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Two flocks of pure bred Dorper lambs were managed separately according to sex (283 ewe lambs and 212 ram lambs) in southern Western Australia. Faecal sample collection, weighing and body condition assessments were performed for each lamb on 2 occasions, specifically pre-weaning (approximately 14 weeks of age) and post-weaning (approximately 9 months of age). Body condition score (BCS) was assessed using a scale of 1 (very thin, emaciated) to 5 (excessively fat). Faecal worm egg counts (WECs) were measured using a modified McMaster technique and larval cultures were performed to identify trichostrongylid nematode genera present. Eye muscle and c-site fat depths were measured using ultrasound at post-weaning. Lambs received an abamectin anthelmintic treatment at weaning (18 weeks of age). Worm egg count data was assessed for normality of data distribution and homogeneity of variance. This data was transformed using log(10)(WEC+25) to stabilise variances between groups prior to statistical analyses and general linear models were used to assess relationships between WEC and productivity measures. Mean WECs were 564 eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) and 514 EPG at pre- and post-weaning in the ewe flock and 552 EPG and 480 EPG at pre- and post-weaning in the ram flock. Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta, Trichostrongylus spp. and Oesophagostomum spp. larvae were identified. No lambs with WEC<500 EPG pre-weaning had WEC>1000 EPG post-weaning. Ewe and ram lambs with WEC>1000 EPG at pre-weaning were 42 (12-145 95% CI) and 37 (9-153) times more likely to have WEC>1000 EPG at post-weaning than lambs with WEC 501-1000 EPG at pre-weaning. There were no significant relationships between WEC and live weight in the ram flock, while relationships between WEC and live weight were inconsistent in the ewe lamb flock. There was no relationship between WEC and eye muscle or c-site fat depth. Significant negative relationships between WEC and BCS were identified at pre- and post-weaning for both flocks. Lambs with WEC<500 EPG had 0.19-0.61 higher mean BCS than lambs with WEC>1000 EPG at pre- and post-weaning. In conclusion, high WEC was associated with lower body condition in Dorper lambs, however the relationship between WEC and live weight was inconsistent and there was no effect on eye muscle depth.  相似文献   

Worm egg counts of yearling Angora or Merino wethers grazing in mixed flocks at either 4/ha or 8/ha were observed over a 5 month period. Based on faecal egg counts infection levels in the sheep increased for the first 3 months and then decreased as the animals developed resistance. Egg counts in the goats did not decrease during the experiment. Post mortem worm counts indicated that there was a significant host species--stocking rate interaction on worm burdens of Haemonchus contortus adults and Ostertagia circumcincta adults and larvae. Goats had more H. contortus and O. circumcincta adults than sheep at the 8/ha stocking rate. At 4/ha goats had fewer O. circumcincta fourth stage larvae than sheep. There was no stocking rate effect on the numbers of Trichostrongylus axei or T. colubriformis. Sheep had more T. axei and fewer T. colubriformis than goats.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Cashmere goats and Merino sheep were grazed together at 7.5 animals per ha on annual rye grass and clover pasture in southern Victoria, a winter rainfall area. Intake of parasitic larvae was measured in oesophageal extrusa samples collected from 2 animals of each species, 4 times in one week, on 7 occasions between mid-March (autumn) and mid-June (winter). Pasture contamination with larvae was measured at the same times. The number of larvae per kg of green grass was lower than on green clover; the most heavily contaminated portion of the pasture was the mat of dead herbage on the ground. The diet selected by goats contained more green grass and dead herbage and less clover that that of sheep (P < 0.01). Goats ingested 643 infective trichostrongylid larvae per kg dry matter intake (DMI) versus 274 per kg DMI for sheep in autumn, increasing to 1892 versus 1143 in early winter. The heavier trichostrongylid burdens of goats compared with sheep, when grazed together, are due in part to greater rates of infection consequent on different grazing patterns as well as greater susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the sensitivity of breeding values for growth rate and worm egg count (WEC, cube root transformed) to environmental worm burden, measured as the average WEC for each contemporary group (CGWEC). Growth rate and WEC were measured on 7,818 naturally infected Merino lambs in eight flocks across Australia, linked through common use of AI sires. Through bivariate analysis, genetic correlations of 0.55 ± 0.23 and 0.30 ± 0.16 were found for growth rate and WEC between low and high CGWEC, respectively. In a second analysis, breeding values for growth rate and WEC were regressed on CGWEC with a random regression model. The heritability for growth rate varied from 0.23 to 0.16 from low to high CGWEC, and the heritability for WEC varied from 0.25 to 0.36. Results suggest that breeding values for both growth rate and WEC are sensitive to environmental worm burden. Animals expressed less genetic variation for growth rate and more genetic variation for WEC in high CGWEC than in low CGWEC. This form of genotype‐by‐environment interaction should therefore be considered in genetic evaluation of both growth rate and WEC, to increase the efficiency of selection for animals that are more parasite resistant and more resilient to environmental worm challenge.  相似文献   

Twenty-two Dorset Rambouillet lambs were moved to contaminated pasture on Apr 1, 1987. At regular intervals thereafter, pairs of lambs were withdrawn and euthanatized. Gastrointestinal parasites in the abomasum, small intestine, cecum, and large intestine were removed and counted. The last pair of lambs was euthanatized 8 months after original placement on the contaminated pasture. Fecal samples were taken at 3- to 4-week intervals throughout the grazing season and the fecal egg counts were used to estimate parasite fecundity (output of eggs per female parasite per day). The principal parasite genera found included Haemonchus spp, Trichostrongylus spp, and Nematodirus spp. In each of the genera examined, parasite fecundity remained the same irrespective of the intensity or duration of infection. Estimated average fecundities (eggs/female/day) were as follows: Haemonchus contortus, 6,582; Trichostrongylus spp, 262; Nematodirus spp, 40; and Oesophagostomum venulosum, 11,098.  相似文献   

Following claims of anthelmintic activity of Cereus jamacaru DC (Cactaceae) by a commercial farmer, in vivo studies were conducted to determine the possible direct anthelmintic effects of the plant on ovine gastrointestinal nematodes. Eighteen sheep were infected with 4000 Haemonchus contortus and 6000 Trichostrongylus colubriformis larvae given in three divided doses over a period of three days. Once the infections were patent, the sheep were allocated to three groups and were drenched once a week for six weeks with fresh blended C. jamacaru plant material at a single (32.3g/sheep) or double dose (64.6g/sheep) or they remained as undrenched controls. Faeces were collected from individual animals on the day of treatment and three days thereafter on a weekly basis for seven weeks for faecal egg count. While there were no statistically significant differences in the egg counts between the groups, a double dose of C. jamacaru was effective in reducing the egg counts in the sheep by 18-65% over the 49 days of the experiment. Given that all animals remained in good health throughout the course of the experiment, with no adverse events occurring during the study, further experiments using higher doses or administering the plant material for a longer period of time than in the present study would be warranted.  相似文献   

Teladorsagia davtiani in sheep in the south-western Cape, is recorded in the Republic of South Africa for the first time. The literature dealing with this helminth is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Methods of behavioural data collection as applied to the study of sheep scab are described. The behaviour of a number of marked animals within an affected flock was recorded using an event recorder. Focal sampled data were analysed for duration and frequency of the observed behaviours. In addition, the flock was observed at intervals and the instantaneous behaviour of each animal recorded. These data were compared with similar observational data from the same flock recorded at intervals during post-treatment recovery. Sheep scab resulted in pathological behaviours of rubbing, scratching and biting at the lesion, and these resulted in interruption of the normal behaviours, grazing, cudding and idling, but did not result in reduced levels of these behaviours. Infested sheep showed stereotypic mouthing behaviour, initiated by rubbing or scratching, or in some cases without any external stimulus. No stereotypic behaviour was seen in animals after treatment. The implications of the behavioural data for the welfare of the sheep is discussed.  相似文献   

A controlled slaughter trial was undertaken to compare the efficacies of oxfendazole (5 mg/kg), morantel citrate (10 mg/kg), levamisole (8 mg/kg) and ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg) against experimentally induced infections of adult Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia spp., Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Cooperiacurticei in sheep and goats. Ivermectin and oxfendazole achieved similar levels of efficacy in both hosts against all four worm genera as did levamisole and mortantel against H. contortus and C. curticei. Against Ostertagia spp. and T. colubriformis, however, the latter two drugs were less effective in goats than sheep. Neither the numbers of Ostertagia spp. removed from goats by levamisole (81% reduction) nor the numbers of T. colubriformis removed from goats by morantel (56% reduction) were statistically significant (P>0.05).  相似文献   

Sustainable nematode management programs aim to minimise animal production loss and prevent parasitic disease, without increasing the level of anthelmintic resistance. Resistance management strategies are now largely based on the "refugia" concept, by which populations of nematodes not recently exposed to treatment are deliberately allowed to survive. Progeny from the unselected parasites provide a source of less-resistant worms which can dilute resistant worms surviving anthelmintics, and hence reduce the rate of resistance development. This can be achieved by either modifying strategic treatment regimens to ensure the survival of infective worm larvae on pasture, or by avoiding treatments to individual animals identified as best able to cope with parasites. These strategies include "targeted treatment" (based on estimates of worm-burdens) and "targeted selective treatment" (based on indications of parasitic effects). However, the departure from conventional anthelmintic approaches represents a major conceptual challenge to many livestock owners. Factors that may affect the wide adoption of refugia strategies include the increased risk of parasitism and production loss, the effectiveness of reducing the development of resistance, the practicality of implementation, and the direct effects on costs and labour efficiency. The acceptance of particular strategies is likely to vary considerably according to environmental effects, nematode species, animal production aims and resource availability. However, recent indications that comparatively small changes to present practices can provide substantial refugia benefits suggest that appropriate resistance management approaches can be developed for different situations.  相似文献   

Objective   To compare the effectiveness of a single long-acting injection of moxidectin, given in either summer or winter, with a two-summer ('standard') treatment strategy for controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in spring-lambing Merino ewes.
Design   A replicated study over 2 years in the high winter rainfall environment of western Victoria.
Methods   Measures of worm infection were worm egg counts of ewes and total worm counts of tracer lambs. Measures of production were body weight, proportion of pregnant ewes and number of weaned lambs.
Results   The egg counts of ewes given the standard strategy followed a characteristic pattern, rising to 300 to 600 eggs per gram before the second summer treatment in February. During this time, ewes given long-acting moxidectin in December had zero or negligible counts. There were no consistent differences between tracer worm counts or production measures for the two groups treated in summer, but when data from both years were pooled, the total egg output from December to May was significantly lower for ewes treated with long-acting moxidectin in December. Ewes not treated during summer had lower body weights, and higher worm egg counts and tracer worm counts, showing that this was not a suitable strategy at that time of the year. However, following treatment with long-acting moxidectin in winter, ewes had rapid compensatory weight gain and lower egg output than ewes treated in summer.
Conclusion   A single injection of long-acting moxidectin in December is an effective treatment strategy for Merino ewes lambing in spring.  相似文献   

A previously developed technique for predicting field development rates of the tick, Ixodes ricinus, has been modified and used in an attempt to test interpretations of field data and to gain further insight into the population dynamics of I. ricinus. The results of this study have provided encouraging evidence of the validity of the predictive technique, identified certain areas in the biology of I. ricinus which require further investigation and, in general, supported the suggestion that in Ireland a continuous interchange of ticks between spring and autumn populations occurs. This technique requires further refinement but it appears to have considerable potential for predicting the behaviour of tick populations in different localities and under the influence of different weather conditions.  相似文献   


This is an account of a case of neonatal jaundice with very low haematological values, which was complicated by paralysis of the jaw and disturbed sucking and swallowing reflexes.  相似文献   

A survey of sheep farms from across the UK was conducted to establish information on farming practices, the trichostrongylid nematode species present and anthelmintic usage. Questionnaires and faecal samples were returned from 118 farms. First stage larvae (L(1)) were cultured from faecal samples and used for PCR analysis to determine the presence/absence of selected trichostrongylid species. Teladorsagia circumcincta was the only species present on 100% of farms. Haemonchus contortus was found on ~50% of farms and was widespread throughout the UK. The most common Trichostrongylus spp. was T. vitrinus, found on 95% of farms. Determining the anthelmintic dose rate based on the weight of the heaviest animal in the flock to avoid under dosing was carried out on 58% of farms and was associated with a significantly lower mean epg (p<0.001) in lambs. However, the weight of animals was only estimated (as opposed to animals weighed) on 32% of farms. Macrocyclic lactones (ML) were the most commonly used anthelmintic class for ewes, whilst benzimidazoles (BZ) were the most widely used in lambs. Twenty-two of the surveyed farms had confirmed anthelmintic resistance, of these, 18 had BZ resistance, one had levamisole (LEV) resistance and 3 had resistance to both BZ and LEV. No farms in this survey reported resistance to ML. Location had a significant effect on the incidence of anthelmintic resistance on the farms in this survey (p=0.002). There was evidence of a lower risk of anthelmintic resistance occurring on farms from Scotland compared to those in England (p(f)=0.047) and Wales (p(f)=0.012). Farm type, flock type and open or closed status did not have any significant effect on the incidence of anthelmintic resistance when all other factors were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to study the fauna of fleas infesting dairy goats in Greece, the spectrum of hosts each flea species infests, identify risk factors in the environment, and goat management practices that favour flea infestation of goats, and describe the seasonal variation of infestation in goats. For this purpose, a total of 64 herds, with a history of flea infestation in goats, were visited during June and July of 2002 for data collection on flea burdens, species of fleas on goats, and other farm or pet animal species in the farm. Also data were collected on herd characteristics and management along with the flea infestation status of the village where it was located through a questionnaire survey. Data on elevation and climatic characteristics of the villages where the herds were located were also used in the study. All fleas collected from goats, sheep, pigs, and cattle were identified as being Pulex irritans. All fleas collected from cats were identified as being Ctenocephalides felis. Dogs were infested either with P. irritans, C. canis, or C. felis, or with both C. canis and C. felis. Kids had a significantly higher flea burden than goats and the Skopelos breed had the highest flea burden of all breeds followed in diminishing order by the breeds Capra prisca, Saanen cross mix, and Alpine cross mix (p < 0.05). The gender of the animal had no significant effect on flea burden. Factors significantly affecting the flea burden of goats were duration of flea infestation in the herd, type of flea control, and manure imported prior to the appearance of fleas in the herd (p < 0.05). The flea burden of goats was highest during summer and lowest during winter (p < 0.01), with complete an absence of infestation in January and February. Finally, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between the average annual temperature of villages with flea infestation (15.59 degrees C) and villages without flea infestation (17.14 degrees C). It was concluded that P. irritans was a true infestation of goats in Greece.  相似文献   

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