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短花针茅荒漠草原不同退化程度的植被特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过野外调查与室内分析探讨了不同退化程度的荒漠草原植物群落特征,结果表明:各样地均以多年生植物为主,重要值在所有物种中呈先分散再集中的趋势,重度退化样地有一二年生植物及矮灌木出现;随着退化程度的增加,群落生物量、群落高度及群落盖度显著降低,而群落密度呈相反的趋势,群落地下生物量由深到浅呈"T"形分布;Margalef指数在中度退化样地最大,Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou指数都随退化程度的增大呈逐渐增大趋势。 相似文献
退化草地植被生态恢复系统工程设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
设计了生态环境适宜度分析及植被生态恢复系统工程决策专家系统的技术流程。应用多种数据源、多种决策分析方法,建立生态环境基础空间数据库,确定生态环境适宜度评价模型,依据专家系统原理,在地理信息系统平台上分析生态环境适宜度,决策生成植被恢复的布局方案和优化栽培技术组合。 相似文献
青海省天峻县生境条件较为严酷,其退化草地植被的恢复需要遵循生态、社会、经济效益统一、因地制宜、标本兼治等原则;确定在退化草地植被恢复战略中,品种选择要坚持多重性,群落设计要科学务实,建设措施要得体规范,管理要严谨无漏. 相似文献
为了配合牧区退化草场围栏建设,选择有代表性的退化草场(围圈起来),进行了改良、恢复植被的研究。通过三年实际,总结分析了退化草场改良、恢复植被的真实状况,并通过当地近几年退化草场围栏实效调查。对今后退化草场围栏建设所能产生的效益。提出了一些粗浅的看法。 相似文献
退化草地生态修复技术试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用草地生态学、恢复生态学、农业栽培学、畜牧学等多学科理论,应用宏观与微观相结合的方法,对退化草地的生态修复重建技术进行了系统研究.试验研究结果表明:围栏封育、施肥、松土补播均是退化草地修复的有效措施,封育使草地四度一量分别提高1.97倍、1.18倍、3.31倍、5.11倍、1.85倍;施肥使草产量提高21.62%~80.00%;补播提高5.40%~62.16%,退化草地修复后优良植物群落、营养成份明显提高,植物多样性、丰富度、均匀度明显改善,土壤侵蚀量仅为对照草地的13.46%~33.99%. 相似文献
采用草地生态学、恢复生态学、农业栽培学、畜牧学等多学科理论,应用宏观与微观相结合的方法,对退化草地的生态修复重建技术进行了系统研究。试验研究结果表明:围栏封育、施肥、松土补播均是退化草地修复的有效措施,封育使草地四度一量分别提高1.97倍、1.18倍、3.31倍、5.11倍、1.85倍;施肥使草产量提高21.62%-80.00%;补播提高5.40%-62.16%,退化草地修复后优良植物群落、营养成份明显提高,植物多样性、丰富度、均匀度明显改善,土壤侵蚀量仅为对照草地的13.46%-33.99%。 相似文献
坨甸地退化草地围封育草试验始于1999年初,终于2000年末,其目的是恢复和提高由于过牧和开垦而退化的草地生产能力,改善沙地草地生态环境,为在生产中大面积推广提供有效的技术措施.现将情况报告如下. 相似文献
AIMS: This paper reviews recent research on the use of new forages in deer farming that may be useful for increasing growth in weaner deer for venison production, increasing the trace element status of deer, and for developing systems less reliant on chemical inputs, notably of anthelmintics used to control internal parasites. GROWTH: Grazing on pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense) or chicory (Chicorium intybus) increased weaner growth during autumn by 26-47% and during spring by 10-14%, relative to red deer (Cervus elaphus) grazed on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) /white clover (Trifolium repens) pasture (0.8/0.2). Pre-weaning growth during lactation was increased by approximately 20%. These increases were due to increased rate of degradation of feed particles in the rumen, leading to higher digestibility and higher voluntary feed intakes (VFI). Red clover and chicory produce a greater proportion of their total dry matter (DM) during late summer and autumn than perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures, and are therefore better aligned with the seasonal feed requirements of deer. Grazing on the legume, sulla (Hedysarum coronarium), in autumn and spring increased the growth of weaner deer by 33% and 10%, respectively, relative to pasture-fed animals. PARASITES: Plants containing substantial concentrations of secondary compounds such as condensed tannins (CT) show promise for reducing problems caused by internal parasites. CT present in some legumes and the presence of low concentrations of both CT and sesquiterpene lactones in chicory are reviewed. Feeding sulla containing 35g CT /kg DM reduced abomasal nematode establishment and tended to reduce lungworm (Dictyocaulis eckerti) larval counts in faeces. Relative to weaner deer grazing pasture, weaner deer grazing chicory during autumn required fewer anthelmintic treatments without depressing growth rates. CT extracted from a range of legumes, and CT and sesquiterpene lactones extracted from chicory reduced the in vitro motility of both lungworm and gastrointestinal nematode larvae. The beneficial effects of CT-containing forages on the ability of young deer to manage internal parasite infections could be due to: indirect effects of CT resulting in increased amino-acid absorption, better meeting demands of the immune system; direct inhibitory effects of CT on parasite larvae and; taller plant morphology, reducing the ingestion of infective larvae. The effects of CT depend upon both their structure and CT Condensed tannins DM Dry matter L1 First-stage larvae L3 Infective third-stage larvae LWG Liveweight gain ME Metabolisable energy OM Organic matter OMD Organic matter digestibility VFIVoluntary food intake concentration in the plant, which vary between growing conditions, plant varieties and species. TRACE ELEMENTS: Chicory contained higher concentrations of copper and cobalt than perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture grown on the same farm, and deer grazing chicory had higher liver concentrations of both copper and vitamin B12. These forages may contribute to maintaining adequate trace element status in deer. CONCLUSIONS: Grazing systems that include legumes and herbs such as sulla, red clover and chicory can be used to substantially increase the growth of weaner deer for venison production whilst maintaining deer health and reducing requirements for chemical inputs. For maximum plant persistence and animal responses, these plants should be grown and managed as special-purpose forages and not used in seed mixtures with perennial grasses. 相似文献
在青海省铁卜加草原改良试验站,观测了川草2号老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus cv.chuan-cao No.2)、甘南垂穗披碱草(E.nutants cv.Gannan)、扁穗冰草(Agropyroncristatum)和同德短芒披碱草(E.breviaristatus cv.Tongde)的生长表现。结果表明:参试4个品种均能在研究区正常生长发育,其中以同德短芒披碱草表现最好,鲜草、干草和种子产量(1 558.75、540.75和74.79 g/m2)最高;其次为川草2号老芒麦(1 453.33、508.71和67.96 g/m2)和甘南垂穗披碱草(1 439.58、503.67和67.92 g/m2);这三者均是该地区推广应用的较优品种。 相似文献
通过对红三叶(Trifolium pratense)、白三叶(Trifolium repens)、高丹草(Sorghum sudanense)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)接种AM真菌,测定植物根际AM真菌菌根侵染率、孢子密度,地上和地下部分生物量,了解宿主植物与AM真菌之间的协同作用,明确AM真菌对牧草的促生长效应,并筛选与4种牧草匹配的AM真菌。结果表明,AM真菌可侵染4种牧草且均能产生孢子,但不同牧草的侵染率和孢子密度存在差异。当对高丹草接种Glomus mosseae、Glomus intraradices、Glomus etunicatum、Glomus cladoideum、Glomus microagregatum、Glomus caledonium(简称G6),对红、白三叶接种Glomus intraradices(简称Gi),对苜蓿接种Glomus mosseae(简称Gm)时产量提高水平较对照组最为明显,接种AM真菌有效促进了植株的生长发育,提高了牧草的产量。 相似文献
The composition of the fiber and CP of alfalfa, bromegrass, and endophyte-free and -infected tall fescue forages was compared during the spring growth from vegetative to reproductive stages. Forages were sampled from April 27 to June 6 in 1994, and from April 27 to June 11 in 1995, with 11 and 12 harvest dates, respectively. Total dietary fiber (TDF) was fractionated into insoluble and soluble fiber (SF). The CP of the forages was fractionated into nonprotein N (A), soluble CP (B1), insoluble CP that was soluble in neutral detergent (B2), CP insoluble in neutral detergent but soluble in acid detergent (B3), and CP insoluble in acid detergent (C). Effects of year, forage species, and harvest dates (day as a covariable) were included in the model. Across harvest dates, alfalfa (A) had lower (P < .01) TDF and higher (P < .01) SF concentrations than grasses (GR) (A: 49.9 and 14.4% and GR: 60.4 and 4.5% [OM basis] for TDF and SF, respectively). Alfalfa had higher (P < .01) CP (20.6% DM) than GR (15.3%). The rate of decrease in CP (% DM) across days was higher (P < .01) for bromegrass (-.4%/d) than for the other forages (-.29%/d). Fraction A (% of CP) was not different (P = .24) among forages (22.5%), but B1 was higher (P < .01) in A (17.1%) than in GR (13.2%). The B2 fraction (% of CP) was higher (P < .01) in A compared with GR (51.6 vs 45.9%, respectively). Alfalfa had lower (P < .01) B3 (3.0% of CP) than bromegrass (18.6%) and tall fescue (13.2%). Fraction C was not different (P = .23) among forages (3.8%). Fractions A, B1, and C (% of CP) did not change (P > .05) across days for all forages. Fraction B2 (% of CP) decreased across days in A (-.21%/d) but was not affected in GR. Fraction B3 (% of CP) increased (P < .05) in A (.1%/d), decreased in endophyte-infected tall fescue (-.20%/d), and did not change (P > .05) in the other forages. Crude protein and fiber composition were affected more by forage species than by maturity. The CP and NDF concentrations were more affected by maturity. Insoluble fractions but not soluble fractions of CP were affected by maturity. 相似文献
调亏灌溉对高寒荒漠区人工混播草地土壤环境与牧草生长的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对中国高寒荒漠草原区牧草种植模式单一、产量水平低下的草业畜牧业生产现状,探究更为有效的灌水模式以提高牧草产量,以实现区域水土资源高效利用。以燕麦和箭筈豌豆混播草地为研究对象,采用大田试验对比分析了7种调亏灌溉模式(拔节期轻度亏水BW1:65%~75%,拔节期中度亏水BW2:55%~65%,拔节期重度亏水BW3:45%~55%,开花期轻度亏水KW1:65%~75%,开花期中度亏水KW2:55%~65%,开花期重度亏水KW3:45%~55%,以全生育期充分灌水QW0:75%~85%为对照)对混播草地土壤水分、土壤温度和土壤养分及牧草株高、茎叶比、产量和水氮利用效率的影响。结果表明:1)平均土壤贮水量随灌水亏缺程度的提高呈降低趋势,同一亏缺度条件下,拔节期亏水与开花期亏水间无显著差异。2)水分亏缺处理的平均土壤温度显著高于充分灌水处理,且水分亏缺度一定时,拔节期亏水处理的平均土壤温度显著高于开花期亏水处理。3)收获后各处理的土壤养分含量较播种前呈降低趋势。与充分灌水相比,开花期轻度亏水可显著提高土壤速效氮含量,而中度或重度水分亏缺不利于牧草对土壤速效磷和钾的吸收。4)同一灌水模式下,燕麦株高、茎叶比和产量均显著高于箭筈豌豆。7种灌水模式的草地耗水量为386.1~502.6 mm,与处理QW0相比,处理KW2的灌水量减少20.6%,牧草总产量无显著差异,可获得较高的水分利用效率(31.5 kg·hm-2·mm-1)、灌水利用效率(81.0 kg·hm-2·mm-1)、氮素吸收效率(0.99 kg·kg-1)和氮肥偏生产力(191.1 kg·kg-1),是高寒荒漠区燕麦与箭筈豌豆混播人工草地节水、增产和高效的水分管理模式。 相似文献