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本文从农业产业化的概念引入着手,通过分析农业产业化的经营组织模式的现状,结合实例从农业产业化对效率、价格及区域经济发展等三个方面的影响来分析评价农业产业化的绩效。  相似文献   

农业产业化进程的推进必须依赖有效的经营组织形式。各种组织形式的优劣需要借助系统的方式进行比较。文中借助杨小凯的经济控制理论与成长上限基模对现有的农业产业化经营组织形式进行系统比较,为政府推动农业产业化纵深发展和提高农户经济收益提供理论支持。  相似文献   

农业产业化经营是我国提出的发展农业经济的重要战略措施,对促进农业商品化、现代化具有重要意义。但它的实施受多种因素的制约,如农地产权制度。科技、组织、管理等。本文仅就农地产权制度与农业产业化经营的关系及问题进行探讨,以寻求实施农业产业化经营的内在机制。一、关于农地产权制度与农业产业化经营的理论说明农地产权制度是以农地为依托,对其权益进行合理有效的组合、调节的制度安排。它的实质是对农地的所有权、经营权及收益权进行合理安排,并通过法律形式给予强化,其核心是收益权的分配。它属于生产关系的范畴。关于农业产…  相似文献   

农业产业化是提高农业竞争力、增加农民收入的战略要求。截止去年底,我国农业产业化经营组织已发展到11.4万,龙头企业销售收入达14261亿。我国农业产业化经营正进入“以城带乡、以工促农”的战略机遇期,必须破除目前发展中的种种障碍,寻求对策,赢得更快发展。  相似文献   

党的十六大以来,农业产业化经营快速发展,截至2004年底,全国农业产业化经营组织总数达11.4万个,各类产业化组织固定资产总额8099亿元,龙头企业、中介组织销售收入分别为14261亿元和2108亿元,专业市场完成交易额8661亿元。农业产业化进入快速发展时期,有的进入了创新提升阶段。这是记者1月16日从海南三亚结束的第三批农业产业化国家重点龙头企业负责人培训班上了解到的。  相似文献   

关于农业产业化经营若干问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国农业产业化经营发展较快,在推进农业结构调整、增加农民收入、应对国内外市场竞争等方面发挥了积极作用。党的十五大报告指出:“积极发展农业产业化经营,形成生产、加工、销售有机结合和相互促进的机制,推进农业向商品化、专业化、现代化转变。”随着人们认识的不断深化和实践的不断发展,这种新的组织和经营形式日益得到各级党委、政府的高度重视和大力支持,呈现出良性、快速发展的局面。  相似文献   

9月20日,由农业部、国家发展和改革委员会、财政部、商务部、中国人民银行、国家税务总局、中国证券监督管理委员会、中华全国供销合作总社八部委联合召开的全国农业产业化工作会议在吉林长春隆重召开。国务院研究室副主任李炳坤以及联席会议成员单位和各省(区、市)的代表出席了会议。农业部部长杜青林发表重要讲话,农业部副部长范小建主持会议。 杜青林在总结五年来我国农业产业化发展的成绩时指出,农业产业化促进了优势产业的集聚,实现了农户与龙头企业的有效对接,促进了农民收入的增加,同时产加销、贸工农的有机结合提高了农民的组织化程度。农业产业化经营推进农业专业化、规模化、标准化的生产,加快了农业科技进步,提高了农业的整体水平,在积极引进外资、技术、装备和经营管理方式的同时,积极发展外向型农业,加快了农业对外开放的步伐。 会上,还对农业产业化工作的先进单位、先进个人和优秀龙头企业进行了表彰。江苏省海门京海肉鸡集团公司被评为“全国农业产业化优秀龙头企业”,成为全省受表彰的唯一的养殖龙头企业,并作为全国六个先进典型龙头企业之一作了“创新合作社惠农机制,提高产业化经营水平”的发言,值得交流提倡。[编者按]  相似文献   

<正>3月16日,财政部下发了《关于落实农业产业化经营贴息贷款项目的实施意见》,要求及时规范地开展农业产业化经营贴息贷款项目合作选项工作。根据实施意见,农业产业化经营贴息贷款项目合作扶持对象为从事农业产业化经营的借款人,优先扶  相似文献   

从传统农业向现代农业转变是西部山区农业发展的紧迫任务。正确分析判断西部山区农业发展所处的阶段,明确与农业产业化、现代化的关系,适时有序地推进农业产业化经营,不仅对西部山区经济实现追赶型、跨越式发展具有重要的战略意义,而且对整个国民经济的 发展也将产生不可 估量的积极作用。 农业发展按生 产力性质与状况划 分为原始农业、古 代农业、近代农业 和现代农业四个阶 段。古代农业又称 传统农业;近代农 业则是在追求工厂 化生产的同时,科 技在农业中开始广 泛应用,出现商品 性。专业化的生产 经营;现代农业即 实现农业生产…  相似文献   

一 家禽业产业化经营的现状 在家禽业产业化经营中,依靠家禽龙头企业带动,组织当地农户饲养的模式,已在许多地区推广应用。这种模式为我国家禽业的稳步、快速发展,为解决“三农”问题,促进农民增收做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

1. The fermentation of poultry manure in an attempt to increase its value for poultry diets was studied.

2. Microbial strains for the efficient elimination of uric acid were isolated.

3. Suitable, cheap carbon sources (methanol, glycerol, glucose) were tested in attempts to increase cell yield.

4. These criteria were used to study the 41 bacterial and 8 yeast strains which were the most prolific on slants and which were isolated from experiments with a shaker. A strain was selected for experimentation with a fermentor.

5. Fermentor experiments were done on a laboratory scale (101) and in a non‐sterile semicontinuous system (150 1), cell mass production being similar in both systems.  相似文献   

Five hundred sixty-nine Salmonella were isolated out of 4745 samples from poultry products, poultry, and poultry environment in 1999 and 2000 from the Pacific northwest. These Salmonella were identified to their exact source, and some were serogrouped, serotyped, phage typed, and tested for antibiotic sensitivity. Food product samples tested included rinse water of spent hens and broilers and chicken ground meat. Poultry environment samples were hatchery fluff from the hatcheries where eggs of grandparent broiler breeders or parent broiler breeder eggs were hatched and drag swabs from poultry houses. Diagnostic samples were of liver or yolk sac contents collected at necropsy from the young chicks received in the laboratory. Of these samples tested, 569 were Salmonella positive (11.99%). Ninety-two Salmonella were serogrouped with polyvalent somatic antisera A-I and the polymerase chain reaction. Somatic serogroups B and C comprised 95.25% of all the Salmonella. Out of a total of 569 positive samples, 97 isolates of Salmonella were serotyped. A total of 16 serotypes and an unnamed Salmonella belonging to serogroup C1 were identified. The Salmonella serotypes were heidelberg (25.77%); kentucky (21.64%); montevideo (11.34%); hadar and enteritidis (5.15% each); infantis, typhimurium, ohio, and thompson (4.12% each); mbandaka and cerro (3.09% each); senftenberg (2.06%); berta, istanbul, indiana, and saintpaul (1.03% each); and an unnamed monomorphic Salmonella (2.06%). Ninety-two Salmonella were tested for drug sensitivity with nine different antimicrobials. All of the 92 Salmonella were resistant to erythromycin, lincomycin, and penicillin except one sample (S. berta), which was moderately sensitive to penicillin. All of the tested Salmonella were susceptible to sarafloxacin and ceftiofur. The percentages of Salmonella susceptible to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, gentamicin, triple sulfa, and tetracycline were 97.83%, 92.39%, 86.96%, and 82.61%, respectively.  相似文献   

陈伟亮  王健 《中国家禽》2001,23(9):14-17
通过本文的介绍,不难发现养禽业作为畜牧业中集约化程度最高的一个行业,其 生产的一体化程度随着时代和科技的发展不断地提高,国家之间、企业之间的竞争也变得更 加激烈。养禽业在经历了发展的高潮和低谷之后正变得更加的成熟,那些生产水平低下,经 济效益差的企业正逐步被市场所淘汰,资金、人才等资源进一步集中到了一些更具竞争力的 企业的手中,这些企业拥有高效的生产管理系统,高度集约化的生产以及宝贵的市场资源。 通过企业间的联合、兼并和收购,这些在竞争中处于领先地位的企业对本国养禽业产生了巨 大的影响,他们在各自的生产领域中起到了举足轻重的作用。我们有理由相信,未来的中国 家禽业也一定会更具有竞争力,并在国际大公司和集团之间竞争的推动下,迈向新的辉煌。  相似文献   

陈伟亮  王健 《中国家禽》2001,23(10):6-9
(续上期) 2.2德国的家禽生产 最近的统计数据显示,1999年德国禽肉生产总量为80.68万吨,加上进出口部分,总量为124.87万吨,自给率大约为65%.1999年德国肉鸡的产量为43.82万吨,与1998年的44.44万吨相比略有下降,而总的消费量为65.51万吨,与1998年的65.38万吨相比继续缓慢而稳步的上升.1994年德国鸡肉的平均消费量人均7.0公斤,1997年人均7.8公斤,1998年人均为8.0公斤,1999年仍保持在这一水平上.德国国内禽类加工厂的肉鸡加工量达到了37.86万吨,与1998年的36.46万吨相比略有上升.德国肉鸡生产主要由一些大型的集团所控制,德国排名前三位的肉鸡生产公司的总产量占了整个肉鸡生产的90%.具体情况如表5.  相似文献   

1. Studies on the survival of Salmonella enteritidis in poultry units and food were carried out over a two‐year period.

2. The organism persisted for at least one year in an empty trial house at the laboratory in which naturally‐infected broiler breeder birds had previously been housed. A similar survival period was seen in a building which had housed an infected layer breeder flock, although infection was not detected in a subsequent pullet flock.

3. Salmonella enteritidis was also frequently found surviving outside poultry houses in small pockets of litter and fan dust which had been left after cleansing and disinfection of the site. On some poultry units S. enteritidis was also found in wild bird droppings.

4. Salmonella contamination appeared to persist preferentially in association with dust particles swept from the floor and in food troughs and S. enteritidis survived at least 26 months in artificially contaminated poultry food.  相似文献   

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