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为了加强对饲料生产企业的管理,保障饲料的产品质量,中华人民共和国农业部2006年第73号令公布施行《饲料生产企业的审查办法》。此办法对配合饲料、浓缩饲料、精料补充料、饲料原料(不包含动物源性饲料)等饲料生产企业的设立条件、审查程序、监督管理等方面做了具体规定。此办法将于2007年5月1日起实施。本办法施行后,新设立的饲料生产企业都应当按照本办法通过审核获得“饲料生产企业的审查合格证”,方可进行生产。对于此前设立的只需登记便可进行生产的饲料生产企业,考虑到制度的衔接性,规定了一年的过渡期,即允许对于此前设立的饲料生产企业在2008年5月1日之前这段过渡期内继续进行生产。  相似文献   

根据《江西省农业厅关于明确“设立饲料(单一饲料、浓缩饲料、配合饲料和精料补充料)生产企业审批”由设《市饲料主管部门实施的通知》精神,“设立饲料生产企业审批”权限已下放至设区市、省直管县饲料管理部门。为了统一思想、统一标准,确保许可工作公平、公正,各设区市、省直管县饲料管理部门应严格执行《饲料生产企业许可条件》(农业部公告第1849号)和《浓缩饲料、配合饲料、精料补充料生产许可申报材料要求》、《单一饲料生产许可申报材料要求》(农业部公告第1867号)。现将其它相关工作要求通知如下:  相似文献   

各市畜牧局(办):为深入贯彻落实国务院《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》及有关规定,进一步促进审批工作的制度化、程序化,增强审批工作的透明度和科学性,规范我省饲料生产企业审查登记证的核(换)发工作,我办制定了《山东省单一饲料、浓缩饲料、配合饲料、精料补充料产品生产企业条件审查工作程序》(附后),现印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

正各设区市、省直管县饲料管理部门:根据《江西省农业厅关于明确"设立饲料(单一饲料、浓缩饲料、配合饲料和精料补充料)生产企业审批"由设区市饲料主管部门实施的通知》精神,"设立饲料生产企业审批"权限已下放至设区市、省直管县饲料管理部门。为了统一思想、统一标准,确保许可工作公平、公正,各设区市、省直管县饲料管理部门应严格执行《饲料生产企业许可条件》(农业部公告第1849号)和《浓缩饲料、  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强饲料生产企业管理,保障饲料产品质量安全,促进饲料工业和养殖业可持续发展,维护人民身体健康,根据《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》第九条的规定,制定本办法.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国农业总令2012年第3号《饲料和饲料添加剂生产许可管理办法》已经2012年农业部第6次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2012年7月1日起施行。部长:韩长赋二○一二年五月二日第一章总则第一条为加强饲料、饲料添加剂生产许可管理,维护饲料、饲料添加剂生产秩序,保障饲料、  相似文献   

2012年第3号《饲料和饲料添加剂生产许可管理办法》已经2012年农业部第6次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2012年7月1日起施行。部长:韩长赋二〇一二年五月二日第一章总则第一条为加强饲料、饲料添加剂生产许可管理,维护饲料、饲料添加剂生产秩序,保障饲料、  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为加强饲料、饲料添加剂生产许可管理,维护饲料、饲料添加剂生产秩序,保障饲料、饲料添加剂质量安全,根据《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》,制定本办法。第二条在中华人民共和国境内生产饲料、饲料添加剂,应当遵守本办法。第三条饲料添加剂和添加剂预混合饲料生产许可证由农业部核发。单一饲料、浓缩饲料、配合饲料和精料补充料生产许可证由省级人民政府饲  相似文献   

《饲料生产企业审查办法》(以下简称《办法》)将于2007年5月1日起施行。依据《办法》第十四、十七条规定,我部制定了《饲料生产企业设立申请书》、《饲料生产企  相似文献   

通过饲料中沙门氏菌的国标检测方法,对饲料原料、配合饲料、浓缩饲料及精料补充料进行沙门氏菌的分离鉴定,结果3000多个各类饲料样品中饲料用棉籽粕沙门氏菌阳性3份、大豆粕沙门氏菌阳性3份、鱼粉沙门氏菌阳性5份、骨粉沙门氏菌阳性7份、生物蛋白饲料沙门氏菌阳性2份、鸡配合饲料沙门氏菌阳性8份、鸡浓缩饲料沙门氏菌阳性5个、猪配合饲料沙门氏菌阳性2份、猪浓缩饲料沙门氏菌阳性2份、草鱼配合饲料沙门氏菌阳性1份,牛羊精料补充料沙门氏菌阳性6份。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of oestrus symptoms of the bitch (vulvar swelling, vaginal fluid, attraction of the male, teasing) and that of the most frequently used examination methods (vaginal smear, vaginoscopy, serum progesterone determination) which indicate the stage of the cycle and allow to predict the optimal day of mating (ODM). The determination of the cycle stage was based upon the number of days left from the day of examination to the day of parturition (DTP). Our results indicate that none of the above-mentioned symptoms and examination methods is reliable alone for the determination of DTP, and even the complex picture obtained from the integrated results of different methods will not enable an exact estimation. ODM can be predicted with a higher reliability, and 1-2 days before it, it can be detected very safely. Since most bitches are presented for timing to practitioners, a scheme was created based upon a scoring system, which gives a point value to each individual symptom and examination result, and judges the bitch according to the total amount of points.  相似文献   

The shape of equine hooves is difficult to measure and quantify. Scientific research on the effects of hoof conformation on normal and abnormal locomotion often requires precise characterization of hoof conformation. This technique produces accurate, life-size, permanent models of the hoof quickly and inexpensively from dental plastic powder and dental plaster.  相似文献   

This study involved the comparison of suitability of different methods for routine diagnostics of Cryptosporidium spp. Two staining methods, one concentration-sedimentation method, seven concentration-floatation methods and one combined floatation-sedimentation method were compared. The methods were tested with two concentrations (1 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6)/g) of C. parvum and C. andersoni. The methods were evaluated using light microscope, magnification 400x for concentration methods and 1000x for stained samples respectively. Specificity of both staining methods was 95-100%. Ziehl-Neelsen with P < 0.01 is more suitable for identification of C. andersoni and modified Milácek-Vítovec with P < 0.01 for identification of C. parvum. Concerning specificity and sensitivity, the floatation-concentration method by Sheather was found to provide the best results of all selected methods. The merthiolate iodine formaldehyde concentration (MIFC) method was the least specific one. The least suitable method concerning sensitivity and costs was the floatation method with caesium chloride (CsCl) with a specificity of 29%.  相似文献   

Eight calves, weighing 50-150 kg, were given intramuscularly 5 ml of ampicillin (ABPC) aqueous suspensions (200 mg potency/ml) in their right and left gluteal and femoral regions. All calves were sacrificed one hour later to confirm the location of injected drug. The drug was found in a muscle layer when injected with a needle 15 mm long to the following positions, 1. the midpoint between the central position of the gluteal region (CG) and the tuber coxae (M-CTc), 2. the midpoint between CG and the tuber ossis ischii (M-CTo), 3. the central position of M. semimembranaceus in the femoral region (CF). Seven calves, weighing 130-150 kg, were given intramuscularly 5 ml of ABPC suspensions at M-CTo and CF and sacrificed one hour (4 calves) and 3 days (3 calves) later. ABPC diffused along the long axis of the muscle fibers but not to the radial direction. ABPC was detected only in the injected muscle layer even after 3 days indicating that the drug did not diffuse to the neighboring muscles. In the injected muscle layer, concentration of ABPC was remarkably different from part to part. From these results, sampling of the injected muscle for the drug residue study was proposed as follows: 1. isolate about 100 g of muscle just under the stick point marked on the skin considering the direction of drug diffusion, and 2. isolate separately about 200 g of the surrounding muscle to confirm if the sampling is appropriate.  相似文献   

牛奶中抗生素残留及其检测方法研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
邓斌  邓春来  张曦 《饲料工业》2003,24(4):24-27
随着抗生素在乳畜饲养业中的广泛应用,牛奶中抗生素残留问题日趋受到国际社会的重视。对此,检测技术也迅速发展,以寻求简便、快速、准确、敏感性高的检测方法满足日趋严格的残留限量的要求,保障人们饮用牛奶的卫生和安全。1牛奶中抗生素残留的来源及其危害1.1牛奶中抗生素残留的来源一般认为,对泌乳牛用药不当或不注意安全时间是牛乳中抗生素残留的重要因素,尤其是使用乳房灌注法治疗乳腺炎时,易造成牛乳中抗生素残留。随着畜牧业的发展,在牛饲料中添加饲料添加剂已十分广泛,其中含有一定比例的抗生素,主要作用是预防疾病的发生,这也是牛乳…  相似文献   

食草动物食性研究的主要方法及其评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对国内外常用的食草动物食性研究方法进行了分析与比较。常见的研究方法主要包括胃分析法、室内饲喂法、粪便显微组织学分析法、直接观察法和利用法。粪便显微分析法分析结果较为精确,并且易于取样,相比较更适用于我国食草动物的食性研究。胃分析法要求研究者必须杀死动物,利用法精确性较差,而观察法多受研究条件的限制, 因此这3种方法多用于食物组成的定性描述,或是作为其它研究方法的补充。  相似文献   

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