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周吉红 《杂粮作物》2006,26(5):371-373
目前,粮食作物仍是京郊农业的主体,其与都市农业的发展关系值得探讨。杂粮由于在生产、生活、生态等方面适应都市农业发展的需求,近几年已作为京郊迅速发展的朝阳产业日益兴起。通过分析京郊杂粮生产现状和存在的问题。北京杂粮产业发展的方向,指出京郊应发展特色有机杂粮,杂粮产业应走与首都都市农业发展相协调的路子。  相似文献   

随着小杂粮产品市场需求的日益增长,小杂粮作物在辽宁省西部地区的种植面积也不断增加,许多市县的杂粮杂豆种植面积已经占总播种面积的三分之一左右。辽宁省西部地区小杂粮生产和出口基地,已渐显雏形,同时配套的种植技术和生产条件也在不断改善。目前,辽西地区谷黍等小杂粮作物  相似文献   

杨树义  刘杨 《杂粮作物》2008,28(1):57-58
辽西北地区水资源不足且降水不稳定,始终制约着农业的发展,为改变农业生产条件,20世纪90年代初期,辽西北地区以辽河平原开发为龙头开始了大规模农业工程改造和建设,本文结合农业综合开发水资源利用实践,总结出辽西北区不同类型区农业综合开发水资源模式,并提出了合理开发利用水资源的几点建议,可供农业综合开发利用水资源规划参考。  相似文献   

充分利用自然资源,大力发展优质杂粮   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于目前杂粮市场前景日益看好,消费量和单价呈逐年上升趋势,同时喀左地区有着杂粮生产优越的自然资源和悠久的杂粮种植历史,通过对喀左地区发展杂粮的条件,杂粮生产现状和存在问题分析,探讨发展优质杂粮对策,促进地区经济的发展。  相似文献   

油用型向日葵杂交种F61选育及栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
F61是辽宁省农业科学院作物研究所向日葵研究室利用从意大利引进雄性不育系55A为母本和自选恢复系105R为父本于2007年冬季在海南组配的中早熟油用型向日葵杂交种。2009年F61在辽宁省杂粮备案品种产量比较试验中,5个试点中4个试验点表现增产,平均产量220.61 kg/667m2,比对照增产6.60%。该品种抗病耐旱,适应性强,在辽宁各地可一季种植,在辽西、辽南等热量充足的地区夏播复种。  相似文献   

本刊编辑部 《杂粮作物》2007,27(6):F0003-F0003
2007年11月9月至14日,中国农学会杂粮分会年会暨第四届中国杂粮产业论坛在深圳举办。此次论坛由中国农学会杂粮分会、山西省农业科学院和深圳市农作物良种引进中心共同主办。会议的主题是:“展望‘十一五’,促进杂粮产业大发展”。论坛由山西省农业科学院院长,中国农学会杂粮分会主任委员牛西午主持。中国农学会学术部主任孙好勤代表农学会到会祝贺并讲话。会议交流了我国杂粮作物的最新研究成果。研讨了我国现阶段杂粮产业面临的机遇与挑战,国内外发展杂粮产业的成功经验,国家对杂粮产业的政策、资金扶持,国内外杂粮市场与供求信息…  相似文献   

亲爱的读者朋友:您好!本期是《杂粮作物》的最后一期,我们怀着依依不舍的心情向您说再见了。首先诚挚感谢您多年来对《杂粮作物》的关心和支持!《杂粮作物》1981年创刊,是辽宁省农业科学院主办的农业科技期刊,也是全国唯一的杂粮方面的专业期刊。  相似文献   

辽西地区的自然资源丰富,农牧皆宜,这也就为本地区提供了丰富的食材,多民族聚集使得烹饪方式呈现出"和而不同"的状态。辽西地区是东北地区与中原地区的交通要道,加之人文上的辽西,是中原文化与边疆文化的交融地带,饮食文化上的交流就更加便捷,辽西地区饮食文化体现了包容、互通的特点。研究辽西五市的饮食文化,发扬其中蕴含的文化内核,传承美好的人文精神和处世之道;从文化之中找到独特优势,为发展旅游业做参考,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

我国是杂粮豆生产和出口大国,杂粮具有绿色无公害、营养保健功能的独特品质,国内外市场需求量越来越大。首届全国杂粮产业大会2008年在沈阳成功举办。第二届全国杂粮产业大会定于2010年3月在天津召开,诚邀您光临!  相似文献   

正在崇尚绿色健康的今天,将茶与旅游活动有机进行结合,迎合了现代生活追求自然、体验文化的需要。茶旅有机融合前景广阔,优势明显,许多地区都在探索发展富有地域特色的茶旅游,并且已积累了一些成功经验。作为全国重点产茶县的浙江省江山市,有独特的旅游资源、茶产业优势,茶旅结合,有机融合,大有文章可做。本文对推进江山市茶旅融合发展作一些探讨。一、江山市茶产业发展情况江山市是全国重点产茶县,茶叶产业是市特色农业产  相似文献   

Transgenic cereals: Current status and future prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review summarises the history of transgenic (GM) cereals, principally maize, and then focuses on the scientific literature published in the last two years. It describes the production of GM cereals with modified traits, divided into input traits and output traits. The first category includes herbicide tolerance and insect resistance, and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses; the second includes altered grains for starch, protein or nutrient quality, the use of cereals for the production of high value medical or other products, and the generation of plants with improved efficiency of biofuel production. Using data from field trial and patent databases the review considers the diversity of GM lines being tested for possible future development. It also summarises the dichotomy of response to GM products in various countries, describes the basis for the varied public acceptability of such products, and assesses the development of novel breeding techniques in the light of current GM regulatory procedures.  相似文献   

Cereal-based products, such as bread, are staple foods in the western diet. Due to the nature of their basic ingredients and the diversity of recipes, the amount of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates (FODMAPs) in those products may be high. This study characterized the FODMAP-profiles of a broad range of cereal-product ingredients, serving as a basis for low FODMAP product development. Different cereals, pseudo-cereals, gluten-free flours, pulses, pulse protein ingredients, commercial sprouts, and other cereal-product ingredients were analyzed, using anion-exchange chromatography with electrochemical detection. Wheat and related cereals were high in fructans. Pulses, such as peas contained high galactooligosaccharides (GOS) amounts. Whereas GOS levels in pulse protein ingredients varied, depending on their production. Gluten-free flours, for instance, rice-flour, showed low FODMAP-profiles. Amongst those, buckwheat, which does not contain any of the FODMAPs investigated, contained high amounts of other soluble non-digestible carbohydrates, namely fagopyritols; these may have a similar effect on a sensitive gut as GOS. Finally, ingredients contained mainly high levels of fructans and GOS. Yet, the analysis of commonly consumed commercial cereal products, including bread, pasta, crackers and biscuits, highlighted the relevance of lactose, fructose in excess of glucose and polyols. These products serve as benchmarks for further product development.  相似文献   

凤凰茶区考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张佳 《茶叶》2013,39(2):88-90,106
凤凰镇位于广东省潮州市潮安县,是中国著名乌龙茶凤凰单丛的产地,也是潮汕工夫茶发扬传承的地区之一。考察结果说明,该地区自然条件得天独厚,适宜茶树生长,当地茶农质朴勤劳,将传统的单丛制作工艺保留并改良,加之近年来茶叶市场升温、市场经济的影响逐渐体现到当地茶农的茶叶生产中。  相似文献   

Nonenzymatic browning development has been investigated in commercial cookies, crackers and breakfast cereals by determination of maltulose and furosine. In addition, maltose, lactose, lactulose, fructose, glucose and 2-furoylmethyl-GABA were also determined in the samples studied. Maltulose and furosine were present in all samples of cookies, crackers and breakfast cereals. Differences found among samples may be attributed to variations in composition and processing conditions. The maltose/maltulose ratio showed a wide range in the samples studied and could probably be attributed to differences in heating intensity during processing. Thus, maltose/maltulose ratio might serve as indicator of the heat load during manufacture. Furosine and 2-furoylmethyl-GABA may arise from Maillard reactions in some of the ingredients before manufacture of the cereal products: this appears to be a major drawback for the use of these compounds as suitable indicators to differentiate between commercial cereal products. However, in the cereal industry, where exact ingredient composition is known, measurement of the maltulose and furosine formed might be used as indicators to monitor processing conditions during the manufacture of cereal products.  相似文献   

唐代西南、江南地区茶叶的产地分布面广,但西南产地分布的广泛程度总体不及江南;茶叶的地理布局颇不平衡,西南更为突出;茶叶的分布格局与地区经济发展水平紧密相关;茶叶产地在唐后期呈扩大趋势,江南更加突出。对两区茶叶地理分布特征进行比较研究,有助于挖掘潜力,打造茶叶品牌,促进地方经济发展。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业发展现状及前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近几年,随着我国经济的发展,中央和地方政府扶持力度不断加大,内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业和相关产业迅猛发展起来,面积逐年增加,产量稳步提高,种植品种多元化,基地种植规模化、集约化、专业化,相关产业品牌优势化、国际化,正逐步把马铃薯种植业和加工业打造成内蒙古地区的特色产业和优势产业。马铃薯种植业和相关产业前景看好,但其在发展过程中还有许多问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

近二十年来,我国棉花生产由于受条件、技术和市场等诸多因素影响,生产格局急剧变化调整,由长江流域、黄河流域和西北内陆三大棉区"三足均衡鼎立"演变为西北内陆棉区"一足独大"的棉花生产区域加快集中走势,被削弱之足面临巨大的产业变革和压力。为了优化农业生产布局、保障重要农产品有效供给,作者梳理分析了棉花产业的走势及发展支撑,提出了推进山东省棉花生产保护区支撑体系构建的基本思路及建议。  相似文献   

Underutilized sources of dietary fiber: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interest in the fiber content of foods has decreased in recent years as concerns about fat intake have increased. Fiber, however, remains an important component of the diet. Soluble dietary fiber, including pectic substances and hydrocolloids, is found naturally in foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and oat bran. Insoluble fiber, including cellulose and hemicellulose, is found in foods such as whole grains. Fiber supplementation has been used to enhance the fiber content of a variety of foods ranging from cereal-based products to meats, imitation cheeses and sauces. Products used to enhance fiber content of foods have traditionally come from cereals such as wheat, corn and oats. There are a variety of other products, however, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and less commonly used cereals such as barley, which are potential sources of dietary fiber supplements. This article reviews research on some of these underutilized sources of dietary fiber.  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素主要由黄曲霉等产毒真菌产生,属生物源危害物,是毒性极强的一类真菌毒素,历史上因食用黄曲霉毒素污染产品造成过多次人及家养动物群体中毒死亡事件。黄曲霉毒素通过污染农产品与动物饲料进入食物链,严重威胁全球食品安全与人类健康。为了减少黄曲霉毒素污染危害,非常有必要掌握黄曲霉毒素污染农产品及食品主要种类。因此,本文通过研究国内外相关文献报道,较为全面地总结了近年来黄曲霉毒素污染农产品及其制品的主要种类,包括:谷物及其制品、调味品、饲料等12个类别,共计143种产品。通过归纳总结黄曲霉毒素污染产品种类,可以为农产品及食品黄曲霉毒素污染防治研究提供重要科学依据,对保障消费安全和产业健康发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews studies on allergy, intolerance and sensitivity to cereals, especially to wheat, barley, rye, maize, rice and oats with regard to reducing their incidences. Prevalence of allergy to cereals is generally low; prevalence of other cereal-related diseases are highest for wheat and lowest for oats. Compared to the other cereals, wheat (and its components wheat starch and vital gluten) are most abundantly applied in a broad range of food products world-wide, which justifies the major focus of this review on wheat. Current knowledge on diagnosis of the cereal-related diseases and on detection and characterization of the relevant proteins is discussed in the context of the development of prevention strategies. Aiming at their design and implementation, such strategies require building of knowledge frameworks at the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention levels. In this regard, selection and breeding of low-allergenic/low-intoleragenic crop varieties, application of processing and technological approaches, and the introduction of alternative safe cereal crops is discussed. Sustainable reduction of immune-related diseases in general (including cereal allergies and intolerances) is discussed with regard to eating habits and lifestyle factors, human genetic and physiological characteristics, and the role of the intestinal micro-flora.  相似文献   

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