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Pyoderma caused by Peptostreptococcus tetradius in a pup was successfully treated with cefadroxil. Although this bacterium is rarely found in veterinary medicine, it is a known pathogen in human beings and should be considered as a potential causative agent in pyodermas in which anaerobes are suspected.  相似文献   

A young adult Boxer dog was presented with a papular dermatitis on the dorsal back and ventral neck that had developed while it was being treated with cyclosporine and cephalexin for atopic dermatitis and secondary superficial staphylococcal pyoderma, respectively. Histopathology demonstrated nodular to diffuse pyogranulomatous dermatitis with focal furunculosis. Numerous bacterial rods, free in the tissue and engulfed by neutrophils and macrophages, could be demonstrated on stained samples (haematoxylin-eosin; Giemsa). Bacterial culture from an aseptically collected skin biopsy punch sample yielded a pure growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sensitive to a variety of antimicrobials. Successful treatment was accomplished following discontinuation of cyclosporine and an extended course of enrofloxacin. There has not been a recurrence of the pseudomonal pyoderma during the subsequent 2 years.  相似文献   

以一例乌骨鸡铜绿假单胞菌病病例为例,从发病情况、临床症状、剖检变化、实验室诊断、治疗等方面对铜绿假单胞菌病做了详尽阐述,并对该病进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Hemolytic anemia caused by Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Babesia gibsoni caused severe hemolytic anemia in 11 dogs from southern California. The most common clinical signs of B gibsoni infection were lethargy, anorexia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Acute infection with B gibsoni may be misdiagnosed as autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Diagnosis was most reliably determined by identification of the intraerythrocytic parasites on Giemsa-stained blood smears. The pathogenicity of B gibsoni, difficulties in diagnosis, the parasite's resistance to treatment with available drugs, and frequent interstate movement of dogs indicate that this disease may be a serious threat to dogs throughout the United States.  相似文献   

Spirochetemia was diagnosed in 2 Siberian Huskies and a Rottweiler from the northwestern region of Texas between June 1999 and October 2001. Clinical findings were nonspecific; tick exposure was documented in 2 of the dogs. Hematologic abnormalities included anemia (n=2), neutrophilia (n=2, including 1 with a left shift), lymphopenia (n=3), eosinopenia (n=3), and thrombocytopenia (n=2). One anemic dog had a positive Coombs' test. In 1 dog, Western blot analysis of serum yielded multiple positive bands with B turicatae lysate, indicating the spirochetemia most likely was due to B turicatae infection. In 2 dogs, spirochetes were cultured from the blood and identified using DNA analysis as Borrelia turicatae; 1 of these dogs also was seropositive for Ehrlichia canis and B burgdorferi. In 2 cases, spirochetemia was more prominent in blood smears prepared immediately after sample collection than in smears prepared from EDTA blood. Two dogs recovered with doxycycline treatment; 1 dog declined clinically despite treatment and was euthanized. B turicatae is the agent of tick-borne (endemic) relapsing fever in humans and is distinct from B burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease; however, serologic cross-reactivity may occur. B turicatae is transmitted by the soft tick, Ornithodoros turicata, and infection should be considered in dogs with spirochetemia and possible exposure to the tick vector.  相似文献   

绿脓杆菌病是由绿脓假单胞菌引起的人和动物共患的传染病。绿脓杆菌是一种条件性病原菌,在自然界的土壤、水和空气中分布甚广,对人畜均有一定程度的危害。动物常见内脏器官脓肿,幼龄畜禽常表现为群体的急性暴发而导致大批死亡。此病虽然不常发。一旦发病也会造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

Three crossbred lowland ewes developed a severe purulent rhinitis and another three ewes developed a severe purulent otitis externa/media after being showered with a wash that had been used 24 to 48 hours before on a separate group of Cheviot ewes with lesions of dermatitis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in pure growth from the aural and nasal abscesses and also from the dermatitis lesions. Extended antibiotic susceptibility testing and the random amplification of polymorphic DNA indicated that a single clonal type was associated with the rhinitis and otitis and with the dermatitis, providing strong evidence of an epidemiological link between the lesions of dermatitis and the aural and nasal abscesses through the use of the contaminated 'shower wash'.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) has long been recognized as a cause of myocarditis; however, cases of myocarditis caused by naturally acquired CDV infection have been reported only rarely in dogs. We describe here our retrospective study of naturally acquired systemic CDV infection in 4 dogs, 4–7 wk old, that had myocarditis, with myocardial necrosis and fibrosis. One of the 4 dogs had intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes. Other lesions included bronchointerstitial pneumonia (4 of 4), necrotizing hepatitis (2 of 4), splenic lymphoid necrosis (2 of 4), encephalitis (1 of 3; brain was not submitted in 1 case), and necrotizing gastroenteritis (1 of 4). The presence of CDV in the heart was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in all 4 dogs.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of otitis externa in dogs, and treatment of these infections is becoming problematic because of the increasing number of multiresistant strains. The aim of the present study was to compare the in vitro activities of cefepime, ceftazidime, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and ticarcillin/clavulanic acid against 104 strains of P aeruginosa isolated from dogs with otitis externa. Antimicrobial susceptibility and minimum inhibitory concentrations, in μg/ml, were evaluated by the E test (bioMérieux). The most active compound was ceftazidime, with 100 per cent efficiency. The majority of tested strains were susceptible to ticarcillin/clavulanic acid (89.4 per cent), followed by ciprofloxacin (88.5 per cent) and cefepime (60.6 per cent). The highest resistance was observed to enrofloxacin (51.9 per cent) and gentamicin (43.3 per cent). Large numbers of strains were intermediately susceptible to antibiotics registered for use in veterinary medicine in Croatia--enrofloxacin (47.1 per cent) and gentamicin (41.3 per cent).  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old male neutered Bengal cat was presented to the University of Wisconsin Veterinary Care Hospital with a history of severe chronic rhinitis that was unresolved from kittenhood. In weeks prior to presentation, the cat's upper respiratory signs had significantly worsened and a left‐sided facial swelling overlying the left frontal sinus was noted. Skull computed tomography, rhinoscopy, bilateral nasal biopsies, bacterial and fungal cultures of fluid from the left frontal sinus, and cryptococcal fungal antigen testing were performed. The cat was diagnosed with severe chronic rhinosinusitis and determined to have an infection with a mucoid variant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P aeruginosa). This case highlights an atypical cytomorphologic appearance of the well‐known bacterial pathogen, P aeruginosa, an appearance that could be confused cytologically with other microorganisms, such as septate fungi. Mucoid variants of P aeruginosa are often associated with progressive lung or airway disease in people with cystic fibrosis and have not been previously documented in feline respiratory tract disease. This report also presents a brief review of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in cats and describes a novel interventional treatment approach to feline CRS via sinusotomy and sinus flushing for severely affected cats.  相似文献   

Olfactory function of 5 dogs that were naturally infected with canine parainfluenza virus and of 4 dogs that were inoculated with the C958 strain of canine parainfluenza virus was evaluated. Except for one dog that was inoculated, the threshold for detection of benzaldehyde and/or eugenol was found to be excessively high during the course of the disease, as determined by electroencephalographic and behavioral olfactometry. In experimentally infected dogs, an increase in threshold developed in the absence of other clinical signs of disease. Changes were not observed in electro-olfactograms recorded throughout the study. Olfactory thresholds returned to normal after the disappearance of clinical signs of disease in the naturally infected dogs. Necropsies and histologic examinations performed during the course of the disease did not reveal abnormalities of the olfactory mucosa.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a method using Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to experimentally induce dual infection of the urinary bladder in dogs. ANIMALS: 6 healthy mixed-breed dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were anesthetized, and cystitis was induced by infusing a solution of salicylic acid in ethanol into the bladder, followed by an inoculum containing field isolates of P. mirabilis and P. aeruginosa. Dogs were examined daily for 21 days after induction of cystitis. On day 21, dogs were euthanatized, and urinary bladder, renal pelvis, and prostate specimens were submitted for bacterial culture. RESULTS: After induction of cystitis, all dogs had evidence of thickening of the bladder wall, dysuria, tenesmus, and hematuria. Urinalysis revealed proteinuria, hematuria, and pyuria. All urine samples obtained on day 21 yielded growth of P. mirabilis, but P. aeruginosa was not cultured from any of these samples. Proteus mirabilis was isolated from bladder, renal pelvis, or prostate specimens from 4 dogs; P. aeruginosa was not isolated from any of the tissue specimens. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that the method used in the present study fails to induce dual infection of the urinary bladder with P. mirabilis and P. aeruginosa. The inability to establish a persistent dual infection with this method may have been a result of insufficient pathogenicity of the Pseudomonas isolate or an inadequacy of the experimental design.  相似文献   

Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from diseased dogs in Tokyo area during 1983 through 1986 were serotyped and assayed for antimicrobial susceptibility to obtain an epizootiological aspect of canine P. aeruginosa infection. Major sources of specimens were ear and nasal discharges and urine. The results of O-antigen typing using a monoclonal antibody kit showed that the most predominant serotype was type M. Types G and B were also major serotypes. In a yearly distribution of serotypes, type I was almost limited in 1986, and was isolated mainly from surgical wounds, which showed an episode of nosocomial infection, whereas that of type M or B was dispersed during 4 years from 1983 to 1986. As a result of antimicrobial susceptibility test, most canine strains were considered to be susceptible to 4 drugs, which were commonly used in both human and veterinary clinics, in contrast to human isolates.  相似文献   

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