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Recognizing the crucial role of veterinarians in mitigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has funded the development of a suite of educational materials to promote the responsible veterinary medical use of antimicrobials. An open-access, Web-based multimedia curriculum regarding antimicrobial resistance in veterinary practice was thus created. The antimicrobial-resistance learning site (AMRLS) for veterinary medical students was completed and made available for use in January 2011 (http://amrls.cvm.msu.edu/). Designed for integration into existing veterinary medical courses, the AMRLS is also a resource for continuing education for practicing veterinarians, animal scientists, and food-animal industry specialists. This Web site emphasizes the mechanisms by which AMR emerges and spreads, the significant role of veterinarians in mitigating AMR, and the need to preserve the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations.  相似文献   

The real and/or perceived shortage of veterinarians serving food-supply veterinary medicine has been a topic of considerable discussion for decades. Regardless of this debate, there are issues still facing colleges of veterinary medicine (CVMs) about the best process of educating future food-supply veterinarians. Over the past several years, there have been increasing concerns by some that the needs of food-supply veterinary medicine have not adequately been met through veterinary educational institutions. The food-supply veterinary medical curriculum offered by individual CVMs varies depending on individual curricular design, available resident animal population, available food-animal caseload, faculty, and individual teaching efforts of faculty. All of the institutional members of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) were requested to share their Food Animal Veterinary Career Incentives Programs. The AAVMC asked all member institutions what incentives they used to attract and educate students interested in, or possibly considering, a career in food-supply veterinary medicine (FSVM). The problem arises as to how we continue to educate veterinary students with ever shrinking budgets and how to recruit and retain faculty with expertise to address the needs of society. Several CVMs use innovative training initiatives to help build successful FSVM programs. This article focuses on dairy, beef, and swine food-animal education and does not characterize colleges' educational efforts in poultry and aquaculture. This review highlights the individual strategies used by the CVMs in the United States.  相似文献   

The annals of veterinary medical history rarely mention the presence of African American veterinarians and other minorities. Between 1889 and 1948, records show, a meager 70 African Americans graduated from veterinary schools in the United States and Canada. It was not until the veterinary school at Tuskegee (Institute) University was established in 1945 that a significant increase in the number of African American veterinarians occurred in the United States, and over the ensuing years their participation in every facet of the profession has been striking. Their employment in various areas of the profession and their successful performance in the workforce have done much to dispel stereotypical perceptions about minorities. Despite demographic data indicating that the United States is moving rapidly toward a multicultural society, recruitment programs to increase the number of African American students and faculty at the 27 US veterinary colleges have not kept pace with the declared goals of ethnic diversity. If the needs of a changing culture are to be met, veterinary medical education must look toward more ethnic inclusion in the student body and faculty. To that end, the Iverson C. Bell Symposium has consistently advocated the adoption of new and creative methods for increasing minority student enrollment and expanding faculty opportunities in the nation's veterinary colleges.  相似文献   

Veterinary patients stand to benefit greatly from the collaboration of pharmacy and veterinary medicine, and there are many ways pharmacy and veterinary medicine can work in concert. The best efforts to revise and remodel veterinary and pharmacy education to fit an evolving world of clinical practice are grounded in an understanding of each profession. Veterinary education should impart to its students and residents the skills necessary to critically evaluate drug therapy, select therapies based on facts from drug information sources, and operate a veterinary practice that abides by the legal, regulatory, and operational requirements necessary to maintain and dispense drugs. The academic training environment of each profession must include information on the other, in order to better prepare professionals for a realistic practice environment. When armed with an understanding of what pharmacists can provide their patients, veterinarians can demand these skills where appropriate. With the ultimate goal of producing an optimal learning environment, veterinary curricula should allow both pharmacy and veterinary medicine to work together to build a path to quality patient care and educational superiority.  相似文献   

Many reports have highlighted the need for the veterinary profession to fill critical shortages of veterinarians in public health and food safety. Michigan State University's College of Veterinary Medicine offers educational programs within the professional veterinary curriculum, as well as graduate degree programs, to meet these societal needs. Within the scope of the professional veterinary curriculum, educational opportunities in public health include clerkships in veterinary public health and an innovative Web-based curriculum on judicious use of antimicrobials. For graduate degree programs, Michigan State University has a memorandum of understanding with the University of Minnesota for the Master of Public Health degree and an innovative Online Professional Master of Science in Food Safety degree program. A new option available is the opportunity for veterinary students to pursue the Master of Science in Food Safety concurrently with the DVM (DVM/MS in Food Safety). These educational programs will prepare graduates to meet societal needs in public health and food safety.  相似文献   

The veterinary profession has gone through periods of profound change in response to economic and social changes. We are currently in another such period: profound change is required in order for the profession to remain relevant in a marketplace where a rapidly expanding knowledge base and new technologies demand an ever-increasing level of expertise in a greater variety of areas. However, the veterinary profession is perceived both internally and by the public as possessing a narrow set of skills that supports a narrow group of careers focused on salvaging ill or injured companion animals. It will be necessary to dramatically change the way veterinary students are recruited and trained, as well as how graduate veterinarians are licensed and provided continuing education, in order for the veterinary profession to capitalize on our historical strengths and provide service and leadership in a greater diversity of career paths. Even though the number of veterinarians needed to provide primary care for livestock is decreasing, both the level of expertise demanded by livestock owners and the value of veterinary involvement on livestock farms are increasing. Colleges of veterinary medicine appear challenged to meet the changing needs for veterinary services in animal agriculture because of the declining percentage of veterinary students interested in food animal careers. Fortunately for animal agriculture, the skill set needed by food animal veterinarians is also needed by several emerging segments of the veterinary profession that have tremendous potential for rapid growth, including employment in all segments of food production systems, environmental monitoring and management, bio-security and disease eradication, laboratory diagnostics, and federal regulatory and bio-defense roles. Like previous periods of profound change, this moment in history will require creative thought, open discussion, and a willingness to step into the unknown.  相似文献   

Veterinary medicine is failing both to sustain its academic base and to meet national needs for research in the fields of comparative medicine (translational research), public health, and food production. The basis for the shortage of veterinarians with research expertise is multi-factorial and related to the substantial commitment of time and money required to obtain both a DVM and advanced training, as well as the lack of motivation among veterinary students to engage in biomedical science. Effective strategies for increasing the number of veterinarian scientists must address these issues using a balanced combination of money, marketing, and mentoring. Success will require not only that we increase and improve opportunities for research training, but also that we create and sustain veterinary college environments that attract, foster, and reward dedication to research. The 'research pipeline' needs to be transformed into a 'research manifold' with multiple portals for entry and re-entry of trainees. Age-appropriate educational and mentoring programs should be implemented at K-14, baccalaureate, veterinary college, post-graduate, and junior faculty levels to promote recruitment, training, and retention of veterinarian scientists. New initiatives are especially needed to attract students with primary interests in science and biomedical research to the veterinary profession and to facilitate transition of motivated veterinary graduates from private practice to research careers. Specific examples of such programs are presented and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The final-year Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (MVB) class of 2005 were the first cohort of students to complete the new curriculum at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin (UCD). The new curriculum is a fundamental departure from the traditional curriculum that had served the veterinary profession in Ireland over many years. The change was not a precipitate action but the outcome of a prolonged and thorough examination of the realities of veterinary medicine, its science and its art, in the first decade of a new millennium. Over recent decades, rapid and fundamental changes have been witnessed in the economic, cultural, and ethical environment in which the veterinary profession operates, and these changes, coupled with the "information explosion," dictated an examination of the educational paradigm. The new curriculum exposes the first-year class to veterinary information technology and problem-based learning (PBL). In the second year, students are instructed in clinical examination, history taking, and client communication skills, in addition to further exposure to PBL. The third and fourth years are now systems-based, with coordinated input from microbiologists, parasitologists, pathologists, and clinicians in teaching each body system. The first lecture-free final year in the 104-year history of veterinary education in Ireland consists of clinical rotations and a four-week elective pursued within the faculty or at other recognized institutions. Students must also complete a minimum of 24 weeks' extramural studies (EMS). Critically, the development and assessment of all courses in the new undergraduate degree program has been driven by carefully thought out learning outcomes. The new curriculum will provide graduates with the essential knowledge and skills required for entry into the veterinary profession. Society expects these qualities from veterinarians in the interests of the communities they serve during their professional careers. In addition, the curriculum should foster the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, instill the desire and ability to work in teams, and develop life skills. It is hoped that the academic innovations will arouse the intellectual curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning that future graduates will require if they are to retain the confidence of the society in which they work in the future.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for veterinarians in public health has created an environment for innovative educational approaches, providing opportunities for veterinary students to gain additional education in public health. At the University of Tennessee, this environment has enabled a collaboration between the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences to establish a veterinary concentration in an existing Master of Public Health degree program. The veterinary public-health concentration was approved in 2004. In addition, other courses and initiatives have been developed at the College of Veterinary Medicine, creating stronger collaborations with academic units and public-health professionals.  相似文献   

Changing demands from society and the veterinary profession call for veterinary medical curricula that can deliver veterinarians who are able to integrate specific and generic competencies in their professional practice. This requires educational innovation directed by an integrative veterinary competency framework to guide curriculum development. Given the paucity of relevant information from the veterinary literature, a qualitative multi-method study was conducted to develop and validate such a framework. A competency framework was developed based on the analysis of focus group interviews with 54 recently graduated veterinarians and clients and subsequently validated in a Delphi procedure with a panel of 29 experts, representing the full range and diversity of the veterinary profession. The study resulted in an integrated competency framework for veterinary professionals, which consists of 16 competencies organized in seven domains: veterinary expertise, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, scholarship, and personal development. Training veterinarians who are able to use and integrate the seven domains in their professional practice is an important challenge for today's veterinary medical schools. The Veterinary Professional (VetPro) framework provides a sound empirical basis for the ongoing debate about the direction of veterinary education and curriculum development.  相似文献   

Our nation lacks a critical mass of professionals trained to prevent and respond to food- and animal-related emergencies. Training veterinarians provides an immediate means of addressing this shortage of experts. Achievement of critical mass to effectively address animal-related emergencies is expedited by concurrent training of professionals and graduate students in related areas. Purdue University offers a Web-based Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Homeland Security to address this special area of need. The program is a collaborative effort among the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, the Purdue Homeland Security Institute, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, the Indiana State Police, and others with the overall goal of increasing capacity and preparedness to manage animal-related emergencies. Individuals with expertise in veterinary medicine, public health, animal science, or homeland security are encouraged to participate. The Web-based system allows courses to be delivered efficiently and effectively around the world and allows participants to continue their graduate education while maintaining full-time jobs. Participants enhance their understanding of natural and intentional threats to animal health, strengthen their skills in managing animal-health emergencies, and develop problem-solving expertise to become effective members of animal emergency response teams and of their communities. Students receive graduate credit from Purdue University that can be used toward the certificate and toward an advanced graduate degree. Currently, 70 participants from 28 states; Washington, DC; Singapore; and Bermuda are enrolled.  相似文献   

The discipline of laboratory animal medicine is one of the most rapidly expanding specialties within the veterinary profession. Veterinary schools should fully accept the responsibility for introductory instruction in laboratory animal medicine in the professional curriculum. Such instruction should articulate the varied opportunities that exist for the laboratory animal veterinarian within the biomedical research community, and provide an overview of the normal biological characteristics and pathologic conditions of the common laboratory animal species. In addition, the opportunity should exist within the veterinary school for graduate and undergraduate students utilizing experimental animals to receive a comprehensive introduction to laboratory animal biology, care, and management. Instructional responsibility for such courses should be accepted by faculty veterinarians with advanced training in laboratory animal medicine. Veterinarians with advanced training in this specialty are uniquely qualified to make substantial contributions to biomedical research by promoting the health and welfare of the research animal.  相似文献   

The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM), a regional veterinary college for Maryland and Virginia, has a long and unique tradition of encouraging careers in public and corporate veterinary medicine. The VMRCVM is home to the Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine (CPCVM), and each year approximately 10% of the veterinary students choose the public/corporate veterinary medicine track. The faculty of the CPCVM, and their many partners from the veterinary public practice community, teach in the veterinary curriculum and provide opportunities for students locally, nationally, and internationally during summers and the final clinical year. Graduates of the program work for government organizations, including the US Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as in research, in industry, and for non-governmental organizations. Recent activities include securing opportunities for students, providing career counseling for graduate veterinarians interested in making a career transition, delivering continuing education, and offering a preparatory course for veterinarians sitting the board examination for the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. As the VMRCVM moves forward in recognition of the changing needs of the veterinary profession, it draws on its tradition of partnership and capitalizes on the excellence of its existing program. Future plans for the CPCVM include possible expansion in the fields of public health, public policy, international veterinary medicine, organizational leadership, and the One Health initiative. Quality assurance and evaluation of the program is ongoing, with recognition that novel evaluation approaches will be useful and informative.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an Internet-based review conducted in January and February 2003 to assess the educational opportunities available in veterinary public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine at the 27 veterinary schools in the United States. Most professional veterinary curricula are designed to train students for careers as highly qualified private practitioners, although there is an increased need for veterinary perspectives and contributions in the public health sector. The future of veterinary public health relies on the opportunities available in education to teach and encourage students to pursue a career of public service. The results of this review indicate the availability of a wide variety of required courses, electives, and post-graduate training programs to veterinary students in the United States. Veterinary students are exposed to a median of 60 hours of public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine in required stand-alone courses in these areas. Four veterinary schools also have required rotations for senior students in public health, preventive medicine, or population medicine. Contact time for required public health, epidemiology, and preventive medicine courses ranges from 30 to 150 contact hours. Advanced training was available in these subjects at 79% of the 27 schools. Greater collaboration between veterinary schools, schools of public health, and the professional public health community will increase exposure to and opportunities in public health to all future veterinarians.  相似文献   

This qualitative study seeks to determine the nature of the instruction librarians provide to veterinary medical students at all 28 United States veterinary colleges. A secondary goal of the study was to determine in what ways and to what extent librarians participated in other instructional activities at their colleges. Over half of the librarians formally taught in one or more courses, predominantly in the first two years of the veterinary curriculum. One presentation per course was most common. Over half of the librarians interviewed stated that evidence-based veterinary medicine was taught at their colleges, and about half of these librarians collaborated with veterinary faculty in this instruction. Many librarians participated in orientation for first-year veterinary students. The librarians also taught instructional sessions for residents, interns, faculty, graduate students, and practicing veterinarians. This study found that librarians teach information literacy skills both formally and informally, but, in general, instruction by librarians was not well integrated into the curriculum. This study advances several recommendations to help veterinary students develop information literacy skills. These include: encourage veterinary faculty and administrators to collaborate more closely with librarians, incorporate a broader array of information literacy skills into assignments, and add a literature evaluation course to the curriculum.  相似文献   

Reptile medicine has emerged as a specialty area within the broader field of zoological medicine. It encompasses the medical needs of approximately 7,500 vertebrate species. This vertebrate class is highly diversified, having biological and medical peculiarities that differ both between and within major groups. Historically, veterinarians who have become recognized specialists with reptiles have had limited formal training in their medical management. The pet reptile trade is a multi-million-dollar business, and the popularity of reptiles as pets has resulted in a need for more veterinarians with training in their medical management. While few private practices have high volumes of reptile cases, many small-animal practices will have the opportunity to see a significant number of reptiles on an annual basis. Most practitioners with reptile medical expertise have merged their experiences as reptile pet owners with the principles of veterinary medicine taught in veterinary college. Several North American veterinary colleges have reptile medicine courses, and most have didactic and clinical courses in exotic and zoo animal medicine that include lectures and practical experience. Most accredited zoological medicine residency training programs include training in reptile medicine. The case load and interest in reptile medicine will probably never be sufficient to lead the average veterinary college to develop much more than what is currently offered. Consequently, those few colleges having more extensive course offerings, both didactic and clinical, will serve as educational centers for this discipline. Future Web-based teaching programs in reptile medicine will allow students nationally and internationally to have access to instructional material that can be continually updated.  相似文献   

Those involved in the early history of veterinary medicine in the United States of America provided valuable services and an excellent foundation for later development of the profession. Even though the farriers and cowleeches had little knowledge, and occasionally less ethics, most performed as best they could. Certainly, the medical profession contributed greatly to the success of the American veterinary profession. Furthermore, the influence of British veterinarians and their publications added much to improving the profession. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment for the betterment of the profession was the establishment of the United States Veterinary Medical Association. Once the practicing veterinarians in the United States became organized and concerned, the profession appeared to develop rapidly providing both educational opportunities and pride in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

The public needs no reminder that deadly infectious diseases such as FMD could emerge in any country at any moment, or that national food security could be compromised by Salmonella or Listeria infections. Protections against these risks include the knowledge that appropriate and equivalent veterinary education will enable detection and characterization of emerging disease agents, as well as an appropriate response, wherever they occur. Global veterinary leadership is needed to reduce the global threat of infectious diseases of major food animal and public health importance. We believe that the co-curriculum is an excellent way to prepare and train veterinarians and future leaders who understand and can deal with global issues. The key to the success of the program is the veterinarian's understanding that there is a cultural basis to the practice of veterinary medicine in any country. The result will be a cadre of veterinarians, faculty, and other professionals who are better able (language and culture) to understand the effects of change brought about by free trade and the importance of interdisciplinary and institutional relationships to deal effectively with national and regional issues of food safety and security. New global veterinary leadership programs will build on interests, experience, ideas, and ambitions. A college that wishes to take advantage of this diversity must offer opportunities that interest veterinarians throughout their careers and that preferably connect academic study with intensive experiential training in another country. At its best, the global veterinary leadership program would include a partnership between veterinarians and several international learning centers, a responsiveness to the identified international outreach needs of the profession, and attention to critical thinking and reflection. The global veterinary leadership program we have described is intended to be a set of ideas meant to promote collaboration, coalitions, and discussion among veterinarians and veterinary educators who may be intrigued by the concept. The impact of the program can be summarized as follows: Outreach Programs: The global veterinary leadership program will establish new partnerships between veterinarians and veterinary college faculty as they supervise the international internships and see a relationship between their goals and the value of food safety to this country. Strategic Opportunity: The program will build on the critical role that US veterinarians and veterinary colleges already play in strengthening the safety of free trade in this hemisphere. Diversity in an Age of Specialization: The program will combine a global orientation, language ability, and access to comprehensive, research- and economic-related work/study opportunities to expose veterinarians to the expanding world market for veterinary expertise. New Linkages Through Corporate Partners: Through the success and high visibility of current research and education programs, most veterinary colleges are well positioned to engage industry, government, and university leaders in ways to use the proposed program to increase the flow of new ideas and talent into the world food enterprise. International Funding: A new partnership among veterinarians, industry, government, and university leaders can coordinate strong multilateral requests for funding from national and international sources. An Interdisciplinary Strategy that Benefits Veterinary Medicine: The program will combine the diverse veterinary research and education system with our strong national and international network of collaborators to provide globally competent veterinarians who will be needed for the corporate and public opportunities of the future.  相似文献   

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