dieback severity relates disease extent to silvicultural and environmental characteristics of forest stands and their neighbourhood, while a model of environmental suitability for the disease quantifies the relative susceptibility of sites to the disease, independent of the current silvicultural characteristics. The final predictive maps suggested that fertile lowlands and humid areas bordering Poland and Slovakia were the most endangered regions. Areas at the lowest risk of damage were concentrated in dry areas and in highland and mountain areas in the western part of the country, usually with poor soils on acid bedrock. Predictions of actual disease severity are an effective tool for guiding the current management of infested stands whereas predicting environmental suitability is useful for making long-term strategic decisions, e.g. identifying areas where future ash regeneration and cultivation may be unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Stem deformation has often been observed in young black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) plantations. Whenever important stem deformations are observed at the time of harvesting, timber value is negatively affected especially during the wood transformation process. The present work was undertaken to quantify and qualify the importance of stem deformation of black spruce and jack pine in the boreal forest of central Quebec at the stand and tree levels. In 30 black spruce and jack pine plantations, approximately 22% of spruce trees and 27% of pine trees exhibited stem deformation. The proportion of deformed trees was higher in the youngest plantations and decreased with the age of the plantations. Stem deformation caused the formation of compression wood which is another factor that can reduce the value of wood products. Thirty-nine black spruces and 34 jack pines were analysed at the tree level. On average, compression wood represented 14% and 20% of stem volume in 7- and 10-year old black spruce plantations, respectively. These proportions ranged from 18% in the youngest jack pine plantation to 26% in the oldest one. Stems of both species classified as normal contained a lower volume of compression wood than stems classified as deformed or very deformed. Annual percentages of compression wood and annual shoot length increased significantly with tree age (p < 0.0001 for both variables). Statistically significant correlations were also found between the range of displacement of the stem and the percentage of compression wood. The fewer number of trees with deformed stems in older plantations combined with high compression wood formation suggests that, over time, a deformed tree can become normal and straight in appearance.  相似文献   

Many old-growth forest stands in northwest Pakistan have been structurally transformed as a consequence of logging and livestock grazing, some of which are thereafter left to secondary succession. These forests represent an important resource for local inhabitants who gather and sell medicinal plants as part of their livelihood. With this in mind, the main objectives of our study were: (1) to assess differences in the structure of the tree layer and the abundance of medicinal plants among differently transformed forests, (2) to evaluate the recovery potential of medicinal plants under re-growth forests, and (3) to assess relationships between tree stand structural characteristics and the occurrence of medicinal plants.The first step of the study involved creating an approximate map covering an area of 90 km2 for five forest-use types (old-growth forest, forest degraded by logging, derived woodland, agroforest and re-growth forest). Fifteen plots per forest-use type were randomly allocated at altitudes ranging from 2200 m to 2400 m asl, within which the abundance of 10 locally important medicinal herb species was assessed.The study stands differed greatly in tree basal area, which was highest in old-growth forest (48 m2 ha−1), lowest in agroforest areas (6 m2 ha−1) and intermediate in re-growth forest (20 m2 ha−1). All ten medicinal plant species were encountered in old-growth and in re-growth forests, but only five of these species also occurred on agroforest plots. The mean coverage of study medicinal plants was highest in old-growth forest (7%), low in forest degraded by logging, derived woodland and agroforest (0.3-2%), and intermediate in re-growth forest (4%). The Jaccard abundance based similarity index indicates a considerable similarity (0.6) between re-growth and old growth forest for both trees and medicinal plants. The overall abundance of medicinal plants increased with increasing tree basal area and canopy cover. The abundance of some particular species decreased; however, the most sought-after medicinal species Bergenia ciliata, Valeriana jatamansi and Viola cancescens increased with tree basal area within specific forest-use type and also across forest-use types. In conclusion, our data suggest that anthropogenic forest degradation leads to a reduction in the abundance of economically viable medicinal plants for the study region. It is further indicated that this can be reversed if degraded forests are allowed to regenerate.  相似文献   

During 2005–2007, we used the eddy covariance and associated hydrometric methods to construct energy and water budgets along a chronosequence of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations that included a mid-rotation stand (LP) (i.e., 13–15 years old) and a recently established stand on a clearcut site (CC) (i.e., 4–6 years old) in Eastern North Carolina. Our central objective was to quantify the differences in both energy and water balances between the two contrasting stands and understand the underlining mechanisms of environmental controls. We found that the LP site received about 20% more net radiation (Rn) due to its lower averaged albedo (α) of 0.25, compared with that at the CC (α = 0.34). The mean monthly averaged Bowen ratios (β) at the LP site were 0.89 ± 0.7, significantly (p = 0.02) lower than at the CC site (1.45 ± 1.2). Higher net radiation resulted in a 28% higher (p = 0.02) latent heat flux (LE) for ecosystem evapotranspiration at the LP site, but there was no difference in sensible heat flux (H) between the two contrasting sites. The annual total evapotranspiration (ET) at the LP site and CC site was estimated as 1011–1226 and 755–855 mm year−1, respectively. The differences in ET rates between the two contrasting sites occurred mostly during the non-growing seasons and/or dry periods, and they were small during peak growing seasons or wet periods. Higher net radiation and biomass in LP were believed to be responsible to the higher ET. The monthly ET/Grass Reference ET ratios differed significantly across site and season. The annual ET/P ratio for the LP and CC were estimated as 0.70–1.13 and 0.60–0.88, respectively, indicating higher runoff production from the CC site than the LP site. This study implied that reforestation practices reduced surface albedos and thus increased available energy, but they did not necessarily increase energy for warming the atmosphere in the coastal plain region where soil water was generally not limited. This study showed the highly variable response of energy and water balances to forest management due to climatic variability.  相似文献   

We assessed interactive effects of varying levels of applied phosphorus fertilizer and water stress on growth, productivity, and mineral accumulation in container-grown Dalbergia sissoo L. seedlings. Height, collar diameter, leaf size and area, root volume and total biomass were reduced, and dry matter allocation to root was increased with increasing levels of soil water stress. The reduction was >32% in growth, >50% in leaf, and >77% in biomass when seedlings were grown with <50% of soil field capacity. Phosphorus application at the level of 10 mg kg?1 soil enhanced stems and leaf biomass and nutrient accumulation at all irrigation levels, and thus tolerance to drought. Phosphorus responses to growth and biomass production increased with irrigation levels. Thus, 20 mg P kg?1 soil is beneficial at sufficient soil water availability and a lower dose (i.e., 10 mg P kg?1) is recommended under high soil water stress conditions to benefit growth and productivity of D. sissoo.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on strategic management planning of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations in Galicia (northwestern Spain). Several problems associated with the management of these plantations were identified first. Current management plans for plantations of this species consist of the systematic and somewhat arbitrary application of the area control method. Thus, these plans do not take into consideration the optimum length for one full plantation cycle that maximizes the land expectation value, neither do they formulate the area control method through any mathematical programming model for scheduling regeneration harvests. In this paper, we present a modelling approach based on linear and goal programming. The models consider area and volume control regulation strategies, and take into account variations in land productivity among site classes and successive rotation intervals. To illustrate this approach, we applied the models to a neighbourhood community-owned forest currently managed by the Regional Forest Service with a recent management plan. The results showed that the models provided more flexible harvest schedules, and the profitability of eucalypt stands was 64% higher than that under the current management plan. Finally, extensions to this study were identified.  相似文献   

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