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1. TME, TMEn and metabolisability (TME/gross energy) of energy-yielding foodstuffs were determined in 1, 3 and 10 d old broiler chicks, using the assay method developed by Murakami et al. (1994), in order to characterise energy utilisation during the 10 d after hatching. 2. TME, TMEn and metabolisability of dextrin and starch were low in chicks aged 1 d, and increased with age up to 10 d. Energy values of glucose and maltose at days 1 and 3 could not be determined because of the sudden death of birds soon after the feeding. TMEn and metabolisability of cereal sources were lower in d-old chicks than in those aged 3 and 10 d. At all ages, maize was better utilised than wheat and sorghum. 3. In the fat sources (coconut oil, beef tallow and safflower oil) no age dependency was observed in TME, TMEn and metabolisability. 4. Bioavailability of soyabean meal and fish meal was lower at 1 d than at 3 d and 10 d. Energy utilisation from casein was the highest among the protein sources tested and it was not age dependent. 5. It is concluded that energy utilisation of carbohydrate and protein sources during 10 d post-hatch tended to increase with age. Among the energy yielding foodstuffs fat sources seem to be better utilised, with no age dependency. 相似文献
1. In experiment 1, growing conventional (CV) chicks were fed on diets containing graded amounts (0, 100, 200 and 300 g/kg diet) of sorbose from 4 to 14 d. Protein, fat and energy deposition were determined after carcase analysis. The values for growth, food efficiency, metabolisable energy (ME) and fat and energy depositions declined as the dietary sorbose content increased. 2. In experiment 2, the performances of germ-free (GF) and CV chicks fed on diets with (100 g sorbose/kg diet) or without sorbose were investigated. On both diets, body weight gain, food consumption and protein accumulation in GF chicks were significantly higher than those in CV birds. No significant differences were observed between the dietary treatment except for ME values, which were significantly lower for the sorbose diet. 3. It is suggested that dietary sorbose decreased energy utilisation, and that the microbial contribution to the utilisation of dietary sorbose was negligible in the chicken. 相似文献
Alzueta C Rodríguez ML Cutuli MT Rebolé A Ortiz LT Centeno C Treviño J 《British poultry science》2003,44(1):67-74
1. A study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of linseed or demucilaged linseed in the diet on the performance, fat and fatty acid digestibilities, metabolisability of gross energy and intestinal microflora. 2. The dietary inclusions were 80 and 160 g/kg for linseed and 160 g/kg for demucilaged linseed. Diets were given to chickens from 1 to 23 d of age. 3. Incorporation of linseed in the diet, particularly at 160 g/kg, depressed weight gain and food utilisation. Digestibility of fat and single fatty acids and dietary metabolisable energy were reduced. 4. Inclusion of linseed in the diet markedly increased the viscosity of ileal digesta. Microbial activity in the ileum and caeca was not greatly affected, but there was a significant increase in the number of lactobacilli. 5. The antinutritional effects caused by feeding linseed were partially overcome by substituting demucilaged linseed for linseed in the diet. 6. Results from the current study suggest that the viscous properties of mucilage are a major factor in the observed antinutritional effects of linseed through increasing intestinal viscosity. Such effects might also be mediated by the gut microflora. 相似文献
Rodríguez ML Alzueta C Rebolé A Ortiz LT Centeno C Treviño J 《British poultry science》2001,42(3):368-375
1. Diets containing linseed at inclusions of 0, 80, 120 and 160 g/kg were evaluated for digestibility of nutrients and AMEn content with male broiler chickens. 2. Increasing the concentration of linseed decreased the retention of nitrogen and the digestibility of amino acids, crude fat and fatty acids of diets. 3. Dietary AMEn (MJ/kg) was also affected by the rate of inclusion of linseed, values decreasing from 14.39 to 12.49. 4. In general, a linear regression model explained the relationship between dietary linseed content and nutritive parameters. However, the quadratic response found for the digestibility of several amino acids and fatty acids indicated a non-additive change in their digestibility. 5. Viscosity ofjejunal digesta was markedly increased by each increment of linseed in the diets. This is attributable to the presence of mucilage in linseed and it might explain many of the results obtained in this study. 相似文献
1. The influence of a microbial phytase on the performance, toe ash contents and nutrient utilisation of male broilers fed diets based on maize and wheat was investigated. The experiment was conducted as 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Within the factorial, two diet types (maize-soy or wheat-soy) containing two levels of non-phytate phosphorus (3.0 or 4.5 g/kg) were evaluated and each level of non-phytate phosphorus was supplemented with 0 or 500 PU phytase/kg diet. Each of the 8 dietary treatments were fed to 6 pens of 8 birds from d 1 to 21 post-hatching. 2. Main effects of diet type and phytase were observed for all parameters. Main effect of non-phytate phosphorus was significant only for feed/gain and toe ash contents. Phytase addition improved weight gains irrespective of diet type or non-phytate phosphorus level, but the magnitude of improvement in the phosphorus-deficient wheat-soy diet was greater, resulting in a diet type x non-phytate phosphorus interaction. Responses in toe ash contents were noted only in phosphorus-deficient diets, as indicated by a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction. 3. Phytase addition improved apparent metabolisable energy values of wheat-based diets, but had little effect on the apparent metabolisable energy of maize-based diets as shown by a diet type x phytase interaction. The apparent metabolisable energy was not influenced by dietary non-phytate P. 4. Phytase improved ileal nitrogen digestibility in both diet types, but the responses to added phytase tended to be higher in wheat-based diets, as shown by a diet type x phytase interaction. 5. Increasing the dietary non-phytate phosphorus level reduced phosphorus digestibility and increased excreta phosphorus content. Addition of phytase improved phosphorus digestibility, but the increments were higher in low phosphorus diets resulting in a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction. Phytase addition tended to lower the excreta phosphorus content, but the effects were greater in birds fed low phosphorus diets, as shown by a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction. 相似文献
选用384只1日龄商品代从内公鸡随机分成8个处理组,分别饲喂不添加锌的玉米-豆粕型基础日粮(对照组,舍锌28.37 nag/kg)和在对照组基础日粮中以无机硫酸锌形式添加20、40、60、80、100、120 mg/ks和140 mg/kg锌的试验日粮.试验期7 d.研究日粮中添加不同水平无机锌对内仔鸡生长性能、组织锌含量、含锌酶活性以及含锌蛋白及其基因表达的影响,以考察这些指标对评价肉仔鸡锌营养状况的意义.结果表明:肉仔鸡生长性能未受到添加锌水平的显著影响(P>0.24),而胫骨锌、胰脏锌含量以及胰脏金属硫蛋白(MT)含量及其基因表达受锌水平影响极显著(P<0.01),胫骨锌和胰脏锌含量随锌水平增加呈渐近线趋势变化.胰脏MT含量及其基因表达则呈线性上升趋势.这些指标均可以作为反映肉仔鸡锌营养状况的指标.从相关系数比较来看.胫骨锌和胰脏锌与饲粮锌的相关性比胰脏MT含量及其基因表达更密切.胰脏MT含量及其基因表达随锌水平增加线性上升.可用作评价不同锌源生物学利用率的有效指标. 相似文献
1. In the first experiment, diets containing 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 or 24% protein with no methionine supplementation were tested, while in the second experiment diets containing 16, 18 and 20% supplemented with methionine to give 90, 100 or 110% of the recommended N.R.C. levels were compared with an unsupplemented 24% protein diet.
2. Methionine supplementation of the low protein diets stimulated faster gains than the unsupplemented diets but not enough to surpass the response to the 24% protein control diet.
3. It was concluded that a high protein diet unsupplemented with methionine was more economical to feed to broilers than supplemented low protein diets. 相似文献
植酸酶和木聚糖酶对断奶仔猪生长性能及蛋白质利用率的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本试验研究了在饲粮中添加植酸酶和木聚糖酶对断奶仔猪生长性能及蛋白质利用率的影响。采用完全随机设计.将90头35日龄的断奶仔猪分为5组.每组3个重复.每个重复6头。5个处理组分别为:(1)玉米-豆粕基础日粮(正对照组.PC),(2)基础日粮-75%磷酸氢钙(负对照组.NC).(3)负对照组+植酸酶(植酸酶组,phy),(4)负对照组+木聚糖酶(木聚糖酶组,xy),(5)负对照组+植酸酶+木聚糖酶(植酸酶-木聚糖酶组,phy—xy).植酸酶的添加量为750U/kg,木聚糖酶的添加量为4000U/kg。结果表明:低磷饲粮添加植酸酶或木聚糖酶后.平均日增重和平均日采食量都得到了明显改善(P〈0.05).植酸酶和木聚糖酶同时添加对仔猪平均日增重的改善极显著(P〈0.01)。在低磷口粮组单独添加植酸酶或同时添加植酸酶和木聚糖酶极显著提高了蛋白质生物学价值(P〈0.01)。饲粮加酶后,血清尿素氮浓度显著降低(P〈0.05).添加植酸酶或同时添加植酸酶和木聚糖酶后.血清总蛋白浓度显著升高(P〈0.05).但添加酶对蛋白质表观消化率无显著影响.总之.在断奶仔猪低P日粮中添加植酸酶或木聚糖酶都不同程度地改善了仔猪生长性能.促进了蛋白质的利用.二酶同时添加对仔猪的平均日增重有显著的协同效应. 相似文献
1. A 3-week feeding trial with 96 sexed d-old broiler chickens was conducted to examine the effects of microbial phytase supplementation (Natuphos 5000) at 2 dietary energy concentrations on their performance, and the utilisation of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) and on tibiae ash, Ca, P and Zn concentrations. Four replicate pens (6 birds per pen) of a completely randomised design were used in a 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 2 contents of metabolisable energy (11.72 and 12.55 MJ ME/kg) and 2 additions of phytase (0 and 500 U of microbial phytase/kg). 2. Phytase supplementation significantly improved the utilisation of N, P, Ca and Zn (as a percentage of intake) and increased the concentration of Ca and Zn in the tibiae (P<0.05) because of higher intakes of dry matter, N, P, Ca and Zn. Phytase also significantly reduced the amount of P in the excreta (P<0.05). 3. The AME content of the diet influenced significantly (P<0.05) the excretion of N, P, Ca and Zn and the concentration of P and Ca in tibiae with the birds fed on the high AME diet excreting more minerals and having a smaller percentage of these minerals in their tibiae. However, there were strong interactions between phytase addition and AME in tibia ash and P, with the phytase supplementation producing a higher ash content at the higher AME a and a lower P content at the lower AME. 相似文献
纤维素酶对肉鸡生产性能和营养物质消化利用率的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究添加不同水平纤维素酶对肉鸡生产性能和营养物质消化利用率的影响,表明加入纤维素酶可提高饲料表观消化率、蛋白质利用率、能量利用率和代谢能值,低能饲料较高能饲料显著;加入纤维素酶可提高肉鸡的增重和饲料利用率,减少饲料消耗;为达到最佳的增重,低能组10~18日龄加纤维素酶0.3%,19~40日龄加纤维素酶0.2%为宜;高能组均加纤维素酶0.2%;为达到较好的料肉比,低能组和高能组均以加纤维素酶0.3%为宜。 相似文献
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a combined low-protein, low-phosphorus diet supplemented with limiting amino acids and microbial phytase on performance, nutrient utilization and carcass characteristics of late-finishing barrows. 4 x 8 crossbreed barrows were continuously housed in metabolism cages from 70-110 kg BW and were fed diets, either conventional (A) or protein reduced (B) or protein and phosphorus reduced diets (C) based on barley, maize and soybean meal. Diet A (positive control) contained in air dry matter 13% and 10% CP as well as 0.49% and 0.42% P at growth phases I (70-100 kg BW) or 11 (100-110 kg BW), respectively. Diet B was low in CP (11.3%, 8.4%), diet C low in CP and low in P (CP: as B, P: 0.36%, 0.30%). To diet B the limiting amino acids lysine, methionine, threonine and trypthophan were added to meet the levels in diet A. To diet C the limiting amino acids and 800 FTU/kg Aspergillus-phytase were supplemented. At the end of the balance periods the barrows were slaughtered, the carcasses scored and loin chops, ham and Phalanx prima IV were analysed for nutrients and minerals. The CP or P reduction in diets B and C did not generally negatively affect growth, feed efficiency, absolute nitrogen retention or overall carcass performances of the pigs. With the low CP diets B and C, N excretion per unit BWG was decreased by about 23%. The addition of microbial phytase (diet C) increased apparent total tract digestibility of P by about 20%. In spite of 30% reduction of P intake (diet C), the absolute P retention related to 1 kg BW did not differ between treatments. Thus, phytase supplementation in diet C reduced P excretion per unit BWG by about 33%. Phytase raised apparent digestibility of Zn by about 20% but not Ca digestibility. Generally the carcass traits and meat characteristics were not affected by any of the diet strategies. Mineralization of the Phalanx prima IV was also similar in all treatment groups. However, phytase supplementation led to significantly increased zinc concentration in bones (25%). In contrast, Fe incorporation into the Phalanx prima IV was not affected. In general, the feeding regimen introduced in this experiment offers substantial benefits in maintaining a sustainable environmental-friendly pork production even at the stage of late-finishing barrows. 相似文献
Pirgozliev V Bedford MR Oduguwa O Acamovic T Allymehr M 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2012,96(1):52-57
Thirty-two Ross 308 male broiler chickens were used in a precision feeding assay to investigate the effect of exogenous phytase (EC on dietary apparent metabolisable energy (AME), dry matter digestibility (DMD) coefficient, nitrogen (NR), amino acid and mineral retentions. The excretion of endogenous losses measured as sialic acid (SA) was also determined. Four dietary treatments (control (C), C + 250 FTU (phytase units per kg feed), C + 500 FTU, and C + 2500 FTU) were studied with each treatment replicated eight times in randomised complete block design. Diets were formulated to be nutritionally adequate with the exception of available P content (2.3 g/kg non-phytate P). Over the 48-h collection period, the phytase fed birds retained 29.3 mg more Na and 2.3 mg more Zn (p < 0.05) than the control fed birds, with the relationship between phytase dose and Na and Zn retention being best described by a linear function (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, for Na and Zn, respectively). Phytase supplementation did not have an effect on dietary AME, DMD and NR. However, increasing the dose of phytase led to a linear increase in dietary amino acid retention (p < 0.05). Dietary phytase decreased total sialic acid excretion in a linear fashion (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that supplementary phytase increases the retention (reduces the excretion) of dietary Zn and Na in broiler chickens. The beneficial effects of the addition of exogenous phytases to poultry diets seems to be mediated through improved dietary nutrients absorption and reduced endogenous losses. 相似文献
Two basal diets containing an adequate and a low supply of available P (4.7 vs 2.5 g/kg diet) and three others containing a low available P but supplemented with 250, 500 and 12,500 units of phytase (FTU) per kg diet, respectively, were prepared. Each diet was fed ad libitum to birds in six metabolism cages (five birds in each cage) in a randomised block design. It was found that birds fed a high (12,500 FTU) dosage of phytase grew faster (P < 0.001) and retained proportionally more carotenoids in the liver (P < 0.05) compared to birds fed unsupplemented diet. The results suggest that dietary phytase may improve the anti-oxidative status of birds fed low P diets through enhancing dietary carotenoid availability. 相似文献
1. Tube-fed broiler cockerels were used in three experiments to measure the effect of different enzyme treatments on true metabolisable energy (TME) and true nitrogen digestibility (TND) of commercial solvent-extracted, heat-treated soybean meal (SBM). 2. In experiment 1, proteases P2 and P3 (from Aspergillus niger) and alpha-galactosidase (from A. oryzae) improved TME and TND while protease P1 (from Bacillus subtilis) had little effect. The effects of enzyme treatment were similar whether treatment was applied by pre-incubation of enzymes (proteases P1, P2 and P3, 1.0 g/kg; alpha-galactosidase, 0.1 g/kg) with SBM for 2 h at 50 degrees C or by simple mixing of enzymes (proteases P1, P2 and P3, 0.25 g/kg; alpha-galactosidase, 0.1 g/kg) with SBM prior to feeding. 3. In experiment 2, the effects of mixing SBM with each of protease P1 (0 or 0.25 g/kg), protease P3 (0 or 0.25 g/kg) or alpha-galactosidase (0 or 0.1 g/kg) alone or in all possible combinations were studied. Effects of protease P1 were limited, but protease P3 and alpha-galactosidase improved TME and TND. There were significant interactions between protease P3 and alpha-galactosidase for both TME and TND; the response when enzymes were applied together was less than that expected from application of the enzyme preparations individually. 4. In experiment 3, the effect of varying the concentration of protease P3 (0, 0.1, 0.25 and 1.0 g/kg SBM dry matter) and alpha-galactosidase (0, 0.025, 0.0625 and 0.25 g/kg SBM dry matter) mixed with SBM alone or in all possible combinations of protease P3 and alpha-galactosidase were assessed. Increases in TME and TND for both enzymes were non-linear with the greatest response occurring at the lowest concentration of each enzyme. There were also interactions between the two enzyme preparations. 5. Finally, either protease P3 (0, 0.1 and 1.0 g/kg SBM dry matter) or alpha-galactosidase (0, 0.025 and 0.25 g/kg SBM dry matter) were mixed with SBM alone or in all possible combinations and treated SBMs incorporated into semi-purified diets containing 450 g SBM/kg as the sole source of dietary N and offered to growing broiler chicks for 21 d. Similar patterns of increases in chick growth rate and diet digestibility to those recorded in experiment 3 were obtained when protease P3 and alpha-galactosidase where included in the diets. 6. It is concluded that responses measured by tube-feeding SBM treated with protease P3 and alpha-galactosidase were similar to responses obtained with growing broiler chicks. Further, these responses were obtained by simple addition of enzymes to diets and nutritive value of SBM was improved by both protease and alpha-galactosidase treatment. 相似文献
1. Palm kernel meal (PKM), brewers dried grains (BDG) and maize offal (MO) were included in broiler diets, each at 100, 150 or 200 g/kg; the diets were fed up to 35 d of age. 2. Overall food intake and weight gain decreased in the order BDG, PKM and MO. There were, however, significant interactions between the test ingredients and dietary concentrations in all the growth responses. Food intakes increased with the dietary concentrations of each test ingredient, but the increase was greater for BDG than PKM or MO. For weight gain, at 100 g/kg, the final body weights of the chicks fed on the diets with BDG and MO were similar, and those of chicks fed on the diet with PKM slightly lower. However, at 200 g/kg, growth rate of chicks fed on the BDG and PKM diets were similar while those of chicks fed on the MO diet was 7% lower. Efficiency of food utilisation was similar at 100 g/kg for all the ingredients and decreased as their concentrations increased; however, the decrease was considerably less for the PKM than for the MO and BDG diets. 3. Broilers fed on the BDG-based diets voided most excreta followed by those fed on the PKM and MO diets; excreta water content was highest from birds fed on the MO diets followed by the PKM and BDG diets. Apparent retention of dry matter was similar with all the test ingredients, but it decreased only significantly at 200 g/kg dietary concentration. The rate of passage was faster with the PKM diets followed by the MO and BDG diets; it was increased at 200 g/kg dietary concentration of the test ingredients. 相似文献
Effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on phytate phosphorus utilization and efficiency of microbial phytase in broiler chicks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ebrahimnezhad Y Shivazad M Taherkhani R Nazeradl K 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2008,92(2):168-172
Previous studies have suggested that organic acids may improve P utilization in animals. To evaluate the ability of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to improve phytate P utilization and the possible synergistic effect between EDTA and microbial phytase (MP) an experiment was conducted using 360 Ross 308 broiler chicks. The experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design with a 3*2 factorial arrangement (0, 0.1 and 0.2% EDTA and 0 and 500 IU MP). Four replicate of 15 chicks per each were fed dietary treatments including (i) P-deficient basal diet [0.2% available phosphorus (aP)] (NC); (ii) NC + 500 IU MP per kilogram of diet; (iii) NC + 0.1% EDTA per kilogram of diet; (iv) NC + 0.1% EDTA and 500 IU MP per kilogram of diet; (v) NC + 0.2% EDTA per kilogram; and (vi) NC + 0.2% EDTA + 500 IU MP per kilogram of diet. Weight gain (WG), feed efficiency and serum Ca, P and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were assessed. Addition of 0.2% EDTA to low aP diets resulted in significantly lower feed consumption (FC) and WG, but 0.1% EDTA did not depress WG compared to NC. Phytase supplementation of P-deficient diets significantly improved WG and feed efficiency, but it had no effect on FC. Microbial phytase supplementation significantly decreased ALP concentration. Results obtained in our study suggest no synergistic effect between phytase and EDTA in broiler chicks. 相似文献
Isoleucine requirement of broiler chicks as affected by the concentrations of leucine and valine in practical diets. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1. Chicks were fed on an isoleucine-deficient diet, with 6 added concentrations of isoleucine to determine their isoleucine requirement and an additional 6 treatments were devised to determine their isoleucine requirement when dietary leucine and valine contents were increased. 2. The diet deficient in isoleucine contained 5.6 g/kg isoleucine with leucine and valine contents of 20.1 and 10.3 g/kg, respectively. Supplementation with leucine and valine increased these to 24.7 and 12.6 g/kg, respectively. 3. The isoleucine requirement was not affected by dietary leucine and valine contents in a diet with 13.4 MJ of ME per kg. Analysis of variance and Least Significant Difference of means indicated an isoleucine requirement of 7.2 g/kg. Non-linear regression of the same data indicated an isoleucine requirement of 8.44 g/kg, based on weight gain, or 8.19 g/kg based on food efficiency. 4. Reasons for the failure to find an imbalancing effect of branched chain amino acids in practical diets are discussed. 相似文献
Ao T Pierce JL Pescatore AJ Cantor AH Dawson KA Ford MJ Shafer BL 《British poultry science》2007,48(6):690-695
1. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Bioplex Zn (a chelated zinc proteinate) and phytase supplementation in a maize-soybean meal diet on the performance and tissue zinc (Zn) content of broiler chicks. Treatment structure consisted of a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement with two inclusions of phytase (0 or 500 PU/kg) and 6 of Bioplex Zn providing 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mg Zn/kg diet. A total of 864 chicks were randomly assigned to each of 12 dietary treatments with 6 replicate cages of 12 chicks. 2. Dietary inclusion of phytase increased feed intake, weight gain, plasma Zn content, tibia Zn content, tibia and ash weight. 3. Dietary supplementation of Bioplex Zn linearly increased feed intake, weight gain, gain to feed ratio, plasma Zn concentration, liver Zn concentration, tibia Zn content, tibia and ash weight. 4. An interactive effect of phytase and Bioplex Zn on feed intake, weight gain, tibia Zn concentration and tibia ash weight was found. 5. One slope, straight broken-line analysis of weight gain regressed on the supplemental Zn level provided as Bioplex Zn indicated that 12 mg/kg supplemental Zn without phytase and 7.4 mg/kg supplemental Zn with phytase were required for the optimal weight gain of chicks. 相似文献