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凋落物是森林生态系统中养分归还的主要形式,其分解决定着土壤有机物质的存储与周转。随着全球变暖日趋明显,气候变暖对森林凋落物的影响引起了人们的极大关注,取得了较多研究成果,但部分研究结果仍存在争议,研究亟待加强。文中分别从凋落物产量、结构和组成、分解速率等方面综述全球变暖对森林凋落物影响的研究进展,比较了全球变暖不同模拟研究方法的优缺点,提出统一研究方法、加强长期动态观测、强化森林凋落物对环境变化的适应机制研究等建议,以期为全面精准评估全球变暖对森林凋落物的影响提供科学参考。 相似文献
Daniel J. Zarin Janaki Alavalapati Marianne Schmink 《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(1-2):1-5
Abstract Tropical forests are very rich in biological diversity and form an important economic and ecological resource. This biodiversity is of great value for communities living in or near these forests as a ready source of subsistence and cash income, and for the world at large as a source of tropical timber and non-timber products and a repository of genetic and chemical information. However, this biological complexity is diminishing rapidly. We analyze the main human (anthropogenic) actions causing loss of tropical forest biodiversity along with the strategies of management for forest biodiversity. Not only is the biophysical component important in management for biodiversity, but the active participation and support of local people, national governments, and the international community as a whole are essential to effective and sustainable development of tropical forests. This development strategy ensures that socioeconomic and environmental benefits are provided for present and future generations. 相似文献
气候变化对树木木质部生长影响的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】树木生长受多种气候因子的影响,与年轮宽度相比,树木木质部细胞的生长变化记录了更为详尽的气候信息,可以丰富当前从传统树轮气候学或树轮生态学研究中所得到的认识。本研究以期为利用树轮木质部细胞特征研究全球变化提供参考。【方法】综述了树木木质部形成过程、研究木质部细胞生长变化对气候因子响应的常用方法以及气候变化(温度、降水、光照强度、光周期和CO2浓度等)对形成层活动及木质部细胞生长变化的影响。【结果】目前,在细胞水平上研究树木木质部生长变化对气候因子响应过程的主要方法为:钉针法和微芯取样法,钉针法主要适用于研究形成层对损伤的响应或是记录热带树木木质部生长的增量,而微芯取样法可以清楚地观察到生长季各阶段形成层细胞数量的变化及木质部形成过程;树木木质部的生长过程一般从形成层恢复活动开始,经过细胞的伸展、次生细胞壁的加厚和木质化后,形成成熟的次生木质部细胞,其中的每一个阶段都会受到气候因子变化的影响;树木木质部细胞生长的变化与温度、降水、光照强度、光周期和 CO2浓度等气候因子有着复杂的相关关系;温度主要影响树木生长季前期形成层的活动,改变形成层恢复活动的时间、细胞的分裂速率及活动周期,但并不会改变木质部细胞分化的序列和季节生长模式;降水主要影响形成层细胞分裂的速率、在生长季的持续时间以及管胞的直径等,降水不足会降低树木细胞分裂的速率,缩短细胞分化的时间,导致生长季的持续时间减少,同时抑制细胞伸展,管腔直径较小;光照强度主要影响树木的光合速率来间接影响形成层细胞的活动;光周期主要控制木质部细胞的最大生长速率和生长结束期;有关 CO2浓度升高对树木木质部细胞的影响,研究结果并不一致,一些研究认为,CO2浓度升高影响细胞的分裂速率和细胞的扩张而不是次生细胞壁的加厚,从而造成早材生长轮宽度明显增加,但也有研究表明,CO2浓度升高并没有引起早材细胞结构较大的变化,相反晚材生长环的宽度却明显增加。【结论】随着研究理论和技术手段的不断成熟,极端灾害下树木木质部细胞的生长特征、不同树种木质部细胞的生长对气候变化的响应以及多种气候因子对树木木质部生长的综合影响将成为今后研究的主要方向。 相似文献
城市森林的文化内涵与社会影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
绵阳官溪河流域防护林林木分化及异常木分布格局 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对绵阳官溪河流域常见的几种防护林类型林木分化及异常木分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,防护林林木分化的结果以小径木占优势,尤以直径1cm~6cm的个体最多,占林分总个体数的60%以上。桤柏混交林、柏木纯林、松栎混交林、松柏混交林和松柏栎混交林的林木株数按径阶的分布表现出左偏态分布,直径大小的变异性较低;与之相比。栎黄荆次生灌丛和马尾松林不呈偏正态分布,直径大小的变异性较高。异常木直径主要分布在1cm~10cm范围内,其中倾斜木和倒伏木超过了异常木总数的50%,枯立木和濒死木中,马尾松林和松柏栎混交林较其它防护林类型少。异常木的分布格局除松柏栎混交林呈随机分布外,其余的皆呈聚集分布,但聚集强度不大。异常木聚集强度的大小与取样面积大小的关系表现为:Kuno.E.聚集度指标值(G)随取样面积的增大,由小变大,而Lloyd.M.平均拥挤度值(m^*)则由大变小。 相似文献
本文讨论了林地杂草生物控制兴起的历史前景,并介绍了生物除草技术及其在新西兰、澳大利亚、加拿大等国林地杂草控制中的应用,还就我国开展林地杂草生物控制提出了若干建议。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(4):348-357
The aim of this study was to examine the ways in which the volume, physical appearance and location of retention trees affect the scenic quality of clear-cutting areas. A total of 373 respondents rated 40 digitally edited images. If only a few retention trees remained in the cutting area, they did not seem to affect the ratings, but when 3 m3 ha?1 was retained the scenic quality of the clear-cutting area improved. The better the condition of the retention trees, the more they were appreciated. Retention trees in a poor condition did not enhance the scenic quality of clear-cutting areas. Mature retention trees were found to be more attractive than undergrowth. Even undergrowth was preferred to clear-cutting areas without any trees. Respondents also preferred retention trees standing alone to trees in groups. Forest owners provided higher overall preference scores than visitors. The scenic quality of clear-cutting areas can be substantially improved if there remains an adequate volume of mature retention trees that are in good condition. 相似文献
Elena Cantarello Alexander Lovegrove Almaz Orozumbekov Jennifer Birch Niels Brouwers Adrian C. Newton 《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(5):454-481
We used a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics, supported by empirical field data and socioeconomic data, to examine the impacts of human disturbances on a protected forest landscape in Kyrgyzstan. Local use of 27 fruit and nut species was recorded and modeled. Results indicated that in the presence of fuelwood cutting with or without grazing, species of high socioeconomic importance such as Juglans regia, Malus spp., and Armeniaca vulgaris were largely eliminated from the landscape after 50–150 yr. In the absence of disturbance or in the presence of grazing only, decline of these species occurred at a much lower rate, owing to competitive interactions between tree species. This suggests that the current intensity of fuelwood harvesting is not sustainable. Conversely, current grazing intensities were found to have relatively little impact on forest structure and composition, and could potentially play a positive role in supporting regeneration of tree species. These results indicate that both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity can arise from human populations living within a protected area. Potentially, these could be reconciled through the development of participatory approaches to conservation management within this reserve, to ensure the maintenance of its high conservation value while meeting human needs. 相似文献
Households and wood processing businesses in the provinces of Son La, Dien Bien and Lai Chau in the Northwest of Vietnam were surveyed to determine patterns of local wood demand and supply, changes in species utilized over time, and whether timber from planted trees might substitute for species previously harvested from local natural forests. In each province, 5–6 sawmills and 4–6 villages representing 3 main ethnic groups were selected for investigation. Managers of selected sawmills and 3–4 randomly selected households in each village were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. There was high and uniform household demand for fuelwood in the surveyed villages, making fuelwood the dominant use, in terms of wood volume. Use of sawn timber for furniture, home repair and construction consumed less wood but required logs of acceptable species. Sawmills surveyed were small, with input capacity ranging from <15 to 500 m3 of logs per year, suggesting a total log requirement of about 30,000 m3/year for the 192 known wood processing businesses in the three provinces. Most sawmills still used wood from natural forests, sourced locally or imported from Laos. A trend of switching from prized timber species from natural forests, now effectively unavailable, to alternatives from natural and planted forests was reported by both sawmills and households. Some planted species grown on short-medium rotations appear able to substitute for local sawn timber requirements. 相似文献
Farshad Keivan Behjou 《Small-Scale Forestry》2014,13(3):367-376
There are increasing demands on silvicultural practices to reduce the adverse impacts of harvesting. Damage to residual trees caused by ground-based skidding was assessed in stands with low [3.4 stems per hectare (sph), 14.36 m3/ha], medium (5.2 sph, 21.61 m3/ha), and high (7.1 sph, 25.95 m3/ha) harvest intensities. Skidding was conducted using a cable skidder. After the skidding operation, a field survey was conducted to collect data on all residual trees (species, dbh, height) and on tree wounds (size class, location, intensity of damage). It was hypothesized that increased harvest intensity leads to increased injury rates. The treatment with the highest harvest intensity was found to cause the highest percentage of damage and the largest stem wounds. The most common types of damage were stem wounds to the cambium layer and bark scrapes. In all three harvest intensity treatments the probability of individual tree damage decreased as skid-trail cross slope decreased and distance to skid-trail edge increased. It is concluded that harvesting intensity should be limited to 5 trees/ha during each harvesting operation to reduce extent of tree damage and thus future financial loss. 相似文献
热带次生林群落动态研究:回顾与展望 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
全球的热带次生林面积正快速增加,但人们对它们的生态、经济和社会效益的了解却十分有限,不同研究对次生林的理解和所使用的定义也不一样。在简要介绍热带次生林的现状之后,着重回顾热带次生林群落动态研究的主要成果,同时简述了现有研究中存在的问题和将来研究的重点课题及展望。 相似文献
We evaluated the longevity of seeds of 12 common woody species buried in fresh condition in the forest floor at three forest locations in Mississippi and Louisiana. Seed samples of each species were retrieved annually for 5 years from each location. Germination and tetrazolium chloride staining tests were conducted on the samples to determine germinative capacity. When averaged across all species, seeds remained viable longer at the Alexandria, Louisiana site than at the two sites in Mississippi. Seeds of the 12 species varied widely in their response to burial. Some species, such as American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana L.), muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.), and sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd.), had relatively high germinative capacities (from 33 to 60 percent, depending on species) even after burial in the forest floor for 5 years, whereas other species, such as flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and yaupon (Ilex vomitoria Ait.), had very low germinative capacities (less than 6 percent) by the end of the first year after burial. Species were classified into five groups based on their similarity of response. 相似文献
本文用单分子指数程dw/dt=KS≡Wt=Wr(1-e^-kt)对川中防护林树种叶片的吸水过程进行了模拟。通过推导得到计算防护林树叶饱和鲜重的公式Wr=W1^2-W0.W2/2W1-W0-W2这里,Wr为吸水饱和鲜重,W0为样品最初鲜重,W1是浸水t小时后的叶征重,W2为再次浸水t小时后的叶片重。试验表明,单分子指数法测定和计算的树叶相对含水量的误差都在允许范围内,与算术外推法几乎相近,比浸水数次 相似文献