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The Caribbean scallops Argopecten nucleus and Nodipecten nodosus are currently being placed into mass culture in Colombia. The limited availability of wild seed upon which to base these cultures has promoted research into the development of artificial production of this seed in hatcheries. In support of this effort, we studied the effects of different diets on the physiology of the two scallop species in order to determine the optimal feeding regimes for maintenance of adult specimens in the laboratory. Seven monoalgal diets were tested, including Chaetoceros calcitrans, Chaetoceros muelleri, Isochrysis galbana (Ig), Nannochloris oculata (No), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Pt), Tetraselmis chui (Tc) and Tetraselmis tetrahele (Tt). Four mixed diets were also tested, including I. galbana + C. calcitrans (Ig + Cc), I. galbana + N. oculata (Ig + No), I. galbana + T. tetrahele (Ig + Tt), and I. galbana + lipid emulsion of docosahexanoic acid DHA (Ig + lip). All the dietary trials were carried out under uniform conditions of temperature (25 °C), salinity (36‰) and algal concentration (0.45 mg L− 1). Physiological variables measured in association with each diet included feeding rates (clearance, ingestion and absorption), oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates as well as their scope for growth. The results showed that the best scope for growth for both scallops was obtained with diet Ig since this diet induced the highest feeding rates, accompanied by the lowest oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion. The feeding rates and scope for growth of A. nucleus were greater than those of N. nodosus for the majority of the diets, which was attributed to a higher rate of water pumping by the former species. Greater capacity for branchial food retention by A. nucleus was discarded as a possibility since N. nodosus had a greater branchial surface area per unit dry weight than A. nucleus. In spite of these differences, the oxygen consumption and the excretion rates were similar between the two scallops which suggested that A. nucleus was more efficient in its use of oxygen and retention of body proteins for physiological functioning. Mixed diets or addition of DHA did not permit increases in scope for growth in either of the scallops over that observed using monoalgal diet Ig, which suggest that biologically and economically this diet is optimal for the feeding of adult scallops in the laboratory.  相似文献   

谢建军  许文军  施慧  查智辉 《水产学报》2011,35(9):1392-1398
以平均体质量为(162±26)g雌性三疣梭子蟹为试验对象,注射组从游泳足第一关节基膜注射200 μL浓度为2.4×107 CFU/mL的溶藻弧菌菌悬液,对照组注射等量无菌生理盐水.各组在注射0、24、48、72、96h后随机取9只三疣梭子蟹,从游泳足基膜部位抽取血淋巴,测定血淋巴的血细胞总数、大颗粒细胞比例、血清蛋白、酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、一氧化氮和诱导型一氧化氮合成酶等非特异性免疫指标.结果表明,遭受低剂量的溶藻弧菌侵袭后,三疣梭子蟹血细胞总数迅速降低(P<0.05),与对照组相比降低36%,而大颗粒细胞比例则先上升(P<0.05),72 h后恢复至正常水平;血清蛋白含量则无明显变化;血清中酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶活性也迅速增加,并分别在24、72 h达到峰值(P<0.01,P<0.05),在96h后两种酶的活性均恢复至对照组水平;血清中一氧化氮含量及诱导型一氧化氮合成酶活性则稳步增加,并在96 h达到峰值(P<0.01).研究证实低剂量的溶藻弧菌能刺激三疣梭子蟹调动血细胞、酸、碱性磷酸酶、一氧化氮合成酶系统进行免疫防御,但是各非特异性免疫指标大多具有明显的时间效应,响应速度有较大差异.  相似文献   

绿鳍马面鲀CYP17-I基因克隆及其在繁殖周期中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温海深  任源远  张冬茜  赵梅琳 《水产学报》2014,38(12):1945-1955
为探究CYP17-I基因在绿鳍马面鲀繁殖周期中的作用及其与性激素水平变化的相关性,实验首先通过SmartTMRace技术克隆得到了绿鳍马面鲀CYP17-I c DNA全长序列1 580 bp,编码511个氨基酸。通过半定量RT-PCR技术检测了CYP17-I基因的时空表达,并采用放射免疫测定法检测雄鱼和雌鱼血清睾酮(T)和雌二醇(E2)的含量变化。结果发现,CYP17-I在卵巢、精巢和脑中表达量较高,其次为胃、心脏、脾脏、肾脏,在垂体和鳃中也检测到了微弱表达。在周期表达中发现,无论在卵巢还是精巢中,CYP17-I基因的表达水平与血清T含量密切相关,呈明显周期性变化,最高值均出现在5月份的卵细胞或精子成熟期,而与血清E2含量无显著的相关性。研究表明,CYP17-I在鱼类繁殖周期中对雄性激素睾酮的生成起关键的调控作用。  相似文献   

为探究盐度胁迫对尼罗罗非鱼免疫的影响,对体质量(35.0±5.0) g的尼罗罗非鱼进行了急性和慢性的盐度胁迫实验,对免疫相关指标进行了检测和分析。在急性盐度胁迫中,设置0、5和15盐度组,分别在胁迫后6、12、24、48和96 h进行取样,检测血清SOD、CAT、GSH-Px和AKP的活性。在慢性实验中,设置0、10、20和30盐度组,胁迫8周后检测血清SOD、CAT、GSH-Px和AKP活性,并进行了无乳链球菌易感性实验。结果显示:①血清中SOD活性在急性盐度胁迫6、12和24 h时都有随盐度上升而上升的趋势,但在96 h时盐度15组酶活性显著低于盐度5组;在慢性盐度胁迫下,各组的酶活性呈现出随着盐度升高而显著性下降的趋势。②血清CAT活性在急性盐度胁迫下12和24 h时呈现出随着盐度升高而显著下降的趋势;在慢性胁迫下不存在显著性差异。③血清中GSH-Px活性在急性和慢性胁迫后,均呈现随着盐度升高而降低的趋势。④血清AKP活性在胁迫后6 h随盐度升高呈现出显著下降趋势;在慢性盐度胁迫下,盐度20组显著低于其他实验组。⑤尼罗罗非鱼对无乳链球菌易感性实验中,盐度10组的易感性和盐度0组之...  相似文献   

DMRT1是DMRT家族重要成员之一,主要参与动物性别决定和分化调控,但在不同动物中其表达和功能调控作用存在差异。本研究采用生物信息学方法分析了栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreriDmrt1的序列特征,采用半定量RT-PCR技术确定了其mRNA在成体性腺、闭壳肌、外套膜、鳃和肾等组织中的分布,定量RT-PCR和原位杂交技术揭示了Dmrt1 mRNA在性腺中的时空表达特征。结果显示:栉孔扇贝Dmrt1序列中含有DMRT家族保守的DM结构域;其mRNA仅在栉孔扇贝性腺中表达,在精巢中的表达明显高于卵巢,并且以生长期精巢的表达水平最高;原位杂交检测Dmrt1阳性信号主要定位于生殖细胞的细胞质中。研究结果表明,Dmrt1在栉孔扇贝性腺中的表达特征与大部分动物性腺中的表达特征基本一致,推测其可能参与性别分化和精巢发育的功能调节。  相似文献   

Growth and survival of scallop Lyropecten nodosus were studied fromJuly to November 1997 using three bottom culture methods, (1) in corrals,(2) in pockets, and (3) in anchored sleeves. All size parameters studied (dryweight of the muscle, gonad, remaining tissues and shell, and shell length)showed significant differences due to culture method. The body componentswere larger for scallops in corrals than for those in pockets and greater forthose in pockets than in sleeves. In contrast, survival did not vary withculture method. Tissue components increased rapidly during the first 2months, when temperatures were lower and phytoplankton abundant(upwelling and transition periods). Subsequently values leveled off, or insome cases (muscle) decreased, and this coincided with stratification of thewater column and associated high temperatures and scarce food resources(and possible energetic demands for gonadal development). In contrast,shell weight and length showed no apparent affect of the environmentalchanges. The increased growth in the corrals was possibly because thecorral walls permitted the scallops to raise themselves off the bottom whichcould have provided greater access to food resources (suspendedparticles), or to better quality food.  相似文献   

通过简并引物扩增及SmartTM Race技术,首次克隆了黄颡鱼促黄体激素受体(LHR)基因cDNA全长序列.该基因全长2 524 bp,编码701aa,含有属于糖蛋白激素受体(GpHR)家族的典型跨膜螺旋结构区域(TM helix).9个富含亮氨酸的重复性序列(LRRs);4个潜在的N-端糖基化位点:29NFTC,82 NVSR,203 NGSR,548NLTV;24个Ser,6个Thr和5个Tyr磷酸化位点.同时400S为潜在的PKC位点.通过RT-PCR分析组织表达,卵巢繁殖周期中卵巢和脑的表达水平并结合血浆中E2含量的变化,发现LHR在卵巢中大量表达,其次是脑、肾脏、心脏、肝脏和肠存在少量或微量的表达;在卵巢繁殖周期中,卵巢LHR表达从Ⅲ期-V期处于较高水平,V期达到最高峰,随后下降到最低值;而脑的表达高峰出现在Ⅳ期,与血浆中E2变化相一致.推测卵巢和脑中LHR基因参与卵黄的生成,调控卵母细胞的成熟和排卵.  相似文献   

缢蛏EGFR基因内含子1内SNP位点多态性与生长性状相关性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究缢蛏表皮生长因子受体基因(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)与生长性状(壳长、壳宽、壳高和体质量)的相关性。本实验利用直接测序法从缢蛏EGFR基因的第一个内含子序列中共筛选到17个SNP位点。卡方检验结果显示,在17个位点中,有13个位点符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,位点多态性检测显示17个位点中有10个位点表现为中等多态性(0.25PIC0.5)。利用一般线性模型(general linear model,GLM)及多重比较对缢蛏EGFR基因中17个SNPs的多态性与生长性状(壳长、壳宽、壳高和体质量)进行相关性分析,结果显示,16个SNP位点均与缢蛏的壳长、壳宽、壳高及体质量呈显著性相关。由此可见,EGFR基因可作为缢蛏生长性状改良的候选辅助分子标记,并且为进一步研究其生长相关功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了解文蛤体内类胡萝卜素代谢相关基因清道夫受体B类I(Mm-SRBI)与红壳色形成的关联性,采用直接测序法对基因编码区进行SNP筛查和关联分析,并用免疫荧光、蛋白免疫印迹分析了Mm-SRBI蛋白在红、白壳色文蛤外套膜中的表达差异。结果显示,在Mm-SRBI基因的编码区筛选到15个SNP位点,位于保守序列上的4个突变位点c.647C/T、 c.723A/G、 c.818C/T、 c.1037A/G与红、白壳色存在显著关联,其中c.723A/G位点为非同义突变(异亮氨酸突变为缬氨酸),且4个位点在遗传上存在强连锁性;蛋白免疫印迹与免疫荧光结果表明,Mm-SRBI在红壳中的蛋白表达量显著高于白壳文蛤,主要表达部位为外套膜边缘膜的纤毛处。研究表明,Mm-SRBI基因的高表达与变异可能导致文蛤对类胡萝卜素的代谢产生差异,从而在生长发育过程中导致红壳色的形成。  相似文献   

低温胁迫对七带石斑鱼幼鱼血清生化指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
研究了体质量为(300±20)g的七带石斑鱼幼鱼从12.4℃海水直接转入到8.0℃的海水中,低温胁迫不同持续时间(0、1、2、5、10 d)血清生化指标的变化。结果表明,低温导致AKP活性呈不规则变动,2 d时其活性显著高于同期对照。GGT活性先升后降,2 d时酶活性最高,10 d酶活性最低。GOT和GPT活性随低温胁迫时间延长呈增加态势,10 d时与同期对照组之间活性差异显著。LDH活性在胁迫前及实验时期差异均不显著。TP含量随低温胁迫时间延长而下降。GLU胁迫前期变化未达显著性差异,但10 d时含量与对照组差异显著。TG含量先降后升,胁迫前与实验结束时所测得的含量无显著性差异。CREA含量的变化趋势与TP相似,也随胁迫时间而降低,10 d时只有胁迫前(48.57 34.96)mmol/L含量的22%。低温胁迫对血清离子浓度变化未产生大的影响,实验前、至低温胁迫10 d的测试结果均未达到显著性差异的水平。研究认为,实验幼鱼能适应跳跃式降温胁迫;低温胁迫对七带石斑鱼幼鱼的胁迫有累积效应。在实际生产越冬期间8.0℃低温时间不宜超过10 d。  相似文献   

舟山渔场银鲳和灰鲳繁殖特性的比较   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
施兆鸿 《水产学报》2006,30(5):647-653
用常规的生物学调查方法对舟山渔场银鲳和灰鲳进行了周年的取样调查分析,并对其性腺做石蜡切片,观察性腺发育情况,对银鲳和灰鲳的繁殖特性进行比较研究。结果表明:银鲳和灰鲳在繁殖季节性比为1∶1;两者的性腺发育和卵母细胞发育没有显著差异(P>0.05),Ⅴ时相的卵母细胞卵径都为700~870 μm,油球1个,油球径260~400 μm,初级卵膜厚度12~19 μm;都为一个繁殖期内多次产卵类型的鱼类;繁殖期内银鲳、灰鲳雌性生殖群体的平均叉长分别为22.5 cm、29.0 cm,银鲳雄性生殖群体叉长主要集中在14.0~17.0 cm,灰鲳雄性生殖群体叉长为23.0~25.5 cm;银鲳的繁殖季节在每年的4月初至6月初,繁殖高峰在4月中旬到5月中旬,银鲳卵巢成熟系数最高可达25%;而灰鲳的繁殖期在每年的6月初至8月中旬,繁殖高峰在6月下旬到7月下旬,灰鲳的卵巢成熟系数最高只有12.6%。银鲳繁殖期的水温为18~24 ℃,灰鲳为24~28 ℃;其他环境条件差异不大。另外还对银鲳和灰鲳卵母细胞发育的特征、繁殖期内卵巢成熟系数的变动以及繁殖期内环境因子的变动对产卵群体的数量影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

北部湾深水金线鱼种群参数的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1992年—1993年(1992年)、1997年—1999年(1997年)和2009年—2010年(2009年)北部湾底拖网渔业资源调查的生物学资料, 对深水金线鱼群体组成、生长和死亡参数等种群生物学参数进行研究。结果表明, 北部湾深水金线鱼的种群生物学有明显的年际变化, 种群趋向小型化和低龄化, 生长速度加快, 性成熟提前。平均体长从1992年138.25 mm下降到1997年的112.70 mm和2009年的118.28 mm, 相应地平均体质量分别为60.06 g、39.03 g和48.85 g。1992年、1997年和2009年间von Bertalanffy生长方程的渐近体长(L?)、生长参数(k)和理论初始年龄(t0)分别为242.2 mm、0.39、?0.39; 220.4 mm、0.45、?0.35和235.5 mm、0.48、?0.32。体质量拐点年龄(tr)分别为从1992年2.19龄提前到1997年1.97龄和2009年1.86龄。50%性成熟体长(L50)则从1992年的128.6 mm下降到1997年116.5 mm和2009年的110.5 mm。1992年、1997年和2009年间的开发率(E)分别为0.57、0.62和0.58, 表明自20世纪90年代以来, 北部湾深水金线鱼种群已处过度捕捞状态。深水金线鱼的种群参数的一系列变化表明, 在高捕捞强度的胁迫下, 深水金线鱼为延续种群, 其种群产生了适应性变化。  相似文献   

Two methods were used to estimate the reproductive output of female Pacific oysters reared in Normandy: histology with image analysis and ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) which allowed the quantification of egg protein. Condition indices, gonad area and gametogenetic stages of the oysters were determined in the entire population (males and females) between May and October 2005. All investigations were performed in 3 age classes: oysters in their first, second or third years (corresponding to spat, half-grown and market-sized oysters, respectively). Both quantitative histology and ELISA provided similar results in terms of reproductive effort (illustrated by the gonado-somatic index, GSI) except during the GSI drop, corresponding to spawning, which was less marked with the ELISA method. Growth depended on oyster age, the sex ratio was well balanced and the reproductive cycle was synchronized in all age classes. In the 3 age classes, most of the oysters were ripe and ready to spawn on August 8, and ten days after the post-spawning stage was observed in 40% of spat oysters and 70% of half-grown and market-sized bivalves. The major difference between age classes was observed in the reproductive investment, with spat having a lower reproductive output. For example, in males and females, the gonad area reached 78–79% in the median animal section at full maturity (August 8) in half-grown and marketable oysters while it attained only 59% in spat. At the same time, GSI in females was, respectively in spat and the 2 oldest age classes, 33% (quantitative histology)–36% (ELISA) and 55% (quantitative histology)–60% (ELISA). The mean assessed gonad weight and fecundities increased with the age of the oysters: 1.3 g and 12 million eggs, 7.8 g and 135 million eggs, and 11.5 g and 146 million eggs in spat, half-grown and market-sized oysters, respectively. Marked differences thus appear between 2 and 3-year-old oysters and spat. As early as their first reproductive cycle, the young oysters not only showed the reproductive features of the species in Normandy, but also a pronounced lower reproductive effort. This lower energy demand could explain their higher survival rate.  相似文献   

王志远  李金库  李昀  王灵钰  齐鑫  李吉方  温海深 《水产学报》2023,47(8):089104-089104
为探究ncc、nkcc基因在花鲈渗透调节中发挥的作用,实验通过全基因组鉴定、多重序列比对、系统进化树构建以及蛋白结构预测对花鲈ncc进行了鉴定及序列分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)检测ncc和nkcc在海水、淡水花鲈鳃组织中的表达水平,利用原位杂交技术确定ncc2和nkcc1a在海水及淡水花鲈鳃中的表达位置。结果显示,从花鲈中鉴定出2个ncc基因,即ncc1和ncc2,其编码序列(CDS)长度分别为2 691和3 120bp,编码896和1 039个氨基酸,在进化上具有保守性。ncc2在淡水花鲈鳃组织中的表达量显著高于海水,而nkcc1a在海水花鲈鳃组织中的表达量显著高于淡水,ncc1、nkcc1b、nkcc2在海淡水中的表达量则无显著差异。淡水适应过程中花鲈鳃组织中的ncc2的表达量逐渐上调,而nkcc1a的表达量逐渐下调;海水适应过程则呈现相反的表达趋势。此外,原位杂交结果显示,ncc2和nkcc1a基因分别位于淡水与海水中鳃组织的相邻鳃小片间的鳃丝上皮。以上结果表明,ncc2和nkcc1a基因分别编码淡水及海水花鲈鳃中重要的Na+及Cl  相似文献   

习丙文  李鹏  陈凯  章晋勇  谢骏 《水产学报》2016,40(4):644-651
鲫养殖中粘孢子虫病非常严重,为掌握其病原的感染传播途径,实验通过粘孢子虫生活调查研究,在底栖寡毛类苏氏尾鳃蚓体内发现了一种放射孢子虫。该放射孢子虫的孢子无孢柄;孢体顶面观和侧面观都呈近卵圆形,长(19.8±1.3)μm,宽(18.2±1.1)μm;3个极囊梨形,呈点状聚集分布在孢体顶端,极囊长(4.53±0.4)μm,宽(3.4±0.4)μm;3个尾柄几乎等长,刺状,从孢体基部向下伸展,尾柄间夹角100°,尾柄长(195.0±15.7)μm,宽(11.5±0.8)μm。根据形态特征将其划归为橘瓣放射孢子虫集合类群。18S r DNA序列分析表明该放射孢子虫与鲫体表寄生武汉单极虫为同一物种,序列相似率为99.8%~100%。序列系统发育分析进一步发现单极虫类群中多数种类的放射孢子虫阶段主要寄生在苏氏尾鳃蚓体内。本研究首次发现和报道了鲫寄生武汉单极虫生活史中寡毛类宿主及其放射孢子虫的形态特征,为鲫粘孢子虫病生态防控提供重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝动态能量收支模型参数的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以虾夷扇贝为实验生物,介绍了动态能量收支(dynamic energy budget,DEB)模型5个关键基本参数的测定及计算方法,分析了方法的利弊及注意事项,为贝类DEB模型参数的准确获取提供参考方法。采用壳长与软体部湿重回归法计算虾夷扇贝的形状系数δm;采用静水法测定不同温度条件下虾夷扇贝的呼吸耗氧率,计算阿伦纽斯温度TA参数;采用饥饿法测定、计算单位时间单位体积维持生命所需的能量[]、形成单位体积结构物质所需的能量[EG]和单位体积最大储存能量[EM]3个参数。室内饥饿实验持续60 d,直至呼吸耗氧率及软体部干重基本保持恒定。结果显示,壳长(SL)与软体部湿重(WW)的回归关系式为WW=0.0118SL3.4511(R2=0.9365),根据公式V=(δm L)3,对软体部湿重的立方根和壳长进行线性回归,所得的斜率即为形状系数δm值(δm=0.32);获得不同规格的虾夷扇贝耗氧率与水温(热力学温度,K)倒数的线性回归关系,线性回归方程斜率的绝对值为阿伦纽斯温度TA,平均为(4160±767)K。饥饿实验结束时,软体部干重和呼吸耗氧率分别降低了56%和81%。虾夷扇贝的耗氧率稳定在0.17 mg/(ind·h),经计算获得[]=25.9 J/(cm~3·d);饥饿持续30天之后,虾夷扇贝软体部干重基本维持在(0.25±0.01)g,经计算获得[EG]=3160 J/cm~3,[EM]=2030 J/cm~3。动态DEB理论是基于能量代谢的物理、化学特性而建立的,体现了生物能量代谢的普遍性规律,能够反映摄食获取能量在不同发育生长阶段的能量分配情况。但是,DEB模型参数的测定及计算比较复杂。基本参数的准确获取将影响其他参数以及模型的准确性。本研究为虾夷扇贝DEB模型的构建奠定基础。  相似文献   

Three different types of anaerobic fermentations were used for the mass production of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris as diet for aquaculture. The optimum agitation speed and malate concentration were 300 r.p.m. and 0.2% in the modified MYC medium, respectively. In batch fermentations of R. palustris, the maximum number of viable cells was 1.1×1010 c.f.u. ml−1 with 2.65 g l−1 of DCW, and the maximum specific growth rate and biomass productivity were estimated to be 0.12 h−1 and 55 mg l−1 h−1, respectively. Crude protein content of R. palustris was about 72–74%. The composition of stearic acid and oleic acid of R. palustris was superior to those of Chlorella and yeasts, while that of other fatty acids tested was not. The amino acid profiles of the protein hydrolysate compared favorably with Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) guidelines. The biomass productivities from fed-batch experiments were found to be 50, 47 and 49 mg l−1 h−1 for linear, exponential, and sigmoidal feeding strategy, respectively. The maximum biomass productivity was found to be 112 mg l−1 h−1 in chemostat. Compared to growth in batch cultures, continuous fermentation yielded two times higher biomass productivity.  相似文献   

We have developed a two-stage growth one-step process for cultivation of Haematococcus using a self-designed system that mimics an open pond in the natural environment. The characteristics of this process are green vegetative cell growth and cysts transformation and pigment accumulation that proceed spontaneously and successively in one open photobioreactor. Four strains of Haematococcus (H. pluvialis 26; H. pluvialis 30; H. pluvialis 34; H. pluvialis WZ) were cultured in this imitation system for a duration of 12 days. The changes in cell density and medium pH were closely monitored, and the astaxanthin content and yield of the four Haematococcus strains were measured at the end of 12 days of cultivation. Two of the strains, H. pluvialis 26 and H. pluvialis WZ, were selected as strains suitable for mass culture, resulting in the astaxanthin yield of 51.06 and 40.25 mg L− 1 which are equivalent to 2.79 and 2.50% of their dry biomass respectively. Based on the laboratory work, 6 batch cultures of H. pluvialis WZ were conducted successfully to produce astaxanthin in two 100 m2 open race-way pond by two-stage growth one-step process. The astaxanthin content ranged from 1.61 to 2.48 g 100 g− 1dry wt., with average astaxanthin content of 2.10 g 100 g− 1dry wt. Compared with the one-stage production of astaxanthin based on continuous culture, the superiority of our process is that it can accumulate much more astaxanthin in red cysts. Compared with two-stage production of astaxanthin, the advantage of our process is that it does not need to divide the production process into two parts using two bioreactors. The presented work demonstrates the feasibility for producing astaxanthin from Haematococcus using a two-stage growth one-step process in open pond, culture systems that have been successfully used for Spirulina and Chlorella mass culture. The future of Haematococcus astaxanthin production has been also discussed.  相似文献   

阳光紫外辐射对铜藻的生长及荧光参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨近年来南麂列岛铜藻场衰退、消亡的原因以及更好的进行人工育苗恢复藻场,实验结合阳光紫外强度日益增加的环境问题,开展了紫外辐射对铜藻生长和光合生理影响机制的探究。实验设置3种不同阳光辐射处理:可见光(P A R)处理(400~700 nm),可见光加紫外辐射A(PA)处理(320~700 nm)和全波长辐射(PAB)处理(280~700 nm)。铜藻经过14 d阳光辐射适应培养后,其生长表现为UV-A部分(PA处理中)对铜藻的RGR促进了6.7%,且提高了藻体的叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素和UVACs含量;UV-B部分(PAB处理中)对藻体的RGR产生了8.98%的抑制,同时抑制了铜藻色素的合成。比较3种辐射处理的快速响应曲线(RLC),PA处理下的藻体具有最高的最大电子传递速率(r ETRmax)和光能利用率(α)。当将藻体置于太阳模拟灯下照射1 h,经PA适应的藻体其D1蛋白修复速率与损伤速率的比(r/k)比P处理的高13.02%,而经PAB适应的r/k比P处理的低17.62%,证明UV-A对铜藻具有正面效应。  相似文献   

ghrelin是脊椎动物的一种脑肠肽,有促进摄食的功能,并能促进生长激素(GH)释放,参与能量平衡调控和糖类代谢。为探索ghrelin基因多态性与大口黑鲈生长性状的相关性,针对大口黑鲈ghrelin基因的启动子序列,实验采用直接测序法获得了2个SNPs位点:S1(A-642C)和S2(A-639C)。随机选取同批繁殖、同塘养殖的大口黑鲈采用Sna Pshot方法进行SNPs位点检测和分型。结果显示,实验群体在ghrelin基因2个SNPs位点上基本处于哈温平衡,S1和S2共组成5种双倍型(D1、D2、D3、D4和D5)。基因型与生长性状的相关性分析结果表明,S1位点AC型个体在体高与全长上显著高于CC型个体,S2位点AA型个体在头长上显著高于AC型个体。双倍型D1在体质量、全长和体高方面显著高于双倍型D3,在体质量、体宽和体高方面显著高于双倍型D4。本研究在大口黑鲈ghrelin基因启动子区域获得的与生长性状相关的SNPs标记,可为大口黑鲈分子标记辅助育种提供帮助。  相似文献   

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